TUGAS - 1 - B. Inggris Amanda Fauziah

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Name : Amanda Fauziah

NIM : 857228284
Class :PGSD (118)
A. Complete the paragraph below!

Hello! My name 1). __is____ Samuel. I 2). __am ____ 18 years old. I 3). _am_from____
Jakarta, but I live 4). __in____ Serang. I study at Universitas Terbuka right now. I have three
brothers. My older brother is Mike. 5). ___he___ is 25 years old, he 6). is a lecturer. He
7).__is_teaches__ at Universitas Serang Raya. He 8). ___likes_ playing basketball in his
leisure time. Mario is fifteen. He likes playing soccer every afternoon. He 9).
_is__student___ in SMPN 1 Kota Serang. My little brother is Tom. He is 9 years old. Mike
has a girlfriend, 10). __her _ name is Susy. She is 11). __from____ Cilegon. She lives 12).
___at ___ Jl. Pahlawan 2 no. 35. She is a college student at Universitas Serang Raya.

B. Answer the following questions in English

13. What’s your name? ___my name is Amanda Fauziah _____
14. When were you born? __march 17, 2001________
15. Where do you live? ______I live in Tangerang____
16. How many children have you got? _______IDon't have a children ___
17. What’s your spouse’s occupation? ____I don't have a spouse ______
18. What’s your hobby? _____my hobby is traveling_____
19. Where do you work? ____I work at janji jiwa ______
20. How do you get to work? __I work serving customers,making coffe and bread
21. What’s your phone number? ______089506534081____
22. What’s your religion? ___Iam__islam _____

C. Write the correct verb

23. Andy ___washes___ (wash) his car every Sunday morning.
24. Every morning my brother and I _wake up ____ (get up) at 5 o’clock.
25. Lisa and Maya _dont go__ (not go) to work every weekends.
26. I ___went ___ (go) to Starbucks to finish my English assignment yesterday evening.
27. Aldi ___watched___ (watch) Fast and Furious 9 with his wife last night.
28. Anna __resting ____ (rest) in the bedroom right now.
29. We _are_working ____ (work) on the new program right now.
30. Rafi _has an____ (have) English test tomorrow morning.
31. Mr. Santoso and Mrs. Santoso __are leaving __ (leave) for Jakarta next week.

D. Draw a diagram of a family-tree from the text.

I am Bambang. My father’s name is Mr. Hanafi. My mother’s name is Mrs. Tri Hanafi. I
have two sisters and one brother. My sisters are Tina and Utami, and my brother is Budi. Tina
is married to Tatang and they have three children: Ali, Andik and Anita. Utami is married to
Wawan and they have no children. I am still single, but my brother Budi has two wives. They
are Nita and Nila. With Nita, Budi has one child. He is Dawud. With Nila, Budi has two
daughters. They are twins, their names are Sari and Santi. We are happy with our family.

D. Answer Silsilah keluarga Bambang

Bambang Tina Tatang Utami Wawan Nila Budi Nita

Sari Santi
Ali Andik Anita

E. Describe this photo in 4 sentences


 Her name is selena Gomez

 She is twenty nine years old
 She is from the Grand Praire, Texas, A.S
 She is a singer

F. Describe this object in 3 sentences


 This is storage bag

 It is gray
 It is rectangular in shape

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