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Why is extinction bad for the

Extinction is when a species of animals or plants or an organism is in danger or threatened to be no
longer existing, and why is it bad for the environment, you may ask, well the environment is in
danger since it contains animals and plants and organisms and if they’re threatened there would be
no environment.
Environment means anything that surrounds us, It can be living things or non living things, It
includes physical and chemical.
There are many causes of extinction like excessive hunting, wild fires, lack of food, habitat
fragmentation, poor reproduction, inbreeding and natural disasters like climate change.
Excessive hunting occurs mainly in animals being hunted excessively by humans, for example we
have the Tasmanian Tiger which went extinct to excessive hunting, combined with factors such as
habitat destruction and diseases.
The Australian wild fire was caused because of global warming (climate change) which burnt down a
lot of habitats and environments around Australia and has put many species in risk of extinction
both animal and plant and even organisms. This incident happened between 2019 and the start of
2020, the era of covid. Many animals that live in Australia are at risk of extinction because of the
wild fire like the Koalas and wallabies, as well as birds and fish and frog species. It caused more than
110 species of plants getting their plant ranges burned, the fire has severely impacted the epiphytic
orchids and has most likely wiped off some rare plant species.
The Sumatran Orang-utan is threatened by the loss of habitat due to excessive logging of forests
and territory conversion for agriculture and road construction.
When population size is severely reduced, inbreeding may be the final insult that will cause the
remaining population to go extinct.
Food shortages is the cause of fewer hippos, and this excrements of hippos play an important role in
the ecosystem of African lakes and rivers. Because there are fewer and fewer hippos.
If every animal, plant and organism go extinct there would be no environment since there would be
nothing to surround.
There are solutions that can stop extinction, and we can help, but you might also be wondering why
it’s so important to save animals in the first place. Well, in exchange for food and shelter, animals
themselves play a vital role in supporting forest ecosystem.
If you have a backyard, plant native flowers, trees, and
bushes. These provide food and shelter for all sorts of
wildlife, including insects like bees and butterflies.
Be respectful and responsible as a tourist and avoid buying
souvenirs made with products like tortoise shell or ivory, as
they might be traded on the black market.
Avoid single-use plastics, and recycle what you do use
because animals often mistake plastic for food, and waste
like plastic bags and bottles often ends up in the sea. And
when it ends up in the sea the fishes will eat it, and when
we buy fish or animals we would be eating the plastic that
they consumed.
Use reusable bottles and containers, or compostable ones,
or we would just live in a world of plastic rubbish.
Mohammed Sayah N19
Gustavo Guerreiro N11
Rodrigo Almeida N21
Rafael Martins N20


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