COEB Construction of Educational Building COEB Construction of Educational Building

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Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work C...

Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish Predecessors Activity % Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q

Duration Complete
N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M
COEB Construction of Educational Building 929 06-Nov-18 27-May-22

COEB.V&O Construction Vision and objective 24 06-Nov-18 07-Dec-18 07-Dec-18, COEB.V&O Construction Vision and objective
A1000 Preparation of project Need report 15 06-Nov-18 26-Nov-18 0% Preparation of project Need report
A1010 preparing objective and scope or work 6 27-Nov-18 04-Dec-18 A1000 0% preparing objective and scope or work
A1020 finalizing the scope of work and extent of work 3 05-Dec-18 07-Dec-18 A1010 0% finalizing the scope of work and extent of work
COEB.BP Bidding Process for feasibility 42 27-Nov-18 23-Jan-19 23-Jan-19, COEB.BP Bidding Process for feasibility
A1030 Request for bidding - advertisment 15 27-Nov-18 17-Dec-18 A1000 0% Request for bidding - advertisment
A1040 opening of biddings and quotations 5 18-Dec-18 24-Dec-18 A1030 0% opening of biddings and quotations
A1050 Assessment of Bids 5 25-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 A1040 0% Assessment of Bids
A1060 Awarding the contract 10 01-Jan-19 14-Jan-19 A1050 0% Awarding the contract
A1070 Meetings for detailed feasibility study 7 15-Jan-19 23-Jan-19 A1060 0% Meetings for detailed feasibility study
COEB.FS Feasibility Study 70 06-Nov-18 11-Feb-19 11-Feb-19, COEB.FS Feasibility Study
A1080 Study Planning 20 06-Nov-18 03-Dec-18 0% Study Planning
A1090 Geotechnical invesitgation 30 04-Dec-18 14-Jan-19 A1080 0% Geotechnical invesitgation
A1100 borehole drilling 30 04-Dec-18 14-Jan-19 A1080 0% borehole drilling
A1110 Soil Testing 20 15-Jan-19 11-Feb-19 A1090 0% Soil Testing
A1120 developing detailed stratography 15 15-Jan-19 04-Feb-19 A1100 0% developing detailed stratography
A1130 Environmental ImpactAssessment report 30 04-Dec-18 14-Jan-19 A1080 0% Environmental ImpactAssessment report
A1140 detail of available ground features 5 04-Dec-18 10-Dec-18 A1080 0% detail of available ground features
COEB.DED Detailed Engineering Design 115 11-Dec-18 20-May-19 20-May-19, COEB.DED Detailed Engineering Design
A1150 Design of Foundations for the buildings 30 11-Dec-18 21-Jan-19 A1140 0% Design of Foundations for the buildings
A1160 Water Supply scheme 35 11-Dec-18 28-Jan-19 A1140 0% Water Supply scheme
A1170 Design of Waste Water 25 11-Dec-18 14-Jan-19 A1140 0% Design of Waste Water
A1180 Architectural Design of Buildings 26 11-Dec-18 15-Jan-19 A1140 0% Architectural Design of Buildings
A1190 Detailed Structural Design 30 16-Jan-19 26-Feb-19 A1180 0% Detailed Structural Design
A1200 Inspection of Design 15 27-Feb-19 19-Mar-19 A1190 0% Inspection of Design
A1210 Approval from the Client for the design 10 20-Mar-19 02-Apr-19 A1200 0% Approval from the Client for the design
A1220 Design Changings / ammendments 20 03-Apr-19 30-Apr-19 A1210 0% Design Changings / ammendments
A1230 Finalizing the design 10 01-May-19 14-May-19 A1220 0% Finalizing the design
A1240 Approval of design 4 15-May-19 20-May-19 A1230 0% Approval of design
COEB.E&B Estimating and budgeting 137 21-May-19 27-Nov-19 27-Nov-19, COEB.E&B Estimating and budgeting
A1250 Preparing BoQ items for the Design 15 21-May-19 10-Jun-19 A1240 0% Preparing BoQ items for the Design
A1260 Preparing rates 15 21-May-19 10-Jun-19 A1240 0% Preparing rates
A1270 calculating Man Months 10 21-May-19 03-Jun-19 A1240 0% calculating Man Months
A1280 estimating material and machinery resources 30 21-May-19 01-Jul-19 A1240 0% estimating material and machinery resources
A1290 developing total budgeting 32 02-Jul-19 14-Aug-19 A1280 0% developing total budgeting
A1300 discussion with budgeting 10 15-Aug-19 28-Aug-19 A1290 0% discussion with budgeting
A1310 approval of budget 20 29-Aug-19 25-Sep-19 A1300 0% approval of budget
A1320 adding profits and market rate flucuation 15 26-Sep-19 16-Oct-19 A1310 0% adding profits and market rate flucuation
A1330 totaling the estimate 30 17-Oct-19 27-Nov-19 A1320 0% totaling the estimate
COEB.P&S planning and Scheduling 149 28-Nov-19 23-Jun-20 23-Jun-20, COEB.P&S planning and Scheduling
A1340 developing activity chart 15 28-Nov-19 18-Dec-19 A1330 0% developing activity chart
A1350 allocating teh resources 20 19-Dec-19 15-Jan-20 A1340 0% allocating teh resources
A1360 allocating timelines to the task 32 16-Jan-20 28-Feb-20 A1350 0% allocating timelines to the task
A1370 developing WBS 15 02-Mar-20 20-Mar-20 A1360 0% developing WBS
A1380 development of All activities 20 23-Mar-20 17-Apr-20 A1370 0% development of All activities
A1390 developing baseline for the project 15 20-Apr-20 08-May-20 A1380 0% developing baseline for the project
A1400 scheduling the project as per the deadline 10 11-May-20 22-May-20 A1390 0% scheduling the project as per the deadline
A1410 approval of baseline 8 25-May-20 03-Jun-20 A1400 0% approval of baseline

Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone Project Completed Date - 27 May 2022
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work summary
Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work C...
Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish Predecessors Activity % Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Duration Complete
N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M
A1420 finalizing the scheduling 4 04-Jun-20 09-Jun-20 A1410 0% finalizing the scheduling
A1430 finalizing the resources 10 10-Jun-20 23-Jun-20 A1420 0% finalizing the resources
COEB.A&C Approval and Commissioning 104 24-Jun-20 16-Nov-20 16-Nov-20, COEB.A&C Approval and Commissioning
A1440 detailed dicussion with Employer 12 24-Jun-20 09-Jul-20 A1430 0% detailed dicussion with Employer
A1450 breainstorming on detailed design 15 10-Jul-20 30-Jul-20 A1440 0% breainstorming on detailed design
A1460 Environment impact of the design 10 31-Jul-20 13-Aug-20 A1450 0% Environment impact of the design
A1470 development of sustainability plan 12 14-Aug-20 31-Aug-20 A1460 0% development of sustainability plan
A1480 project approval 20 01-Sep-20 28-Sep-20 A1470 0% project approval
A1490 commissioning of the project 10 29-Sep-20 12-Oct-20 A1480 0% commissioning of the project
A1500 allocating funds 25 13-Oct-20 16-Nov-20 A1490 0% allocating funds
COEB.LA Land acquisition Process 60 13-Oct-20 04-Jan-21 04-Jan-21, COEB.LA Land acquisition Process
A1510 demarcating the total land area 15 13-Oct-20 02-Nov-20 A1490 0% demarcating the total land area
A1520 takingover the land from state department 10 03-Nov-20 16-Nov-20 A1510 0% takingover the land from state department
A1530 encroaching the land 5 17-Nov-20 23-Nov-20 A1520 0% encroaching the land
A1540 development allied facilities for construction i.e. road and plane
30 areas
24-Nov-20 04-Jan-21 A1530 0% development allied facilities for construction i.e. road and plane areas
COEB.BP2 Bidding process for Contractor 30 24-Nov-20 04-Jan-21 04-Jan-21, COEB.BP2 Bidding process for Contractor
A1550 advertisment for the contractor 15 24-Nov-20 14-Dec-20 A1530 0% advertisment for the contractor
A1560 assessment of bids 10 15-Dec-20 28-Dec-20 A1550 0% assessment of bids
A1570 awarding of contract 5 29-Dec-20 04-Jan-21 A1560 0% awarding of contract
COEB.BoP Begining of Project Construction 52 05-Jan-21 17-Mar-21 17-Mar-21, COEB.BoP Begining of Project Construction
A1580 start of the project 2 05-Jan-21 06-Jan-21 A1570 0% start of the project
A1590 submitting security deposits 15 07-Jan-21 27-Jan-21 A1580 0% submitting security deposits
A1600 releasing mobilization advance 15 28-Jan-21 17-Feb-21 A1590 0% releasing mobilization advance
A1620 Mobilization of Contractor 20 18-Feb-21 17-Mar-21 A1600 0% Mobilization of Contractor
COEB.C&G Clearing and Grabbing 5 18-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 24-Mar-21, COEB.C&G Clearing and Grabbing
A1610 Site Clearing and Grabing 5 18-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 A1620 0% Site Clearing and Grabing
A1640 Making layout of the area 4 18-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 A1620 0% Making layout of the area
COEB.LP Layout Plan demarkcation 25 24-Mar-21 27-Apr-21 27-Apr-21, COEB.LP Layout Plan demarkcation
A1650 demarcaition of layout plan of Admn Block 10 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 A1640 0% demarcaition of layout plan of Admn Block
A1660 demarcation of open spaces 10 07-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 A1650 0% demarcation of open spaces
A1670 construction of temporary facility for contractor 5 21-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 A1660 0% construction of temporary facility for contractor
COEB.CoAdmnB Construction of Admn Block 143 28-Apr-21 12-Nov-21 12-Nov-21, COEB.CoAdmnB Construction of Admn
A1680 Layout of Admn Block 3 28-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 A1670 0% Layout of Admn Block
A1690 Excavation for Foundations 20 03-May-21 28-May-21 A1680 0% Excavation for Foundations
A1700 Lean concrete 2 31-May-21 01-Jun-21 A1690 0% Lean concrete
A1710 Reinforcement for beams and Columns 30 02-Jun-21 13-Jul-21 A1700 0% Reinforcement for beams and Columns
A1720 Concreting for Columns and Beams 10 14-Jul-21 27-Jul-21 A1710 0% Concreting for Columns and Beams
A1730 Formwork for Slab 10 28-Jul-21 10-Aug-21 A1720 0% Formwork for Slab
A1740 Concreting of Slab 10 11-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 A1730 0% Concreting of Slab
A1750 Columns for First Floor 10 25-Aug-21 07-Sep-21 A1740 0% Columns for First Floor
A1760 Concrete slab word for first floor 15 08-Sep-21 28-Sep-21 A1750 0% Concrete slab word for first floor
A1770 Flooring Works 10 29-Sep-21 12-Oct-21 A1760 0% Flooring Works
A1780 Electrical and plumbing works 10 13-Oct-21 26-Oct-21 A1770 0% Electrical and plumbing works
A1790 finihsing works 13 27-Oct-21 12-Nov-21 A1780 0% finihsing works
COEB.CoAB Construction of Academic Blocks 229 28-Apr-21 14-Mar-22 14-Mar-22, COEB.CoAB Construct
A1820 Layout of Academic Block 10 28-Apr-21 11-May-21 A1670 0% Layout of Academic Block
A1830 Excavation for Foundations 4 12-May-21 17-May-21 A1820 0% Excavation for Foundations
A1840 Lean concrete 13 18-May-21 03-Jun-21 A1830 0% Lean concrete
A1850 Reinforcement for beams and Columns 16 04-Jun-21 25-Jun-21 A1840 0% Reinforcement for beams and Columns

Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone Project Completed Date - 27 May 2022
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work summary
Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work C...
Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish Predecessors Activity % Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Duration Complete
N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M
A1860 Concreting for Columns and Beams 20 28-Jun-21 23-Jul-21 A1850 0% Concreting for Columns and Beams
A1870 Formwork for Slab 21 26-Jul-21 23-Aug-21 A1860 0% Formwork for Slab
A1880 Concreting of Slab 20 24-Aug-21 20-Sep-21 A1870 0% Concreting of Slab
A1890 Columns for First Floor 21 21-Sep-21 19-Oct-21 A1880 0% Columns for First Floor
A1900 Concrete slab word for first floor 34 20-Oct-21 06-Dec-21 A1890 0% Concrete slab word for first floor
A1910 Flooring Works 24 07-Dec-21 07-Jan-22 A1900 0% Flooring Works
A1920 Electrical and plumbing works 26 10-Jan-22 14-Feb-22 A1910 0% Electrical and plumbing works
A1930 finihsing works 20 15-Feb-22 14-Mar-22 A1920 0% finihsing works
COEB.CoL Construction of Library 251 28-Apr-21 13-Apr-22 13-Apr-22, COEB.CoL Constru
A1940 demarcation of library area 20 28-Apr-21 25-May-21 A1670 0% demarcation of library area
A1950 Excavation for Foundations 35 26-May-21 13-Jul-21 A1940 0% Excavation for Foundations
A1960 Lean concrete 36 14-Jul-21 01-Sep-21 A1950 0% Lean concrete
A1970 Reinforcement for beams and Columns 23 02-Sep-21 04-Oct-21 A1960 0% Reinforcement for beams and Columns
A1980 Concreting for Columns and Beams 20 05-Oct-21 01-Nov-21 A1970 0% Concreting for Columns and Beams
A1990 Formwork for Slab 20 02-Nov-21 29-Nov-21 A1980 0% Formwork for Slab
A2000 Concreting of Slab 25 30-Nov-21 03-Jan-22 A1990 0% Concreting of Slab
A2030 Flooring Works 25 04-Jan-22 07-Feb-22 A2000 0% Flooring Works
A2040 Electrical and plumbing works 24 08-Feb-22 11-Mar-22 A2030 0% Electrical and plumbing works
A2050 finihsing works 23 14-Mar-22 13-Apr-22 A2040 0% finihsing works
COEB.COH Construction of Hostel Buildings 283 28-Apr-21 27-May-22
A2060 Layout Plan 29 28-Apr-21 07-Jun-21 A1670 0% Layout Plan
A2070 Excavation for Foundations 28 08-Jun-21 15-Jul-21 A2060 0% Excavation for Foundations
A2080 Lean concrete 27 16-Jul-21 23-Aug-21 A2070 0% Lean concrete
A2090 Reinforcement for beams and Columns 26 24-Aug-21 28-Sep-21 A2080 0% Reinforcement for beams and Columns
A2100 Concreting for Columns and Beams 26 29-Sep-21 03-Nov-21 A2090 0% Concreting for Columns and Beams
A2110 Formwork for Slab 24 04-Nov-21 07-Dec-21 A2100 0% Formwork for Slab
A2120 Concreting of Slab 25 08-Dec-21 11-Jan-22 A2110 0% Concreting of Slab
A2130 Flooring Works 23 12-Jan-22 11-Feb-22 A2120 0% Flooring Works
A2140 Electrical and plumbing works 54 14-Feb-22 28-Apr-22 A2130 0% Electrical and plumbing work
A2150 finihsing works 21 29-Apr-22 27-May-22 A2140 0%
COEB.COH.CoD Construction of Dormatries 148 28-Apr-21 19-Nov-21 19-Nov-21, COEB.COH.CoD Construction of Dorma
A2160Layout Plan 23 28-Apr-21 28-May-21 A1670 0% Layout Plan
A2170Excavation for Foundations 12 31-May-21 15-Jun-21 A2160 0% Excavation for Foundations
A2180Lean concrete 5 16-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 A2170 0% Lean concrete
A2190Reinforcement for beams and Columns 13 23-Jun-21 09-Jul-21 A2180 0% Reinforcement for beams and Columns
A2200Concreting for Columns and Beams 15 12-Jul-21 30-Jul-21 A2190 0% Concreting for Columns and Beams
A2210Formwork for Slab 14 02-Aug-21 19-Aug-21 A2200 0% Formwork for Slab
A2220Concreting of Slab 5 20-Aug-21 26-Aug-21 A2210 0% Concreting of Slab
A2230Flooring Works 18 27-Aug-21 21-Sep-21 A2220 0% Flooring Works
A2240Electrical and plumbing works 19 22-Sep-21 18-Oct-21 A2230 0% Electrical and plumbing works
A2250finihsing works 24 19-Oct-21 19-Nov-21 A2240 0% finihsing works
COEB.COH.CoA Construction of Annexies 132 28-Apr-21 28-Oct-21 28-Oct-21, COEB.COH.CoA Construction of Annexies
A2260Layout Plan 10 28-Apr-21 11-May-21 A1670 0% Layout Plan
A2270Excavation for Foundations 10 12-May-21 25-May-21 A2260 0% Excavation for Foundations
A2280Lean concrete 5 26-May-21 01-Jun-21 A2270 0% Lean concrete
A2290Reinforcement for beams and Columns 15 02-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 A2280 0% Reinforcement for beams and Columns
A2300Concreting for Columns and Beams 10 23-Jun-21 06-Jul-21 A2290 0% Concreting for Columns and Beams
A2310Formwork for Slab 20 07-Jul-21 03-Aug-21 A2300 0% Formwork for Slab
A2320Concreting of Slab 2 04-Aug-21 05-Aug-21 A2310 0% Concreting of Slab
A2330Flooring Works 30 06-Aug-21 16-Sep-21 A2320 0% Flooring Works

Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone Project Completed Date - 27 May 2022
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work summary
Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work C...
Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish Predecessors Activity % Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Duration Complete
N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M
A2340Electrical and plumbing works 10 17-Sep-21 30-Sep-21 A2330 0% Electrical and plumbing works
A2350finihsing works 20 01-Oct-21 28-Oct-21 A2340 0% finihsing works
COEB.LS Landscapping of the open spaces 96 22-Nov-21 04-Apr-22 04-Apr-22, COEB.LS Landscap
A2360 Creating Area of Spaces 10 22-Nov-21 03-Dec-21 A2250 0% Creating Area of Spaces
A2370 development Open Spaces 6 06-Dec-21 13-Dec-21 A2360 0% development Open Spaces
A2380 Development of Patios 10 14-Dec-21 27-Dec-21 A2370 0% Development of Patios
A2390 Development of Internal GArdening 20 28-Dec-21 24-Jan-22 A2380 0% Development of Internal GArdening
A2400 Development of Open Sitting Spaces 10 25-Jan-22 07-Feb-22 A2390 0% Development of Open Sitting Spaces
A2410 Open Area Theater 10 08-Feb-22 21-Feb-22 A2400 0% Open Area Theater
A2420 Finishing Works of Open Theater 10 22-Feb-22 07-Mar-22 A2410 0% Finishing Works of Open Theater
A2430 floor work of Landscape 20 08-Mar-22 04-Apr-22 A2420 0% floor work of Landscape
COEB.CoPA Construction of Playing Area and 55 28-Apr-21
gounds 13-Jul-21 13-Jul-21, COEB.CoPA Construction of Playing Area and gounds
A2440 Layout Plan 10 28-Apr-21 11-May-21 A1670 0% Layout Plan
A2450 Demarcation of Lines 10 12-May-21 25-May-21 A2440 0% Demarcation of Lines
A2460 Flooring Works 10 26-May-21 08-Jun-21 A2450 0% Flooring Works
A2470 Allied Works related to Sport 25 09-Jun-21 13-Jul-21 A2460 0% Allied Works related to Sport
COEB.CoP&AF Construction of Parking 78 28-Apr-21
and Allied Facilities 13-Aug-21 13-Aug-21, COEB.CoP&AF Construction of Parking and Allied Fa
A2480 Floowing of Parking Area 10 28-Apr-21 11-May-21 A1670 0% Floowing of Parking Area
A2490 Flooring of Bus Terminal 15 12-May-21 01-Jun-21 A2480 0% Flooring of Bus Terminal
A2500 Demarcation of Lines 10 02-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 A2490 0% Demarcation of Lines
A2510 Bycyle Area 15 16-Jun-21 06-Jul-21 A2500 0% Bycyle Area
A2520 Open Space 13 07-Jul-21 23-Jul-21 A2510 0% Open Space
A2530 RestArea 15 26-Jul-21 13-Aug-21 A2520 0% RestArea
COEB.FW Finishing Works 50 09-Jun-21 17-Aug-21 17-Aug-21, COEB.FW Finishing Works
A2540 Outdoor facade Works 20 09-Jun-21 06-Jul-21 A2460 0% Outdoor facade Works
A2550 outdoor Paintjob 10 07-Jul-21 20-Jul-21 A2540 0% outdoor Paintjob
A2560 Development of Green Walls 20 21-Jul-21 17-Aug-21 A2550 0% Development of Green Walls
COEB.IW Final Inspection 21 18-Aug-21 15-Sep-21 15-Sep-21, COEB.IW Final Inspection
A2570 Final Inspection by Employer 5 18-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 A2560 0% Final Inspection by Employer
A2580 Approval by State department 10 25-Aug-21 07-Sep-21 A2570 0% Approval by State department
A2590 Approval by Educational Secratery 6 08-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 A2580 0% Approval by Educational Secratery
COEB.EoP End of Project 3 16-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 20-Sep-21, COEB.EoP End of Project
A2600 Inaguaration 3 16-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 A2590 0% Inaguaration
A2610 Closing of Project 0 20-Sep-21 0% Closing of Project,

Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone Project Completed Date - 27 May 2022
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work summary

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