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The technique used to identify the optimal solution is called
the graphical solution method (approach or technique) for an LP problem with
two variables. Since most real-world problems have more than two decision
variables, such problems cannot be solved graphically. An optimal as well as a
feasible solution to an LP problem is obtained by choosing one set of values
from several possible values of decision variables x1, x2, . . ., xn, that satisfies
the given constraints simultaneously and also provides an optimal (maximum
or minimum) value of the given objective function. For LP problems that have
only two variables, it is possible that the entire set of feasible solutions can be
displayed graphically by plotting linear constraints on a graph paper in order to
locate the best (optimal) solution. The technique used to identify the optimal
solution is called the graphical solution method (approach or technique) for an
LP problem with two variables. Since most real-world problems have more
than two decision variables, such problems cannot be solved graphically.
However, graphical approach provides understanding of solving an LP problem
algebraically, involving more than two variables. In this chapter, we shall
discuss the following two graphical solution methods (or approaches):
(i) Extreme point solution method
(ii) Iso-profit (cost) function line method to find the optimal solution to
an LP problem.

Solution: The set of values of decision variables xj ( j = 1, 2, . . ., n) that
satisfy the constraints of an LP problem is said to constitute the solution to
that LP problem.

Feasible solution: The set of values of decision variables xj ( j = 1, 2, . . ., n)

that satisfy all the constraints and non-negativity conditions of an LP problem
simultaneously is said to constitute the feasible solution to that LP problem.

Infeasible solution: The set of values of decision variables xj ( j = 1, 2, . . .,

n) that do not satisfy all the constraints and non-negativity conditions of an LP
problem simultaneously is said to constitute the infeasible solution to that LP

Basic solution: For a set of m simultaneous equations in n variables (n > m)

in an LP problem, a solution obtained by setting (n – m) variables equal to zero
and solving for remaining m equations in m variables is called a basic solution
of that LP problem. The (n – m) variables whose value did not appear in basic
solution are called non-basic variables and the remaining m variables are called
basic variables.

Basic feasible solution: A feasible solution to an LP problem which is

also the basic solution is called the basic feasible solution. That is, all basic
variables assume non-negative values. Basic feasible solution is of two types:
(a) Degenerate: A basic feasible solution is called degenerate if the value of
at least one basic variable is zero.

(b) Non-degenerate: A basic feasible solution is called non-degenerate if

value of all m basic variables is non-zero and positive.

Optimum basic feasible solution: A basic feasible solution that

optimizes (maximizes or minimizes) the objective function value of the given LP
problem is called an optimum basic feasible solution.

Unbounded solution: A solution that can increase or decrease infinitely

the value of the objective function of the LP problem is called an unbounded

Solution of LPP by graphical method:

After formulating the linear programming problem, our aim is to determine
the values of decision variables to find the optimum (maximum or minimum)
value of the objective function. Linear programming problems which involve
only two variables can be solved by graphical method. If the problem has three
or more variables, the graphical method is impractical.

The major steps involved in this method are as follows

(i) State the problem mathematically

(ii) Write all the constraints in the form of equations and draw the graph

(iii) Find the feasible region

(iv) Find the coordinates of each vertex (corner points) of the feasible region.
The coordinates of the vertex can be obtained either by inspection or by
solving the two equations of the lines intersecting at the point

(v) By substituting these corner points in the objective function we can get the
values of the objective function

(vi) If the problem is maximization then the maximum of the above values is
the optimum value. If the problem is minimization then the minimum of the
above values is the optimum value.

Example 10.5
Solve the following LPP

Maximize Z = 2 x1 +5x2

subject to the conditions x1+ 4x2 ≤ 24

3x1+x2 ≤ 21

x1+x2  ≤ 9and  x1,  x2  ≥ 0

First we have to find the feasible region using the given conditions.

Since both the decision variables x1 and x2 are non-negative, the solution lies in

the first quadrant.

Write all the inequalities of the constraints in the form of equations.

Therefore we have the lines x1+ 4x2=24; 3x1 + x2 = 21; x1 + x2= 9 x1+ 4x2= 24 is a

line passing through the points (0, 6) and (24, 0). [(0,6) is obtained by
taking x1=0 in x1 + 4x2 = 24, (24, 0) is obtained by taking x2 = 0 in x1+ 4x2 = 24].

Any point lying on or below the line x1 + 4x2 = 24 satisfies the constraint x1 +
4x2≤ 24.

  3x1  +x2= 21 is a line passing through the points (0, 21) and (7, 0). Any point
lying  on or below the line 3 x1 + x2 = 21 satisfies the constraint 3 x1 + x2 ≤ 21.

x1+ x2 = 9 is a line passing through the points (0, 9) and (9, 0). Any point lying
on or below the line x1 + x2 = 9 satisfies the constraint x1+ x2 ≤ 9.
Now we draw the graph.

The feasible region satisfying all the conditions is OABCD.The co-ordinates of

the points are O(0,0) A(7,0);B(6,3) [ the point B is the intersection of two
lines x1+ x2= 9 and 3 x1+ x2= 21];C(4,5) [ the point C is the intersection of two
lines x1+ x2 = 9 and x1+ 4x2 = 24] and D(0,6).
Maximum value of Z occurs at C. Therefore the solution is x1 =4, x2 = 5, Z max =

Solve the following LPP by graphical method Minimize z = 5x1+4x2 Subject to
constraints 4x1+ x2 ≥ 40; 2x1+3x2 ≥ 90 and x1, x2 > 0

Solution: Since both the decision variables x1 and x2 are non-negative, the

solution lies in the first quadrant of the plane. Consider the equations 4x1+x2 =
40 and 2 x1+3 x2 = 90

4x1+x 2 = 40 is a line passing through the points (0,40) and (10,0). Any point
lying on or above the line 4x1+x2= 40 satisfies the constraint 4x1+ x2 ≥ 40.
2x1+3x2 = 90 is a line passing through the points (0,30) and (45,0). Any point
lying on or above the line 2 x1+3x2= 90 satisfies the constraint 2x1+3x2 ≥ 90.

Draw the graph using the given constraints.

The feasible region is ABC (since the problem is of minimization type we are
moving towards the origin.

The minimum value of Z occurs at B(3,28).

Hence the optimal solution is x1 = 3, x2 = 28 and Zmin=127

The graphical method represents one approach for solving linear programming
problems. However, this approach is limited to optimization problems
containing just two decision variables since constraints are plotted in a two-
dimensional space. Every additional decision variable would add and additional
space in the plot and would complicate its visualization. In reality, most
optimization problems will contain more than two decision variables of
different types (e.g. linear, integer, binary) with more complex constraints,
limiting the applicability of the graphical method for solving them.In addition,
building a two-dimensional space plot and displacing the objective function
line along the feasible region to find the optimum extreme point is time
consuming and not the most effective approach. The application of other
optimization algorithms in multiple computer programs (e.g. R, GAMS, AMPL,
LINDO) reduces significantly the time spent solving an optimization problem
while obtaining additional valuable information.


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