@elt - Helen: (More Than 10 Funny Fingerplays Which Are Easy To Learn)

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Two Little Black Birds
(9 versions)

Two little black birds sitting on a hill.

(поднимаем два указательных пальца вверх)
One named Jack and one named Jill.
(сгибаем и разгибаем сначала один, затем другой)
Fly away Jack, fly away Jill.
(убираем за спину сначала один, затем другой палец)
Come back Jack, come back Jill.
(достаём обратно сначала один, затем другой палец)

1.Two little black birds flying in the sky.
One named Low and one named High.
(поднимаем один палец вверх, опускаем другой вниз)
Fly away Low, fly away High.
Come back Low, come back High.

2. Two little black birds sitting on a gate.

One was wobbly, the other was straight.
(делаем одним пальцем волну, другой выпрямляем
Fly away wobbly, fly away straight.
Come back wobbly, come back straight.

3. Two little black birds sitting on a gate.

One named Early and one named Late.
(быстро показываем перед собой один палец, второй
показываем с опозданием)
Fly away Early, fly away Late.
Come back Early, come back Late.

4.Two little black birds sitting on the ice.
One was mean, the other was nice.
(говорим коварным или добрым голосом)
Fly away mean, fly away nice.
Come back mean, come back nice.

5. Two little black birds sitting on a pole.

One named Fast and one named Slow.
(быстро показываем один палец и медленно другой)
Fly away Fast, fly away Slow.
Come back Fast, come back Slow.

6. Two little black birds sitting on a lilly.

One was serious, the other was silly.
(мимикой показываем серьезность или глупость)
Fly away serious, fly away silly.
Come back serious, come back silly.

7. Two little black birds sitting on a mop.
One named Bottom and one named Top.
(один палец поднимаем высоко вверх, другой вниз)
Fly away Bottom, fly away Top.
back Bottom, come back Top.

8. Two little black birds sitting on a car.

One named Near, and one named Far.
(придвигаем один палец к себе, другой отодвигаем от себя)
Fly away Near, fly away Far.
Come back Near, come back Far.

9. Two little black birds sitting on a cloud.

One was quiet, the other was loud.
(поочерёдно сгибаем пальцы, «quiet» говорим тихо, «loud»
говорим громко)
Fly away quiet, fly away loud.
Come back quiet, come back loud.

Two Little Black Bears

Two little black bears sitting on a hill.

One named Jack and one named Jill.
Run away Jack, run away Jill.
Come back Jack, come back Jill.

1.Two little black bears digging in the snow.

One was fast, the other was slow.
Run away fast, run away slow.
Come back fast. Come back slow.

2. Two little black bears feeling very proud.

One was quiet, the other was loud.
Run away quiet, run away loud.
back quiet. Come back loud.
Roly Poly
Roly Poly, Roly Poly,
(крутим руками как показано на картинке)
Up, up, up,
(продолжая крутить, поднимаем руки вверх)
Roly Poly, Roly Poly,
Down, down, down
(продолжая крутить, опускаем руки вниз)
Roly Poly, Roly Poly,
Clap, clap, clap,
Roly Poly, Roly Poly,
Lap, lap, lap.
(хлопаем по ногам)

Dance Your Fingers
Dance your fingers up,
(двигая пальцами, поднимаем руки вверх)
Dance your fingers down,
(двигая пальцами, опускаем руки вниз)
Dance them to the side,
(двигая пальцами, разводим руки в стороны)
Dance them all around.
(двигая пальцами, трясём руками в разные стороны)

Dance them on your shoulders,

(стучим пальцами по плечам)
Dance them on your head,
(стучим пальцами по голове)
Dance them on your tummy
(стучим пальцами по животу)
And put those fingers to bed.
(перестаём двигать пальцами и опускаем ладошки

Opposites Song
This is big, big, big.
(разводим руки в стороны)
This is small, small, small.
(сводимых руки, показывая маленький)
This is short, short, short.
(показываем низкий)
This is tall, tall, tall.
(показываем высокий)

This is fast, fast, fast.

(показываем бег)
This is slow, slow, slow.
(показываем медленный шаг)
This is yes, yes, yes.
This is no, no, no.
(мотаем головой)

Задаём вопросы ребёнку.

Can you show me big?

Can you show me small?
Can you show me short?
Can you show me tall?

Can you show me fast?

Can you show me slow?
Can you show me yes?
Can you show me no?

Open, Shut Them
Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
(разжимаем и зажимаем кулачки)
Give a little clap, clap, clap.

Open, shut them.

Open, shut them.
(разжимаем и зажимаем кулачки)
Lay them on your lap, lap, lap.
(кладём руки на бёдра)

Creep them, crawl them,

Creep them, crawl them.
(ползём пальчиками по плечам)
Put them on your chin, chin, chin.
(кладём указательные пальцы на подбородок)
Open wide and say: - Aaaah.
But do not let them in.

Magic Fingers

Magic fingers in the air,

(плавно двигаем указательными пальцами в
Magic fingers in your hair,
(накручиваем на пальчики волосы)
Magic fingers on your hips,
(кладём их на бёдра)
Magic fingers on your lips.
(прикладываем к губам)

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
The Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the water spout,
(шагаем пальцами большой к указательному)
Down came the rain and washed the spider out,
(раскрытыми ладонями машем вниз будто течёт вода)
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
(разводим рукаминад головой, показывая солнце)
Then the Itsy Bitsy spider went up the spout again.
(снова шагаем пальцами)

The big big Spider went up the water spout,

(делаем перед собой круг и качаемся из стороны в сторону)
Down came the rain and washed the spider out,
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
Then the big big spider went up the spout again.

The teensy weensy Spider went up the water spout,

(шагаем большим к указательному «щепоткой»)
Down came the rain and washed the spider out,
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
Then the teensy weensy spider went up the spout again.


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