Chunky Monkey

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Chunky Monkey A Lesson in Chunking Words

Objective: Students will be introduced to and

practice the strategy of using chunks to help identify unknown words.

Chunky Monkey rap poster or chart paper sentence strips Look for Chunks Practice Page Stuff monkey (optional) storybook (optional)

Before Class:
! Copy the Chunky Monkey rap on a large poster or chart paper ! Write words with common chunks on sentence strips (i.e. struck, begin, unfold, grand, spout) ! Write nonsense words with common chunks on sentence strips (i.e. spluck, freat, blatand, frish, intach) NOTE: Nonsence words give those higher-level readers the opportunity to practice using the chunking strategy. ! Run a copy of Look for Chunks for each student or partners

1. Introduce reading strategies or review previously learned strategies 2. Introduce Chunky Monkey using stuffed monkey if desired. Explain how he will introduce us to a new reading strategy. 3. Sing the Chunky Monkey rap to the students. Sing it a second time with the students, if desired. 4. Discuss looking for chunks in words. 5. When ready, show students a word on the sentence strip. Literally tear the strip/word into chunks. Demonstrate how to chunk the parts together to make the whole word. 6. Distribute a sentence strip to volunteers and have them follow the same procedure from Step 5. 7. Continue with guided practice if needed. If not, distribute a Look for Chunks page to each student or partners to complete by searching words for chunks they know in the words and nonsense words. 8. Check work for accuracy as a whole class or have students turn in for an individual grade.

Select a storybook that contains several words that can easily be decoded using the chunking strategy. Prior to reading the story out loud, write those words on the board and have students use their new-learned strategy to decode the words.

The Chunky Monkey Rap

My name is Chunky Monkey And I can help you read, Cuz I am Chunky Monkey, The reading strategy. I am the Chunky Monkey, Im really very smart. When I come to a big, long word, I break it into parts. Chunk, chunk, chunk, When you get stuck. Look for little parts you know Like it, -ap, and uck. Chunk at the beginning, Chunk it at the end. Chunk it in the middle, Chunk it anyway you can! My name is Chunky Monkey And I can help you read, Cuz I am Chunky Monkey, The reading strategy.
! ! !

Circle chunks you know in the words below.

Look for Chunks

candy wheat spring friend

told sweep mask brand

bucket penny your winter

Circle chunks you know in the nonsense words below.

smucken betrand

blout chold

mitup menot

Circle chunks you know in the words below.

Look for Chunks

candle defeat elementary helicopter

boldest creepy startle forgiven

hundred action yourself apartment

Circle chunks you know in the nonsense words below.

smucken betrand

bloutful groldering

uncleef menotish

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