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Slavery Contract of Complete Servitude

Of my own free will and out of a desire to express my love and devotion to the man I love and adore, I offer
myself in slavery to my Master for life, beginning on __________
I will devote myself completely and totally to the pleasure and desires of my Master, without hesitation or
consideration of myself or others.
General Provisions

The slave agrees to obey its Master in all respects. Its mind, body, heart and time belong to Him.
The slave shall keep its body available for the use of its Master at all times. In addition, the slave agrees that
its Master possesses the right to determine whether others can use its body and what use they may put it to.
The slave shall demonstrate its acceptance of its role of service and availability at all times while at home
and at other times and places specified by its Master. 

The slave will answer any questions put to it honestly and directly, and will volunteer any information its
Master should know about its physical or emotional condition. While its Master expects His slave to speak
honestly and forth rightly about anything that bothers it, the slave is not to interpret that as permission to
whine or complain. It will phrase its concerns politely and respectfully, and then gracefully accept its
Master’s judgment in these matters without further complaint.

The slave will always speak of its Master in terms of love and respect. It will address him at all times as
either “Master” or “Sir” (see Public Rules of Conduct).

The slave agrees that severe punishment may be assessed for any infraction of the letter or spirit of the
contract, and will accept the correction gratefully. The form and extent of the punishment shall be at the
Master’s pleasure, and the Master shall make it clear to the slave that she is being punished when punishment
occurs. The Master may endeavor not inflict physical harm upon the slave that might require the attention of
anyone outside the relationship. 

As the sole owner of the slave’s physical body, The master has the right to modify the slave’s body or
appearance in any way, including but not limited to, multiple piercings, tattoos, scarification, implants and
branding, and even amputation. Slave will not be informed in advance which modification is to take place.
All modifications will be done without anesthetic. The slave shall have no right to refuse any such
modifications and will offer its skin and body parts willingly and gratefully for transformation. 

The slave enjoys the right to cry, scream or beg, but accepts the fact that these heartfelt expressions will not
affect its treatment. Further, it accepts that if its Master tires of its noise, he may gag it or take other actions
to silence it.

The slave is permitted to engage in any and all activities not actively forbidden by the contract or by later
edict of the Master. All rights and privileges not otherwise noted in this contract belong to the Master, and He
may exercise them as He chooses.

Private Rules of Conduct

On days when its Master is at work, the slave will greet Him wearing its collar, wrist restraints, and a shirt
belonging to its Master. It will wear no underclothes in His presence unless given permission. On days when
the Master is home, the slave will wear whatever is deemed appropriate by its Master. When in the same
room as its Master, the slave will ask permission before leaving the room, explain where it is going, and why.
At mealtimes, the slave will serve its Master, and sit at His feet while He eats. Food for the slave will be
given by the Master at His discretion. When speaking to its Master or being spoken to by Him, the slave will
assume a demeanor of alert attention and will meet its Master’s eyes directly, unless instructed to do

The slave will serve as a waste receptacle for its master. The slave agrees to accept and consume any food or
beverage waste the Master chooses to discard. 
The slave accepts all health risks related to second-hand cigarette smoke. The slave will at all times allow its
master to use its mouth as an ashtray. Fully trained, the slave will pay attention to the growing ash at the
burning end of the cigarette, before requesting that its master feed it to the slave. The Master should never
have to ask the slave to open its mouth to receive ashes and butts, except in the early stages of training. The
master may, at his sole discretion, be kind enough to extinguish smoking materials before discarding them in
the slave’s mouth. The slave, however, accepts that the Master may want to take amusement or pleasure in
the pain inflicted by extinguishing cigarettes in its mouth. The slave accepts that the Master reserves the
right, for His own entertainment and amusement, to place cigarette ashes and butts into food or beverage to
be consumed by the slave. The slave will also consume and ingest its master’s urine and feces when required
to do so.

The Master may require the slave to do household chores. The slave shall complete such chores in a manner
satisfactory to the Master, without reservation, without regard to comfort, and without expectation of
Public Rules of Conduct

The slave will conduct itself at all times in such a manner as to not call attention to Master and slave. It will
call its Master by His name only if the use of “Master” is inappropriate. The slave will defer to its Master in
public. The slave may dress itself, but must seek approval of any clothing it wishes to wear in public.
Full Consent Statement of Slave
I, _______________ accept that I shall be placed in and kept under strict discipline without time limit.
I, _______________ accept any form of punishment meted out to me while under discipline.
I, _______________ accept any form of restraint without time limit.
I, _______________ accept any form of chastisement, administered in any way with any instrument.
I, _______________ accept actual imprisonment, including additional physical restraints which may be
necessary to use on my body during such imprisonment, and without limit of time.
I, _______________ accept that all sex with my Master is consensual at all times. I accept sexual use and
abuse of my body while under discipline for any purpose.
I, _______________ accept that the various forms of torment to which I am to be subjected may cause
suffering to an acute level. I further acknowledge that my Master may use my body or mind in any manner
He wishes. I wish it to be known through this document I fully consent to any such suffering and that it may
be prolonged, and under no circumstances do I wish to know any release date on my training program. I also
accept that the application of suffering and torment is not required to be part of any training or discipline
program, but may be inflicted by my Master solely for His own entertainment and pleasure.
I, _______________ accept that I will be made to eat and consume food waste, cigarette ashes, cigarette
butts, urine, and feces.
I, _______________ accept that there are health risks to this arrangement, including but not limited to,
exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke, permanent injury due to prolonged restraint and torment, and
illness, possibly fatal, from the consumption of human waste.
I, _______________ accept that I am subject to the absolute rule of the Master and those to whom he
delegates that rule. 
I, _______________ accept that half of my role as a slave is to accept all discipline and suffering inflicted on
me by my master and the other half of my role is to actively arouse His sadistic desire to inflict suffering on
me. To this end, subtle rebellion is therefore expected of me, and lack of it taken to the point of docility is
likely to terminate this contract.
I, _______________ accept that no form of disobedience will be tolerated when in the company of my
Master, other Masters or slaves and that I must conduct myself precisely as instructed on each specific
I, _______________ accept that I remain under the disciplinary code imposed by this contract at all times
and I am bound by its terms and conditions in all situations, whether closely supervised or not.
I, _______________ accept that any plans I have made for my future are hereby surrendered. My master has
the sole power to determine my purpose and fate.
I, _______________ accept that nothing in this contract implies there shall be a safe word or limits, hard or
soft. These will be at the sole discretion of my master, who may or may not choose to implement them.
I _________________________, do set my signature to this document of my own free will, thus becoming
the property of ___________________________, in full understanding that I will be used for any sexual,
disciplinary, amusement, or labor purpose, and that I will be subjected to acute torment and suffering, limited
solely by my Master’s imagination and desired level of entertainment.

SIGNED: _____________________________________ Slave

SIGNED: _____________________________________ Master
PASSWORD: _________________ ACCEPTED [ ] REFUSED [ ]

Final Signature of Owner: ________________________________________

Date: ____________________

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