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what will you do once you get the croatian passport

When I get Croatian passport I will put it into the drawer. 😊

I might use Croatian passport when I travel from Serbia to European Union countries.
However, Croatian passport may be necessery in the future because Serbian outside politic is very
bad and if the situation in the world were worst then at this moment Serbia would be poor place for

what would you do if you were invited to join the army?

If I got invite to go in the army, I would reject it. My job is so difficult and demand learning everyday.
If I leave job for a few months, it will be so hard to back.

What might have happened to cause the war in Ukraine?

It can't have been something small. It must have happened because Ukraine people tortured Russian
people in Ukraine. If that is true I am on Russian side. I am sure that Putin had good reasons for
attack and he didn’t want to allow Ukraine government to support our citizens to torture the citizens
of his country.

iskoristi i can;t have/ must have/ might/may have

There should have been peace

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