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SNo Components of Description CLASS :- VII

lesson Plan ACIDS, BASES & SALTS

1 Teaching Content ACIDS: - Characteristics And Its Identification.

2 Teaching Learning 1. To enable the students to understand.
Objectives 2. To identify the taste of the substances.
3. To determine the natural acids & chemical acids by
changing the colour with Hibiscus Extract & Litmus paper.

3 Teaching Learning TEACHER DEMONSTRATION, Oral Response followed by

process individual work sheet completion.
3a Engage Students will bring various fruits items like lemons,
oranges,amla, mangoes,tamrinds etc. as well as they will
bring plastic bottle for keeping natural acids solutions & also
bring extract solutions of Hibiscus in the medium size bottles
for testing. Teacher will provided some chemical acids from
the laboratory for performing activities to understand
preparation natural extract solutions.
3b Explore Students will observe the fruit items to find out the exact
taste of some fruit juices like lemon juice, orange juice, amla
juice, mango juice etc. & will noted down the observations in
their activity notebook. All these substances are sour in taste.
3c Explain The teacher will explain that when some drops of extract put
in the lemon juice solution, mango juice solution, amla juice
solution, orange juice solution, tamarind juice solution, all
these solution turns into red colour.When blue litmus paper
dips into dil. HCl, dil. H2SO4, all turn into red in colour.
Student will recorded these changes into their notebooks.
And again teacher tell that in natural acids solutions & in
chemical acids blue litmus paper turns into red in colour.
3e Evaluate Evaluate the students through ORAL RESPONSE activities.
Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
i) Curd contains------------- Acid.
ii) In acid blue litmus paper turns into -------------- colour.
Q.2. Matching
Col.A Col. B
Natural Acids Name Of fruits

i) Acetic Acid a) Citrus fruit

ii) Citric Acid b) Vinegar
iii) Lactic Acid c) Tamarind
iv) Ascorbic Acid d) Amla
4 Teaching Learning 1Collecting information from internet.
Support materials 2. Formative assessment manual for teachers class
3. NCERT Text book class VII.

5 Evaluation
1. Q1.Three liquids are given to you in three test tubes which have no labellings. How
will you identify which one contain acid?

Q1. Is the lemon juice acidic? How would you verify it?

Q2. Using the knowledge of acids write the message by putting cotton buds into
acid solution & rub with the slices of beet root over the message. Explain how it

1. Formative assessment tool :- Worksheets RAMTEKE

SN. Substances Blue litmus Hibiscus

changes into extract
changes into
1 Lemon Juice Red Red
2 Orange juice Red Red
3 Mango juice Red Red
4 Tamarind Juice Red Red
5 Dil. Hydrochloric acid Red Red

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