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Written by
Scott Malthouse

Cover Art

Internal Art
Tim Young, David Revoy, Rian Tros, Jesheilds, Wydraz, some artwork from Art
of War Games used with permission.

With thanks to my patrons: Jim Reader, Dragos, Stuart Lloyd, Brian, Dick Lull
and Lloyd Rasmussen.

Copyright 2015 Trollish Delver Games. Unbelievably Simple Roleplaying and

Somnium Void are trademarks of Trollish Delver Games and Scott Malthouse.

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the black ship.

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Foreword 6

Overview 7

Archetypes 12
Smuggler 13
Somnium Guardian 14
Merchant 14
Soldier 14
Technopriest 15
Assassin 16
Diplomat 16
Starship Pilot 17
Doctor 17
Cage Fighter 17

Races 18
Human 19
Cthoni 20
Wulfen 20
Shade 21
Drakkar 21
Sketh 21
Android 22

Vehicles and Equipment 23

Vehicles 24
Equipment 30

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Worlds 33
The Delta System 34
Magna 34
Zero 35
Howl 36
Dagon 37
Hollow 37
The Alpha System 39
Novoria 39
Gorthon 40
Skale 41
Norgol 41
The Gamma System 42
Frey 42
Dust 42

Allies and Villains 43

Ways to Play 61
Exploration 62
Renegades 62
Diplomacy 62
Military 63
Sandbox 63

Useful Tables 64
Names 65
Places 69
NPCs 71
Ship Names 72
Somnium Beliefs 73

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Welcome to Somnium Void, an exciting space opera ruleset for USR. These
rules will allow you to play out thrilling scenarios across the galaxy, whether
that be taking part in an adrenaline-fuelled starship dogfight, fighting strange
insectoid aliens on a desert world, or preventing the empire's homeworld
from being blown to oblivion by its enemies.

Somnium Void takes inspiration from films like S​tar Wars​Blade Runner​
,​ and
Starship Troopers​ , weaving its own mythology and providing a fun platform
for which to set your intergalactic adventures. Using USR's streamlined rules,
anyone can quickly jump into a game of Somnium Void, whether you're an
absolute beginner at tabletop roleplaying or an RPG veteran.

This book will provide you with the tools you need for you and your group to
spend hundreds of hours flying across the galaxy, solving mysteries and
getting into firefights. All you need to start playing is the USR 2.0 rulebook,
which is free to download, and this book you're reading now.

Finally, thank you for picking up Somnium Void. I am confident that you will
have a great time with it, but if you feel there's something missing or
anything needs changing then you can email me at
or Tweet @scottmalt.

Hail the Black Ship.

Scott Malthouse

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One hundred billion citizens of the galaxy all saw it. The vision flashed before
them for mere seconds, but what they saw stuck with them ever since. A
black ship over a white moon. This seemingly innocuous image became burnt
onto the brain of every man, woman and child across the galaxy. The event
became known as the Somnium. Life would never be the same again.

The Magnan Empire, domain of Humanity, was the first to begin investigating
the Somnium phenomenon. Their best scientists and technopriests have been
working day and night for the past ten years to try to uncover the mystery
behind the vision. But the empire, like many others, were wary that the
Somnium could have been a premonition of something sinister to come. They
envisioned the black ship to be a member of an invasion fleet that had come
to wipe out the empire. Prime Minister Overwatch became obsessed with
trying to plan for an attack from this black fleet and formed the Somnium
Guardians, an elite group of soldiers trained to the pinnacle of performance.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, reactions to the Somnium differed drastically. In the

Alpha system, the religious Novorian Empire took hold, a faith centred around
the Somnium as a vision granted by the goddess Novoria. Heretics were
burned alive and the very elite faithful were laden with the greatest riches
the galaxy had to offer.

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Soon after, a black market would sprout up around the Somnium. Chemists
had managed to synthesise a drug that emulated the experience of seeing
the vision once again. The criminal underworld grew fat off the profits of the
S-Drug and despite constant crackdowns from the Magnan police, the black
market still flourished.

Many who saw the Somnium went mad and fled into the edges of civilisation,
becoming so-called mind-snapped. Others tried to forget what they
experienced and attempted to get on with their normal lives.

The Sketh, however, took the vision to mean that the Magnan Empire was
about to launch an attack on their homeworld. Unbeknownst to the Empire,
the Sketh began preparing for war, with their sights set on the planet Magna
- the seat of power.

A Galaxy Preparing for Armageddon

The Somnium has created a rift between the different groups throughout the
galaxy, turning some people into saints and others into sinners. However,
what cannot be stressed enough is that the galaxy is on the brink of total war.
The Novorians of the Alpha system are expanding rapidly, laying waste to any
planet they deem as heretical. The Magnan Empire are all too aware of the
flames they are leaving in their wake, and as they edge ever closer to the
Delta system, they know that soon things will come to a head.

At the same time, the Sketh are plotting against the Magnan Empire, with the
intention to attack at any moment. Should they meet in the middle along with
the Novorians then there will certainly be a three-way battle - a bloody and
costly one for all involved.

It is uncertain as to when any of this will happen, but Somnium Void is

centred around this potential conflict and the paranoia the Somnium has
created. Players will be caught in a galaxy on the brink, where spies roam the
Void and the trustworthy are few and far between. Each person has their
own view on what the Somnium means, so that means each player will have

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their own opinion too. Where will they stand in a galaxy preparing for

What does a game of Somnium Void

look like?

A panicked human diplomat staggers down a dark street in Primum, a poison

dart stuck in her side. She collapses on the road as a shadowy member of the
Pale Kings melts into the darkness.

A Shade doctor wraps bandages around the bloody stump of a soldier on

board a warship that is being bombarded by Novorian Skyweavers.

A Chthoni Somnium Guardian sinks her blade into the neck of a Sketh
Warmaster as it releases its final death howl.

A Wulfen smuggler is boarded by Magnan security, knowing that they will find
the contraband hidden away in the ship.

Somnium Void is a game of adventure and heroism in the far future. Players
will travel to different worlds like the ashen Hollow and the cyberpunk planet
of Zero, making allies, enemies and credits. All the while the great powers
that be are locked into a paranoid struggle that will likely pull the players into
a story of intrigue and war.

Whether you want to play a game that's all about exploring new worlds and
fighting aliens or whether you would prefer to get involved in politics and
strategy, Somnium Void can be played in different ways. There is no one true
way to play. Players can take on the role of smugglers, diplomats, assassins,
Somnium Guardians, technopriests and more - the only limit is the

It’s also up to the GM to decide whether the Somnium is a phenomenon that

has a cause and whether the players can actually uncover it. For example, the
GM may decide at the beginning of the game that the Somnium was actually

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the result of a pulse beacon sent by a new species outside of known space.
However, it’s just as fun to have no endgame in sight - the Somnium could be
an unexplainable phenomenon with no right or wrong answer.

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In Somnium Void, players can become brave soldiers, clever diplomats,

stealthy assassins, worldly merchants and more.

Each archetype has a recommended set of specialisms associated with it, but
advanced players should feel free to swap out specialisms as they wish or
indeed invent an entirely new archetype altogether by creating specialisms
of their own. You can even mash up archetypes and races to create
something entirely new (i.e. a Technopriest and Soldier could become a Holy
Warrior), but remember that you still only begin with three Specialisms. If you
need any more inspiration, flip to the Allies & Villains section.

The pirates of the galaxy, smugglers are expert thieves and masters are
getting out of tough situations. Smugglers scrape a living from carting illegal
contraband to markets where there is a demand for it, evading the security
forces and trying not to end up on the wrong side of a deal. Some smugglers
are so adept at their profession that they are able to retire filthy rich, but this
is a pipe dream for most who take part in such nefarious activities.

Smugglers are fantastic pilots, as they tend to have to maneuver through

tough areas of the galaxy and occasionally take part in dogfights with
security forces. They are also excellent manipulators, with the ability to talk
their way out of difficult situations when their life is on the line.

Smugglers rarely fly attack vessels, opting for more innocuous ships to try to
evade suspicion. Ships with lots of compartments and hidden places are
favoured, and often smugglers will modify their crafts to include these in
difficult-to-inspect areas.

Pilot (Action), Fast Talk (Wits), Forge (Wits)


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Somnium Guardian
Created for the sole purpose of protecting the
Magnan Empire from the invasion that Sheena
Overwatch predicted in the Somnium, Somnium
Guardians form an elite task force designed to be the
first line of defence against possible attack. They are
trained to fight almost exclusively with melee
weapons as their tactics are shock and awe. Somnium
Guardians are often dropped behind enemy lines and
engage in close-quarters combat, at which they excel.

Somnium Guardians often wear heavy armour

emblazoned with the mark of the Empire – a lion's
head. Recruits to the Guardians are tall, muscular and
athletic, striking an intimidating figure on the

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Melee fighter (Action), Fierce brute
(Action), Well-respected (Ego)

Cage Fighter
Often founds living in backwoods worlds where lawlessness runs rampant,
cage fighters make their money from beating the living hell out of people for
entertainment. Their brawling skills are unmatched and they known how to
pull of bluffs in order to give themselves the upper hand in a fight.

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Unarmed combat (Action), Intimidating (Action), Deceptive
fighter (Wits)

Whether a member of the Novorian elite Iron Priests or part of a private
militia, soldiers are the backbone of any military organisation in Somnium
Void. Trained to fight with guns, melee weapons and hand-to-hand, soldiers
are formidable opponents. They are able to fight in different environments,

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whether that be swamp, forest, desert or snow - a soldier is a killing machine

no matter what the environment.

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Ranged weapons (Action), Survivalist (Wits), Athletic (Action)

There were many different reactions to the Somnium and one of the more
prominent ones was a realisation that there is a higher being guiding us all.
Technopriests are devoted to the worship of the Somnium through the use of

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technology. They believe that technology can help bring them closer to the
divine being that revealed the black ship to them, so as a result technopriests
are expert mechanics, builders and engineers.

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Religious knowledge (Wits), Technologically-minded (Wits),
Visionary (Wits).

Assassins are the most effective killers in the galaxy and the most feared
among people in positions of power. They can be contracted killers who are
paid by a private third party, or they can be organisational assassins,
whether that be for the Magnan government or the Novorian empire.

The most infamous and feared of all assassins in the Delta System are the
Pale Kings, an ancient organisation who are said to be the most wealthy in
the galaxy.

Assassins are experts at stealth, melting into the shadows and attacking at
the final moment. They kill and leave without leaving a shred of evidence,
disappearing into the night before anyone figures out what has happened.

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Sniper (Action), Killing Quietly (Action), Disguise (Ego)

Sometimes violence is not the right way to resolve a situation, which is when
the diplomat would be sent in. Diplomats are government officials who are
used to strengthen relations between worlds and diffuse tense situations
which could otherwise lead to war.

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Diplomacy (Ego) , Political knowledge (Wits), Leadership (Ego)

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Starship Pilot
One of the most valuable professions in Somnium Void is that of the pilot.
Every day billions of ships skim through the heavens, roving from world to
world, in between systems, and into battle. Starship pilots are adept in flying
numerous types of ship, from attack craft to large frigates carrying tonnes of

Primary attribute: ​Action

Specialisms:​Pilot (Action), Perceptive (Wits), Void Knowledge (Wits)

Doctors are an indispensable to any group travelling across the galaxy,
especially if they are going to be getting into any scrapes (or worse). Doctors
are highly knowledgeable about medicine, medical technology and biology.
All doctors in the Magnan Empire are connected by a network that allows
them to request aid when a mysterious symptom appears, or to alert others
of a potential viral breakout.

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Medic (Wits), Chemist (Wits),
Biologist (Wits)

Merchants are the lifeblood of commerce
across the galaxy. Spice, weapons, ship
parts, textiles - merchants make a living
off a host of produce and have a keen eye
for how much certain items are worth.
From the sprawling markets in Primum to
the massive corporations on Zero,
merchants deliver anywhere across the
galaxy, often flying through dangerous
parts of space where they are at risk of
being ambushed by pirates.

Primary attribute: ​
Specialisms:​Appraise items (Wits), Barter
(Ego), Charming (Ego)

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There are seven main races in Somnium Void, from humans to wolf-like
humanoids. Each race has its own distinct features, culture and home world,
making each completely different to the next. It’s important to also note each
race’s thoughts about the Somnium, as this will likely determine your
character’s philosophy of the phenomenon.

Races are just like archetypes - they contain a list of example Specialisms to
use when building a character of that race. You can create a character just
using a race if you so wish, but it’s recommended you choose both a race and
an archetype, picking one or two racial Specialisms along with any archetype
Specialisms. For example, you could choose a Wulfen, and have that as your
character. That’s absolutely serviceable, but when you add an archetype to
the mix, like an Assassin, then your character becomes a lot more interesting.

Note that while each race has its own language, all races are able to
understand Magnan tongue, which is equal to English in our world.

Humans make up a large percentage of the
Magnan Empire and much of the Delta
system is inhabited by this race. Humans
are adaptable to many different
environments, even the most extreme heat
or cold, which is partially the reason why
they are so widespread. The Prime Minister
of the Magnan Empire is herself a Human,
although she is very much accepting of
other races and allows them to pass freely
within her empire.

The Somnium had a variety of effects on

different Human cultures, but by far the
most prominent effect was scientific
curiosity. The Magnan Empire is at the
forefront of uncovering the mystery behind
the vision, with the most widespread theory
that it is a threat from one of their enemies.

Adaptable (Wits),
Well-regarded (Ego), Resilient (Ego)
Homeworld: ​Various

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The Cthoni are a race of squid-like beings with
long, undulating tentacles covering their mouths
and soft, clammy skin. The Cthoni are known to
be a deeply religious culture with an ancient
history in which they take great pride. Their cities
resemble that of ancient Greece, but with far
more technological advancements. Many of the
greatest minds in the galaxy are Cthoni, as they
have a higher brain capacity than any other race.

The majority of Cthoni believe that the Somnium

was a message from their own god, N’ulth, that
foreshadows the coming of a new race to the
galaxy called the Cillieth.

Superior Intellect (Wits), Student of
the Stars (Wits), Historian (Wits)
Homeworld:​ Dagon

Never get on the wrong side of a Wulfen or you might find yourself with fewer
limbs than you began with. The Wulfen are a race of humanoid wolves, known for
their ferocity in battle, but also for their peaceful culture on their homeworld of
Howl. In fact, Wulfen very rarely fight one another, as they believe that Wulfen life
is utterly sacred, however they have no problem with getting in a fight with
anyone else.

The Wulfen do not have a united belief as to what the Somnium was. Some think
that it was the result of Empire technology going awry, while others think that the
black ship represents an ill portent that will come to Howl in the near future.

Brutal (Action), Night Vision (Wits), Terrifying When Enraged (Ego)
Homeworld:​ Howl

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Hailing from the black world of Hollow, the Shade are pale, tall humanoids
with grey skin and long, boney fingers. They have blue eyes and yellow teeth
that poke out from their lips. While they are disturbing to behold, the Shade
are an agreeable and fascinating people with a rich culture and a love for
travel. There are Human stories that tell of how the Shade kill children and
drain their blood, but this simply is not true.

The Shade believe that the black ship in the Somnium is the craft that will
come and take them to a more peaceful galaxy where they are not shunned
and scorned.

Specialisms​: Frightening Countenance (Ego), Eloquent Speaker (Ego),

Excellent Sense of Smell (Wits)
Homeworld:​ Hollow

The Drakkar are a race of scaly, serpentine beings whose skin colours range
across the spectrum. They live in an amphibious environment, building their
homes in both water and on land. The Drakkar are fierce warriors and highly
defensive of their land and property, which is understandable considering the
many invasions they have fought off in the past from other races wanting to
make money from rare Drakkar pearls found in the depths of their oceans.

The Drakkar believe that the Somnium warned of an oncoming and final
invasion where their race would finally be wiped out. Because of this, they
have been preparing for war for some time now, waiting for their invaders to

Amphibious (Action), Melee Fighter (Action), Camouflage (Ego)
Homeworld: ​Skale

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The most reviled alien race as far as the Magnan Empire is concerned are the
Sketh. These insectoid beings have a brown carapace, vicious mandibles and
multiple arms. They are a militaristic culture,
where young Sketh are drafted into the army
and where veterans are held to the highest
esteem, the most eminent among them being
the Sketh Warmasters.

The Sketh are almost completely unanimous in

their belief that the Somnium was a portent to
say that the Magnan Empire is getting ready to
strike, and strike hard. Because of this, the
Sketh have begun a counter-offensive and
started to turn the wheels of war.

It should be noted that not all Sketh hate

Humans and vice-versa, but it would be difficult
to play a Sketh character without being
ostracised or even killed on site.

Specialisms:​Multiple-Armed (Action), Flight

(Action), Tactician (Wits)
Homeworld: ​ Frey

Androids are cybernetic marvels, with human-like features and a brain the
size of the biggest library ever conceived. Androids are usually manufactured
by a corporation, often on the planet Zero, but many have been known to
have been built by independent makers. Some creators even download their
personally into the Android before their death so they can live on indefinitely.

Androids have access to the neural network, which contains the world’s
information, meaning they can access knowledge at any given time.

Neural network (Wits), Mimic voice (Ego), Nightvision (Wits)
Homeworld: ​Various

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Vehicles & Equipment

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Vehicles play a vital role in galactic life, enabling people to get from A to B,
whether on land, sea or space. Ships are the most expensive vehicles and it’s
likely that the group will be unable to afford one until they have a few
adventures and creds under their collective belts. However, the GM may want
to rule that the group begins with a low-class ship to give them more
freedom to go where they want in the cosmos.

How to use vehicles

There are specific rules on how to use vehicles in your game. They each have
their own stats which will allow for fantastic vehicle combat and thrilling
chase scenes to be incorporated into your game.

Type: (Light, Medium or Heavy). The vehicle type determines the kinds of
modifications that can be made to it.
Maneuver: This stat shows the number you have to roll on or above if you
want to undergo a tricky maneuver. This could mean flying a zoom bike down
a narrow alley, doing a loop-de-loop in an attack ship or gaining on an enemy
skimmer. See ​ vehicle stunts​
Hits: Just like characters, vehicles have hits. When their hits reach 0, the
vehicle is destroyed, leading to all kinds of complications.
Armour: Like characters, attacks against a vehicle can be reduced by their
armour score.
Weapons: Many vehicles have integrated weapons which are used in combat.
Cr: The credit cost for that vehicle.

Vehicle Combat

Whether on land or in space, players are likely to get into a fight while
piloting a vehicle. The process is similar to regular combat. Vehicles may take
two actions: move and attack.

1) Determine which vehicle goes first. Everybody in combat rolls their action
die plus any relevant specialism such as pilot. The highest result goes first.
Re-roll in the case of a tie.
2) The winner of initiative can move and attack.
3) To attack, roll your action die and add any bonuses from vehicle weapons
(choose only one weapon to attack with per combat round unless otherwise
stated) and relevant specialisms such as pilot. The defending vehicle rolls
their action die plus any relevant specialisms. If the attack total is greater
than the defence total, the difference is deducted from the defender’s hits.
Remember that armour can help reduce hits done to a vehicle.
4) Play passes to the person with the second highest initiative.
5) When a vehicle reaches 0 hits, the vehicle is destroyed and the player is

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Vehicle Stunts

There are times when you aren’t in combat but you might have to dodge
quickly out of the way of a piece of space shrapnel, or deftly fly a zoom bike
through a crowded market. These stressful situations are called stunts and
call for the player to make a maneuver roll. Whenever the GM decides that an
action is a stunt, the player rolls their action die plus any relevant specialism,
such as stunts. If the result is equal to or higher than the vehicle’s maneuver
number, the player has successfully pulled off the stunt. If the player fails, the
GM will decide what the negative consequence is. This is likely going to be
harm done to the player in some way.

Land Vehicles

The skimmer is the most popular terrestrial vehicle in the galaxy, being
relatively cheap and easy to manufacture. This transport can hold up to four
people (one pilot and three passengers) along with room for a equipment in
the rear hatch, which can hold up to 8 medium items. As its name suggests,
the skimmer hovers just above the surface of the planet, meaning they can
reach high speeds, but can also be tough to handle. Skimmers do not come
with weapons as standard, but can easily be rigged with two blasters.

Type: Light
Maneuver: 4
Hits: 20
Armour: 2
Weapons: None

Zoom Bike

The cousin of the skimmer, the zoom bike is a personal mode of transport
that can reach incredibly high speeds. There is space for a small number of
items under the seat.

Type: Light
Maneuver: 6
Hits: 10
Armour: 1
Weapons: None

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In ground warfare there are few vehicles better equipped than the tank. With
a single pulsar cannon mounted on a top turret and two linked blasters on
either side of the vehicle, the tank is a transport to be reckoned with. A tank
can carry up to four people, including a gunner and a driver. While tanks
pack a lot of firepower, they are cumbersome when it comes to maneuvering.

Type: Heavy
Maneuver: 8
Hits: 40
Armour: 5
Weapons: Pulsar cannon +5 (10 ammo), Linked blasters +2
40,000 cr

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Space Vehicles
Attack Ship

The lightest fighter ship model - the attack ship is a single-pilot vehicle used
by navies across the galaxy, often in high numbers. Attack ships are nimble
and quick, designed for shock and awe missions and aerial dogfights. Racial
varieties include: Shriekers (Sketh), Ravagers (Wulfen), Mambas (Drakken),
Squids (Cthoni), Phantoms (Shade) and Wasps (Human).

Type: Light
Maneuver: 5
Hits: 25
Armour: 1
Weapons: Linked blasters +2
5,000 cr

Merchant Freighter

One of the most popular ships in the galaxy, the merchant freighter is a light
transport with a cockpit, living quarters and cargo hold. Freighters are not
sold with weapons, but smugglers have been known to attach blasters and
even turrets to their ships. A merchant freighter can hold up to four crew

Type: Light
Maneuver: 7
Hits: 30
Armour: 2
Weapons: None
13,000 cr


Cruisers are medium ships with attack capabilities. Cruisers are a favourite of
explorers and pirates, as they are relatively affordable and can withstand an
attack. These ships have room for up to 10 people, and include a medical bay,
cockpit, cargo hold, living quarters and kitchen.

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Type: Medium
Maneuver: 6
Hits: 35
Armour: 3
Weapons: Linked blasters +2
20,000 cr

Heavy Gunship

One step up from a regular cruiser is the heavy gunship, which is a naval
favourite, especially with Somnium Guardians. These ships can hold a crew of
up to 30 people, and include a medical bay, cargo hold, cockpit, living
quarters and kitchen.

Type: Heavy
Maneuver: 6
Hits: 40
Armour: 4
Weapons: Medium linked blasters +3, Pulsar cannon +5 (10 ammo)
40,000 cr


The pride of all navies in the galaxy, the battleship is a veritable war machine
- complete with twin pulsar cannons and missiles. Battleships can carry up to
50 crew members as well as 10 attack ships. Rooms on these ships include a
medical bay, living quarters, recreation rooms, bridge, cargo bay and hangar.

Type: Heavy
Maneuver: 10
Hits: 100
Armour: 6
Weapons: Missiles +15 (10 ammo), Twin pulsar cannons +10 (20 ammo),Heavy
linked blasters +6
800,000 cr


Generally a navy may have only one worldship, but it’s a sight to behold.
These hulking behemoths slowly float through space, a menacing giant that
brings fear to the hearts of any pilot. Worldships can carry a crew of 10,000,
with multiple hangars, living quarters, medical bays, recreational areas and
cargo areas. They can also carry 10 battleships and 1000 attack ships.

Type: Heavy

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Maneuver: NA
Hits: 300
Armour: 15
Weapons: Death beam +40 (3 ammo), Missiles +15 (100 ammo), Twin pulsar
cannons +10 (200 ammo), Linked heavy blasters +6
600,000,000 cr

Modifying Vehicles
Players can add extras to their vehicles in order to enhance them, whether
they want more firepower or a new cloaking device.

Type Suitability: this determines what type of ship can gain this modification.

Linked Blasters (+2)

Cost: 200 cr
Type Suitability: Light/Medium/Heavy

These small blasters are placed on either side of the hull and serve as an
adequate deterrent against lighter ships.

Medium Linked Blasters (+3)

Cost: 300 cr
Type Suitability: Light/Medium/Heavy

These are an upgrade to the linked blasters, packing more firepower.

Heavy Linked Blasters (+6)

Cost: 6,000 cr
Type Suitability: Medium/Heavy

The best linked blasters money can buy, these are designed to do maximum
hull damage.

Pulsar Cannon (+5)

Cost: 5,000 cr
Ammo cost: 20 cr per cell
Type Suitability: Medium/Heavy

This weapon fires a bolt of electrical energy at the target. The initial purchase
includes 10 cells of ammo.

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Missiles (+15)
Cost: 15,000 cr
Ammo cost: 100 cr per missile
Type Suitability: Heavy

One of the most devastating weapons money can buy, missiles can quickly
tear up a hull like it’s made of paper. The initial purchase includes 3 missiles.
Only 3 missiles can be loaded at any one time. It takes 5 minutes to load
another 3 missiles.

Cost: 3,000 cr
Type Suitability: Light/Medium/Heavy

The cloak modification allows the ship to become invisible both physically
and to radar. The cloaked ship gains 3 armour. Because the ship routes its
power to the cloak, when it fires or uses any other modification, the cloak
stops and the ship becomes visible.

Targeting Systems
Cost: 2,000 cr
Type Suitability: Light/Medium/Heavy

This upgrades the on-board system to allow for enhanced targeting when
using weapons. All weapons on the ship have a +1 bonus.

Warp Shield
Cost: 10,000 cr
Type Suitability: Medium/Heavy

This enables the ship to deploy a shield of energy in order to deflect attacks.
The warp shield gives 6 armour, but the shield turns off when the ship attacks
or uses another modification.

Repair Android
Cost: 2,000cr
Type Suitability: Light/Medium/Heavy

This little android is able to repair a vehicle when it’s suffered hits. Once per
combat the repair android can be activated to recover 10 hits.

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The Void can be a dangerous place, so it’s wise to be armed where possible.
After all, you never know when you might be boarded by the Sketh, or get
into a gunfight in a desert dive bar. New characters begin the game with
credits equal to their Wits die X 100.

In USR, there aren’t rules for every single weapon, so the lists below show
examples of light, medium and heavy
weapons in the game. Weapons that
contain an asterisk (*) have their own
special ability.

Melee (light)
Typical cost: 1 cr
Examples: Switchblade, Baton, Staff,
Taser, Knuckledusters, Gauntlet, Chains

Melee (medium)
Typical cost: 10 cr
Examples: Katana, Cthoni Trident, Lance,
Beam Sword, Beam Staff, Spear

Melee (heavy)
Typical cost: 100 cr
Examples: Gamma Blade*, Gamma Axe*

Ranged (light)
Typical cost: 1 cr
Examples: Sling, Crossbow, Small Bow,
Shuriken, Blow Dart*

Ranged (medium)
Typical cost: 10 cr
Examples: Energy Pistol, Energy Bow, Energy Crossbow

Ranged (heavy)
Typical cost: 100 cr

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Examples: Flamethrower*, Rocket Launcher*, Pulse Grenade*, Energy Rifle,

Sniper Rifle


Blow Dart:​
This weapon is tipped with poison. If hit, the opponent must make
an easy attribute test. If they fail, they take an extra 2 damage from the

Flamethrower:​ This weapon can hit multiple enemies. Any opponent adjacent
to the target must make a medium attribute test. If they fail, they take 2
damage each.

Gamma Blade/Gamma Axe:​ Gamma weapons are able to cut through any
material except another gamma weapon.

Rocket Launcher: ​This weapon can hit multiple enemies. Any opponent
adjacent to the target must make a medium attribute test. If they fail, they
take 5 damage each. Rocket launchers must be
reloaded after every shot. If the player chooses to
reload, they must forfeit their turn.

Pulse Grenade: ​
This weapon can hit multiple enemies.
Any opponent adjacent to the target must make a
medium attribute test. If they fail, they take 2 damage

Light Armour
Typical cost: 20 cr
Examples: Padded Overalls, Leather Jerkin

Medium Armour
Typical cost: 150 cr
Examples: Dark Guard Armour, Sketh Plate

Heavy Armour
Typical cost: 300 cr
Examples: Somnium Guardian Power Armour

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The Delta System

The Delta System is the proud domain of the Magnan Empire. At its centre lies
Charos, the Red Sun, while the six major and four minor worlds complete the
system. Each world has its own unique identity, geography and culture,
making the Delta System one of the most diverse in the galaxy.

Magna is the focal planet in the Delta System
and seat of the empire. There, in the vast
metropolis of Primum, Primum Palace stands
tall, its glass spires reaching far into the sky.
Prime Minister, Sheena Overwatch, tends to
all empire matters from her seat in the great
palace along with her Council of the Black
Ship, who advise her on all matters
concerning the Somnium.

While only a small percentage of Magna was

terraformed to support life, the city itself spans for hundreds of miles in every
direction. In its centre are the gleaming towers of commerce, while on the
outskirts lie the slums where inhabitants live on a razor's edge every day.
Beyond the slums is the uninhabitable wasteland Magnans call the White,
named after its unforgiving salt-white sands that seem to stretch on forever.
It is said that the White isn't as lifeless as the government lets on, with
witnesses saying they have seen strange figures on the horizon - strange
cloaked beasts that have fallen into Magnan mythology as Cloakers.

Primum's spaceport is the most heavily trafficked in the system, as diplomats,

merchants, tourists and others arrive by their thousands daily. Along with a
fleet of heavy gunships and cruisers, the great battleship Vanguard hangs
just above the planet's atmosphere - a foreboding sight for anyone who
would choose to assault Magna. The Vanguard houses a fleet of attack ships
that are ready to launch at a moment’s notice. Admiral Castus is stationed
here on a near constant basis in case the neighbouring Sketh army decides
on one of their frequent attacks.

In terms of trade, Magna specialises in interstellar technology. Some of the

greatest universities in the galaxy find their home here, along with the best
minds among humankind. Salt and precious ores are also mined on Magna
and shipped off to all corners of the empire.

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Magna is home to 500 million people, the vast majority human, although
some Drakkar, Wulfen and Shade make their homes here too, though the
latter can mostly be found in the slum districts scratching a wage through
mining and petty crime.

For several years Magna has been under attack by the Sketh, forcing
architects to craft a large underground network of tunnels and rooms in case
of heavy bombardment. The Great Bombardment three years ago was the
last that occurred, destroying 5% of Primum's buildings and killing thousands.
Scientists are working on the creation of a world field, an invisible energy
shield to cover the planet. However, this is still in its very early stages and
unlikely to be made before the Sketh return.

The second largest human colony in the
system, Zero is a technological paradise. This
world is essentially one huge sprawling city,
famed for its buzzing neon lights, huge
corporate entities and massive entertainment
zones where one can buy and experience
anything they desire.

Home to 400,000,000 people, Zero can be a

dream or a nightmare for anyone who lives
there. If you have the skills to make it in one of
the vast corporations, then you can easily be
set for life, raking in the credits and never having to worry about anything. Of
course, corruption and corporate espionage is rife on Zero, with CEOs hiring
assassins to bump off the competition or steal revolutionary ideas. On Zero,
the rich are often called ‘Gods of the Boardroom’, due to the empire turning a
blind eye to the dealings that goes on between corporations.

As a result, Zero is a haven for gangs. They take advantage of the lack of
empire presence by creating the S-Drug and selling off-world to the highest
bidder. The S-Drug black market on Zero is said to be worth at least 1 trillion
creds, with drug barons running the streets below the corporate ivory towers.

But some have moved beyond using drugs to re-create the Somnium
phenomenon and have begin creating integrated technology that is
implanted into the brain to do a similar job. These S-Chips are worth far more
than the drugs as they can be used over and over again. However, they are

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still in their infant stages, with many tests going awry and killing their

While the lawlessness runs rife on the ground, corporations hire private
security to keep their districts safe. These are known locally as Dark Guards,
because of their black armour and helmets, which are designed to make
them look imposing to criminals.

The space around Zero is defended by the three largest corporations: Kansai,
Ultralox, and Nova. Each has its own fleet of battleships, cruisers and attack

Howl is a temperate planet with few large
cities. It is one of the smaller planets in the
system and is home to the Wulfen, although a
percentage of humans do live there in
peace with the Wulfen.

The Wulfen have a way of life that parallels

the ancient Japanese culture of our world -
one that is based on honour codes and
relies heavily on tradition. In fact, anyone
who doesn’t follow the codes set by the
Wulfen can find themselves in a world of

The head of Wulfen society is known as the Grand Claw, a title that is revered
by all. Once the Grand Claw decrees something, then everyone will follow
despite any reservations they have, moral or otherwise.

Howl’s relationship with the Magnan Empire is rocky at best. Decades ago the
Grand Claw sent diplomats to Primum in order to secure a new trade deal for
Agnean ore. The Prime Minister’s diplomats would only make the deal if they
could set up a navy in Howl space. After the Wulfen denied the deal, the
furious Magnans decided to blockade trade between Howl and Magna. The
Grand Claw ordered an attack on the blockade, leading to the Trade Wars,
which lasted several weeks before Magna backed off.

Because of this, Howl is wary of any newcomers - heavily guarding their

spaceports and thoroughly checking incoming and outgoing vessels.

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Lying on the outskirts of the Delta System is
Dagon, a wet planet that is mostly covered
in ocean. Great cities crafted from marble
and white stone dot the landscape - home
to the Cthoni octopoid race.

Exploring Dagon is much like travelling to

ancient Greece, with alabaster temples help
up by intricately-carved pillars, and
beautiful statues around every corner. The
most famous temple is the Octonoriat,
where the Cthoni gather, not to worship, but
to debate the issues of the day.

The fusion of high technology with anachronistic architecture is quite a sight

to behold. The Cthoni are one of the most technologically advanced races in
the system, but they pride themselves of leading a civilised way of life
inspired by the ancients.

As much of the planet is swampland and ocean, the climate has brought
about a range of weird evolutionary misfits. From sharks that dangle from
trees to frogs the size of islands. In fact, there has been very little exploration
of Dagon as everyone who does ends up dead in some way.

Known as the Black World, Hollow is a
shunned planet for the most part. Hollow
is the only planet in the system that is not
part of the empire due to a vast array of
superstitions surrounding it. In Magnan
culture, Hollow is a planet that features
prominently is scary stories told to
children, stories of the vampire people
who live there, trapping anyone who
visits the planet and draining them of
their blood.

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The aesthetics of the planet don’t help its image either. The ground
resembles grey ash and very little vegetation grows. Its indigenous
inhabitants, the Shade, have crafted gothic cities, black and twisted. But
underneath this haunting visage is a rich culture, full of tradition and,
ironically, joy. The Shade are famed for their plays, many of them being
extraordinary natural playwrights, while others are incredible painters and
sculptors. Shade artefacts can fetch high prices on the Magnan market -
although some people still think that these objects are cursed.

Despite being a bleak place, the Shade are welcoming and hospitable to
anyone who arrives, although admittedly they don’t get many visitors. There
are tales of explorers landing on Hollow and never seen again, although it’s
likely that they just set up a home there.

Minor Planets
Vesper: ​A rocky planet with a strange green sky, Vesper is home to the
Ithulians - a race of alien merchants who travel the Void trading their wares.
The planet is prone to violent earthquakes and raging volcanic eruptions -
one volcano of which spans twenty miles in diameter.

Momara:​A small, rich forest world bursting with life - mostly wild. Some of the
great Magnan explorers have barely begun mapping Momara, with its dense
undergrowth and vast canopies teeming with creatures both harmless and

Haven:​A tropical paradise of a planet. Haven is a popular destination for

holidaymakers who want to let their hair down and spend a couple of weeks
basking in the sun.

Often called The Jewel of the Empire, this tiny planet is covered in
desert. White stone cities seem to grow from the dunes of Tz’ira, a world rich
in spices and precious gems. The Tz’ira people are pleasant and welcoming -
sharing a Jittian pipe with strangers to cement a new friendship.

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The Alpha System

Novoria is the most populated planet in
the Alpha System and homeworld of the
Novorians, a culture of religious fanatics
who worship the black ship of the

The Novorian Empire mostly constitutes

of humans who left the Delta System a
century ago to create their own planetary
empire. The humans who would become
Novorians were unhappy with the Magnan
rule as the Magnan leaders were more
interested in the pursuit of the sciences than worshipping the god Vesra. This
culminated in a great civil war called the Heretic Wars. The Burning Suns, as
the Vesra worshippers were known, fought hard against the empire but
ultimately failed to take Primum. They instead fled to the Alpha System where
they colonised Novoria to create a theocracy.

Over the last century the Novorian Empire has grown dramatically and has
become one of the biggest threats to the Magnan Empire, but even more so
since the Somnium occurred. The Novorians believe that the Somnium was
the sacred dream of Vesra foretelling a prophecy that she will soon descend
and lay her judgement on all worlds. This event only solidified their beliefs
and bolstered their efforts against the heretics who stand against Vesra and
the Black Ship. A common phrase of the Novorians is ‘hail the Black Ship’,
which often ends a prayer.

At the heart of the empire is the city of Vandria, an incredible sight to behold.
Its white, gleaming buildings are hewn from marble and summerstone.
Golden statues to Vesra are found dotted around the city, with a 20ft high
one near to the Holy House of Vandria. Every day The Shining Order, a large
group of white-robed priests, parade through the streets, chanting and
clutching their holy books. Anyone in the empire who turns 14 must become a
member of the order and devote their lives to Vandria. Those who do not
comply, or those who commit apostasy are cast onto the planet Gorthon -
planet of Apostates. There they live in poverty until the end of their days, with
all hope of escape quashed by the Holy Knights who guard its ports.

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The leader of the Novorian Empire is The Holy Vessel, who is said to be the
one who created the Somnium. None must look upon her face lest they be put
to death. None but the highest ranking members of the order may even
speak to her, and even then it must be brief. The Holy Vessel is often found in
solitude and quiet contemplation, only speaking to give orders for 'cleansing'
- an abhorrent act where an entire civilisation is attacked and decimated for
believing in other gods.

There is a handful of people throughout the galaxy who have escaped the
order and now live as free apostates. They know that they will be killed on
site if they ever entered the empire, so stay clear of the Alpha System.
However, members of the Magnan are growing concerned that the Novorian
Empire are expanding too close to the Delta System. They are raising their
guard and will not hesitate to declare war should the Novorians make a

Known in the system as the Planet of the Apostates, Gorthon is a desolate
place where poverty prevails in the form of a massive shanty town called The
Shattered City. The city is heavily guarded by Holy Knights, who are ready to
kill anyone why tries to reach the spaceport beyond the city borders.

Gorthon is covered in desert and rock - almost inhospitable by anyone’s

standards. However, the planet is the source of precious summerstone, which
is mined by the prisoners in the Kokalinaros Mountains.

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Skale is a planet almost completely covered in
water and where the torrential monsoon rarely
abates. Buildings crafted from wood stand on
tall stilts, jutting out of the water, clustered
together in small villages are dotted all over the
planet - abodes of the Drakkar.

While the Drakkar are a race of warriors, they

were unable to fend off the Novorian forces
when they invaded decades ago. Although the
Novorians have little physical presence on Skale, they use it to harvest
priceless Drakkar pearls from the depths of the oceans.

However, Novorians often have a difficult time fetching the pearls due to the
undersea monstrosities that inhabit the great oceans of Skale. Larger that
some cruisers, these water beasts often destroy harvesting operations for
months at a time. Leviathan Hunters have been set up in an effort to kill off
these creatures.

The planet of snow and ice, Norgol was once the
home of mighty tribes of warriors with their own
culture and traditions formed around ancestor
worship and harmony. However, the Norgol are all
but extinct now that the Novorians have taken
over and slain the majority of its indigenous
people. The ones who survived were assimilated
into the Novorian way of life.

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The Gamma System

A vast desert planet at the edge of the
Gamma System, Frey is the homeworld of the
Sketh. Great mounds dot the dry landscape -
city-hives where the Sketh live and work.
There are no Sketh-made structures above
ground-level, which gives the illusion that no
civilised lifeforms reside on the planet’s
surface. But the city-hives span for miles and
miles underground, a network of tunnels,
living quarters, barracks, space ports and
places of work.

The Sketh Hive Queen is the leader of this insectoid race, residing in the
great Quanix Palace. The Sketh social structure is a strict caste system,
where everyone is given a military rank from birth. Soldiers are considered
the lowest in society, with the Warmaster being one of the highest. Those
who go out of line find themselves brutally killed at the hands of their

Orbiting Frey is the vast Worldship called the Dreadfly- one of the reasons
why the Magnan Empire has yet to make a direct attack against the Sketh.

The only other inhabited planet in the baron
Gamma System, Dust is a backwater world and
home to some of the most ferocious outlaws in the
entire Void. Living a life like the Wild West, the
people of Dust, who are mostly human but there

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are some Sketh, live on the edge of society. Many left the Delta System to
become smugglers, bandits and thieves, making a claim to a dead world they
decided to call Dust. The Sketh, on the most part, ignore Dust as it is
inconsequential to their wider goal of invading the Delta System. However,
some Sketh have taken advantage and become gang bosses, taking human
slaves and living a life of crime.

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Allies & Villains

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Every game of Somnium Void is going to have its share of good guys and bad
guys - people who will help you on your way and others that will do anything
to stop you. Throughout the Void live all manner or species and creatures,
many more than can fit into this book, however, this is a great starting point
for your own adventures.

Android, Assault
Action: d8
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 10
Weapons: Arm Blaster +2
Armour: Steel Plate -2
Specialisms: Nightvision +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Various

The state-of-the-art Assault Android is

primarily used by corporate security on Zero
against intruders. Assault Androids can easily
see in the dark, making them even deadlier
adversaries at night. The Epsilon-B models
are the most common, equipped with deadly
arm blasters.

Android, Domestic
Action: d6
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 5
Weapons: Fists +1
Armour: None
Specialisms: Neural Network +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Various

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Domestic Androids are common in the wealthier worlds, like Magna and
Novoria. They are servants, with the ability to use the neural network to find
information on just about anything.

Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d6
Hits: 11
Weapons: Teeth +1
Armour: None
Specialisms: Camouflage +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Hollow

Lurking in the Ashen Plains of Hollow, Ashwalkers are almost invisible to the
naked eye. They grey exterior and almost flat bodies make it difficult to
detect an Ashwalker until it’s too late. These creatures have four legs and two
protruding tusks that they use to ensnare their prey.

Assassin, Pale King

Action: d10
Wits: d8
Ego: d8
Hits: 20
Weapons: Katana +2, Sniper Rifle +3
Armour: Leather -1
Specialisms: Stealthy +3 (Wits), Blade Master +2 (Action), Sniper +3 (Action)
Homeworld: Zero

With a base on Zero, the Pale Kings are the deadliest assassins in the Void.
Their trademark is the use of katanas in close combat, although they are also
expert snipers, capable of hitting almost any target at a distance. All Pale
Kings wear the triple crown tattoo on their left shoulder.

Bat, Great
Action: d8

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Wits: d10
Ego: d6
Hits: 9
Weapons: Bite +2
Armour: None
Specialisms: Flight +2 (Action), Sonar +3 (Wits), Blood drain +2 (Acton)
Homeworld: Howl, Dagon

These 8ft bat creatures live in the caves and forests of Howl and Dagon,
hanging from ceilings and branches like a dark sentinel. Great Bats use sonar
to detect creatures at least 1 mile away from them, stalking them and
draining them of their blood.

Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Hits: 8
Weapons: Blaster rifle +2
Armor: Brungar combat armor -2
Specialisms: Medium Weapons +1 (Action),
Melee Combat +1 (Action), Intimidation +2
(Wits), Infrared Vision +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Dust

The Brungar are a minor race native to Dust.

They are usually members of large crime
families dealing with smuggling and
bodyguard detail. They view the Somnium as
as a future change in the status quo of the
universe, bringing in the era of the Brungar. They are incredibly tough, noted
for their singular horn sprouting from the top of their heads. The Brungar can
see in the infrared spectrum allowing them to see the heat signatures of
other living beings. This lets them see in total darkness, through smoke and
other such visual obscuring effects.

Action: d8

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Wits: d6
Ego: d6
Hits: 4
Weapons: Pincers +1
Armor: None
Specialisms: Burrow +2 (Action)
Homeworld: Dust, Frey, Skale

The Bysyk are large crab creatures who live on beaches of watery planets.
They are about the size of a small dog and have one large pincer they use to
rend the flesh of their prey. They burrow into the sand waiting to strike the
unwitting foot that walks by.

Carram Lizards
Action: d6
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 3
Weapons: Bite +1
Armor: None
Specialisms: Mind Control +2 (Wits), Climb +2 (Action)
Homeworld: Skale, Dagon

Carram Lizards are tiny creatures that latch themselves onto the necks of
sentient beings in order to use their mind-control powers to do their bidding.
Often this means controlling their host to kill each other and then themselves
so the lizards can feast on the corpses.

Cinder Dragon
Action: d10
Wits: d8
Ego: d10
Hits: 28
Weapons: Liquid Flame +6
Armor: Scales -5
Specialisms: Flight +4 (Action), Enhanced Smell +3 (Wits), Invisibility +3
Homeworld: Dust, Frey

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One of the most feared creatures in desert worlds, the Cinder Dragon is the
alpha predator of the dunes. With the ability to turn invisible and strike
without warning, the Cinder Dragon blasts its prey with liquid fire.

Action: d8
Wits: d8
Ego: d8
Hits: 8
Weapons: Heavy pulse rifle +3
Armor: Citarian bioweave skin -2
Specialisms: Medium weapons +2 (Action),
Intimidation +1 (Wits), Cybernetics +2
Homeworld: Unknown

The Citarians are a race of cybernetic

beings that are as much machines as they
are flesh and blood creatures. Centuries
before the Citarian people attained faster
than light technology their planet began to
die. Pushed to the brink by pollution, industrial expansion, wars and over
population, their civilization began to fall apart. Faced with massive food
shortages and a slowly poisoning atmosphere the Citarians had no choice but
to adapt to their new hostile world or face extinction.
To deal with the deteriorating environment of their planet, the aliens began
altering their bodies through cybernetic implants designed to allow them to
survive in a more and more hostile environment. As centuries past the aliens
continued their cybernetic augmentation. Many moved left their planet in
search of a better way of life. They do not need oxygen to breath, their
breathing systems are capable of sustaining them within a variety of
atmospheres and they can function for hours even in the void of space.

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Action: d10
Wits: d6
Ego: d10
Hits: 18
Weapons: Titanium claws +2
Armor: Shell -2
Specialisms: Surprise attack +3 (Action), Strike Fear +3 (Ego)
Homeworld: Dagon, Magna

The Coosk resembles a baboon crossed between an armadillo. It has long,

spindly arms tipped with large metallic claws used for ripping and rending,
while on its back it has a hard shell to protect it from predators.

Cthoni Royal Guard

Action: d6
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 8
Weapons: Cthoni Trident +2
Armor: Traditional Cthoni armour -1
Specialisms: Superior intellect +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Dagon

The Cthoni Royal Guard is appointed by the Grand Vizier himself to keep
watch over the palace and temples.

Dagon Strangler
Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d6
Hits: 12
Weapons: Tentacles +2
Armor: Natural skin -1
Specialisms: Constrict +3 (Action), Grapple +2 (Action)
Homeworld: Dagon

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Found in the swamps of Dagon, the Dagon Strangler is a tentacled creature

that lurks in the water, waiting to ensnare its quarry with its large tentacles. It
lifts them off the ground while squeezing them tightly until they can no longer

Desert Nomad
Action: d8
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 8
Weapons: Dongo Staff +2
Armor: Dongorian light armour -1
Specialisms: Mimic sound +2 (Wits), Hide tracks +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Dust, Magna

Desert Nomads are enigmatic people who choose to live in the barren
deserts of the Void. They travel in groups, moving from place to place finding
sustenance. While they are generally peaceful, they are dangerous to anyone
trying to track them. They are able to mimic the sounds of large creatures
like the Cinder Dragon to ward off enemies.

Dog, Wild
Action: d6
Wits: d6
Ego: d6
Hits: 4
Weapons: Bite +1
Armor: None
Specialisms: Hearing +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Various

Wild dogs are found on almost every planet. They are often ferocious,
hunting in packs and using their enhanced hearing to track down their prey.

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Drakkar Soldier
Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Hits: 10
Weapons: Energy Rifle +2
Armor: Drakkar combat armour -2
Specialisms: Ranged weapons +2 (Action),
Unarmed combat +1 (Action)
Homeworld: Skale

Drakkar soldiers are rightly feared for their

fighting prowess. Trained from a young age in
the art of war, the Drakkar are formidable foes,
but are generally not inclined to behave in an
evil manner.

Elder Thing
Action: d10
Wits: d10
Ego: d6
Hits: 24
Weapons: Thrashing vines +2
Armor: Tough hide -2
Specialisms: Ancient knowledge +5 (Wits), Ferocious thrashing +3 (Action)
Homeworld: Dagon

Deep within the swamps of Dagon there exist the Elder Things, a species of
ancient vegetable-like creatures with membranous wings and tendrils
forming on the top of where their heads should be. They wait in secret
beneath the surface to rise once more and reclaim Dagon as their own.

Engine Eater
Action: d8
Wits: d6

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Ego: d6
Hits: 8
Weapons: Powerful jaws +2
Armor: None
Specialisms: Devour matter +2 (Action)
Homeworld: Various

The bane of any captain’s life, Engine Eaters are small gremlin-like creatures
that devour the core power of the ship, rendering it useless and often
destroying it entirely.

Action: d6
Wits: d10
Ego: d10
Hits: NA
Weapons: None
Armor: None
Specialisms: Secret whisperer +5 (Wits)
Homeworld: The Void

Resembling a green undulating cloud, the Enygma is unlike any other lifeform
in the Void. It cannot be fought physically, as any blasters pass straight
through it. When ships come into contact with the Enygma, the creature uses
its secret whispers to reveal secret information about members of the crew
to each other. These are often lies, with the goal of having crew members
driven to madness and paranoia against each other. The Enygma feeds off
this paranoid energy, allowing it to grow and become more powerful.

Action: d8
Wits: d8
Ego: d10
Hits: 14
Weapons: Black blade +1 (Action)
Armor: None

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Specialisms: Instill fear +4 (Ego), Devour positive thoughts +3 (Ego),

Nightvision +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Hollow

In the Ashen Plains of Hollow there lurk many horrors, but none compare to
the terror of the Fearmakers. These grey, spindly humanoids have no eyes,
yet they see perfectly, even in the dark. They create an aura of fear around
them, petrifying their enemies, all the while eating their positive thoughts so
that all that is left is a husk of desperation.

Frozen Goliath
Action: d10
Wits: d6
Ego: d6
Hits: 21
Weapons: Ice blade +3
Armor: Ice armour -3
Specialisms: Blademaster +3 (Action)
Homeworld: Norgol

These towering giants are natives of Norgol. It is said that the Norgol people
are descended from the Frozen Goliaths. They make their homes in the
snowy peaks, rarely ever coming down into civilisation, but if they are
disturbed they have a great temper.

Gang Footsoldier
Action: d6
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Hits: 6
Weapons: Energy pistol +2
Armor: Wire mesh -1
Specialisms: Intimidation +1 (Ego), Brawling +1 (Action)
Homeworld: Various

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Footsoldiers make up the bulk of a gang, of which there are hundreds across
the Void. They are generally capable with weapons although their fighting
style is haphazard at best.

Gang Leader
Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Hits: 10
Weapons: Energy rifle +3
Armor: Crue plate -2
Specialisms: Heavy weapons +1 (Action), Intimidation +3 (Ego)
Homeworld: Various

Gangs are prevalent throughout the Void, especially on Zero and Dust. Gang
Leaders are vicious killers who usually lead a gang of up to thirty people.
They are experts in racketeering, extortion, intimidation and blackmail.

High Priest of the Burning Suns

Action: d10
Wits: d10
Ego: d8
Hits: 18
Weapons: Holy Rifle +2, Celestial Staff +1
Armor: Vesra’s Power Armour -3
Specialisms: Medium weapons +2 (Action), Holy Knowledge +3 (Wits)
Homeworld: Novoria

High Priests are leaders of the Holy Knights, generals in the war against
enemies of the Burning Suns. They ask for Vesra’s blessing before they go
into battle, pouring a sacred oil over their weapons in order to make them
perform better in combat. They are unafraid of death, believing that there is
glory in dying in battle and, that if they do, the Black Ship will come for them
and take them to the Promised World.

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Holy Knight
Action: d8
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 10
Weapons: Holy Rifle +2
Armor: Burning Sun Armour -2
Specialisms: Medium weapons +1 (Action), Holy Knowledge +2 (Wits)
Homeworld: Novoria

The backbone of the Novorian religious army, the Holy Knights are the loyal
warriors of The Holy Vessel. Their main function is to invade, kill and, if
possible, convert heretics to their ways.

Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d10
Hits: 8
Weapons: K’lith Blaster +2
Armor: Natural carapace -1
Specialisms: Medium weapons +1 (Action),
Trading +2 (Ego)
Homeworld: Vesper

Ithulians are the merchants of the Void. They

thrive on capitalism and believe that a
transaction is sacred. If you make a deal with
an Ithulian, you best follow through with it or
else they can become violent.

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Action: d6
Wits: d8
Ego: d8
Hits: 5
Weapons: Joranian crossbow +1
Armor: None
Specialisms: Tree climbing +2 (Action)
Homeworld: Skale

Joran’s are thin, emerald-coloured humanoids who live deep within the lush
jungles of Skale. They lead simple, tribal lives and believe in many gods.
However, they are deeply territorial and will attack any intruders in their
forest realm.

Kataran Spider
Action: d8
Wits: d10
Ego: d6
Hits: 16
Weapons: Mandibles +1
Armor: None
Specialisms: Web-spinning +3 (Action), Consume innards +2 (Action)
Homeworld: Various

Kataran spiders are the size of a bear and just as vicious. They will make their
nests in caves, forests and even the inside of derelict ships. They are able to
survive the vacuum of space for up to a month.

Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Hits: 7
Weapons: X-Type Blaster +2
Armor: Scrap leather and steel -1
Specialisms: Intimidation +1 (Ego), Piloting +2 (Action)

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Homeworld: Unknown

In deep space, most people fear marauders. They terrorise trade lanes,
attack without warning and are generally a menace throughout the three
systems. They often gain contract work from mob bosses in the less savoury
parts of the galaxy.

Action: d10
Wits: d10
Ego: d10
Hits: 23
Weapons: Psychic blast +2, Nebulon spear +1
Armor: Reality displacement armour -2
Specialisms: Galaxy Knowledge +3 (Wits), Jee Jo Kun Martial Arts +2 (Action),
Engineering +3 (Wits)
Homeworld: Unknown

There have been various unconfirmed sightings of humanoid entities that

glow with purple light - their eyes orange and saucer-like, cropping up in the
Delta System. It is said that these Nebulons are travellers from another
dimension who have found their way here after the Somnium occurred. They
are said to be incredible fighters and fly ships that warp reality around them.

Sand Worm
Action: d10
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 30
Weapons: Huge jaws +2
Armor: Natural plates -2
Specialisms: Swallow +5 (Action), Bury +4 (Action)
Homeworld: ​ Tz’ira

Sand worms are around 70ft long with a mouth the size of a tanker. The
telltale sign that a sand worm is close is the earth rumbling violently. Some

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people are able to ride sand worms - although these worm riders are a rare
sight in the galaxy.

Shade Assassin
Action: d10
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 13
Weapons: S’kara blade +2
Armor: None
Specialisms: Blade expert +3 (Action), Stealth +3 (Wits)
Homeworld: ​ Hollow

While the Shade are a relatively peaceful people, like any other civilisation
they have people who specialise in killing for money. Their natural
stealthiness help them sneak around unnoticed to catch their victim

Sketh Drone
Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Hits: 8
Weapons: Plasma pistol +2, plasma dagger +1
Armor: Natural carapace -1
Specialisms: Ranged combat +1 (Action)
Homeworld: ​ Frey

Sketh drones are the first line of defence in

the Frey Military. They are trained to fight
with plasma weapons,

Sketh Warmaster
Action: d10
Wits: d8
Ego: d10

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Hits: 17
Weapons: Plasma cannon +3
Armor: Hardened carapace -2
Specialisms: Ranged combat +3 (Action), Military strategy +3 (Wits)
Homeworld: ​ Frey

For every platoon of drones there is a Sketh Warmaster to lead them into
battle. Ferocious, deadly and uncompromising - Warmasters are the elite
units of the Frey Military.

Terror Bird
Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d6
Hits: 12
Weapons: Claws +1
Armor: None
Specialisms: Flight +2 (Action), Swoop attack +2 (Action)
Homeworld: Dagon, Skale

Resembling a pteradon, the terror bird lurks in the mountains, making a nest
of three to four eggs. They will often swoop into villages and carry off grown
adults to feed to their young.

Wulfen Brute
Action: d8
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 15
Weapons: Teeth +1
Armor: None
Specialisms: Devour +2 (Action), Brute Strike +3 (Action)
Homeworld: Howl

Larger than normal wulfen, the brutes are often employed as bodyguards to
royalty on Howl. They are able to deal devastating damage with their
dagger-like teeth, as well as break people through force.

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Ways to Play

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There is a variety of ways for you and your friends to play Somnium Void,
whether you want a more action-oriented campaign or one that involves
diplomacy and far-reaching political decisions.

The players are a group of explorers from the Magnan Empire charged with a
voyage of discovery - to go out into the Void and unravel what they can
about the Somnium. They will be given a Magnan Cruiser to begin their
journey and receive regular missions directly from the empire and reporting
findings back to Primum. They will be under the Empire’s scrutiny, but in
return they will have access to government resources. An exploration
campaign provides ample opportunity for both roleplaying and combat.

The players live outside of the law - scratching a living from jobs, both legal
and otherwise. They probably won’t have a base of operations - instead they
travel the Void picking up jobs and avoiding the wrath of both the Magnans
and Novorians. Renegades begin with a Merchant Freighter, likely with a
weapon modification. A Renegade campaign is perfect for players who want
to experience moral grey areas - where sometimes they will have to be
ruthless and cunning to overcome situations.

Campaigns don’t have to feature lots of action. Diplomacy games are
fantastic for players who want to be part of something bigger. They will work
within the government, likely in the Magnan Empire, taking part in political
decision making and, as the name suggests, diplomatic missions. The players
will be emissaries - opening new trade routes, preventing war, and
bargaining with leaders. Players will begin with an unmodified Merchant
Freighter. Diplomacy campaigns are recommended for players who want to
roleplay more than take part in combat, using their wit and guile to get
themselves out of situations rather than weapons.

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If you’re looking for a campaign that’s all out action, then why not try one
based on the military? In this campaign, players take on the role of soldiers,
Somnium Guardians, and doctors on the field of war. Whether they are a
group of black-ops warriors deep behind enemy territory or boots-on-the
ground fighters on the front line against the Sketh, Novorians or even the
Magnan Empire. In a military campaign, the players are given missions from
headquarters and are unlikely to own anything - all their possessions will be
standard issue. This is a good campaign for players who like combat more
than roleplaying.

This is a campaign for the more experienced GM. A sandbox campaign allows
players to take their characters anywhere they like, deciding which planet to
visit and what to do at any given time. These campaigns can take
considerable preparation, or a lot of improvisation, but they can be incredibly
rewarding - allowing characters free reign of their destiny.

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Useful Tables

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When it comes to creating an adventure, random tables can be of immense

help. Whether you’re preparing before hand or just want to create something
cool off-the-cuff, this chapter contains a series of useful tables for your game.


Male Human

1. Alic
2. Berrow
3. Carn
4. Deren
5. Eril
6. Querrin
7. Runner
8. Harald
9. Trexler
10. Jordak

Female Human

1. Alera
2. Bellana
3. Chrissin
4. Dell
5. Ellenar
6. Freya
7. Gailin
8. Henna
9. Iriss
10. Jodi

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Male Cthoni

1. Athinol
2. Buu
3. Cancorro
4. D’niri
5. Eporr
6. Fonoyarra
7. Gith
8. Hyteth
9. Iom
10. Jujukatara

Female Cthoni

1. Juuna
2. Greeth
3. Julakanarra
4. Ytin
5. Veenar
6. Tress
7. Oshina
8. Pella
9. Jyyra
10. Ruba

Male Drakkar

1. Skritch
2. Kkreeth
3. Pkrath
4. Lkrat
5. Krrana
6. Koth
7. Mkkan
8. Unkra
9. Pryka
10. Frakk

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Female Drakkar

1. Essa Kora
2. Essa Poranda
3. Essa Olook
4. Essa Plina
5. Essa Ruthi
6. Essa Juk
7. Essa Reen
8. Essa Kikiri
9. Essa Wonn
10. Essa M’torri

Male Shade

1. The Virian
2. The Loam
3. The Watcher
4. The Inket
5. The Brace
6. The Sunker
7. The Seek
8. The Robe
9. The Drift
10. The Eve

Female Shade

1. The Trillian
2. The Rite
3. The Brim
4. The Ovid
5. The Cairn
6. The Seeth
7. The Coash
8. The Reach
9. The Ward
10. The Quarr

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Male Sketh

1. G’rinth
2. S’tarra
3. J’torri
4. Kun Rok
5. Yin P’yarr
6. B’rrakka
7. N’varro
8. V’ten
9. Kin Stesh
10. R’koppa

Female Sketh

1. Aburkannasi
2. Jekkurattaro
3. Spokintasuza
4. Ungarithara
5. Lontuzunari
6. Quinterikonna
7. Vultakonita
8. Munfreralabor
9. Nuthonitaber
10. Dothkorrateesu

Male Wulfen

1. Veriss
2. Thorn
3. Ekko
4. Dresh
5. Blun
6. Gorot
7. Keen
8. Rin
9. Tetho
10. Vine

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Female Wulfen

1. Tian
2. Sookra
3. Granata
4. Pearn
5. Stois
6. Freena
7. Nute
8. Deena
9. Berruna
10. Lillin

Android (Gender Neutral)

1. RR-76
2. FR-C288
3. Model VI
4. Ru
5. Ven
6. Ex Tor 6
7. Bonta
8. IG19
9. Reen
10. ST407


1. Spire
2. Thessium
3. Reek
4. Concora
5. Stormfort
6. Septilon
7. Rodan

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8. Freela
9. City of Ivory
10. Dergal

Small Settlements

1. Waterhole
2. Rune
3. Watchlore
4. Cuuna
5. Tak Hai
6. Tressil
7. Little Road
8. Ferrow
9. Nightflare
10. Gull


1. Epsilon X
2. The Sphere
3. The Cove
4. Brightstar
5. Elleran Research Facility
6. Dreth
7. Steel Keep
8. Camp Sol
9. Volorn Station
10. Vanguard


1. The Coliseum
2. The Library
3. The Academy
4. The Palace
5. The Armourer
6. The Port
7. The Barracks

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8. The Park
9. The Mall
10. The Bar


1. The Wayward Explorer

2. The Dervish
3. Gil’s Cantina
4. Club Camo
5. Drink Hole
6. The Blind Sketh
7. The Warrior’s Mark
8. Club Void
9. The Eschaton
10. Mes Cario Cantina

NPCs- Aristocracy
1. Queen Elenora of the High Chamber
2. King F’rugar of Brenn
3. Duke Roon of Primum
4. Duchess Jodim of Everbridge
5. Grand Vizier Reebus Cotara
6. Prince Wenlow Stern
7. Princess Ane Trini
8. Theon Greygard, Sultan of Kol
9. Royal Advisor Sreth K’tora
10. Senator Keema of the Core Worlds

NPCs - Military
1. General Yun Kim
2. Warmaster Grikk Ooth of Frey
3. High Priest Drekk Horbo

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4. Frunn, Chief of the Black Tribe

5. Captain Elleena Prith
6. Commander Dereth Roath
7. Lieutenant Greeb
8. Admiral Katar
9. Corporal Luuc Shifter
10. Field Marshal Jordak Hommel

NPCs - In Town
1. Brinn Starshot, ace pilot
2. Drexler Whinn, science genius
3. Freya Y’tari, law enforcer
4. Gunner Ruut, bar keeper
5. Linia Tessik, exotic dancer
6. Unger Fol, chaplain
7. Rita Goan, mechanic
8. Vren Torra, off-duty soldier
9. Beebo Toom, musician
10. Persephone L’ebk, criminal

Ship Names
First Name

1. Dread
2. Black
3. Silent
4. Moon
5. Flash
6. Century
7. Ace
8. Shock
9. Red
10. Shining

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Second Name

1. Goliath
2. Striker
3. Bandit
4. Cobra
5. Runner
6. Star
7. Nebula
8. Vulture
9. Leviathan
10. Hunter

Somnium Beliefs

1. “I believe that the Somnium was a sign of the coming apocalypse”

2. “I believe that we will be taken to a new world”
3. “I believe the Somnium was the dream of a dead god”
4. “I believe that a chosen one will lead us to peace”
5. “I believe the Somnium was a portent of war”
6. “I believe the Somnium was a pulse of psychic energy”
7. “I believe a new race of beings will enter our dimension”
8. “I believe the Somnium is a clue to the birth of existence”
9. “I believe the Somnium was the word of god”
10. “I do not believe the Somnium happened”

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