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- Personal information: name, age, hometown (specialty – famous food/places, how

far is it from… to Hanoi, how often do you go back to your hometown), family
- Free-time activities
- Study:
+ university, major (chuyên ngành: Automotive/ Automobile technology) – giải thích lý
+ how many subjects
+ do you like studying/learning E?
+ do you like studying online?
- Future plan:
+ what are you going to do after graduation?
+ which company do you want to work for?
+ how much do you want to earn?
+ do you want to work in Hanoi or in your hometown?
1. Favorite automaker
1. The company’s name
2. Founded year, founder(s)
3. Headquarters
4. Number of employees, sales record, annual revenue
5. The reason why you like it.

Intro: company’s name (headquarters)

It was founded in… (headquarters) by… (founder) in… (founded year)
Its sales record has been/is + số sản phẩm./ In… (năm), it reached the sales record of + số
sản phẩm
Market segment: The company focuses on…market segment.
Some special/outstanding models of… include/are…
The most special/outstanding model of…is
KL: I like… because…

Câu hỏi thêm:

1. What do you like most about the company? (Trả lời kèm lí do)
2. Do you want to work for that company in the future? (TL kèm lí do)
3. What are the most famous models of the company?

2. Favorite car (dimensions) – why do you like

1. What is your favorite car?
2. What type of car is it?
3. What color is it?
4. Which brand is it?
5. Why do you like it?
Note: Nên nhóm thông tin ở câu hỏi 2-3-4 vào 1 câu (VD: My favorite car is Kia Sorento. It is
a big-sized mica black SUV with seven seats.) Thêm thông tin tả nội, ngoại thất
3. Exterior (materials) – special feature(s)
1. What is your favorite car?
2. What type of car is it?
3. When was it manufactured?
4. Where was it manufactured?
5. What are some special exterior features?
Note: One of the most special exterior feature is + N; câu số 3-4 nên nhóm thành 1 câu; câu
kết: chi tiết ngoại thất em thích nhất, vì sao?

4. Interior (materials) – special feature(s)

1. What is your favorite car?
2. What type of car is it?
3. What are some exterior features?
4. What are some special interior features?
5. Which interior feature do you like most? Why?
Note: One of the most special interior feature is + N; nên thay câu 3 bằng các thông tin
chung của xe (màu, cỡ, etc.)

5. Favorite car: materials and dimensions

Intro: My favorite car is… (brand-name) and I would like to talk about its exteriors/interiors.
It is a màu-loại with số ghế/ cabin/ boot, etc. (It is a mica black sedan with five seats/ a big
boot/ a spacious cabin
In terms of exteriors,… (hình dáng, vị trí, chức năng, vật liệu – lợi ích)
In terms of interiors,… (vị trí, màu, chức năng, vật liệu – lợi ích) – The seats/ steering wheel/
gear stick are/is covered with soft leather
KL: I like the car because…

Câu hỏi thêm:

1. What do you like most about the car/ the car’s exteriors/ the car’s interiors?
2. What exterior at the front do you like most?
3. What is the best interior color?
4. What are the differences between a sedan and a hatchback/ a hybrid and an electric car?
A sedan has three compartments/ main parts: engine, passenger and luggage
compartments/ hood, cabin and boot. Whereas, a hatchback only has two:…
A hybrid runs on both fuel and electricity, while an electric car only runs on electricity.
5. Which one do you like better?
6. What is the most special material of the car?

6. Reporting a car problem in the first working day

1. How many cars did you fix on your first working day?
2. What happened with that car/those cars?
3. What did you do to solve that problem/ those problems?
4. How long did you solve that problem/ those problems?
5. How did you feel about your first working day?
Note: Quá trình sửa xe: chia thì quá khứ đơn, chọn 1 phương hướng sửa.

Câu hỏi thêm:

1. Have you ever repaired any car? What is the problem?
2. How did the customer feel about your service?
3. How can you find the leak on a flat tyre/ check the car’s cooling system/ check the car’s
Find leak: inflate the tyre and try to hear the hissing sound, pour soapy water on the tyre
and find where the bubbles appear
Check cooling system: first, check the coolant level in the coolant tank; then, you need to
find any leak in the cooling system
Check battery: use the voltmeter

Unit 7: Safety rules when driving

Intro: When driving on the road, we need to follow some safety rules.
Before driving, drivers must…
While driving, drivers must… Passengers must… Children must…
When the car stops, passengers must get out of the car in the pavement/ sidewalk side
KL: In short, following these rules when driving will help us ensure safety.
Câu hỏi thêm:
1. What is the most important rule? Why?
2. What must occupants do when there are children in the car?

Unit 8: A new version of a future car

In my opinion, flying cars may become popular in the future. A new version of flying cars is
now being researched and tested in many countries.
Power source: The new version of flying cars will run on fuel/electricity.
Look: size, materials (Its body will be made of…)
Travel route: They (Flying cars) can travel on the air and on the road
Maximum speed: They can reach the top speed of… miles per hour (mph)
Pros and cons:
+ Flying cars have some advantages. First, it helps to reduce traffic jam on the road. Second,

+ However, they also have some disadvantages…
KL: In short, despite their disadvantages, I still believe flying cars will become popular in the
Câu hỏi thêm: What is the biggest advantage/ drawback, disadvantage of the car?

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