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Fluency Center Ideas

Walk the Line

Trace or copy the cowboy boot pattern to make 2-5 boots on colored paper and laminate for durability. Options: 1. Select a word for students to sound out appropriate for their reading abilities. Write each sound- letter(s)- on different boots using a Vis a Vis or permanent marker. Tape the boots on the floor in a line. Students are to walk on each boot and make its sound. The objective is to walk fast enough so the sounds are read quickly/fluently. 2. Select phrases for students to read that are appropriate for their reading abilities. Write each word of a phrase on different boots and follow the same procedure as in Option 1. 3. Select simple sentences for students to read that are appropriate for their reading abilities. Write each word of the sentence on a different boot and follow the same procedure as in Option 1.

Cattle Corral
Run copies of the Cows page and Corral page on construction paper or card stock and laminate for durability. A cow die cut would also work. An alternative to using the corral page is to set up a corral using blocks or Lincoln Logs, decorate a cardboard box, or use small wooden hoops such as those used for quilting/embroidering. Options: 1. Words- select words for students to sound out and write a each sound- letter(s)- on a different cow. Be sure to write the sounds in order beginning with Cow #1. Students begin by putting the cows in order according to their number and

placing them at the bottom of the corral. Students make the sound on the cow and move it to the corral. Once all cows are in the corral, students run their fingers under each sound as they make it. The objective is to read it as quickly and fluently as possible. 2. Phrases- select phrases for students to read and write each word of the phrase on a different cow starting with Cow #1. Follow the same procedure as in Option 1. 3. Sentences- select sentences for students to read and write each word of the sentence on a different cow starting with Cow #1. Follow the same procedure as in Option #1.

Horse Race
Run a copy of the Race Track page and enough Horses for each student to have one of each. Cut out the horses; have students color them, if desired, and glue them to a popsicle sticks. Use a marker to write each students name on his or her horse stick. Write a different sight word or phrase in each box of the Race Track. (These can be differentiated for each student and modified by adding more spaces on the track.) The students place their horse stick under the first word/phrase, read it, and move their horse stick to the next box, etc. The words must be read fluently (i.e., no hesitations, sounding out, pausing). If student is unable to read the word fluently, he/she makes a small mark using a pencil on the box where the fluent reading stopped. The next time the student must start back at the beginning and read each word again, trying to get passed the point where he/she had to stop the previous race. The objective is to get to the Finish Line by reading all the words fluently.

Walk the Line

5Cows for Cattle Corral

Corral for Cattle Corral

Horses for Horse Race

Race Track
Start/Finish Line

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