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Livable Wages:
A livable wage is one on which you can support
yourself without the need to find an extra job or
depend on outside assistance. Clothing industry
practices vary widely regarding livable wages:
Some companies pay minimum wage, while
others pay competitive rates. Manufacturers who
outsource jobs to foreign companies in China,
India or other countries might try to get around
paying livable wages to workers. To counter this,
some companies have instigated the practice of
fair trade. Fair trade clothing companies assure
consumers that workers in foreign countries
receive fair and livable wages for the work they
Going Green:
Synthetic fibres are more difficult to dye than
natural fibres. Manufacturers add heavy metals
and toxic compounds to the water to help the
dyes cling to these inorganic fabrics. This creates
pollution in the form of runoff to lakes, rivers
and oceans. With concerns over this pollution,
some companies have begun to use more
environmentally friendly products. Eco-friendly
clothing manufacturers use organic cotton,
bamboo, soy and hemp to weave fabrics, and
then use plant-based dyes to give the fabrics
colour. Some companies also use recycled
synthetic fibres like polyester and plastic bags in
their products in an effort to keep non-
biodegradable items out of landfills

Fair Labour Practices:

The International Labour Organization, which
guides European clothing manufacturers, has
guidelines companies can use to ensure
appropriate fair labour practices. Examples of
acceptable ethical practices include no
exploitation of child labour or illegal immigrants,
wages comparable to local standards and
termination of trade relations in the event of
Employee Safety:
The clothing industry, both domestic and
international, must abide by appropriate safety
measures to ensure that employees are treated in
an ethical and moral manner. The Occupational
Safety and Health Administration has extensive
guidelines and an analysis of the clothing
industry with regards to machine operation,
ergonomics, hazardous substances, noise, heat
stress, exposure to cotton dust and dye safety.
For example, for general safety advice regarding
sewing garments, OSHA has a page on its
website with detailed information about proper
posture and sewing techniques

The fashion industry is the second largest

contributor to global pollution in the world. Every
element of garment production is responsible for
this devastation, from production and
manufacturing, to shipping and transportation.
Because this issue is so overwhelmingly large, it
can be difficult to begin wondering what habits
of ours contribute to this tragedy, and how we
can begin being more ethical in fashion. In this
article, I will explain what ways fashion is
harmful to the environment, and give
suggestions on how we can begin to combat this

Water is one of the largest elements affected

by the fashion industry. From toxic chemicals
leaking into water sources and destroying
ecosystems, to gallons being used to grow the
plants used for natural fibres. Here are some
of the ways water is polluted, as well as
proposed solutions on how to resolve this
Water Quantities: Alongside toxic chemicals in dye baths
and fertilizers, water is consumed in large quantities for
the purposes of water plants used for natural fibres (
textiles ) and for creating dye baths to dye textiles. It
takes up to 200 tons of fresh water to produce 1 ton of
dyed fabric. Three years ago in 2018, there was an
estimated 17 million tons of fabric generated in the
United States alone. This indicates that 3,400,000,000
tonnes of water was consumed. Approximately 30 million
Americans did not have access to safe drinking water
that same year. In India and Central Asia where a
significant amount of the world’s cotton is grown, a
similar type of crisis is occurring. Cotton is a textile used
in a variety of household and apparel textiles. The plant
itself requires lots of water in order for it to grow and
thrive. It takes more than 20,000 liters to produce 1
kilogram of cotton. This is taking a dramatic effect in
this corner of the world. Cotton production in Central
Asia has contributed to the drying of the Aral Sea. In
India, 85% of India’s drinking needs would be solved by
the amount of water used each year to produce cotton. It
has been reported that 100 million people in India do not
have access to clean drinking water. Approximately 1.5
trillion litres of water are consumed for textile purposes
each year for these reasons. Meanwhile, across the globe
an estimated 750 million individuals lack fresh water
resources. These statistics are devastating. As
participants in fashion, whether beginning your own
fashion line, or those who are interested in the clothing
they wear, this problem is our own to resolve. Here are
some simple solutions to fighting the water crisis in
Toxins in Dyes and Fertilisers: Harmful
chemicals such as sulphur, naphthol, and
various are found in fabric dyes. These
highly poisonous ingredients are getting
leaked into waterways through untreated
dye bath dumping, or fertilizer and pesticide
runoff. Incidents such as these damage both
aquatic and land ecosystems. 90% of
wastewaters from textile-related projects
produced in developing nations are released
into waterways without proper treatment.

Microplastics: In addition to fraying fibres in

synthetic materials, microplastics used to
create artificial textiles are a rising issue as
well. These issues are twice as harmful in
newer garments than old garments and
textiles. 85% of human generated waste
found on shorelines is textile-generated
microplastics. Last year, over 190,000
microplastic material was found in the
world’s oceans. These too can be ingested by
organisms, making their way up the food
chain until these same materials are on our
dinner plates.
Microfibers and Microplastics: Microplastics
and fibres are an overlooked yet serious
issue in fashion. Along with toxic chemicals
from fertilizer and dyes, these inorganic
organisms destroy ecosystems.

Degrading Fibres: Toxic chemicals are not

the only substance being released into our
waterways. Each time a synthetic garment is
washed, it releases on average up to 1900
filaments into its washing water. When this
water is distributed into main waterways, it
is eaten by organisms such as fish or algae,
thus becoming a part of the food chain.
When we ingest fish or any other creature
that has ingested algae or fish, we too
ingest these fibres. This issue not only
affects the environment, but it affects us as
Deforestation: Large plots of land are often
cleared in order to create space for plants
and animals that will later create textile
fibres to inhabit. Wood used from trees
cleared in order for this to occur are used for
wood based fibre textiles such as rayon.
Greenhouse Gasses: Greenhouse gases are created
from the production, manufacturing, and shipping of
textile products across the globe. Greenhouse gases
and fossil fuels are also accumulated by the creation
of synthetic material, which requires more energy
than creating natural textiles. To help this,
businesses can partner with manufacturers in
companies that have banned coal-propelled
manufacturing and opt for renewable energy
Soil Degradation: A majority of textiles are used in
apparel or household settings. On average, the
average lifetime of a garment is three years. As a
result of this, these textiles are to be thrown away at
some point, either due to stains or because they
have been outdated by newer trends. On average,
only 15% of purchased clothing is worn. When
thrown away, A majority of textiles produced can
take up to 200 years to decompose. These garments
then pile up in landfills across the globe, taking up
space and damaging soil. Garments overrunning
landfills is not the only soil-related issue faced by
the fashion industry. Many textiles such as cotton
and cashmere are manufactured from natural fibres.
Natural fibres are derived from either plant or
animal organisms. These textiles are typically more
sustainable compared to synthetic fibres because
they are more decomposable. However, there is a
dark side to this debate, soil degradation and
Overgrazing is caused by an increase in animal
habituation in a specific area. Animals such as
the Kashmir goat who produces wool used in
cashmere sweaters. As reported in 2019,
Magnolia is facing a farming crisis with Kashmir
goats. Due to an exploiting demand for cashmere
wool, Mongolia’s grasslands are being ruined. In
other parts of the world, soil degradation is
occurring from unique plants used to create
textiles. Cotton for instance requires lots of
water, pesticides, and fertilizers in order for it to
thrive. As I have stated before, these chemicals
are degrading the soil it is grown in.
Furthermore, it takes lots of cleared space in
order for plants to thrive. It requires lots of
sunlight, which requires a large amount of
There are many solutions to help minimize this
global issue. To reduce soil degradation, choose
fibers that impact the soil less, such as flax or
hemp. It is also wise to use organic fertilizers and
dyes to reduce the quantity of toxins becoming
infused in our soil. I also encourage you to reduce
the number of clothing you purchase, repair
stained and damaged clothing before throwing
them away, and recycle any clothing that no longer
fits you.
Use More Sustainable Textiles: Because the water crisis is
due to the growth, production, and manufacturing of
textiles, it is wise to choose more sustainable textiles. As
discussed in my previous article HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST
FABRIC FOR YOUR GARMENT there are lots of sustainable
options to choose from for your next garment of interior
project. For example, Hemp is a sustainable textile option.
The hemp plant is grown with very little water. With no
pesticides or artificial fertilizers necessary, it cuts down on
poisons released into the environment. Another sustainable
textile choice is organic cotton. Though conventional cotton
is problematic, organic cotton is grown without pesticides
or inorganic fertilizers. Organic linen grown from the flax
plant is an option as well. What makes this fibre
sustainable is its harvesting method. The entire flax plant
is harvested and used in the production process of linen. If
you choose to leave linen in its tan organic form, then it
will cut out chemicals in the water and material, thus
preventing toxic pollution.
Go organic: Alongside using plants that were organically
grown and harvested, consider incorporating more organic
substances into the production or manufacturing process
of your textile. For example, organic fertilizers are a way to
eliminate toxins from the growing process of plants.
Furthermore, using organic dyes that replace chemical dyes
with natural colouring from plants and insects is an ethical
alternative as well. The idea of ingesting microplastics is
disturbing for everyone. We can however take steps to
prevent this. Steps such as choosing natural, organically
sourced, or semi-synthetic materials to construct your
projects out of. Sustainable textiles will cut out
microplastics and microfibers out of ecosystems and food
chains and our stomachs.

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