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1) What are the information associated with an open file?
2) What are the most common schemes for defining the logical structure of a directory?
3) What are the various layers of a file system?
4) List the information’s associated with an open file.
5) Define seek time and latency time.
6) How free-space is managed using bit vector implementation?
7) Give the importance of Swap space Management.
8) Define lazy swapper.
9) Compare partition and mounting.


1. Summarize the information maintained in the File Control Block (FCB) with suitable
2. Explain the different disk scheduling algorithms with examples.
3. Explain and compare FCFS, SSTF, C-SCAN and C-LOOK disk scheduling algorithms
with examples.
4. Is it necessary for the operating system to maintain a free space list, which keeps
track of the disk blocks that are not allocated to some file or directory? Discuss
the methodologies used by the operating system to keep track such free disk
blocks. Also, find the free space bit map by considering a disk with 28 blocks where
blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 25, 26 and 27 are free and the rest of the blocks
are allocated.
5. Assume the following disk access request queue with 200 cylinders numbered from
0 to 199.
Queue: 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67
1. Find the total number of head movement required using FIFO, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN
algorithms. Assume the head pointer is at cylinder 53.
2. How do you choose an optimal technique among the various disk scheduling
techniques? Explain.
3. Write short notes on disk management.
4. Explain in detail the disk structure and implementation
5. Discuss how free space is managed by operating system?
6. Explain the file allocation methods
7. Explain the issues in designing a file system.

1. What are the main supports for the Linux modules?
2. What is meant by kernel in Linux system?
3. What are the design principles of Linux system?
4. What is meant by Process-ID?
5. What is the disadvantage of static linking?
6. What is the function of module management?
7. What is Mobile OS?
8. List the services available in iOS.
9. List the advantages of iOS
10. How are iOS and Android similar? How are they different?
11. Describe some challenges of designing OS for mobile device compared with designing OS
for traditional PC’s
12. List the disadvantages of Android

1. Explain the process scheduling in Linux.
2. Write in detail the memory management in Linux.
3. Write short notes on file system in Linux.
4. Explain the inode structure used in the Linux system with neat sketch.
5. Draw the architecture and SDK framework of Android operating system.
6. Elucidate the concept of process management and the corresponding system calls used in
Linux system.
7. Describe the importance of Docker and LXC containers with neat illustrations.
8. Explain in detail about the process management in Linux
9. Explain in detail about the scheduling in Linux
10. Explain the iOS architecture and various layers available in iOS
11. Discuss about various services in the media layer.
12. Discuss about various services in the iOS core OS layer
13. Discuss about various services in the iOS service OS layer

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