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Normal Vital Signs (average)

BP 120/80
HR/PR 60-100
Temp. 36.5-37.5
Respiration 12-16 breaths per min.
Oxygen Saturation 95-100%
WBC 5-10K

Weight Gain Factor

Breast 1.5 to 3 lb. (0.6-1.3 kg)

Fetus 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg)
Uterus 2.5 lb. (1.1 kg)
Body Fluid 4 lb. (1.8 kg)
Placenta 1.5 lb. (0.6 kg)
Amniotic Fluid 2 lb. (0.9 kg)
Body Fat 7 lb. (3.8 kg)
Blood Volume 4 lb. (1.8 kg)

Vital Signs during Pregnancy

Temperature Normal + Increase 1 degree F

WBC decrease
Weight Loss 90 lb. (after birth0
Heart Rate 80-90 b/min.
DR Temp. 25-28 degree C
Blood Loss 300-500 CC normal (500-1k-

BMI= weight (kg)/height (cm 2x)

Category Standard Single weight gain Twin weight gain

Underweight Less than 18.5 28-40 lb. 50-62 lb.
Normal 18.5-24.9 25-35 lb. 37-54 lb.
Overweight 25-29.9 15-25 lb. 31-50 lb.
Obese Above 30 11-20 lb. 25-42 lb.
Fetal/ Baby Vital Signs/Measurements

Fetal HR 120-160 b/min. (below 110

above 160)
Low 02 Sat. 40-70%
Respiration 30-60 b/min. (few min. 90)
Heart Rate 120-140 b/min.
BP 80/46 mmHg (10th day- 100/50 )
Blood Volume 50-110 ml/kg (total of 300 ml)
Temperature 97.6 to 98.6 degree F (axillary)
Hemoglobin 17-18 g
Hematocrit 45-50%
Baby Head 34—35 cm
Chest 32-33 cm
Weight 2.5-3.4 kg
Length 46-54 cm

Labor 1st Stage/ Check Ups

Phase Measuremen Duration

Latent 1-4 cm 20 sec.
Active 4-7 cm 40-60 sec.
Transition 8-10 cm 70-80 sec.
28 weeks (7 mos.) Every month
36 weeks Every 2
After 36 weeks Every week


Length 6.5 cm can expand up to 32 cm (pregnant)

Depth 2.5 cm up to 22 cm (pregnant)
Width 4 cm up to 24 cm (pregnant)
Weight 50 g up to 1000 g (pregnant)
Fetal Circulation

The baby is still dependent on the mother’s circulation.

From the mother’s circulation it enters to the placenta through umbilical vein that carries oxygenated
blood. Then go to the liver but since liver is non-functional yet, the blood enters that shunts which is the
ductus venosus. Then go to the right atrium, to foramen ovale as it goes to the left atrium then left
ventricle till it reaches the aorta then the oxygenated blood will be distributed throughout the body.

Deoxygenated blood return into the heart via superior vena cava, which carries Co2 and waste
products of the fetus, then goes to right atrium-right ventricle (becomes mixed blood)-
supposedly it will go to the lungs but since it is non-functional yet it will go to pulmonary
artery, then go to ductus arteriosus then to the descending aorta that connects the arteries
then go back to the maternal circulation.

Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus

Foods we eat like carbs, rice should be converted into sugar. Glucose should then be absorbed by cells
to be converted into energy. But before it enters we needed the insulin to allow glucose to enter the
cell and convert it into energy. If glucose cannot enter the cell due to insulin insufficiency or resistance,
glucose will stay in the blood stream until there is too much amount of it which call hyperglycemic.
Then it will damage small veins like veins in the eye. Which causes lack of oxygenation because some
veins are already damaged due to high level of glucose. Until it affects the function of other organ

*Gestational Diabetes happened only during ppregnancy because one factor of this is the
presence of placenta insulin hormones are not the sensitive to take up glucose.

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