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CBS News Poll For release: June 8, 2011 6:30 PM EDT Americans Confront Challenges at Home and Abroad:

The Economy, The Debt Ceiling, and War June 3-7, 2011 The Presidents job approval rating has dropped back below the 50 percent mark to 48%, as evaluations of his handling of the economy remain low at 37%. The Presidents job approval rating has returned to where it was before the death of Osama bin Laden. Congress approval rating is at just 18% - but it is often much lower than the Presidents approval rating. The public thinks both Republicans in Congress and the President are not focusing on the issues they care most about. 69% oppose raising the debt ceiling, although as many expect it will be raised. 85% think the debt ceiling debate in Washington is mostly about political gain rather than honest policy disagreement. Assessments of the economy remain bleak 79% think it is bad and just 20% say it is good. It remains the top concern of Americans. Half are pessimistic about the housing market. But far more Americans say their own finances are in good shape. Americans are increasingly ready to see U.S. troops brought home from Afghanistan; 64% want the number of troops decreased, up 16 percentage points since last month, and the highest percentage since CBS News began asking the question in 2009.

The President and Congress The double digit bounce President Barack Obama received in his overall job approval rating after U.S. Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan last month has dissipated. President Obamas rating surged eleven points to 57% after the death of the al Qaeda leader, but it has since dropped down to 48% - about where it has been for the last two years. Barack Obamas Overall Job Rating 5/2011 4/2011 2/2011 57% 46% 48% 37 45 41

Approve Disapprove

Now 48% 43

6/2010 47% 43

Democrats and independents generally approve of how the President is handling his job, while most Republicans disapprove. More Americans approve than disapprove of how Barack Obama is handling specific issues such as terrorism, Afghanistan, and foreign policy, but his approval rating in these areas has gone down since the killing of bin Laden. (All three are still higher than they were before bin Ladens death.) However, the presidents approval ratings on handling two of the top issues facing the country are much more negative; just 37% approve of his handling of the economy, and 30% approve of

his handling of the federal budget deficit. More than half of Americans disapprove on both measures. Barack Obamas Approval Ratings on Now 5/2011 Earlier Terrorism 63% 72% 51% (8/2010) Afghanistan 51% 61% 44% (1/2011) Foreign policy 47% 52% 39% (4/2011) The economy Budget deficit 37% 30% 34% -38% (4/2011) 33% (4/2011)

But Congress fares even worse than the president. Just 18% of Americans now approve of the job Congress is doing, while nearly three in four Americans disapprove. Disapproval of Congress is similar to what it was right after the 2010 midterm elections. Congress Job Rating 4/2011 2/2011 16% 24% 75 62

Approve Disapprove

Now 18% 72

11/2010 17% 72

Most Americans dont think either the president or the Republicans in Congress are spending enough time on the issues they care about most. 61% of Americans say the president is spending too much time on other issues, while 75% say the same of Republicans in Congress. Are They Spending? Barack Obama Enough time on issues I care about 31% Too much on other issues 61 The Economy As has been the case for years now, assessments of the national economy remain overwhelmingly negative. 79% of Americans think the economy is in at least somewhat bad shape, including 36% who think it is very bad. Just one in five thinks it is good. Condition of the Economy 4/2011 1/2011 6/2010 19% 26% 22% 80 74 77

Republicans in Congress 17% 75

Good Bad

Now 20% 79

31% of Americans think the economy is getting worse; while that number is down from 39% last month, it is higher than at other points in the past year. Just 24% think it is improving. Direction of the Economy 4/2011 3/2011 1/2011 39% 26% 21% 38 47 46 23 26 30

Worse Same Better

Now 31% 44 24

6/2010 24% 48 28

And the economy and jobs remain Americans top priority. 48% name those as the most important issue facing the country, followed by the budget deficit in a distant second place, mentioned by 10%.

Most Important Problem Facing the Country Economy and Jobs 48% Budget Deficit 10 Health Care 4 Education 3 War/Iraq/Afghanistan 3 By two to one, Americans say the country has gotten off on the wrong track (60%) instead of being headed in the right direction (31%). Those percentages have been similar since early last year. Raising the Debt Ceiling Congress is currently debating whether or not the nations debt ceiling the legal limit on how much the federal government can borrow - should be raised. 69% of Americans say the debt ceiling should not be raised because the country owes too much money already, and raising it will cause long term consequences. Just 24% say that it should be raised, because otherwise the country could default on its loans, causing severe problems for the U.S. economy. Majorities across the political spectrum are opposed, with Republicans and Tea Party supporters especially likely to be against an increase in the debt ceiling. Should the Debt Ceiling be Raised? Reps Dems Inds Tea Party 16% 35% 21% 16% 81 54 72 83

Yes No

All 24% 69

A third of Americans think spending cuts should be part of any agreement on the debt ceiling, but more 56%- say the issue is so serious it should be decided on its own. The public expresses some concern about the economic consequences that could result from not raising the debt ceiling 72% think it is at least somewhat likely that the economy will take a severe downturn if the ceiling is not raised, but just 25% think thats very likely to occur. More than half say it is at least somewhat likely that Social Security, Medicare and veterans payments wont be made, including 19% who think thats very likely to happen. Another 38% say the stoppage of payments for these programs is not very likely to happen if the nations debt ceiling is not raised. Those who think it is very likely that an economic downturn will occur if the debt ceiling isnt raised are more likely to support increasing it. Likelihood Economy & Stock Market will Take a Downturn if Debt Ceiling isnt Raised Very likely 25% Somewhat likely 47 Not likely 18

Likelihood SS, Medicare and Veterans Payments Will be Stopped if Debt Ceiling isnt Raised Very likely 19% Somewhat likely 36 Not likely 38 And there is cynicism about the motives behind the debate. 85% of Americans think the debt ceiling debate in Washington is mostly about political gain rather than honest disagreement about policy (8%). Majorities of those of all partisan stripes think the wrangling over the debt ceiling is mostly about politics. Debt Ceiling Debate in Washington Mostly About Disagreements over policy 8% Political gain 85 In the end, a majority of Americans (68%) say the debt ceiling will probably be raised. Even opponents of raising it expect that to happen. Think the Debt Ceiling Will Be Raised? Yes 68% No 23 The Deficit Jobs and the economy trump all other issues as the nations most pressing problem, but when Americans are asked directly about the seriousness of the federal budget deficit, 75% say it is a very serious problem for the country right now the highest percentage since CBS News began asking the question in 2003. Most Republicans, Democrats and independents describe the countrys budget deficit as very serious. How Serious A Problem Is The Budget Deficit? Now 3/2011 11/2010 9/2003 75% 68% 73% 50% 20 26 21 36 4 6 4 12

Very Somewhat Not

And most Americans dont think President Obama or either party in Congress is doing a good job addressing the issue. Majorities disapprove of how each is handling the federal budget deficit. Handling the Federal Budget Deficit? Pres. Obama Reps in Congress Dems in Congress 30% 19% 27% 63 70 63

Approve Disapprove

For months, lawmakers in Washington have been debating how best to lower the budget deficit. The public is now divided over whether or not changes to the Medicare program will be necessary in order to reduce the deficit. 46% think changes will be necessary, down from 57% in April, but 43% think changes to Medicare wont be necessary. A majority of Americans (61%) say it wont be necessary to raise their taxes in order to lower the deficit.

Yes No

Necessary to Reduce the Federal Budget Deficit? Changes to Medicare Increase taxes Now 4/2011 Now 4/2011 46% 57% 34% 41% 43 34 61 55

Most Republicans say changes to Medicare will be necessary (57%), but significantly fewer think their taxes will need to be raised (28%). A similar percentage of Democrats say it will be necessary to raise their taxes (33%), but unlike Republicans, only 37% of Democrats think changes to Medicare will be necessary. By two to one, Americans think a reduction in the federal deficit will help create jobs (45%) rather than cost jobs (22%). Just under one in five says it wont have any effect. More Republicans and independents than Democrats think reducing the deficit will create jobs. What Does Reducing the Deficit do for Jobs? All Reps Dems Inds Creates jobs 45% 51% 36% 48% Costs jobs 22 21 25 21 Has no effect on jobs 17 13 23 15 Personal finances In contrast to their views on the economy overall, Americans are more positive when it comes to their own finances. 65% rate their own financial situation as good (but just 10% say it is very good). Own Financial Situation Good 65% Bad 35 But there are clouds on the horizon; 27% say their financial situation is getting worse, and just 13% see an improvement. 60% say it is the same. Those figures have not changed much in the past couple of years. Personal Finances are Getting Worse 27% Same 60 Better 13 Unemployment concerns persist, although they are down from earlier this year. 30% say they are very concerned that they or someone else in their household may lose a job in the next year. Concern About Household Unemployment in Next Year 6/2011 3/2011 1/2011 30% 31% 41% 25 27 25 44 41 34

Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not concerned

10/2010 36% 26 38

3/2010 35% 24 41

Two important elements in Americans perceptions of the economy are the local housing and job markets. When asked their feelings about each, views are divided. 44% feel optimistic about the local housing market, but more - 50% - feel pessimistic. Americans are slightly more positive about the local job market; 50% are optimistic about it, while 45% are pessimistic. Feelings About the Local Housing market Job market 44% 50% 50 45

Optimistic Pessimistic

Gas prices have fallen from their recent high, and the poll results reflect the decreased strain on Americans finances as a result. 36% say that gas prices are now causing a serious financial hardship for their household, down from 45% in April. And there has been an increase in the percentage that says gas prices have not affected their finances. Have Gas Prices Caused Financial Hardship in Your Household? Now 4/2011 Yes, serious 36% 45% Yes, not serious 31 34 No 33 21 Still, 70% say they are driving less as a result of higher gas prices. The Conflicts in Libya and Afghanistan As NATO forces escalate the intensity of their air strikes against pro-government forces in Libya, six in 10 Americans do not think that the United States should be involved in the conflict within that country. Just 30% of Americans think the United States is doing the right thing by taking part in the current military conflict in Libya now. Is the U.S. Doing the Right Thing in Libya? Right thing 30% Should not be involved 59 A majority of Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike think the U.S. should not be involved in Libya. As attention turns to drawing down the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, 64% of Americans think the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan should be decreased -- something the Obama administration has scheduled to begin next month. The percentage of Americans that thinks the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan should be decreased has risen 16 percentage points since last month to 64% -- a record number in the CBS News Poll. Should U.S. Troops in Afghanistan be? Now 5/2011 Increased 8% 6% Kept the same 22 40 Decreased 64 48 Half of Americans 51% - think the U.S. should not be involved in the war in Afghanistan, while 43% think the U.S. is doing the right thing by fighting the war there. Public opinion has slowly

shifted against fighting the war in Afghanistan since the fall of 2009, when 51% thought the U.S. was doing the right thing by fighting that war. Is the U.S. Doing the Right Thing in Afghanistan? Now 3/2011 8/2010 12/2009 Right thing 43% 39% 43% 49% Should not be involved 51 53 48 39

10/2009 51% 39

Most Democrats and independents think the U.S. should not be involved in Afghanistan, while most Republicans think the U.S. is doing the right thing by fighting in Afghanistan. ___________________________________________________________________________
This poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,024 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone June 3-7, 2011. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

CBS NEWS POLL Americans Confront Challenges at Home and Abroad June 3-7, 2011 q1 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 48 21 75 47 43 72 18 41 9 7 7 12

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

May11a % 57 37 6

q2 Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or do you feel things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? May11b 30 61 9

Right direction Wrong track DK/NA

31 60 9

10 84 6

55 36 9

29 59 12

q3 What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today? Apr11a 39 15 6 2 4 2 1 3 0 1 22 5

Economy and Jobs Budget Deficit/Natl Debt Health Care Education War/Iraq/Afghanistan Immigration Religious Values Moral Values/Family Values Misc. Social Issues President/Barack Obama Other DK/NA

48 10 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 18 4

49 11 4 1 1 0 2 3 1 3 23 2

51 5 5 4 5 5 2 0 1 1 19 2

44 13 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 18 6

q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling foreign policy? May11a 52 34 14

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

47 37 16

26 60 14

68 18 14

46 33 21

q5 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 37 56 7 12 85 3 66 29 5 33 55 12 34 55 11

q6 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the situation with Afghanistan? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 51 39 62 53 35 46 28 33 14 15 10 14

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

May11a % 61 29 10

q7 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the threat of terrorism? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 63 28 9 49 40 11 79 16 5 62 28 10 72 19 9

q8 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the federal budget deficit? Apr11a 33 59 8

Approve Disapprove DK/NA q9 BLANK

30 63 7

7 88 5

58 34 8

26 65 9

q10 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 18 72 10 11 81 8 25 68 7 19 70 11 16 75 9 Is it very

q11 How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK/NA 2 18 43 36 1 2 9 38 52 0 3 30 42 23 2 1 16 48 34 1

2 17 44 36 1

q12 Do you think the economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Better Worse Same DK/NA q13-14 BLANK q15-16 HELD FOR FUTURE RELEASE 24 31 44 1 14 45 39 2 39 19 42 0 19 29 50 2 23 39 38 0

q17 Do you think Barack Obama is spending enough time on the issues you care about most, or is he spending too much time on other issues? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 31 14 47 31 61 80 45 59 8 6 8 10

Spending enough time Too much on other issues DK/NA

q18 Do you think Republicans in Congress are spending enough time on the issues you care about most, or is it spending too much time on other issues? Spending enough time Too much on other issues DK/NA 17 75 8 31 62 7 7 87 6 15 76 9

q19 Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling the federal budget deficit? Apr11a % 27 63 10

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

19 70 11

35 52 13

10 82 8

14 73 13

q20 Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling the federal budget deficit? Approve Disapprove DK/NA q21 BLANK q22 RELEASED SEPARATELY q23 BLANK q24-Q35 RELEASED SEPARATELY q36-37 BLANK q38 HELD FOR FUTURE RELEASE q42 BLANK q43 RELEASED SEPARATELY q44 How serious a problem do you think the budget deficit is for the country right now very serious, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all serious? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 75 91 63 71 20 9 31 21 3 0 4 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 27 63 10 9 84 7 48 42 10 24 62 14

Very serious Somewhat serious Not too serious Not at all serious DK/NA

Mar11b % 68 26 5 1 0

q45 What effect do you think reducing the federal budget deficit would have on jobs in the U.S. -- would it create jobs, would it cost jobs, or would it have no effect on jobs in the U.S.? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 45 51 36 48 22 21 25 21 17 13 23 15 16 15 16 16

Create jobs Cost jobs No effect DK/NA

q46 In order to reduce the federal budget deficit, do you think it will be necessary or not necessary to make changes to Medicare--the government health insurance program for seniors? Apr11a % 57 34 9

Necessary Not necessary Don't know/No answer

46 43 11

57 35 8

37 52 11

45 44 11

q47 In order to reduce the federal budget deficit, do you think it will be necessary or not necessary to increase taxes on people like you? Necessary Not necessary Don't know/No answer Q48 HELD FOR FUTURE RELASE q49-51 BLANK q52 Congress will soon decide whether or not to raise the federal debt ceiling, which is the legal limit on how much the federal government can borrow to pay for the budget deficit. Some people say the debt ceiling should be raised, because otherwise the country could default on its loans, causing severe problems for the U.S. economy. Other people say the debt ceiling should not be raised because the country owes too much money already, and raising it will cause long term economic problems. In general, do you think Congress should or should not raise the federal debt ceiling? Should Should not DK/NA 24 69 7 16 81 3 35 54 11 21 72 7 34 61 5 28 67 5 33 62 5 38 56 6 41 55 4

q53 Do you think significant spending cuts need to be part of any agreement on the debt ceiling, or is the debt ceiling issue so serious that it needs to be addressed on its own? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 35 46 26 33 56 46 66 57 9 8 8 10

Spending cuts needed Should be addressed on own DK/NA

q54 If the federal debt ceiling is not raised, how likely do you think it will be that the economy and the stock market take a severe downturn very likely, somewhat likely, or not very likely? Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely DK/NA 25 47 18 10 24 48 18 10 30 44 14 12 23 49 22 6

q55 If the federal debt ceiling is not raised, how likely do you think it will be that payments made to veterans and Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries will be stopped very likely, somewhat likely, or not very likely? Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely DK/NA 19 36 38 7 13 32 48 7 30 33 29 8 15 40 37 8

q56 In the next few months, do you think the federal debt ceiling probably will or probably will not be raised? Probably will Probably will not DK/NA 68 23 9 70 22 8 60 28 12 72 21 7

q57 Do you think the debate in Washington concerning the federal debt ceiling is mostly about honest disagreements over economic policy or is it mostly about political gain? Disagreement over policy Political gain DK/NA 8 85 7 14 78 8 4 91 5 7 86 7

q58 From what you've heard or read, do you approve or disapprove of the health care law that was enacted last year? If Approve, ask: Do you strongly approve or somewhat approve? If Disapprove, ask: Do you somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % Strongly approve 14 5 28 11 Somewhat approve 23 10 32 27 Somewhat disapprove 15 19 11 15 Strongly disapprove 33 59 11 30 Don't know/No answer 15 7 18 17 ^wording: that was enacted last March? q59-62 HELD FOR FUTURE RELEASE q63 BLANK q64 Do you think the U.S. is doing the right thing by taking part in the current military conflict in Libya now, or should the U.S. not be involved in Libya now? Right thing Not involved DK/NA q65 BLANK q66 Do you think the U.S. is doing the right thing by fighting the war in Afghanistan now, or should the US not be involved in Afghanistan now? Mar11b 39 53 8 30 59 11 30 60 10 31 61 8 29 58 13

Feb11a^ % 14 19 17 34 16

Right thing Not involved Don't know/No answer

43 51 6

55 41 4

37 57 6

39 53 8

q67 From what you have seen or heard about the situation in Afghanistan, what should the United States do now--should the U.S. increase the number of US troops in Afghanistan, keep the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan as there are now, or decrease the numbers of troops in Afghanistan? May11a 6 40 48 6

Increase Keep the same Decrease Don't know/No answer q68 BLANK

8 22 64 6

14 25 56 5

3 18 74 5

7 24 64 5

q69 How would you rate the financial situation in your household these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 10 9 10 10 55 62 50 54 24 19 27 26 11 10 12 10 0 0 1 0

Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK/NA

Mar11b % 8 61 20 10 1

q70 Do you think your household's financial situation is getting better, getting worse or staying about the same? Getting better Getting worse Same DK/NA q71 BLANK q72 Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the job market in your area these days? Optimistic Pessimistic DK/NA q73 BLANK q74 Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the housing market in your area these days? Optimistic Pessimistic DK/NA 44 50 6 40 54 6 49 43 8 43 52 5 50 45 5 50 46 4 54 40 6 47 48 5 13 27 60 0 11 25 64 0 14 26 60 0 13 31 56 0

q75 Have recent price increases in gasoline caused any financial hardship for you or others in your household, or not? If Yes, ask: Has that been a serious hardship, or not serious? Apr11b 45 34 21 0

Yes, serious Yes, not serious No Don't know/No answer

36 31 33 0

30 38 32 0

42 25 32 1

35 31 33 1

q76 As a result of the recent increase in gas prices, have you cut down on the amount of driving you do? May06a 63 36 1

Yes No Don't know/No answer

70 28 2

70 30 0

67 29 4

72 26 2

q77 How concerned are you that in the next 12 months you or someone else in your household might be out of work and looking for a job--very concerned, somewhat concerned, or not concerned at all? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 30 26 32 31 25 25 26 24 44 48 41 45 1 1 1 0

Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not concerned at all Don't know/No answer

Mar11b % 31 27 41 1

Total Respondents Total Republicans Total Democrats Total Independents

UNWEIGHTED 1024 310 312 402


329 317 378

(30%) (30%) (40%)

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