Cave Confusion

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Cave Confusion

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! ! ! ! ! ! Materials: Bear picture cards Cave picture card Cave Confusion Clues Pocket Chart (optional) Objective: Students will use logical thinking skills to determine which cave each bear will hibernate in for the winter.

Preparations: ! Cut out pictures of bears and caves (mount on card stock and laminate for durability, if desired) Directions: 1. Place the cave picture card on the top row of a pocket chart or taped to a whiteboard in this order: Comfy Cave, Hibernation Hotel, Bear Bunkhouse, Winter Retreat 2. Then place the bears on the bottom row of the pocket chart or on the chalk railing of the whiteboard. 3. Introduce the bears and explain how they are getting ready to take their annual winter nap (hibernation). A quick lesson/review in hibernation may be necessary. 4. Continue to explain that every year, the bears get confused about which cave they hibernate it since only one bear can sleep in each cave. However, last year, the bears got smart and wrote clues to help them remember and hid the clues under a large rock. 5. Display the clue card. Explain how the students are going to use the clues to determine which cave each bear will hibernate in for the winter. 6. Read the clues, one at a time, to the class. After each clue is read, allow for class discussion and then have a student volunteer place the appropriate bear under the correct cave. If necessary, allow students to switch bears to different caves after hearing additional clues. 7. When all bears have been placed under a cave, re-read the clues to verify correct placement and adjust if necessary. Options: ! For a more individualized activity, distribute four different colored teddy bear counters and 4 paper bags to represent each cave. Student place the counters into the corresponding cave as you read the clues. ! This can be used as a math tub. Allow students to create new clues.

Clue Card #1 !

Clue Card #2 1. Only one bear can hibernate in a cave. 2.Gary Grizzly"s cave is not rst. 3.Harvey Hibernator"s cave is between Gary Grizzly"s and Cory Cub"s caves. 4.Bobby Bear"s cave is just before Gary Grizzly"s cave.

1. Only one bear can hibernate in a cave. 2.Bobby Bear"s cave is between Harvey Hibernator"s and Gary Grizzly"s caves. 3.Gary Grizzly"s cave is the last cave. 4.Cory Cub"s cave is before Harvey Hibernator"s cave.

Clue Card #3 1. Only one bear can hibernate in a cave. 2.Bobby Bear"s cave is after Gary Grizzly"s cave. 3.Harvey Hibernator"s cave is rst. 4.Cory Cub"s cave is not last.

Clue Card #4 1. Only one bear can hibernate in a cave. 2.Bobby Bear"s cave is after Gary Grizzly"s cave. 3.Cory Cub"s cave is after Bobby Bear"s cave but before Harvey Hibernator"s cave. 4.Harvey Hibernator"s cave is last.

Bobby Bear

Harvey Hibernator

Gary Grizzly

Cody Cub

Comfy Cave

Hibernation Hotel

Bear Bunkhouse

Winter Retreat

Problem Solutions
Clue Card #1! Comfy Cave= Cody Cub ! Hibernation Hotel= Harvey Hibernator ! Bear Bunkhouse= Bobby Bear ! Winter Retreat= Gary Grizzly

Clue Card #2 ! Comfy Cave= Bobby Bear ! Hibernation Hotel= Gary Grizzly ! Bear Bunkhouse= Harvey Hibernator ! Winter Retreat= Cody Cub

Clue Card #3 ! Comfy Cave= Harvey Hibernator ! Hibernation Hotel= Cody Cub ! Bear Bunkhouse= Gary Grizzly ! Winter Retreat= Bobby Bear

Clue Card #4 ! Comfy Cave= Gary Grizzly ! Hibernation Hotel= Bobby Bear ! Bear Bunkhouse= Cody Cub ! Winter Retreat= Harvey Hibernator

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