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"To Study the E-commerce Sales Promotion & Marketing With Special
"Think hub Technologies & Management skills development pvt. Ltd"

"Bhagyashri Mahesh Chavan"

Under the guidance of

"Dr. Awasarikar Dhananjay"

Submitted to

"Savitribai Phule Pune University"

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Suryadatta Education Foundation’s
Suryadatta Institute of Business Management & technology (SIBMT)
Pune- 411021

It is hereby declared that all the facts and figures included in the Summer
Internship Project is a result of my own research and investigations including
formal analysis of the entire project work and the same has not been previously
submitted to any examination of this University.

This declaration will hold good and in my wise belief with full

Date: Miss: Bhagyashri Chavan

Place: Pune


I take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to Company Project guide (Mrs.
Aparna Garg, Managing Director, Think hub technologies and management skills pvt. Ltd.) for
her cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task
through various stages. I am obliged to staff members of Think hub technologies for the valuable
information provided by them in their respective fields. I am grateful for their cooperation during
the period of my SIP.

I would also like to thank our director and HOD Dr. Pratiksha Wable and whose wisdom &
foresight. I continually benefit from them. I express my profound gratitude and deep regards to
my project guide Dr Dhananjay Awasarikar for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughout the course of this summer internship project. The blessing help and
guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I
am about to embark. I also take immense pleasure to thank Head Corporate Relations, for giving
me an opportunity and placing me for the SIP and project Coordinator Mrs. Pallavi Kembhavi
for supporting us throughout the process of SIP.

Lastly, I think almighty, my Parents, Brother and Friends for their constant
encouragement without which this summer internship project was not be possible.

Date: Miss. Bhagyashri Chavan

Place: Pune


Sr. No. Content Page No.

Executive Summary 6
Chapter 1 Introduction 7-9
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10-15

Chapter 3 Industry & Company 16-41


Chapter 4 Research Methodology 42-45

Chapter 5 Data Analysis & 46-67


Chapter 6 Key Findings & 68-69


Chapter 7 Learning & Contribution 70-72

Chapter 8 Conclusion 73

Chapter 9 Limitations 74

Chapter 10 References 75

Chapter 11 Bibilography 76

Executive Summary
This internship report stresses on the work experience. I have gathered as an Intern in
the E-commerce sales & marketing department of Think-Hub Technologies management skills
& development pvt Ltd from September 1, 2021 until January 1,2022. In this report, I mainly
have incorporated my experience at Think-Hub technologies especially in sales department for
promoting the IIEC’s courses to the clients like students, Jobseekers & Entrepreneurs

After knowing all the relevant information related to the Ecommerce industry,
under the guidance of Mrs. Aparna garg (Managing Director of Think hub technologies). The
First part of my internship was to study the consumer behaviour of customers according to there
demographics & identification of their problem which ecommerce course will be beneficial for
them in upcoming future as a Job seekers and as an Entrepreneur. And helped the organisation to
increase sale. For this I used the method of connecting with customers through social media sites
and questionnaires.

Second part of my internship was the study of consumer attitude towards the
ecommerce courses in comparison to different competitors and to find out the factors affecting
the decision of purchase of courses. So, for this I contacted the customers through social media
given them exact information about these ecommerce courses and convince them to buy this
ecommerce courses. The sample of 80 consumers was taken as it’s a niche market & factor
analysis was carried out to find the decision making factor. So, 80 customers have buy these
ecommerce courses.


Background & Present Scenario:

Think Hub Tech Education is a platform that is creating Entrepreneurs and promotes
them From Local to Global. They are giving Training and creating professionals on Blockchain,
Crypto, AI, ML, IoT, Cyber Security. They also have some skill development projects where
they provide skill development training in the Healthcare, Education, IT, and Manufacturing
industries. The company also has the mission and vision to do more export and they aim to
provide the scope for every manufacturer. They are creating a platform to them to deal with
International Trade for Business. Think Hub is the marketing partner of the "Indian Institute of

Brief Conceptual Background:

For Indian Entrepreneurs: Think hub Indian Institute of Ecommerce provides E-Learning
Courses, Store Builder, Online Marketing & Mentorship for Indian companies to promote
their products globally using E-Commerce both in B2B, B2G & B2C.
Think hub technologies IIEC helps them in Accessing Indian Market via E-Commerce
Store Development, Company Registration, Warehousing, Local Representation, India
Specific E-Commerce Mentorship, Indian Market Behaviors Statistics, Connecting with
Government Heads, Accounting support, Guarantee Sales via 1000s of Local Affiliate
Store Development across India.
Think hub technologies Institute has trained thousands of students all across India with
the help of its E-Learning LMS Platform.


 For Jobseekers 100% job assistance with IIEC’s incubated startups.

 For Working professionals Job Board – Ecommerce Job interview, LinkedIn
networking, resume making & Recruiters database.
 For Business owners & Entrepreneurs to start a new Ecommerce brand or take your
existing offline business to online with Think-Hub Indian Institute of Ecommerce,
one-on-one Business mentorship support.
 For Consultants & freelances to start an Ed-tech venture with partnership with
Think-hub Indian Institute of E-commerce train businesses and individual on E-
commerce and earn upto Rs. 500000 per month.

Need For the Study:

The need of this study is to find out the customers preference and brand loyalty in
Ecommerce courses among people in India, Europe, Global, Africa & Asia Specific. It also gives
scope to find out the problems and limitations faced by the Ecommerce industries and to give out
valuable exact suggestions.

i)To find the awareness level for the IIEC Courses.
ii)To find out customer buying behaviour for the Ecommerce courses.
iii)To reach the maximum customers at the right time to increase the sales of the
iv)Also, to reach the maximum customers at the right time to increase the
profitability of the business.
v)To improve customers loyalty regarding courses.
vi)To provide a unique customer experience.
vii)To increase relevant traffic on the buying behaviour of these Ecommerce
courses according to Demographic information like age and gender.
viii)Also, to increase the traffic with the help of their interests based on their other
browsing information, Geographic information.
ix)To find out customers satisfaction with the Courses.
x) To find out the brands with which this IIEC courses has to compete in the

Literature Review

Researchers have defined E-Commerce in many versions. Using the

organisation for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD) version, E-commerce can be

defined as:

“The sale or purchase of goods and services, conducted over computer networks by

methods specifically designed for the purpose of receiving and placing of orders. The goods or

services are ordered by those methods, but the payment and ultimate delivery of the goods or

services do not have to be conducted online. An E-Commerce transaction can be between

enterprises, households, individuals, government, and other public and private organisations.

To be included are orders made over the web, extranet or electronic data interchange. The type is

defined by the method of placing the order. To be excluded are orders made by telephone calls,

manually typed email.

“In online buying, the rate of diffusion and adoption of the online buying amongst

consumers is still relatively low in India. In the view of above problem an empirical study of

online buying behaviour was undertaken. Base on literature review, four predominant

psychographic parameters namely, attitude, motivation, personality & trust were studied with

respect to online buying. The online buying decision process models based on all the four

parameters were designed after statistical analysis. These models were integrated with business

intelligence, knowledge management and data mining to design Behavioural Business

Intelligence, knowledge management & data mining to design business behavioural intelligence

framework with a cohesive view of online buyer behaviour. Due to the recent research the

internet shopping becomes a full effective business model, therefore there are several studies

That already investigated more or less related on internet shopping and consumer behaviour.

-Archana Shrivastava & Ujwal Lanjewar(2011)

Electronic commerce has been a popular topic in the literature since the Internet began to be

commonly used for commercial purposes in 1990s. It could be regarded as the key achievement

of applying information communication technology in economy.


Though there is no consensus on the definition of ecommerce, the measuring elements can be

summarized into business activities that occur by electronic means and technological means that

enable these activities. –(Kendall et al.,2001)

2.1 Conceptual Framework

The existence of many companies on the market is conditioned with a number of satisfied
customers. Customers are the key factor of the existence and company development on the
market. It is obvious then, that firms, which want to face the competition, need to provide
valuable and unique terms to their customers that will satisfy their needs. This satisfaction
includes not only the feelings associated with the purchasing process, but also the atmosphere
before and after the execution of purchases. If the company brings itself closer for clients, it
easier fulfills their needs and desires for in a long period of time. Therefore, a crucial factor of
building a long-term success of the company is ongoing satisfying client’s needs. Customer
satisfaction is often associated with the customer gratification. Products or services, that are a
source of satisfaction, provide the desirable value to their customers, at least in a sufficient
degree. The degree of satisfaction reflects the gap between the customer’s vision of the expected
product, and the customer’s perception of the delivered product”. All decisions, made by the
consumer, are affected by many factors, including economic ones, such as: incomes, price,
savings, loans, the impact of marketing instruments, and non-economic factors, such as:
demographic, social or psychological ones. Recognizing and satisfying customer’s needs,
expectations, preferences and behavior is not easy and knowing it does not guarantee success on
the market. Consumers, who make a purchase of a certain good, usually have already clarified
requirements referring to its quality, purpose or use. They do not pay for the product in a
physical sense, but they pay for value or what they expect from the product. The consumer need
means demand for specific goods and services. According to Paul Farris customer satisfaction is
“the number of customers or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a
firm, its products, or its services exceeds specified satisfaction goals”. Consumers have limited
resources, so they choose the products which provide good value for money. The basis of the
customers’ choice is perceived by its value, which specific products or services are able to
deliver. Value plays a very important role in customers’ decision making. Having a choice
between several offers, they decide on the products or services which value is perceived as the
highest. Customers do not evaluate the product value and cost in an objective manner, but only
perceived value. The valuation of the goods delivered to the customer is a challenge for today’s


Marketing has always thought of the consumer in terms of who buys what, for what purpose, at
what price, where etc. The term consumer is often used to describe two different kinds of
consuming entities - (i) Personal Consumer and (ii) The Organizational Consumer.
The individual consumer buys goods and services for his or her own use, and so he or she is
referred to as “end user” or “ultimate consumer”. End use consumption is the most pervasive of
all types of consumer behavior, for it involves every individual, of every age and background, in
the role of either buyer or user or both.
The second category of consumer, the organizational consumer, encompasses for profits and not
for profit businesses, government agencies (local, state and national), and institutions (e.g.
schools, hospitals, prisons), all of which must buy products, equipment and services in order to
run their organizations.

Consumer behavior

The term ‘consumer behavior’ refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for,
purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy
their needs. The study of consumer behavior is the study of how individuals make decisions to
spend their available resources (time, money, efforts) on consumption related items. It includes
the study of what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they
buy it and how often they use it.


Brand is name, term, symbol, mark or design or a combination of them which is intended to
identify goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those
of competitors. Brand occupies space in the perception of the consumer, and is what results from
the totality of what the consumer takes into consideration before
making a purchase decision (Pickton and Broderick 2001).” A brand is an identity that includes
all sorts of components; depending on the brand. A brand is an image where the consumer
perceives a brand as representing a particular reality. A brand is a relationship where the
consumer reflects upon him or herself through the experience of consuming a product or service.


Branding is a strategy that is used by marketers. Branding means giving a name to the product by
which it should become known and familiar among the public. Pickton and Broderick (2001)
describe branding as “Strategy to differentiate products and companies, and to build economic
value for both the consumer and the brand owner. Branding is a strategy, and brand is what has
meaning to the consumer.

Advantages of branding:

 It enables the manufacturer to distinguish his products from that of his

 It enables producers to popularize the product easily.
 It facilitates introduction of new products.
 It creates brand loyalty.
 It helps the consumers to evaluate the quality of the products.
 It helps in preventing adulteration of goods by middlemen.
 It helps in maintain the individuality of the product.

Disadvantages of branding:

 Branding imposes huge responsibility for maintaining consistent quality and delivering
value satisfaction.

 If the quality deteriorates due to large scale production due to brand popularity, the
consumers may switch to other brands.

 Building up brand loyalty and goodwill is an expensive process.

Brand preference:

One of the most commonly used metrics of brand performance and brand strength, brand
preference characterizes which brand/product/service is preferred under assumptions of equal
price and availability. Brand preference can be considered an indicator of the effectiveness of the
company’s marketing strategies, customer loyalty, and heterogeneity of consumer choices.
Preference, in marketing, signifies desirability or selection of an alternative. In simple words, it
implies consumer’s biasness towards a certain brand as a result of the consumer’s rational,
emotional or behavioral responses towards the brand proposition and marketing strategy. In fact,
in a practical scenario, more often than not, brand preference indicates a desire to seek out a
specific product or service even if it implies paying more or expending more effort to find it.

Brand loyalty:

Brand loyalty is a pattern of consumer behaviour through which consumers tend to get
committed to a specific brand or product and make repeat purchases over time. Businesses plan
different creative marketing strategies like reward and loyalty programs, incentives, trials and
brand ambassadors to create brand loyalty. Those who are loyal to a particular brand do not
purchase a substitute brand in case the preferred brand is unavailable. Loyal customers search
multiple stores for their preferred brands are more likely to forego their purchase in case the
brand is not available. The American Marketing Association defines brand loyalty as “The
situation in which a consumer generally buys the same manufacturer-originated product or
service repeatedly over time rather than buying from multiple suppliers within the category.”
This buying decision can be either conscious or unconscious; however, it is based upon trust that
the brand fulfils the consumers. Brand loyalty is based upon emotional involvement which is
created between the brand and the consumer. It is perceived by the customer that the brand will
fulfil some type of emotional want or physical need in a unique way and which evokes emotions
during the process of purchasing and using it.

Brand loyalty helps in building a strong customer base which in turn serves as a tool to surpass
competitors and attain a competitive edge that is required to succeed in the marketplace.

Companies having strong brand loyalty customers experience repeated purchases of its products
and services regardless of the fact that there is a change in price or convenience. Loyal customers
of a particular brand are less likely to get influenced by the marketing efforts of competitors
thereby, increasing the probability that these customers will continue using the products and
services of a particular company. Alongside this, companies who have built a strong brand
loyalty also have the opportunity to enjoy increasing customer base. Loyal customers may turn
into brand ambassadors for the company. This is because loyal customers are satisfied with the
brand and will spread brand awareness providing the business costless marketing.

Brand Switching:

A customer's act of buying a product different than one of the same kind that he/she previously
purchased. Any number of factors may cause brand switching, including but not limited to a
lower price, a negative experience with the first product, or simply better placement on a shelf at
the store. However, it is most common when a consumer does not believe that one product is
qualitatively different from another; that is, it happens when there is little brand awareness -

Farlex Financial Dictionary. Brand switching is a concept opposed to brand loyalty.

Reasons that can be identified with brand switching are:

 When the consumers feel that there not enough value for the product the consumer tends
to switch brands.

 The consumers tend to switch to other brands when they introduce new products.

Industry Profile:


E-Commerce or Electronic commerce is a process of buying, selling, transferring, or

exchanging products, services, and information via electronic networks and computers. The
Ecommerce industry is one of the most progressive sectors of the economy. The e-commerce
market has changed the way business is transacted whether in retail or business-to-business,
locally or globally.

Despite being a developing country, India has shown a commendable increase in the
ecommerce industry in the last couple of years, thereby hitting the market was boom. Though the
Indian market is far behind the US and the UK, it has been growing at the fast page.

Today the online shopping has become the trend in India and reason behind the adoption
of the technique lies in the attractive online websites, user friendly interface, bulky online stores
with new fashion, easy payments methods, no bound on quantity & quality, one can choose the
items based on size, colour and price.

Ecommerce Industry Current Scenario:

E-commerce industry in India is still growing stage, but even the most pessimistic projections
indicate a boom. Today e-commerce has become an integral part of everyday life. Accessibility
to e-commerce platforms is not a privilege but rather a necessity for most people, particularly in
the urban areas.

The first E-commerce site in India was It was one of the most trafficked portals for
both Indians and non-residents Indian’s. It provided a wealth of Indian related business news a
reach engine, e-commerce and web solution services. The mergers and acquisitions are also
taking place in the ecommerce domain. The flipkart, myntra deal of about 2000 crore has
resulted in huge growth in merger and acquisition transactions.

India is on route to becoming the world’s fastest growing e-commerce market, if current
projections are anything to go by. This growth story is been driven by robust investment activity
in the sector and the rapid increase in the internet users. Most online spend today is focused on

travel. Estimates put online travel at 71% of e-commerce spend, with B2B/B2C e-commerce at
5%. Within online travel , air travel is 50-60% of spend.

E-commerce Online Purchasing

6% 2%

18% Online Travel

Financial Services


Industry Evolution:

 1970s:

E-commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions electronically ,

using technology such as Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) and Electronic Funds
Transfer(EFT), allowing businesses to send commercial documents like purchase
orders and invoices electronically.

 1980s:

 The growth and acceptance of credit cards.

 Automated teller machines (ATM)

 Telephone Banking

 Airline Reservation System.

 1990s:

 The internet commercialised and users flocked to participate in the form

of dot-com, or internet start-ups.

 Innovative applications ranging from online direct sales to e-learning


 2000s:

 Many European and American business companies offered their

services through the World Wide Web.

 Since then, people began to associate a word “e-commerce”.

3) Industry Evolution in domestic market:

The India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach US$ 350 billion by 2030. By 2021, total e-
commerce sales are expected to reach US$ 67-84 billion from the US$ 52.57 billion recorded in
2020. According to NASSCOM, despite COVID-19 challenges/disruptions, India's e-commerce
market continues to grow at 5%, with expected sales of US$ 56.6 billion in 2021.

The Indian e-commerce sector is ranked 9th in cross-border growth in the world, according to
Payoneer report. Indian e-commerce is projected to increase from 4% of the total food and
grocery, apparel and consumer electronics retail trade in 2020 to 8% by 2025. For the 2021
festive season, Indian e-commerce platforms are anticipated to generate over US$ 9 billion gross
GMV (Gross Merchandise Value), a 23% increase from last year’s US$ 7.4 billion.

India e-commerce will reach US$ 99 billion by 2024, growing at a 27% CAGR over 2019-24,
with grocery and fashion/apparel likely to be the key drivers of incremental growth.

1) Growing Demand:

India’s e-commerce order volume increased by 36% in the last quarter of 2020, with the
personal care, beauty & wellness (PCB&W) segment being the largest beneficiary.

India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach US$ 111 billion by 2024 and US$ 200
billion by 2026.

2) Attractive Opportunities:

Despite depressed consumer spending, economic slowdown and uncertainty created due
to COVID-19, e-commerce players are expecting strong sales growth in 2021.

India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach US$ 360 billion by 2030.

3) Policy Support:

100% FDI is allowed in B2B e-commerce.

100% FDI under the automatic route is permitted in the marketplace model of E-

4) Increasing Investments:

The recent rise in digital literacy has led to an influx of investment in E-commerce firms,
levelling the market for new players to set up their base, while churning out innovative
patterns to disrupt old functioning.

5) Key players in the industry & their market share:

1) Amazon India:
Amazon India is the largest e-commerce companies in India based on the traffic to site.
Amazon India. launched operations in June 2013. The company launched its website

19, offering customers a wide variety of choices in books, movies and television shows.
On the first day of its operations, Amazon India had received more than 10,000 orders.

Amazon India is a fully-owned subsidiary of US based e-commerce giant Amazon,

Inc. The parent company Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos. With sales and growth
nearing saturation limits in the United States, Amazon was looking to explore other countries for
its future growth.
China seemed lucrative with its huge market, well-developed infrastructure and internet
connectivity, which prompted Amazon to launch operations in China. However, due to stiff
competition by local e-commerce companies such as Alibaba, Amazon started looking for other
viable options. The company found great potential in India and launched operations in 2013.

2) Flipkart:
Flipkart was Launched in October 2007. Flipkart is India’s Leading e-commerce
marketplace with over 80 Million Products across 80+ Categories. As the e-commerce
revolution gained momentum in India, Flipkart grew at an accelerated pace and added several
new product ranges in its portfolio.

Flipkart is headquarters in Bengaluru. Flipkart was founded by Sachin Bansal and Binny

Bansal and the company initially started as an online book store as a ecommerce startups in
India. Later, as the company’s popularity grew, it also started selling other items such as music,
movies and mobile phones.

One of the biggest e-commerce companies in India. As of now, the company offers more than 80
million products spread across more than 80 categories such as mobile phones & accessories,
computers and accessories, laptops, books and e-books, home appliances, electronic goods,
clothes and accessories, sports and fitness, baby care, games and toys, jewelry, footwear, etc.

3) India Mart:
India MART is India’s largest online B2B marketplace, connecting buyers with suppliers.
With 60% market share of the online B2B Classified space in India, the channel focuses on
providing a platform to Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises as well as

Founded in 1999, the company’s mission is ‘to make doing business easy’. India MART has
3,150 employees located across 84 offices in the country. The Company has 107 Million+
Buyers, 6.1 Million+ Suppliers and 68 Million+ Products & Services

4)  Myntra
Myntra is one of the largest fashion e-commerce companies in India .Becoming India’s no. 1
fashion destination is not an easy feat. Sincere efforts, digital enhancements and a team of
dedicated personnel with an equally loyal customer base have made Myntra the online platform
that it is today.

The original B2B venture for personalized gifts was conceived in 2007 but transitioned into a
full-fledged ecommerce giant within a span of just a few years. By 2012, Myntra had introduced
350 Indian and international brands to its platform, and this has only grown in number each
passing year.

Today Myntra sits on top of the online fashion game with an astounding social media following,
a loyalty program dedicated to its customers, and tempting, hard-to-say-no-to deals.

The Myntra shopping app came into existence in the year 2015 to further encourage customers’
shopping sprees. Download the app on your Android or IOS device this very minute to
experience fashion like never before.

5) Ali express:
Ali Express is an online retail service based in China that is owned by the Ali baba
Group. Launched in 2010, it is made up of small businesses in China and other locations, such
as Singapore, that offer products to international online buyers.  

Alexa Rank in India: 89

It facilitates small businesses to sell to customers all over the world. Ali Express has drawn
comparison to eBay, as sellers are independent and use the platform to offer products to buyers.

6) MI Store India:
Xiaomi’s franchise stores for exclusive Mi smart phones and ecosystem products. The company
6th in the e commerce companies list.

7) Samsung Online shop:

Samsung Online shop is 7th in the top e commerce companies list based on Alexa rank in India.

8) Reliance Digital
Reliance Digital is 8th in the List top e commerce companies in India list based on Alexa rank in

9) Snap Deal
Snap Deal is 9th in the List of top e commerce companies list based on Alexa rank in India.

10) Jio Mart

One of the top ecommerce startups in India backed by Reliance Industries.

5) Current Demand Drivers:

 Gaining Momentum of Government Initiatives. ...

 Increase in the Internet Penetration. ...
 Growth in Smartphone Adoption. ...
 Evolution of New Payment Solutions. ...
 Partnerships of Logistics Space with Hyper-local Companies and India Post. ...
 GST to Enhance the Growth of e-Commerce.

ii) Demand Scenario:

India's internet economy is expected to double from US$125 billion as of April 2017 to US$ 250
billion by 2020, majorly backed by ecommerce. India's E-commerce revenue is expected to
jump from US$ 39 billion in 2017 to US$ 120 billion in 2020, growing at an annual rate of 51
per cent, the highest in the world.

7) Current Supply Scenario:

As internet access and adoption are rapidly increasing worldwide, the number of digital
buyers keeps climbing every year. In 2020, over two billion people purchased goods or services
online, and during the same year, e-retail sales surpassed 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. In
the year of the pandemic, global retail e-commerce sales grew with more than 25 percent, with
Argentina reporting the higher percentage growth.
Online retail sales in India are expected to grow by 31 per cent to US$ 32.70 billion in 2018, led
by Flipkart, Amazon India and Paytm Mall.

Electronics is currently the biggest online retail sales category with a share of 48 per cent,
followed closely by apparel at 29 per cent.

eCommerce has made it easier for top American brands to reach Indian customers and has
emerged as one of the fast-growing trade channels available for the cross-border trade of goods
and services.

There is a growing appetite for international brands and better-quality foreign products amongst
digitally connected Indian shoppers due to rising income levels and increased awareness. Several
categories including lifestyle products, consumer electronics, clothing, footwear, jewelry and
accessories, health and beauty, household goods, art and collectibles, event tickets and online
music are doing well for online sales.

eCommerce in India can be broadly categorized as: domestic and cross-border, B2B and B2C,
marketplace and inventory based.

Technology enabled innovations such as digital payments, hyper-local logistics, analytics driven
customer engagement and digital advertisements have enabled the eCommerce industry in India
to grow at a much faster rate.

Government initiatives such as Digital India, Skill India, Startup India and Make in India are also
contributing to the growth of the eCommerce industry.

8) Government Rules/Regulations:

1) Regulatory:

1. Foreign Direct Investment Policy

2. Further, the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999  Companies Act, 2013
3. Payment and Settlement Act, 2007 and other RBI regulations on payment mechanisms
4. Labeling and Packaging
5. Legal Metrology Act, 2009 read with Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rules,
6. Sales, Shipping, Refunds and Returns
7. Moreover, Regulations prescribed by the relevant ministry/state regulations

2) Tax:

1. Income Tax Act, 1961

2. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
3. Good and Services Tax

3) Legal:

1. Indian Contract Act, 1872

2. Indian Copyright Act, 1957
3. The Patents Act, 1970
4. Intellectual Property Issues
5. Labor laws

4) Technology & Data Protection:

1. Information Technology Act, 2000 

2. Additionally, Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 
3. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) and General Data Protection Regulations
4. Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Company Profile

Think-Hub Technology Management & Skill Development Private Limited is an

unlisted private company incorporated on 06 th April, 2021. It has two directors Bhoopesh
Fakirchand Bhondle and Aparna Deepak Ghag. The company is marketing partners with Indian
Institute of Ecommerce.

It is E-business school for entrepreneurs to incubate there online business ideas and for
employees it is a start-up company. The company provides various different Indian Institute E-
commerce in-house certification programs to build successful E-commerce experts. The
company provides all-in-one Certification programs for E-commerce industry.

Our E-commerce industry certification program gives 100% job assistance. Placement in IIEC’s
incubated E-commerce start-ups. Also gives one on one E-commerce Business Mentorship. After
completion of E-commerce program from Indian Institute of E-commerce website get freelance
E-commerce Job opportunity.

For Job seekers there are PGP (Post Graduation Programs) in E-commerce and Digital
Marketing & Certified E-commerce Professional are available. So, practically learn E-commerce
business management, learn to manage E-commerce marketplaces like Amazon, flipkart, Myntra
etc. Become job ready get salaries upto Rs. 12 lacs per annum.

Certified E-commerce Professional course is Instructor led online course which consists of
200+ practical video training and also 17 certification courses included.
Get Jobs in E-commerce Company. Because E-commerce exposes you to marketing, supply
chain, pricing & profit management, customer acquisition and much more.

E-commerce opportunities: Implement E-commerce skills including operations, logistics, digital

marketing, data analytics, etc practically.

Demand of E-commerce: The growing E-commerce industry needs over 1 million certified E-
commerce professional at world-wide.

So, if you join our E-commerce certification programs you will learn various different techniques
and ideas and you will also get opportunity to work in top E-commerce companies like google,
amazon, e-bay, flipkart, dhl, paytm, capgemini etc.

Legal Name : Think Hub Technology, Management & Skill development Edu Pvt ltd.
Headquarters : Pune, Maharashtra.
Business Model : B2B, B2C, C2C, B2B2C, B2G.
Founding date : 2021.
No. of Employees : 21 to 40.
Type : Privately held.

Revenue Streams:
1) Ecommerce – Product.
2) Ecommerce – Service.

1)April-2020 : Strategic Partnership.
Have an partnership with EDII for the creating and support to the Entrepreneur Ecommerce

2)August-2020 : Accelerator/Incubator program.

Having incubation program for the Kanpur IIT & Delhi University to create the Ecommerce

3)December-2020 : Stepped into New Market.

Having the tie up with Dubai based Education Institute for the start new programs and
education venture. As well having the MOU with WTO Switzerland GOV.

Training Methodology consists of:

1) Video based training: which consists of step-by-step 120+ hours processes, principles and
check list on fundamentals to advanced E-commerce store management.
2) Instructor-led Training: consists of time duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes of live
streaming group class per week on current and upcoming E-commerce trends covering E-
commerce operations, Marketing and Sales strategies.
3) Practical Software Training: Learn to create a fully functional E-commerce store using
popular E-commerce tools and submit assignment, get feedback from mentors, and
upgrade your E-commerce skills practically.

Our job assurance consists of Post certification programs which students can apply for
mid-level to senior level E-commerce jobs both in India and internationally.


 After enrolling into the course and even after you complete the course.
The after course support is 100% free for our members.
 You get IIEC’s Mentor's “Skype ID” to message anytime for advice on
deals you’re working on.
 You get “members only” bonus content. Including Q&A videos (which
you can submit questions for). – PLUS videos with case studies and
insights from our members.
 Stay updated with unlimited number of on demand query resolution
during your course period.
 Get 1 on 1 mentorship support from our E-Commerce mentorship.
 Get paid projects related to E-Commerce like seller management, seller
onboarding, E-Commerce sales and management etc.
 Paid projects and internship opportunities from Amazon, Flipkart,
Alibaba, Google, Paytm etc.
 Earning opportunity up 1 Lac rupees per month.
 Get real time case studies related to E-Commerce industry.
 Access to video lectures covered on each E-Commerce update.
 Study research papers on various E-Commerce technologies and
 Access to free E-Commerce legal documentation.
 Get life access of the course you enrolled.
 Life time course support is provided to the students.
 24/7 online support by dedicated course support staff.
 Support provided through Whatsapp, Video calls, SMS & Phone.

Job Assurance:
1) Interview Preparation:
 Research on current E-commerce job openings across the globe.
 Get help with resume writing with our resources.
 Access to 100+ sample resumes.
 Prepare for 100+ mock interviews.

2) Job Application:
 Search for Freelance, Full time, Part time and Internship opportunities.
 Apply within your student dashboard to unlimited number of job across the
 Attend interviews both online and offline and secure a job.

3) Career Consultation:
 Get connected to our placement and career consultants directly from your
 Connected to 70+ career consultants located locally in your city and also get
a career consultation.

Understand learning path to access contents to be career ready. Get access to practical
video series, software tools, practical case studies, live classes and industry updates. And
also assignments are available, students can submit their real time case based assignments
to deal in critical situations.

Online exams are available, students have to score 60% in exam to qualify the exam. And
earn digital certificates, get instant CEP Certification and 17+ individual certifications to
your registered email id. Post certification support is also available, students gets
assistance with the support services.

Support services consists of up-to-date course contents by E-commerce industry experts.

1) Live Mentorship Support:
 Stay updated with live classes from industry trainers.
 Get one-on-one interaction with E-commerce mentors from major e-
commerce companies.

2) Assignments:
 Get assignments related to e-commerce like seller management, on boarding,
E-commerce sales and management.
 Assignments and internship opportunities from Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba,
paytm and google etc.
 Performance based earning opportunity upto 1 lakh rupees per month

3) Free Updates:
 Get real time case studies related to E-commerce industry.
 Access to video lectures covered on each E-commerce update.
 Study research papers on various E-commerce technologies and integration.
 Access to free E-commerce legal documentation.

4) Life-time Access:
 Get life access of the course you enrolled.
 Refer the course any number of times from your dashboard.
 Access to course updates for lifetime.
 Life time course support is provided to the students.

5) Help Desk:
 24/7 online support by dedicated course support staff.
 Support provided through Whatsapp.
 Support provided through video calls.
 Support provided through phones and SMS.

E-commerce Courses Certification Benefits:

After you successfully completed CEP certification,

1) Industry recognised certification:

 Certified e-commerce professional program is recognised and valued by top e-
commerce companies in India.

2) Career Fair & Career Services:

 Access to IIEC hiring partners network of over 100+ e-commerce companies
and our flagship virtual e-commerce career fair.

3) Access to Job Assurance Module:
 Learn about resume writing, applying to current e-commerce jobs, answers to
interview questions and access to connect career consultants.

Career Prospects:

E-commerce career opportunities:

1) E-commerce Average Salary:

Get the insights of E-commerce industries average salary from time to time before
applying for job.

2) E-commerce expected Job roles and salary:

Know about the jobs and expected salary and apply accordingly.

3) E-commerce average salary by companies:

Know each e-commerce companies offering for each job and apply for a job.

2) Company Chairman/MD/CMD:
3) Sumit Pareek, Chairman – Indian Institute of E-Commerce

Partner – Amazon, Ex-Alibaba Global Executive Director – inttco (Singapore)

pvt ltd. He is business mentor for e-commerce sellers to help them grow their sales in local
& global e-commerce marketplaces through his instructor led live business mentorship.

Sumit has 15 years of experience in e-commerce industry has worked with over
hundred plus e-commerce sellers and has collectively generated $3billion worth of revenue,
Mr. Sumit experience in entrepreneurship and economic development has gained him
numerous awards and has been a jury at the World Trade Organisation(WTO), Switzerland
advocating e-commerce for inclusive and cross-border trade.

4) Bhoopesh Bhondle, Founder and Director – Think-hub

Management, Technology, Skill Development Education Pvt. Ltd

He is an Ex – Tata Sky Project Manager. Project Head ION Perp Test Digital
Hub. Member of Consortium for Global Education-USA, Member of All India
Management Association(AIMA).
Member of BMA – Bombay Management Associations
Associate with the Emerging technology for Indian Education Council.
He is a business mentor for manufacturing Industry & e-commerce sellers as well
consultant of the various Project in Educational sector with Central & State Gov.
To help them create the Better Skill Force & grow their knowledge in local and
global Business marketplaces through his instructor-led.

Bhoopesh has 14 years of rich experience in Busin ess Leadership, Education,

Consultant & e-commerce industry has worked with Several Academic/Education
Industry to Explore Globally, Business Management & e-commerce sellers and
has collectively generated $5+billion worth of revenue, Mr.Bhoopesh experience
in entrepreneurship and economic development has gained him numerous awards
at best leadership & Consulting. He is Ex consultant of NSDC where he expand
the skill of Retails, Automotive, & Education sector Both under the Various
Central Gov plans.

5) Aparna Garg, She is an Educationist & Enterpreneur

She holds a MBA in Human Resource Management From the university of
Pune. She is handling portfolio of Cooperate Relations & Marketing Communication part for the
IIEC. Aparna has been working towards achieving her dream for spreading quality, professional
management and adherence to core business values for the growth of their businesses, coupled
with experience leadership & amp; guidance in this pillars. Its portfolio of companies currently
includes corporate relations, E-commerce, IT, Industrial Automation, Digitization, IOT,
Engineering Automation, Blockchain Technology.

She is an active member of the Board & looking at the part of Marketing
Communication & Operation. Handling the Coorperate Relations, Actively Participating
management training & development programs. She is the founder of popular kids international
school. She has also been the part of core team of setting up and running school curriculum &
actively participating in education system with the Management association as well social
foundation towards the preparing & implementing new policies. She holds an MBA in Human
Resource management from the University of Pune.

About IIEC (Indian Institute of E-commerce):

Indian Institute of eCommerce is an E-Learning institute registered in Delhi. For Indian
Entrepreneurs: IIEC provides E-Learning Courses, Store Builder, Online Marketing &
Mentorship for Indian companies to promote their products globally using E-Commerce
both in B2B, B2G & B2C.
IIEC helps them in Accessing Indian Market via E-Commerce Store Development,
Company Registration, Warehousing, Local Representation, India Specific E-Commerce
Mentorship, Indian Market Behavious Statistics, Connecting with Government Heads,
Accounting support, Guarantee Sales via 1000s of Local Affiliate Store Development
across India.
IIEC Institute has trained thousands of students all across India with the help of its E-
Learning LMS Platform.


Increase Exports of Indian manufacturers via E-Commerce & Digital Technologies.


To develop the 10000 E-Commerce Stores.

“Be the thought leader of E-commerce Education”.

6) Geographical Presence Across the globe/India:


Indian Institute of E-commerce is registered as a Section 8 company

registered under companies act, 2013 Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India.

2) 2016:

TISS (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) Mumbai partnered with Indian

Institute of E-Commerce to train 50,500 students across India. WTO
Invited IIEC Chairman Sumit Pareek as a judge in Public Forum for E-
Commerce & Inclusive Trade in Geneva, Switzerland.

Alibaba partnered with Indian Institute of E-Commerce to develop 1

million E-commerce & Global Trade skilled professionals. Amazon India
Partnered with Indian Institute of E-commerce and gained over 10 Lac+
Sellers in India with ATES Certification Program promoted by IIEC.
Google in Partnership with IIEC launched Google Ambassador Program


Tata Consultancy Services became IIEC marketing partner to promote our

courses pan India. Over 500+ Training Institute Partnership Agreements
were signed. Launched our E-learning Portal with 17+ E-
commerce certification Programs designed & developed fully in-house by
Indian Institute of E-commerce experts.

Created 1st Overseas Center of the Indian Institute of E-Commerce in Singapore.
Government of Ethiopia Partnered with Indian Institute of E-commerce on E-
commerce Training for Ethiopia Government Departments. Over 67000+ students
are trained & certified till date at E-Learning portal.
IIEC Students have founded 136 companies like FlipFresh, BaazKart,
IndianSarees, BrandVilla, etc. 80+ Corporates like Yahoo, Wipro, Tech
Mahindra, Apple India have Partnered for employee training with Indian Institute
of E-commerce. Amazon India is working with 200+ students from Indian
Institute of E-commerce directly post Certification.


Launched Certified E-Commerce Professional Flagship for E-commerce industry

suitable for Jobseekers and working professionals.
Educational partner signed in 16 countries France, Germany, UAE, Saudia
Arabia, United States, Newzealand, Denmark, Neitherland, Switzerland, Checz
Republic, Poland, Slovania, Spain, Ireland.

Expanded our course offering into the B2B market. Partner with Classmaker and
Accredible to allow access to block-chain enable online testing & certification
service. IIEC E-Commerce Business Incubation Program.

Formation of E-Commerce Industry Council to support 1500+ Indian industries

to export via global E-Commerce stores network incubated by Indian Institute of

9) Company CSR activities/Initiatives/Tie-up:

1) TISS:

TISS – Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai a government of India’s

deemed university based in Mumbai partnered with the Indian institute of
E-Commerce to trained over 50,500 students under the NUSSD – National
University Students Skill Development Program by reaching out to more
than 143 universities and colleges promoting our certified E-Commerce
Professional programs.

2) EDII:

IIEC and EDII (AICTE, UGC, AIU recognised autonomous body) have
created joint courses and programs in entrepreneurship development and
execute them jointly through a joint certification. IIEC and EDIT will
jointly conduct Entrepreneurship development programs for E-Commerce
professionals for the promotion of Entrepreneurship.

3) Alibaba:
8) AAAAlibaba has been the world’s largest business to business E-
Commerce and globe trade organisation and Indian Institute of E-Commerce
and Alibaba holds a joint intellectual property call E-Commerce and globe
trade professional. The certification is valid globally and comes with direct
support from Alibaba group to learn and even become job ready for
international trade based jobs.

444) Amazon:

Amazon with partnership with Indian Institute of E-Commerce has
launched a certification program called Amazon trained E-commerce
Specialist in 2016 and in the past few years we have collectively
created a network of over 10000 specialists who have on-boarded
over 1 million sellers for Amazon India resulting $1 billion worth of
sales in Amazon India collectively. As a proud partner for Amazon
key roles and responsibility on seller on boarding and we continue to
look for hiring certified E-Commerce Professionals by Indian
Institute of E-Commerce.


The World Trade Organisation – WTO has been one of the most
respectful intergovernmental agency and world trade centre – WTC has been the
instrument of creating global trade between countries. Indian Institute of E-
Commerce in partnership with the World Trade Centre Mumbai was invited to be
the jury at the public forum Geneva, Switzerland for inclusive and cross-border
trade showing thought leadership for Indian Institute of E-commerce.

etradmmerce Professional program


TCS and Indian Intitute of E-Commerce got into a partnership in 2016 and they
started promoting our Certified E-Commerce Professional Program and various other
business certification programs through the E-learning portal call TCS-iON which
has been a huge success as TCS has got its own network of corporate partners across
the globe who were able to consumer programs. Recently we also started working
with TCS on skill development level engagement. We are thankful for TCS to have
them as our marketing partner.

12) Recent News of the Company & courses Offered:

Think-hub technology has trained and certified over 15,000 students so

far. E-Commerce executives are a need of the time in the business world post covid-19 the
demand of CEP’s has increased and we are estimating that over 100000 CEP’s will be required
to manage Small and medium sized businesses in India alone. The program is 100% online and
the jobs are also virtual / work from home as the e-commerce and edtech startups willing to hire
our students are based in Singapore, UK, Canada or United States of America USA.

1)Course Access – 1 Month:

The CEP program for Expert is a 11 month online certification program, and
the students learn 17 different certification programs in the 1st month, the student needs to
successfully get certified, this is just 80-90 hours of on-demand video lecture so the students gets
to know the fundamentals of the e-commerce business.

2)Assignments – 4 Months:

Milestone and performance driven skill set development in a highly

practical environment. Here the CEP student is given the opportunity to work on
practical assignments for the next 4 months to gain hands-on practical knowledge
managing IIEC’s digital programs for better understanding of various social and
search channels to become efficient with the technologies, the assignments are fun
and entertaining yet challenging for some as it is a performance-based task. In the
16 week assignment we expect the student to achieve milestones and desired

3)Internship – 6 Months:

Once the student has successfully learnt the practical skills during the
assignment then he is given the opportunity to access the 6 month performance
based paid internship program where the student earns upto Rs.10,000 per month
as stipend. Every CEP student works on E-Commerce product campaign
management and the student’s primary task is to generate traffic leads and sales of
an e-commerce product which can either be a physical good or a digital goods.

4)CEP Job Salary & Hiring Trends:

Post successful completion of all the above 3 steps, the CEP students
are given the opportunity to work for IIEC Incubated e-commerce start-ups once they
have gained satisfactory results and the salary can be between Rs.6 Lacs to Rs.12 Lacs
per annum. The job assurance terms are simple to understand as given below.

For example, if the CEP student achieves the results then IIEC takes responsibility to
provide them a job assurance based on the salary slab agreed between IIEC and Startup.
For instance an IIEC’s incubated E-Commerce startup which is based in the USA in the
clothing niche, they want to hire a Certified E-Commerce Professional who can generate
x number of organic traffic, leads and sales in a defined timeframe. Here the value x is
subjective and the expectations by the startup is set up based on the historical data and
analytics that digital marketers can achieve organically for an e-commerce campaign
based on the current industry trends.

4)Research Methodology:

1) Management Problem:

1) Internet penetration is low:

The quality of connectivity is poor in several regions. But both their

problems are at large legs. The day is not far when connectivity issue not
feature in the list of problems in electronic business in our country india.

2)Cash on Delivery is the preferred payment mode:

Low Credit card access and low trust in online transactions has led to cash
on delivery being the preferred payment choice in our country India. Unlike electronic
payments, manual cash collection is painstaking, risky and expensive.

3)Payment Gateways have a high failure rate:

As if the preference for cash on delivery was not bad enough, Indian payment
gateways have an unusually high failure rate by global standards. E-business companies
using Indian Payment gateways are losing down on business, several customers do not
attempt of making payments again after a transaction fails.

4)Customers Return most of the commodities they purchase online:

E-business in India has many first time buyers. This means that they
are not made up their mind about what to expect from e-business websites. As a result buyers
sometimes fall prey to hard sell. But by the time the courses product is actually delivered.
Returns are expensive for e-business companies. This becomes all the more complex in cross
border e-business.


The main objective of this internship is to identify the number of target audience for the
launch of Indian Institute of E-commerce courses . A research design is the blueprint of the
study. The design of the study defines the study type (descriptive, correlational, semi-
experimental, experimental, review, meta-analytic) and sub-type (e.g., descriptive longitudinal
case study), research question, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, experimental
design, and, if applicable , data collection methods and a statistical analysis plan. Research
design is the framework that has been created to seek answers to research questions.

I have used various sources in order to compile data and information for this report
writing. Broadly, I have used both Primary Source and Secondary Sources of Information. As I
had been indulged into the experience most of my information is from the primary, first hand
sources. However, I have also used secondary sources to gain a further understanding. So, the
following is more specifically identifies what form of primary and secondary data used:

Types of Data:

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Primary Data:
Primary research is defined as factual, first-hand accounts of the study written by a person who
was part of the study. The methods vary on how researchers run an experiment or study, but it
typically follows the scientific method. One way you can think of primary research is that it is to
collect data specifically for your current objective. You might conduct a survey, run an
interview or a focus group, observe behaviour, or do an experiment. You are going to be the
person who obtains this raw data directly and it will be collected specifically for your current
research need.

Primary data was collected through the survey method(questionnaire, observation and interview)
from the respondents. Observations regarding the rise of online course purchasing trends. The
questionnaire aimed at studying the customers preference and feedback for the online
ecommerce course. Unstructured interview was conducted for some of the respondents to find
out the drawbacks regarding online IIEC courses.

 Experience of working with the Think-hub technologies.

 Interviews with seniors, team members and discussion of project to generate

Secondary Data:
Secondary research is defined as an analysis and interpretation of primary research. For
instance, secondary research often takes the form of the results from two or more primary
research articles and explains what the two separate findings are telling us. It involves searching
for existing data that was originally collected by someone else. You might look in journals,
libraries, or go to online sources like the US census. You will apply what you find to your
personal research problem, but the data you are finding was not originally collected by you, nor
was it obtained for the purpose you are using it for.

Secondary data of this project was collected from sources like:

 Different Websites
 Company’s Websites
 Research Methodology Book.
 Online Research papers
 Company website
 Articles available on internet

Research Design:
The research design is descriptive in nature. It is descriptive because it describes the consumer
preference and brand loyalty in IIEC E-Commerce courses.

So, according to the objective of research technique for data collection it is quantitative research
type (Descriptive Research) and questionnaire approach was adopted to collect data.

Sample Design:
Nature of population Residents of India, Global, Africa, Europe, Asia Pacific.

Sample Unit:
The sample unit is in India, Global, Africa, Europe, Asia Pacific. The sample technique used in
the research is convenience sampling method.

Sample Size:
The sample size selected is 80.

Tools used for analysis:

The tool used for analyzing data is percentage analysis & weighted average method, Pie charts
and bar charts, etc.

Questionnaire is distributed to the individual respondents and special care has been taken to
make him / her feel comfortable so that, he/she could answer all the questions, This method is
followed to get unbiased answers.

Technique of Analysis:

The data collected from the customers are transcripted to the worksheet in the form of tally bars
and analyzed by statistical tools by drawing tables and graphs, inferences were drawn on a
marketing concept and conversation. Based on the marketing concepts findings of the research
were driven and recommendations are made accordingly.

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Table showing gender of the respondents:

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Female 55% 68.75%

Male 25% 31.25%

Total 80 100%

Figure 5.1 showing gender of the respondents




Table 5.2 showing age group of the respondent

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Below 15 5 6.25%

15-29 42 52.5%

30-45 20 25%

46-65 10 12.5%

Above 65 3 3.75%

Total 80 100%

(Source: Primary Data)

The table 5.2 shows that majority of the respondents are within the age group of
15-29 is (52.5%), followed by the respondents within the age group of 30-45 is
(25%), then by the respondents below age of 15 is (6.25%), and the respondents
within the age group of 46-65 is (12.5%) and finally, the respondents above 65 is
(3.75%) respectively.

Age of respondents
3.75% 6.25%

below 15
Above 65


Table 5.3 showing monthly income of the family

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Below 20000 16 20%

20000-40000 20 25%

40000-60000 8 10%

60000-80000 12 15%

80000-100000 17 21.25%

Above 100000 7 8.75%

Total 80 100%

(Source: Primary Data)

The table 5.3 shows that majority (25%) of the total respondents have a monthly income
between 20000 and 40000, followed by 21.25% having an income more than 80000 and between
80000-100000, then 20% having an income below 20000, then by 10% having an income
between 40000-60000, then by 15% having an income 60000-80000 & finally 8.75% above
100000 respectively.



Monthly income of the family
10% 9%


Below 20000- 40000- 60000- 80000- Above
20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 100000

Table 5.4 showing currently consuming PGP ecommerce courses

PGP in E-
commerce &
For Job Seekers Percentage

Male 10 62.5%

Female 6 37.5%

Total 16 100%
(Source: Primary Data)

The table 5.4 shows that the PGP in E-commerce & Digital Marketing courses Purchased by
62.5% of males and 37.5% of Females respectively.

Figure 5.2 showing currently consuming PGP Ecommerce Courses

PGP Ecommerce Courses Purchased




Table 5.5 showing currently Purchased Certified E-commerce Professional Courses

For Jobseekers Certified E-commerce Percentage


Male 4 33.33%

Female 8 66.66%

Total 12 100%

Table 5.5 shows that the Certified E-commerce Professional courses purchased by 33.33% Males
and 66.66% purchased by Females respectively.

Figure 5.5 shows the Certified Ecommerce Professional courses purchased

Certified E-commerce Professional Courses





showing For Entrepreneurs business categories Agriculture course Purchased:

Agriculture Percentage

Male 4 66.66%

Female 2 33.33%

Total 6 100%

The above table 5.6 shows the Agriculture Course for Entrepreneurs in business categories
purchased by 66.66% Males and 33.33% Females respectively.

Figure 5.6 shows for Entrepreneurs business categories Agriculture course Purchased:

For Entrepreneurs Agriculture Course




(Source: Primary Data)

Table 5.7 showing For Entrepreneurs business categories Pipe & Tubes Fitting course

For Entrepreneurs Pipe & Tubes Fitting Percentage

Male 8 100%

Female 0 0

Total 8 100%

The above table 5.7 shows the Pipe & Tubes Fitting Course for Entrepreneurs in business
categories purchased by 100% Males and 0% Females respectively.
Figure 5.7 shows For Entrepreneurs business categories Pipe & tubes Fitting course Purchased:

Entrepreneurs pipe & tubes fittings Course



Table 5.8 showing For Entrepreneurs business categories Food & Beverages course Purchased:

Entrepreneurs Food & Beverages Percentages

Male 6 33.33%

Female 12 66.66%

Total 18 100%

The above table 5.8 shows Food & Beverages Course for Entrepreneurs in business categories
purchased by 33.33% Males and 66.66% Females respectively.

Figure 5.8 shows For Entrepreneurs business categories Food & Beverages course Purchased:

Entrepreneurs Food & Beverages course




Table 5.10 showing For Entrepreneurs business categories Furniture course Purchased:

Entrepreneurs Furniture Percentage

Male 5 100%

Female 0 0

Total 5 100%
The above table 5.10 shows Furniture Course for Entrepreneurs in business categories purchased
by 100% Males and 0% Females respectively.

Figure 5.10 shows For Entrepreneurs business categories Furniture course Purchased:
Entrepreneurs Furniture Course Purchased



Table 5.11showing For Entrepreneurs business categories Gifts & Cards course Purchased:

Entrepreneurs Gifts & Cards Percentage

Male 4 30.76%

Female 9 69.23%

Total 13 100%

The above table 5.11 shows Gifts & Cards Course for Entrepreneurs in business categories
purchased by 30.76% Males and 69.23% Females respectively.

Figure 5.11shows For Entrepreneurs business categories Gifts & Cards course Purchased:

Entrepreneurs Gifts & Cards Course Purchased



Table 5.12 showing For Entrepreneurs business categories Health & Beauty course Purchased:

Entrepreneurs Health & Beauty Course Percentage

Male 2 16.66%

Female 10 83.33%

Total 12 100%

The above table 5.12 shows Health & Beauty Course for Entrepreneurs in business categories
purchased by 16.66% Males and 83.33% Females respectively.

Figure 5.12 shows For Entrepreneurs business categories Health & Beauty course Purchased:

Entrepreneur Health & Beauty course



Table 5.13 showing list of total no. of Jobseekers who Purchased courses:

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

For Jobseekers(PGP in E-
commerce and Digital 14 53.84%

For Jobseekers(Certified
12 46.15%
E-commerce Professional)

Total 26 100%
The above table 5.13 shows total Jobseekers who purchased courses. Thus, the 53.84% PGP in
E-commerce and Digital Marketing course purchased by jobseekers and also 46.15% Certified
E-commerce professional course purchased by jobseekers.

Figure 5.13 shows For total Jobseekers who purchased course:

No. of Job seekers purchased courses

46.15% PGP in E-commrce and Digital

53.84% Certified E-commerce Professional

Table 5.13 showing For Entrepreneurs business categories total no. of courses Purchased:

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Agriculture 6 11.11%

Pipe & Tubes Fitting 8 14.81%

Food & Beverages 18 33.33%

Furniture 5 9.25%

Gifts & Crafts 4 7.40%

Health & Beauty 13 24.07%

Total 54 100%

Table 5.13 shows For Entrepreneurs Agriculture course 11.11% customers purchased. Also
14.81% customers purchased Pipe & Tubes Fittings Entrepreneurs course. 33.33% customers
purchased Food & Beverages course. 9.25% customers purchased Furniture Entrepreneurs
course. 7.40% customers purchased Gifts & Crafts Entrepreneurs course and 24.07% customers
purchased Health & Beauty Entrepreneurs course respectively.

Figure 5.13 shows total Entrepreneurs business categories course Purchased:

Total no. of Entrepreneurs course purchased

24.07% 11.11%
Pipe & Tubes Fittings
Food & Beverages
7.40% Gifts & Crafts
Health & Beauty


(Source: Primary Data)

Table 5.14 showing the respondents Profession:

Profession No. of Respondents Percentage

Students 26 32.5%

Engineers 4 5%

Doctors 5 6.25%

Entrepreneurs 20 25%

Housewives 12 15%

Teachers 8 10%

Salesman 5 6.25%

Total 80 100%

Table 5.14 shows the professions of the respondents who purchased courses.

32.5% students purchased the courses, also 5% Engineers purchased e-commerce courses, 6.25%
were Doctors, 25% were Entrepreneurs, 15% were Housewives, 10% were Teachers and 6.25%
were Salesman respectively.

Figure 5.14 shows the professions of the respondents who purchased courses:

The respondents profession who purchased

6% 33%
15% Entrepreneurs

25% 6%

Table 5.15 shows the duration of respondents purchasing courses:

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Less than 6 months 20 25%

6 months to 1 Year 22 27.5%

More than 1 Year 38 47.5%

Total 80 100%

The above table 5.15 shows the duration of respondents who purchased courses, 25%
respondents purchased less than 6 months course, 27.5% respondents purchased 6 months to 1
Year course & 47.5% respondents purchased More than 1 year course respectively.

Figure 5.15 shows the duration of respondents purchased courses:

Duration of Respondents Purchased courses


47.50% Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 Year
More than 1 year


showing the Frequency of respondents Purchased courses:

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Weekly 20 25%

Monthly 34 42.5%

Once in a While 26 32.5%

Total 80 100%

The above table 5.16 shows, 25% weekly respondents who purchased course, 42.5% Monthly
respondents & 32.5% Once in a while respectively.

Figure 5.16 shows the frequency of the respondents purchased courses:

Frequency of the respondents purchased

Once in a While


Table 5.17 showing respondents who switch if there is better option in the market:

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 6 19.35%

No 25 80.64%

Total 31 100%

The above table 5.17 shows no. of respondents who switch if there is better option in the market
are 19.35% are saying “Yes” & 80.64% respondents are saying “No” respectively.

Figure 5.17 shows the total no. of respondents who switch if there is better option in the market:

Total no. of respondents switch



(Source: Primary Data)

Table 5.18 showing Frequency of Switching over courses:

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Very Often 6 17.14%

Occasionally 18 51.42%

Rarely 11 31.42%

Total 35 100%

The above table 5.18 shows frequency of switching over courses 17.14% Very often
respondents, 51.42% Occasionally and 31.42% are rarely respondents respectively.

Figure 5.18 shows frequency of switching over courses:

Frequency Switching Over Courses

Very Often


Table 5.19 showing availability of e-commerce courses:

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Always 80 100%

Occasionally 0 0.00%

Rarely 0 0.00%

Total 80 100%

Above table 5.19 shows that all the respondents find the availability of the e-commerce courses,
and they are always available (100%).

Figure 5.19 shows the availability of e-commerce courses:

Availability of Courses



Table 5.20 showing satisfaction of the respondents with the currently consuming brand

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 75 93.75%

No 5 6.25%

Total 80 100%

The above table 5.20 shows satisfaction of the respondents with the currently consuming brand is
93.75% respondents are satisfied & 6.25% respondents are dissatisfied.

Figure 5.20 shows satisfaction of the respondents with the currently consuming brand:

Satisfaction of the respondents with the
current brand



Key Findings & Suggestions

The following findings can be stated from the interpretation of the data that is analysed in the
previous chapter:

1) Majority of the respondents are females (68.75%).

2) Majority of the respondents are between 15-29 age groups.
3) Majority of the respondents income is 21.25% of 80000-100000.
4) Majority of the respondents are Males (62.5%) for PGP in Ecommerce & Digital
Marketing course for Jobseekers.
5) And for certified E-commerce professional majority of respondents are Females
6) For Entrepreneurs Agriculture course purchased by majority of Males (66.66%).
7) Also, Pipe & Tubes fitting course purchased by Males (100%) only.
8) Food & Beverages course purchased for entrepreneurs by Females (66.66%)
9) Furniture course purchased for entrepreneurs by Males (100%) only.

10)For entrepreneurs business categories Gifts & Cards course purchased

by female (69.23%).
11)For entrepreneurs business categories Health & Beauty course
Purchased by female (83.33%).
12)For Jobseekers category PGP in E-commerce & Digital Marketing
Course purchased more (53.84%) than Certified e-commerce course.
13)For Entrepreneurs business categories total no. of courses purchased
Is food & beverages (33.33%).
14)Students (32.5%) profession are highly respondents of purchasing
E-commerce courses.
15)More than 1 year (47.5%) respondents highly purchased course.
16)Monthly (42.5%) respondents have high frequency to purchased
17)Only 19.35% respondents switch if there is better option in the
18)Respondents occasionally (51.42%) has high frequency of switching
Over courses.
19)The courses are always (100%) available in online mode.
20)Customers 93.75% satisfied with the currently consuming the brand
Of this e-commerce courses.

1) From the survey it is clear that the brand loyalty among the consumers are really
low and management of different e-commerce courses companies have to work
on it seriously if they don’t want to lose the existing customers as the competition
between the 4 major players are really strong.

2) Marketers should do something and work hard on the fact, so that females users
will encouraged to use the e-commerce course which will increase the number of
e-commerce course by females.

3) As, most of the respondents have an opinion that the ecommerce courses products
are not as useful as promised in the website advertisements, brand company can
work on meeting the expectation of the respondents and also come up with less
exaggerating advertisements.

Key Learning and Contribution to the host organisation

Key Learning:

Presentation Skills:
Making a presentation is a way of communicating your thoughts and ideas to an audience
and many of our articles on communication are also relevant here:

Are you already familiar with the audience

 When and where will you deliver your presentation?

 Will the presentation be to a small group or a large crowd?
 Are you already familiar with the audience?
 Is the audience expecting to learn from you and your presentation?
 Will it be in a setting you are familiar with, or somewhere new?
 Will the presentation be within a formal or less formal setting?
 What equipment & technology will be available to you and what will you be
expected to use?

The role of the presenter is to communicate with the audience and control the
presentation. Remember, though that this may also include handing over the
control to your audience, especially if you want some kind of interaction.

Effective Communication Skills:

Sales is all about talking to people & getting them to understand what you are
trying to communicate. You should know how to communicate. Not to forget that
communication is a two-way path. An effective sales person never talks at a prospect but he/she
starts a conversation with him. Thus, listening to people is an important aspect of communication
and I have learned this skill by listening and by communicating with the customers.

For selling the product firstly we have to believe ourselves. Confidence is the attitude that we
can pull off anything that we put our mind on and is trait among all the successful salespersons.

Ability to handle Customers:

 Helpful attitude and problem-solving skills with customer.
 Excellent Two-Way Communication Skills.
 Lower your voice
 Attentiveness and patience
 First and foremost to listen what customer says.
 Competence and Product or Service Knowledge.
 Don’t take it personally.
 Respond as if all your customers are watching.

Time Management:
Time management skills include a variety of skills that will help you manage your time well.
Some of the most important time management skills include:

Organisation: Staying organised can help you maintain a clear picture of what you need to
complete and when. Being well-organised might mean maintaining n up-to-date calendar, being
able to locate certain documents easily, having a tidy environment and taking detailed, diligent

Prioritization: Assessing each of your responsibilities for priority is key in being a good time
manager. There are many ways to prioritize what you need to accomplish. You might decide to
complete fast, simple items followed by longer, more involved one.

Goal-setting: It is the first step to becoming a good time manager. Goal-setting allows you to
clearly understand your end goal and what exactly you need to prioritize to accomplish it. Setting
both long-term and short-term goals led to success.

Planning: A fundamental part of time management is planning. Being efficient in planning out
your day, meetings and how you will accomplish things will help you stick to your schedule.

Delegation: Being a good time manager means only completing work that will help you and
your company to accomplish goals. While this skill is most often done by manager. You can also
practice delegating tasks if you are managing a project.

Stress management: When Practicing good time management, you should also be attentive to
your mental health. Handling stress in a positive way can help you to stay motivated and also
perform well going to the schedule.

Ensure Customer Satisfaction and Feedback:

 Provide multichannel support

 Offer proactive customer service
 Demonstrate Service Knowledge
 Develop Customer Service Communities
 Make Employee Satisfaction a Priority
 Encourage Agents to Take Ownership of Problems
 Turn Customer survey data into action
 Figure Out What the customers really want
 Focus on company culture
 Personalize
 Put a social media plan in place
 Benchmark Customer Satisfaction
 Provide additional benefits
 Press reset after every call
 Ask for more Feedback


The customer is the king of the market. So, it is essential for every organisation to
learn the consumer behaviour in order to increase the sales and profitability and also to create a
good brand image in the society. And Ecommerce is a helpful technology that gives the
consumer access to business and companies all over the world. E-commerce online shopping is
the new mantra of this age and people are applying this in their lives for certain extents

A good understanding of sales and market was accomplished as around 80 consumers

were spoken. So, according to them the quality of this ecommerce courses and there
advertisement plays an inevitable role in the sales.

The survey method revealed that the consumers view this ecommerce courses not just
as a courses but also as something that is beneficial for them in future as a successful
entrepreneur. Survey is concluded by ranking the preferences of consumers by preferring one
over the other and finding what benefits are attained and also further improvement needed.


 Security: The biggest drawback of e-commerce is the issue of security.

 Lack of privacy: Websites do not have high encryption for secure online transaction or

to protect online identity. They illegally collect statistics on consumers without their


 Tax issue: Sales tax is another bigger issue when the buyer & seller are situated in

different locations.

 Lack of Fear: People fear to operate in a paperless and faceless electronic world. People

literally do not know with whom they are conducting commercial transactions.

 Legal issues: The cyber laws that govern the e-commerce transactions are not very clear

and vary from country to country. So, this legal issues prevent people from entering into

electronic contracts.

 Time: Time was the major constraints.

 Findings of the study are based on the assumptions that respondents have disclosed in the


 Respondents show reluctance towards giving correct information.



 Abdel Majid Amine(1998), “Consumers’ true brand loyalty; the central role of

commitment’, Journal of Strategic Marketing. Vol.6, 1998-issue 4, pg. 305-319.

 Morgan A Flaw (2014) “Who You Are Affects What You Buy. The Influence of

Consumer Identity on Brand Preference, “Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in

Communication, Vol.5, pg. 1-3.

 Sanjay Ghose and Oded Lowinger (2012), “Consumer choice and preference for

brand categories’, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Vol.1, issue 1, pg 3-17.

 Shivkumar Krishnamurthy and babette Gupta (2012), ‘Changing Consumer

behaviour paradigms : Does gender and married status influence grocery shopping

behaviour? An exploratory study’, Indian Journal of Marketing Vol. 47(10), pg.7-18.







I Miss. Bhagyashri Chavan, Student of MBA Marketing Management at Suryadatta Institute of

Business Management and Technology is conducting this research survey as a part of the Project

undertaken at Think-Hub technologies management and skill development pvt. Ltd. And will be

kept confidential and used for educational purpose only.




Contact no.:

1.Gender :

Female Male Transgender


Below 15 15-29 30-45

46-65 Above 65

3.Monthly income of the Family:

Below 20000 20000-40000

40000-60000 60000-80000

80000-100000 Above 100000

4. How frequently do you purchase course?

Weekly Monthly Once in a while

5. Do you want to switch over brands?

Yes No

6. Do you think the product is as useful as promised in the advertisement and promotion?

Yes No

7. Are you satisfied with the currently consuming brand?

Yes No

8. How do you find the availability of courses?

Always Available Rarely Available

9. Do you think courses are suitable for Jobseekers?

Yes No

10. Do you think courses are suitable for Entrepreneurs?

Yes No

11. Please mark your level of satisfaction regarding courses price:

Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

12.Please mark your level of satisfaction regarding course contents:

Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

13.Are you satisfied with the currently consuming course brand?

Yes No

14. Do you want the reduction in prices improvements from the currently consuming course


Yes No

15. How long time duration you want to purchase the course?

Less than 6 months More than 6 months

1 year More than 1 year

16. Do you find any drawbacks in this IIEC based course?

Yes No

17. How was your first experience with E-commerce course?

Excellent Good

Average Bad

18. Do you consider online shopping of courses safe?

Yes No


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