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Now, I’m going to write about 

the ideas of designing my car in the future. I think in the

future the electric and solar engines will replace the diesel and gasoline engine in my car
model because they are good for the environment and air pollution is not a big problem
for humans. Next, my car model is an SUV and it is suitable for a family or people who
enjoy kind of sporty cars. About the exterior, there are some special features you will
like. First, the sunroof of this car works as a solar battery and you won’t have to charge
the electric engine for the car for a long time. Besides, the color of the car can be changed
to the colors you like. My car model will use the main electric engine for the powertrain
and the solar engine for each other car parts. The last, My car model will manufacture in
the factory through 6 steps: sketching, design review meeting, digital modeling, clay
modeling, color design, and final confirmation.
Hello, I’m going to talk about the car design process. There are 6 main steps in the car
design process. The first step is sketching. In this step, the designers have to make vehicle
sketches for their target customers and all of them are also drawn by hands by designers.
Next, at the sketch review meeting, designers give presentations to describe their sketches
to managers and what they want to gain. After that, this third step is digital modeling. At
this stage, three-dimensional visuals of the car are produced with computers. The next is
clay modeling, in there full-scaled clay models are made. Then, color designers choose
the colors and materials for the car’s exteriors and interiors. The final step of the process
is final confirmation, designers will come to the factory to check the qualities of the

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