Acadamic Calendar For 1st Term

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Academic Calendar for TVET Program

2019/2020 A.Y. (2012 E.C)

KB International Business and Technology College
Office of the Registrar
1st Term
2012 ዓ.ም In GC (2019/20)

መስከረም 05- September 15  The 1st round New Entrants admission application for TVET trainees
መስከረም 23 - Nov 09
መስከረም 24  Academic Commission Meeting
መስከረም 26-  Registration week for late comer student
29  Registrar office prepare & submit a report about trainees data

መስከረም 30  Deans finalize and posting training schedule and programs

 Dean’s & department heads communicate and inform trainers, trainees reprehensive and academic program coordinator about days of
class begin and other issues
 Deans prepare academic calendar break down, course assignment papers and deliver to concerned parties
ጥቅምት 1  Induction training for newly employed trainers & academic staffs about organizational policies, training processes and assessment
ጥቅምት 3  Beginning of Term I of 2012 AY class for all trainees
ጥቅምት 6-8  Deans communicate and prepare reports about the proper beginning of training classes and possible challenges and problems
 Registrar office produces and distributes attadance form for both trainers and mark list for formative.
 Department heads gather feeds backs and report to deans office

ጥቅምት 15  Academic Commission Meeting

ህዳር 29  Academic commission meeting

ህዳር 1  First Standard Assignment Implementation producer and process monitor and followed up by Dean

ህዳር 3  Department finalize and submit monthly activities performance report to Dean Office
ህዳር 13  Academic commission meeting
ህዳር 27  Academic council meeting
ታህሳስ 06-08  Registrar’s office prepare, and submit a report about updated registration data of new entrant
 Dean facilitate selection of trainees representatives from New entrants of 2012 AY

ታህሳስ 02  Meeting with new entrant trainees representative by Dean

ታህሳስ 3  Department finalize and submit monthly activities performance report to Dean Office
ታህሳስ 4  second standard assignment Implementation producer and process monitor and followed up by Dean
ታህሳስ 11  Academic council meeting
ታህሳስ 13-16  Dean, department heads, registrars will have experience haring and best practice exchanging session
ታህሳስ 17-19  Trainees Organize Events &Participate in volunteerism /Communication Service Activities
ጥታህሳስ ር 25  Academic council meeting
ጥር 3  Department finalize and submit monthly activities performance report to Dean Office
ጥር 9  Academic council meeting
ጥር 11 -16  Trainers Finalize & submit a copy of Formative Assessment Results to Department Heads / Program Coordinators
 Meeting with Assessment Committee members to manage the preparation and Finalization of Institutional Assessment questions centrally
 Dean finalize and post Institutional Assessment Schedules
 Dean Monitor the production& distribution of Institutional Assessment questions papers
ጥር 22  End of Class for the First Term of 2012 A.Y
ጥር 23  Academic council meeting
ጥር 24-29  Final Institutional Assessment week for first term of 2012 each campus
ጥር 30-የካቲት  COC Assessment Period
የካቲት 1-2  Last week for Trainers Result submission to Registrar office
 Dean and department heads evaluate performance of staffs and Trainers
የካቲት 3  End of First Term of 2012 Academic Year
 Departments finalize and submitted monthly activities performance report to Dean
የካቲት 7  Academic council meeting
የካቲት 9 -18  First Term of 2012 AY Break & Refreshment Training (skill gap training) period For COC Assessment preparation

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