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IEEE - 49239

Movable Surveillance Camera using IoT and

Raspberry Pi
Bandi Narasimha Rao Reddy Sudheer Mohan Aditya Sadhanala
Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Communications Communications Communications
NIT Warangal, India RGUKT Nuzvid, India RGUKT Nuzvid, India

Veerababu Tibirisettti Sairam Muggulla

Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Communications Communications
RGUKT Nuzvid, India RGUKT Nuzvid, India

Abstract— Surveillance is the one major thing that anyone wants webcam can be done by using the python scripting language.
and required to protect their things or monitor their places. In Conventional CCTV cameras cover a very small area, as these
this paper, we proposed a movable surveillance camera using are static in nature and are fixed at a particular location and
Raspberry Pi and Webcam. The movement of the proposed hence applications are limited.
surveillance camera can be controlled by using the designed web
browser and python scripting language. It can cover a wide
A. Importance of Movable Cameras at Public and
area. The proposed architecture is portable and movable. It is Workplace
extensively used in high-risk prone areas to humans and also Generally, CCTV cameras are made up of multiple
used in the industries for continuous monitoring for seamless cameras, extensively used for security of banks, houses,
working machinery. The movement of the camera can be done businesses, and stores. CCTV cameras can be both wired or
by using a Robot, which is driven by the motor driver L298N wireless [5-6]. The effective monitoring system for public
module integrated with the circuit. The data collected by the
safety and catching criminals is a CCTV monitoring system
proposed movable surveillance camera is more superior than
the conventional CCTV Cameras, Drone Cameras, and Camera [7-8]. Establishing a CCTV camera for an extended area is
Traps. The problem with the drone camera is very less coverage quite complex and expensive. Hence, these are
area. In forest areas, the camera traps are replaced by the complemented by the patrolling of security persons. CCTV
proposed surveillance camera. It can be used for capturing was able to record up to an extent of region and it was
images in dark areas as it uses LED’s. SSH Protocol is used for stationary as it was fixed in a specific location, where we
sending the captured images. want to record. To cover more areas, we fix it in some specific
angles and positions, so that it can record by covering the
Keywords— Surveillance Camera, CCTV Camera, Drone maximum portion of an area. Whatever we can do with that,
Camera, Motor Driver, Robot, SSH Protocol.
the major drawback is it was a closed-circuit appliance and
I. INTRODUCTION we can monitor only within the range. Establishing a CCTV
system for an extended area is quite complex and expensive.
The designed movable surveillance cameras can be used
to monitor the places even the human cannot enter and it saves If we want to extend that range, it needs more equipment and
human life. It can be moved to any place using the motor costs more. Or if we want to fix more cameras to surveil the
driver. It can be used for detecting the various animals in the entire place, this also deserves much expenditure. There are
forest area. Continuous monitoring can be done by using the many CC cameras with motion tracking also. Criminals can
web browser. Surveillance plays a key role nowadays as vandalize the security cameras by sprinkling spray on the
security is one of the crucial parameters [1-4]. In this paper, cameras or by sticking gum on it. They can even change the
we proposed a movable camera that captures images and direction of the monitoring area of the camera.
records the video by moving in various directions and places.
The general criticism from the public about conventional
The webcam is used in this architecture as a surveillance
CCTV cameras is basically these are expensive and are fixed
camera. The direction of the motor can be controlled using the
at a particular location, hence the position of the camera can
designed web browser. The live feeding can be done by using
the IP address in any web browser, which is generated by the not be changed easily. Without professional assistance
Wi-Fi module incorporated in the raspberry Pi. It can be used cabling and installation of security cameras is a very difficult
in remote areas. For capturing the images and recording the task and it demands skilled persons. Sending the signal to the
videos a webcam is embedded in the design. Hence, it reduces receiver using wireless can be done by transmitting a fixed
cost and complexity. frequency signal. Atmospheric noise such as solar, cosmic,
lighting and electrical noise such as ignition of the motor
The proposed system can move to various locations. causes significant disturbances in the frequency, which
Hence, a significant amount of cost of the system reduces, as severely effects the image quality at the receiver. The
it covers the wider area using a single web camera. The degraded image requires expert help to recover the images
movement of the robot and the capturing of images using
and videos, which are distorted. In the case of the wired

11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Kharagpur, India
Downloaded on October 29,2020 at 10:49:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE - 49239

system, it requires an external circuit for connecting the traffic remotely by moving the proposed surveillance camera
transmitter to the receiver for sending images and videos. On in that highly dense area. The density of the undomesticated
the other hand, the wireless versions or the wired version animals can be determined using the proposed system. The
CCTV’s connected through the network are hackable. This problem with a conventional camera trap is immobility.
causes a higher risk of hackers. Hence, it creates a privacy
issue. CCTV footage of women may distribute over the Whenever the system uses a network for receiving the
internet. Hackers can virtually hack the system when images there is a chance for hackers to hack the captured data.
connected to a network. On the other hand, the wireless To extend the range of CCTVs and to overcome some
versions or the wired CCTVs connected through the network limitations of CCTVs, Quadcopters and Drones comes into
are hackable. the picture. We can fly the Quadcopter by attaching a camera
on it to the place where we want to monitor and we can see
B. Importance of Movable Camera in Forest Area
through the screen which is connected through remotely to
The conventional camera traps are immobile and these the camera mounted. So that we can extend the limitation of
camera traps are being damaged by the wildlife animals. But, range and since the quadcopter is dynamic, we can cover or
the proposed surveillance camera can move in all directions surveil more area. Drones are like advanced versions of
of the forest and the direction of the robot can be changed by quadcopters. We can do better with drones and quadcopters
a web browser. Hence, it reduces cost and complexity. The than CCTVs but, there are limitations for these also. The run
proposed system reduces manual interference in the forest time of drones is very little as they run 40 – 50mins for long
area. When human researchers are not present, using this with one fully charged battery. So, it needs to constantly
movable camera we can capture the images of wildlife change the batteries. The important con with the drone
animals. Using these cameras, police can easily identify the camera is privacy invasion. The most important factor, while
smugglers and hunters in the forest area. Conventional considering the usage of drone cameras is privacy. The
camera traps are used for estimating the wildlife animal operator is able to trespass the property using the drone
count. But, these camera traps are being destroyed by wildlife camera and it leads to distressing and freighting. People can
animals. It enables the collection of globally endangered, rare spy into your belongings without noticing.
species and baseline survey of these species. It documents the
population change, presence, and abundance of wildlife We can’t operate it from the extent of the area outside the
animals particularly in the case of habitat destruction and drones operation limit/ range. To overcome the major reason
deforestation. These help in creating awareness about the which is the range and extent of operation of the vehicle, there
effects of deforestation, smuggling of forest goods and we need a network that has a large area of communication so
hunting of animals in collaboration with the NGO’s. that we can access from anywhere. The second major reason
is the invasion of privacy. To overcome this, we need to
secure web protocols to communicate, send, or receive
signals from the sensors or to the actuators. Thereafter comes
The data collected by the proposed movable surveillance the run time and durability of the vehicle or robot.
camera is more superior to the conventional camera traps and
it helps in ecological research. In recent times forests are So, we made up a plan to overcome the cons of security/
burning due to the increased percentage of greenhouse surveillance robots and surveillance affiliates. We designed a
gaseous. Amazon and Australia forests are burning in recent robot that can run over the internet, so that we can operate the
times but, it is taking more time to identify the burning robot from anywhere in the place where we can connect to
portion of the forest. By using these movable cameras, we can the internet. This Surveillance Affiliate robot has a camera
easily identify the burning area of the forest. All over the mounted on its chassis and that sends the live feed of the
world biologists using camera traps for wildlife population streaming to the webpage. We can control the vehicle from
density and biodiversity. The computer community has to the webpage directly. The major advancement in this project
move towards the automatic challenges in the classification is we can operate the vehicle by looking at the streaming
of species using camera traps [9-14], but still, there are some video which is coming from the camera associated with the
difficulties in classifying animals from one geographical shrivelling vehicle.
region to another. For automotive spices classification earlier
work was shown considerable results using camera traps [15], In [17] the authors proposed a surveillance camera it
but in further classification, these results is quite different captures the images whenever the motion sensor detects the
from one region to another and from one camera to another motion in the monitored area and uploads the captured
[16] and observing the weather conditions in the forest area. images in the cloud. The authors in [18] proposed a
surveillance camera, which monitors the area continuously
The proposed system is used for police for identifying the and turns the light whenever it detects motion in the
thief, who is the smuggling of forest goods and doing monitored area it captures the screenshots. In [19] the authors
deforestation. The wildlife animals are in the endangered proposed different face reorganization algorithms fisher
zone due to deforestation. Hence, it used for creating a faces, Eigenfaces and principle component analysis, etc. In
sustainable environment. The live feeding can be done by [20] the authors proposed a system with a raspberry pi and
using the IP address in any web browser which is generated gyroscope sensor which captures images whenever the sensor
by the Wi-Fi module incorporated in the raspberry Pi. It can detects the motion in the monitored area and sends the emails
be used in remote areas. For estimating the wildlife animal with the captured images. In [21] authors proposed a
count in the forest area. The traffic police can control the

11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Kharagpur, India
Downloaded on October 29,2020 at 10:49:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE - 49239

surveillance system using IoT, which sends images and circuit as internet-enabled. The coding used for the raspberry
videos to the cloud server when motion is detected. pi board is either embedded in C or Python. The supply
voltage required for the board is 5V with the current rating
As we know that the conventional CCTV cameras ranges from 700-1000 mA and the operating rating frequency
are functionally limited, as they monitor some specified area is 700 MHz. We can make the Raspberry Pi as full-pledged
only. Even we can fix them at some specific angles so that computer by incorporating an external SD card, Power
they can monitor some large areas, still, they are stationary. Supply, Keyboard, Mouse and Display with installed Linux
To monitor a larger area like a campus, commercial buildings Operating system.
we need to fix more cameras and this will cause more finance.
Hence, the proposed system is more suitable for covering
larger area.
The proposed surveillance can be operated from the
farther distance also and it reduces the surveillance, Internet
monitoring cost. Compared with drones it can run a long time.
Only authorized persons can authenticate, providing integrity
within the system.


Internet of Things, IoT plays an important role in Webcam Motor
today’s life. IoT technology not only connects the devices to Raspberry pi driver
the internet, but it also provides the many facilities to users
like real-time monitoring, a platform to store data on cloud
data storage, etc. The interconnection of the everyday object
enables us to transmission and reception of data using
computing devices. This IoT based project idea with robot
chassis embedded with USB Webcam, DC motor drivers
connected using raspberry pi to build a robotic car. The USB
web camera is mounted on this robotic car and using which,
we can get live video and the interesting part here is we can
control the movement of the robotic car using the webpage SSH on laptop Power Supply
and hence, the angle of coverage of camera changes
Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Movable Surveillance Camera
A webpage builds in HTML, CSS was rendered with
Python flask and creates a host/server in that particular
system, Raspberry Pi in this case. The created webpage
contains the control operations for the vehicle. It also
retrieves some information about the vehicle’s data and
status. Here, we use the term MOTION, which is a package
that is installed in the Raspberry Pi and this allows us to get
the live feed using the web camera and for sending the
commands to Raspberry Pi using FLASK from the designed
webpage and used python scripting language to move the
robotic car. The webcam is used for live streaming of video
regarding its surroundings and these images, videos will be
sent to any device using the internet. The user monitors these
images using the monitor. The user can control the robotic
vehicle movement using the webpage.

The block diagram of the proposed system is shown

in fig. 1. The proposed architecture is cost-effective and Fig. 2. Raspberry Pi 3B
covers a wider area compared to conventional CCTV cameras
and drone cameras. B. Motor Driver IC L298
The L298 based motor is used for driving, both stepper,
IV. HARDWARE AND SOFTWRAE ASPECTS and DC motors and is shown in fig. 3. It has a 5V regulator
on board and used for supplying power to an external circuit.
A. Raspberry Pi 3B It has the ability to control 4 DC motors. This motor driver
Raspberry Pi a credit card-sized computer, which suits perfectly for projects related to mechatronics and
supports Linux based operating system [22] and is shown in robotics. Its properties match perfectly for motor controlling
fig. 2. It has a built-in Wi-Fi module used for making the using Arduino Controller, Relays and switches.

11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Kharagpur, India
Downloaded on October 29,2020 at 10:49:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE - 49239

pi board. Several packages and tools required were installed

on the raspberry pi by connecting the raspberry pi board to
the internet using ethernet cable or Wi-Fi.
Update and Upgrade the raspberry pi regularly.
Python, Flask, and Motion packages should be downloaded
and installed on the raspberry pi.

STEP 2 – Installing MOTION and setting up the Camera

The web camera is connected to the raspberry pi and

the MOTION package is installed on the raspberry pi to get
the live video feed from the camera connected to the
raspberry pi board.

For capturing the images and streaming the videos

through the internet is done by running the code for Webcam
Fig. 3. L298N Motor Driver Module in Raspberry Pi. Images will be compressed to .jpeg format
before transmitting to reduce the size. These transmitted
images will be received by the user by running the webcam
C. SSH Protocol
Secured Shell (SSH) is a network communication For receiving the images the user has to run a
protocol, through which two computers can communicate webcam client-server and these are received in byte array
with each other in an encrypted manner. Remotely form. These are displayed on the monitor at certain images
controlling one computer is possible using another computer per second, hence these appear like a video.
and also sending of files in a secure manner can be done
using, this kind of tunnel. It uses public-key methods of STEP 3 – Setting up the robot Car
cryptography techniques for the secure transmission of a
message over a public network. At the transmitter side, we The robotic car is set up with the Robotic Chassis,
use encryption, which encodes the message and decoding of Web Camera, Motor Driver Module, Raspberry Pi, Power
the message is done by the decryption method. supply and the connections are made according to the

STEP 4 – Designing the webpage for controlling

A webpage was designed in the HTML and CSS to

give the user control options of the robot in it. A python script
with controlling operations was written and was rendered
with the designed webpage using python FLASK methods.

STEP 5 – Setting up the static IP address for raspberry Pi

and forwarding the port

A static IP address was set to the raspberry pi and its

port should be forwarded through the port forwarding method
with the router so that we can access the server from the
internet and control the vehicle further.

STEP 6 – Running the flask server in Raspberry Pi

Fig. 4. Schematic of Proposed System
The web page rendered with the python script was
kept on the server and run the server. The prototype of the
V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS movable surveillance camera is shown in fig 5. and captured
image is shown in in fig. 6.
The Schematic of the proposed system is shown in
fig 4 and the implementation of design can be divided into six Figure 7 shows the designed webpage for changing
different steps and these are explained below. the direction of the robotic circuit. So that, the surveillance
camera can capture the images in all directions. If the user
STEP 1 – Setting up the Raspberry Pi identifies any obstacle in the robot direction we can change
its direction.
The Raspbian OS, which is recommended, was
installed in the microSD card and mounted to the raspberry

11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Kharagpur, India
Downloaded on October 29,2020 at 10:49:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE - 49239

functioning and reaction speed of operations controls. Video

stream is the quality of video streaming in the browser. The
operating rating is the user interface for control operation.
Power backup rating says the capacity of battery and runtime
of the vehicle.

Fig. 5. Prototye of Movable Surveillance Camera Fig. 7. Efficiency of the Proposed Camera

In this paper, we proposed a raspberry Pi based
Surveillance camera using a webcam. As the transmission of
the images, videos can be done through the internet. Hence,
the coverage area of the camera is very high. It is more
superior to conventional CCTV Cameras, Drone Cameras,
and Camera Traps. Even, we can monitor the remote areas
and can control the action of the robotic circuit.

Eventhough the proposed system operated with secured

protocols in the network, the operation of untutored humans
and their errors may lead to vulnerability in the system and
can be hacked.


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July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
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11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Kharagpur, India
Downloaded on October 29,2020 at 10:49:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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