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CIVIL LAW (and Practic al Exerci ses)

NOTE: This syllabus is an outli ne of the key topics that fall und er the core subject
"Civil Law (and Practical Exercises)". According ly, all Bar candidat es should be
guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurispru dence pertin ent to these topics
as of June 30, 2021 are examin abl e mater ials within the coverage of the 2022 Bar
Examinatio ns.



A. Effect and applicati on of laws

B. Human Relati ons


A. Persons

1. Civil personal ity

2. Use of surnames

3. Entries in the Civil Registry and Clerical Error Law (R.A. No.
9048 , as ame nde d)

4. Absence

a. Civil Code provisions

b. Presumptive death of absent spouse under the Family


B. Marriag e

1. Requisites of marria ge

2. Exemptio n from license require me nt

3. Marria ges solemn ized abroad and forei gn divorce

4. Void and voidabl e marria ges

a. Annul men t under Article 36 (as recently articulat ed in

Tan- Andal v. Andal, G.R. No. 196 359 , May 11, 2021;
Total ity of Evidence Rule)
C. Leg al Separati on

D. Rights and oblig atio ns betwee n husban d and wife

E. Property relatio ns between husban d and wife

1. General provisions

2. Donati ons by reason of marria ge

3. Absolute Commun ity of Property

4. Conjug al Partnership of Gains

5. Separat io n of property and admin istrati on of common

proper ty by one spouse durin g the marri age

6. Regime of separatio n of proper ty

7. Property regime of unio ns without marriag e

F. Family home

G. Patern ity and filia tio n

1. Legit imate children

2. Proof of filiat ion

3. Illeg iti mat e childre n

4. Legit imate d childre n

H. Adopt io n

1. Domestic adopt ion (R.A. No. 8552)

a. Who may adopt

b. Who may be adopte d

c. Rights of an adopte d child

d. Instances and effects of rescission

2. Inter- country adopti on (RA 8043)

a. When allowed

b. Who may adopt

c. Who may be adopt ed

I. Support

J. Parenta l auth ority

K. Emancipat ion

L. Retroactivity of the Family Code


A. General provisions

B. Testament ary succession

1. Wills

2. Instituti on of heirs (includ ing declarat ion of heirship as

decide d in Treyes v. Larlar , G.R. No. 23257 9. Septemb er 8,

3. Substituti on of heirs

4. Conditi on al testament ary dispositio ns and those with a term

5. Legit ime

6. Disinherit ance

7. Legacies and devises

C. Leg al and intestat e succession

1. General provisions; relati onshi p and right of represent ati on

2. Order of intesta te succession

D. Provisions common to testate and intestate succession

1. Right of accretion

2. Capacity to succeed by will or by intestacy

3. Acceptance and repu diat io n of inheri tance

4. Partitio n and distributi on of the estate


A. Obligati ons

1. General provisions

2. Nature and effect

3. Kinds

4. Extinguish men t

B. Contracts

1. General provisions

2. Essentia l requisit es

3. Reformat ion of instrume nts

4. Interpr etat ion of contracts

5. Rescissible contracts

6. Voida ble contracts

7. Unenforce abl e contracts

8. Void or inexistent contracts

B. Natural obli gat io ns

C. Estoppe l

D. Trusts

E. Quasi-Contracts


A. Nature and form

1. Essentia l requisit es

2. Perfection

3. Contract of sale v. contract to sell

B. Capacity to buy or sell

C. Effects of the contract when the thing sold has been lost

D. Oblig atio ns of vendor

E. Obligati ons of vendee

F. Breach of contract

1. Remedi es

2. Recto Law and Maceda Law

G. Extinguish me nt

1. In genera l

2. Pacto de retro sale

3. Equita ble mortg age

H. Assign men t of credits


A. General provisions

B. Rights and oblig ati ons of the lessor

C. Rights and oblig atio ns of the lessee


A. General provisions
B. Obligati ons of the partners

C. Dissolutio n and winding up

D. Limite d partn ership


A. Nature, form and kinds

B. Obligati ons of the agent

C. Oblig atio ns of the principa l

D. Mod es of extinguish men t


A. Loan

B. Deposit

C. Guaranty and Suretyship

D. Quasi- Contracts


A. Torts

1. Eleme nts

2. Culpa aquili an a v. culpa contractua l v. culpa crimina l

3. Vicarious liabi lity

4. Res ipsa loquit ur

5. Last clear chance

6. Damnu m absque injuri a

B. Proximate cause

C. Negli ge nce

1. Standar d of care

2. Presumpti ons

D. Dama ges

1. General provisions

2. Kinds of damag es

3. In case of death


A. Classificatio n of proper ty

B. Ownership

1. General provisions

2. Rules on accession

a. Rights of builder /pl ant er/sower in good faith

C. Co- ownership

D. Possession

1. Kinds of possession

2. Acquisition of possession (includ ing possession based on

toler ance)

3. Effects of possession

E. Usufruct

1. In genera l

2. Rights and obli gat ions of the usufructuary

3. Extinguish men t

F. Easements

1. Modes of acquiri ng easements

2. Rights and obli gat ions of the owners of the domi na nt and
servient estates

3. Modes of extingu ishment

4. Lega l v. voluntary easements

5. Kinds of legal easement

a. Relatin g to waters

b. Right of way

c. Light and view

G. Nuisance

H. Mod es of acquiring ownership

1. Occupatio n

2. Donati on

a. Nature

b. Persons who may give or receive a donati on

c. Effects and limitat io ns of don ati on

d. Revocation and reductio n

3. Prescripti on

a. General provisions

b. Prescripti on of ownershi p and other real rights

c. Prescription of actions

I. Quieting of Title

J. Actions to Recover Property

1. Accion inter dictal

2. Accion publ ician a

3. Accion reinvin dicat oria


A. Antichresis

B. Pledge

C. Real Estate Mortg ag e

D. Chatte l Mortg ag e


A. Torrens System; gener al principles

B. Regalia n Doctrine

C. Origin al Registration

1. Ordinary registrati on

a. Who may apply

b. Decree of registratio n

c. Review of decree of registrat io n; innoce nt purchaser

for value

D. Certificat e of title

E. Subseque nt registrat ion

1. Volunt ary deali ngs; gen eral provisions

2. Involunt ary deali ngs

a. Adverse claim

b. Notice of lis pend ens

E. Non-registrab le propert ies

F. Dealings with unregister ed land

G. Assurance Fund

1. Action of compensati on from funds

2. Limit ati on of action

H. Cadastral System of Registrati on (Act No. 2259, as amen de d)

I. Registratio n throu gh Administra tive Proceedi ngs (C.A. 141, as

ame nde d)

J. Reconstituti on of Titles


A. Demand and auth orizati on letters

B. Simple contracts

C. Compl ai nt


See Syllabus for the 2022 Bar Examinations - Civil Law  



NOTE: This syllabus is an outli ne of the key topics that fall und er the core subject
"Mercant il e Law". Accordi ngly, all Bar candid ates should be guid ed that only laws,
rules, issuances, and jurisprud ence pertine nt to these topics as of June 30, 2021
are examin ab le materia ls within the coverage of the 2022 Bar Examina tio ns.

I. INSURANCE ( P.D. No. 162,  as amend ed by  R.A. No. 10607 )

A. Basic concepts

1. What may be insured

2. Insurabl e inter est

3. Double insurance and overinsurance

4. No fault , suicide, and incontesta bil ity clauses

B. Perfection of the insurance contract

C. Rights and oblig atio ns of parties

D. Rescission of insurance contracts


A. Common carriers

1. Concept

2. Commo n carrier vs. private carrier

3. Dilige nce requir ed

B. Obligati ons and liabil iti es

1. Vigila nce over goods

2. Safety of passeng ers

C. Defenses availa ble to a commo n carrier

1. Proof of negli ge nce

2. Due dilig ence in the selection and supervision of empl oyees

3. Fortuit ous event

4. Contrib utory negl ig ence

5. Doctrine of last clear chance

D. Extent of liabi lity

1. Recoverable dama ges

2. Stipul ati ons limit ing liabi lity

3. Limit ati ons under the Warsaw Convention

III. CORPORATION LAW (Provisions of  B.P. Blg. 68,  as amend ed by  R.A.
No. 11232 )

A. General princip les

1. Nation ality of corporati ons

a. Control Test

b. Grandfat her rule

2. Doctrine of separate juridica l persona lity

3. Doctrine of piercing the corporate veil

B. De facto corporatio ns versus corporat io ns by estoppel

C. Corpora te Powers

1. How powers are exercised

a. Ultra vires doctrine

b. Trust fund doctrine

D. Board of directors and trustees

1. Basic principl es

a. Doctrine of centralized mana ge me nt

b. Business judg me nt rule

2. Tenure and qua lificat io ns of directors or trustees

3. Election and removal of directors or trustees

4. Duties, responsibi liti es and liab ili ties for unlawf ul acts

E. Stockhold ers and members

1. Rights and obli gat ions of stockhol ders and members

a. Doctrine of equa lity of shares

2. Participat ion in mana ge men t

a. Proxy

b. Voting trust

c. Cases when stockhold ers' action is requ ired

i. By a major ity vote

ii. By a two-thirds vote

iii. By cumula tive voting

3. Propriet ary rights

a. Right to dividen ds

b. Right to inspect

c. Pre- emptive right

d. Right of first refusal

4. Remedi al rights

5. Intra- corporate disputes (indivi du al vs. represent ative

vs. derivative suits)

F. Capital structure

1. Shares of stock

a. Nature of shares of stock

b. Considerat io n for shares of stock

c. Watere d stock

d. Situs of the shares of stock

e. Classes of shares of stock

2. Certificate of stock

a. Nature of the certificate

b. Uncertificate d shares

c. Negoti abi lity; require men ts for valid transfer of


d. Issuance

e. Lost or destroyed certificates

3. Disposition and encumbr ance of shares

a. Sale of shares

b. Allowab le restrictions on the sale of shares

c. Requisites of a valid transfer

d. Involunt ary deali ngs

G. Dissolut ion and liquid ati on

1. Modes of dissoluti on

a. Volunt ary and involu ntary dissoluti on

2. Metho ds of liqui dati on

H. Other corporati ons

1. Close corporatio ns

2. Non- stock corporati ons

3. Foreig n corporat ions

a. What constitutes "doi ng business"

b. Necessity of a license to do business

c. Requisites for issuance of a license

d. Resident agent

e. Personali ty to sue and suabil ity

4. One- person corporatio ns

I. Mergers and consolid ati ons

1. Concept

2. Effects and limitat ions


implem enting rules and regulation s)

A. Patents

1. Patent abl e vs. non- patent ab le inventio ns

2. Ownership of a patent

3. Grounds for cancellati on of a patent

4. Patent infring ement

B. Trademarks

1. Marks vs. collective marks vs. trade names

2. Acquisition of ownership

a. Concept of actual use

b. Effect of registrat ion

3. Well- known marks

4. Rights conferred by registrati on

5. Cancellat io n of registrati on

6. Trademark infrin ge men t

7. Unfair compet iti on

C. Copyrights

1. Copyrighta bl e works

2. Non- copyrightab le works

3. Rights conferred by copyright

4. Ownership of a copyright

5. Limit ati ons on copyright

6. Doctrine of fair use

7. Copyright infring ement

V. ANTI- MONEY LAUNDERING ACT ( R.A. No. 9160 ,  as amend ed)

A. Covered instituti ons and their oblig ati ons

B. Covered and suspicious transactions

C. Safe harbor provision

D. When is money laun der ing committ ed (includin g pred icate crimes)

E. Authority to inquir e into bank deposits

F. Freezing and forfeit ure


A. Legal recogniti on of electronic data messages, documen ts, and

signatur es

B. Presumptio n relat ing to electronic signat ures

C. Admissibi lity and evidenti al weight of electron ic data message or

electron ic docume nt

D. Oblig atio n of confide nti ali ty


SUSPENSION OF PAYMENTS ( R.A. No. 10142 , FR Rules [A.M. No. 12-12-
11- SC], and FLSP Rules [A.M. No.15- 04- 06-SC])

A. Basic concepts

1. Rehabi lit ati on

2. Insolvent

3. Liqui dat io n

4. Suspension of payments

B. Modes of rehabi lit atio n

1. Court- supervised rehabi lit ati on

a. Volunt ary vs. involu ntary

b. Comme nceme nt order (includi ng stay order)

c. Rehabi lit ati on receiver and mana gement committ ee

d. Determi nat ion of claims

e. Rehabi lit ati on plan

f. Creditor approval and confirmat io n

g. Failur e of rehab ilit ati on

2. Pre-neg oti ate d rehab ili tati on

a. How initi ate d

b. Period and effect of approval

3. Out-of- Court or Infor mal Restructuring Agreeme nt or

Rehab ilit ati on Plan

a. Mini mu m requir ements

b. Standstil l perio d

c. Cram down effect

C. Liq uid ati on

1. Volunt ary liqui dat ion vs. involu ntary liqu id ati on vs.

2. Procedure

a. Liqui dat io n order; effects

3. Determi nat ion of claims

D. Suspensio n of paymen ts; suspensio n of payment order


See Syllabus for the 2022 Bar Examinations - Commercial Law  


CRIMINAL LAW (and Practical Exercis es)

NOTE: This syllabus is an outli ne of the key topics that fall und er the core subject
"Criminal Law (and Practical Exercises)". According ly, all Bar candidat es should be
guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurispru dence pertin ent to these topics
as of June 30, 2021 are examin abl e mater ials within the coverage of the 2022 Bar
Examinatio ns.

I. PRINCIPLES OF CRIMINAL LAW (Revised Penal Code - Book 1)

A. General princip les

1. Mala in se and mala prohi bit a

2. Applicab ili ty and effectivity of the RPC

a. General ity

b. Territori ali ty

c. Prospectivity

3. Interpr etat ion of penal laws

4. Retroactive effect of pena l laws

B. Feloni es

1. Crimina l liab ili ties and feloni es

a. Classification of feloni es (grave, less grave and light

felo nies)

b. Aberrati o ictus, error in personae, and praet er

inte ntio ne m

c. Impossibl e crime

d. Stages of execution

e. Contin uin g crimes

f. Complex crimes and composite crimes

2. Circumstances affecting crimin al liabi lity

a. Justifying circumstances

b. Exemptin g circumstances

c. Mitig ati ng circumstances

d. Aggravati ng circumstances

e. Alternat ive circumstances

f. Absolutory causes
3. Persons liab le and degre e of particip ati on

a. Principals, accompl ices, and accessories

b. Conspiracy and proposal

c. Multi pl e offen ders

i. Recidivism

ii. Habitu ali ty

iii. Quasi-recidivism

iv. Habit ual delin qu ency

4. Penalt ies

a. Imposab le penalt ies

b. Classification

c. Duratio n and effects

d. Applicati on and grad uati on of penalt ies

i. Indeter mi nat e Sente nce Law (Act No. 4103)

e. Accessory penalt ies

f. Subsidiary Impriso nme nt

5. Executio n and service of sentence

a. Three- fold rule

b. Probati on Law (P.D. No. 968, as amen de d)

c. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (R.A. No. 9344, as

ame nde d)

d. Republ ic Act No. 1059 2 (Amendments to Articles 29,

94, 97, 98 and 99 of the RPC)

e. Commu nity Service Act (R.A. No. 113 62; A.M. No. 20-
06- 14- SC)

6. Extinction of crimina l liab ility (as amend ed by R.A. No.

1059 2)

7. Civil liabil ity in crimin al cases

Book 2)

A. Crimes agai nst natio na l security and laws of nations

B. Crimes agai nst the fund ament al law of the State

C. Crimes agai nst public order

D. Crimes agai nst public interest

E. Crimes agai nst publ ic morals

F. Crimes commit ted by publ ic officers

G. Crimes agai nst persons

H. Crimes agai nst personal liberty and security

I. Crimes against prop erty

J. Crimes against chastity

K. Crimes agai nst the civil status of persons

L. Crimes against honor

M. Quasi-offe nses


A. Anti- Child Pornogr aphy Act of 2009 (Secs. 3[a- c], 4 and 5, R.A. No.

B. Anti- Fencing Law of 1979 (Secs. 2 to 6, P.D. No. 1612)

C. Anti- Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (R.A. No. 3019, as amended
by R.A. No. 3047 , P.D. No. 677, P.D. No. 1288, B.P. Blg. 195 and
R.A. No. 1091 0)

D. Anti- Hazing Act of 2018 (R.A. No. 8049, as amen ded by R.A.No.
1105 3)

E. Anti- Money Laun deri ng Act of 200 1 (R.A. No. 9160)

F. Anti- Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009 (Secs. 3 and 4, R.A.
No. 9995)

G. Anti- Plund er Act (Secs. 1, 2 and 6, R.A. No. 708 0, as ame nd ed by

R.A. No. 7659)

H. Anti- Torture Act of 2009 (Secs. 3 [a, b], 4 and 5, R.A. No. 974 5)

I. Anti- Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (Secs. 3 to 12, R.A. No.


J. Anti- Violence Against Wome n and their Childr en Act of 2004 (Secs.
3, 5 and 26, R.A. No. 9262)

K. Anti- Wire Tappin g Act (Secs. 1 to 4, R.A. No. 4200)

L. Bouncing Checks Law (B.P. Blg. 22)

M. Compre hensive Dangero us Drugs Act of 2002 (R.A. No. 9165 as

ame nde d by R.A. No. 106 40)

N. Cybercrime Preventi on Act of 201 2 (R.A. No. 1017 5)

O. New Anti-Carnap pi ng Act of 2016 (Secs. 3 to 4, R.A. No. 10883)

P. Special Protectio n of Childre n Against Abuse, Exploit ati on, and

Discrimi nati on Act (Secs. 3(a), 5 and 10, R.A. No. 7610)

Q. Swindli ng by Syndicate (P.D. No. 1689)


A. Draftin g of Compl ain t, Infor mat ion , Affidavits of Desistance, etc.


See Syllabus for the 2022 Bar Examinations - Criminal Law  



NOTE: This syllabus is an outli ne of the key topics that fall und er the core subject
"Labor Law and Social Legislat ion " Accordin gly, all Bar candid ates shoul d be
guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurispru dence pertin ent to these topics
as of June 30, 2021 are examin abl e mater ials within the coverage of the 2022 Bar
Examinatio ns.


A. Basic policy on labor

B. Construction in favor of labor

C. Burde n of proof and quant um of evidence in labor cases

D. Leg al basis under the 1987 Constitutio n, Civil Code, and Labor


A. Recruitment and placement (Labor Code and R. A. No. 8042, as

ame nde d by R.A. No. 100 22)

1. Illeg al recruitment and other prohi bit ed activities

a. Eleme nts

b. Types of illeg al recruitmen t

c. Illeg al recruitmen t vs. estafa

2. Liabi lity of local recruitment agency and foreig n emp loyer

a. Solidary liabil ity

b. Theory of imput ed knowledge

3. Entities prohibi ted from recruitin g

4. Cancellat io n of license or authority

5. Termin ati on of contract of migra nt worker without just or

valid cause

6. Ban on direct hiring , exceptions

B. Employme nt of non- residen t alie ns


1. Employer- employe e relati onshi p

2. Test to deter min e existence

3. Employe e vs. indepe nd ent contractor

A. Conditio ns of employment

1. Covered empl oyees/workers

2. Hours of work

a. Normal hours of work; hours worked

b. Meal periods

c. Night- shift differe nti al

d. Overtime work

e. Compressed work week, flexible work

arrang ement altern ative work arrange me nts,
teleco mmu tin g progr am

3. Rest perio ds

4. Holidays

5. Service charges

6. 13th month pay

B. Wages

1. Payment of wages

2. Prohibi tio ns regardi ng wages

3. Faciliti es vs. supple men ts

4. Mini mu m wage

5. Wage distortion

6. Non- dimin uti on of ben efits

C. Leaves

1. Service incentive leave

2. Expande d Mater nity leave

3. Paternity leave

4. Parenta l leave for solo paren ts

5. Leave ben efits for women workers under R.A. No.

9710 and R.A. No. 926 2

D. Special groups of empl oyees

1. Women

a. Discrimin ati on

b. Stipul ati on against marri age

c. Prohib ite d acts

2. Minors (R.A. No. 7610 , as ame nde d by R.A. No. 9231)

a. Child labor vs. working child

b. Allowed working hours and industri es of a

working child

c. Prohib ite d acts

3. Kasamba hay (R.A. No. 1036 1)

4. Homeworkers

5. Night workers

6. Persons with Disabili ties

a. Discrimin ati on

b. Incentives for employers

E. Sexual Harassment in the work environ me nt

1. Anti- Sexual Harassment Act (R.A. No. 7877)

2. Safe Spaces Act (R.A. No. 113 13)


A. SSS Law (R.A. No. 8282)

1. Coverage and exclusions

2. Depend ents and benef iciari es

3. Benefits

B. GSIS Law (R.A. No. 829 1)

1. Coverage and exclusions

2. Depend ents and benef iciari es

3. Benefits

C. Limite d Portabi lity Law (R.A. No. 7699)

D. Disabili ty and deat h bene fits

1. Labor Code

2. POEA-Standard Employment Contract for Seafarers


A. Right to self-organ izatio n

1. Who may join, form, or assist labor organizat io ns or workers'

2. Restrictions as to manag eria l emp loyees, supervisory

empl oyees, confid ent ial empl oyees, empl oyee- members of
coopera tives, alie n empl oyees, and governme nt employe es

3. Determi nat ion of appropr iat e barg ain ing unit (ABU), effect of
inclusion of employe es outside of the ABU

4. Non- interfer ence with workers' rights to self- organizati on

B. Legiti mat e labor organ izatio ns

1. Registrati on with the DOLE

2. Cancellat io n of registrati on

3. Affiliat io n/d isaffil iat io n from nati on al union or feder ati on

4. Rights of legiti mat e labor organ izatio ns

5. Rights and conditi ons of memb ershi p in legit imate labor

organ izati ons

6. Check off, assessments, unio n dues, and agency fees

7. Union security clause

C. Barga ini ng representa tive

1. Modes to acquire status as Sole and Exclusive Bargain ing

Agent (SEBA)

a. SEBA Certificati on

b. Certificati on/Co nsent Election

c. Bars to the hold ing of Certificatio n/Co nsent Election

d. Failur e of electio n, Run- Off Election, Re-run election

e. Employer as a mere bystand er rule

D. Collective bargai ni ng

1. Duty to bargai n collectively, bargain in g in bad faith

2. Collective barg ain in g agree me nt (CBA), manda tory


3. Signin g, posting, registratio n

4. Term of CBA, freed om period

E. Unfair Labor Practices

1. Nature, aspects

2. By employers
3. By labor orga nizati ons

F. Peaceful concerted activities

1. Strikes

a. Grounds for strike

b. Mand atory proced ural require me nts

c. Lega l strike vs. illega l strike

d. Prohibi ted acts during strike

e. Liabi lity of unio n officers and members for illeg al strike

and illega l acts durin g strike

2. Picketin g

3. Lockouts

a. Grounds for lockout

b. Mand atory proced ural require me nts

4. Assumpti on of jurisdiction by the DOLE Secretary

5. Injuncti ons


A. Security of tenure

1. Categor ies of employment as to tenure

a. Regular

b. Casual

c. Probati on ary

d. Project

e. Seasonal

f. Fixed- term

g. Work-pool employe es

2. Legit imate subcontracting vs. labor- only contracting

a. Eleme nts

b. Trilater al relatio nship

c. Solid ary liabil ity

B. Termina tio n by emp loyer

1. Substantive due process

a. Just causes

b. Authorize d causes

2. Procedural due process

a. Two-notice rule

3. Illeg al dismissal, reliefs therefr om

a. Reinstate me nt

b. Backwages

c. Separat io n pay, doctrine of straine d relat ions

d. Damag es

e. Attorneys' fees

f. Liabi liti es of corporate officers

g. Burden of proof

C. Termi nat io n by empl oyee

1. Resignati on versus constructive dismissal

2. Aband on men t

D. Preventive Suspension

E. Floatin g status

F. Retireme nt


A. Disciplin e

B. Transfer of employe es

C. Productivity standar ds

D. Bonus

E. Change of working hours

F. Bona Fide Occupation al Qualificati ons

G. Post-emp loyme nt restrictions

H. Cleara nce procedur es

I. Limita tio ns on mana ge men t prerog ative; police power of the State ℒ α w ρ h i ৷


A. Mandat ory conciliati on- mediat io n, SENA

B. Labor Arbiter
C. Natio nal Labor Relatio ns Commission

D. Judicial review of labor rulings

E. Bureau of Labor Relatio ns

F. Nationa l Concilia tio n and Media tio n Board


H. DOLE Regiona l Directors

I. DOLE Secretary

J. Grievance machinery

K. Voluntary arbitr ator

L. Prescripti on of actions

1. Money claims

2. Illeg al dismissal

3. Unfair labor practice

4. Offenses und er the Lab or Code

5. Illeg al recruitment


See Syllabus for the 2022 Bar Examinations - Labor Law  



NOTE: This syllabus is an outli ne of the key topics that fall und er the core subject
"Polit ical and Interna tio na l Law". Accordi ngly, all Bar candid ates should be guided
that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprude nce perti nen t to these topics as of
June 30, 202 1 are examin abl e materia ls within the coverage of the 2022 Bar
Examinatio ns.


A. Declarat ion of principles and State polici es

B. National territory

C. Separ ati on of powers

D. Checks and bala nces

E. State immu nity

F. Delegat ion of powers

G. Fund ament al powers of the State


A. Definiti on, characteristics and purpose of taxation

B. Power of taxatio n as disting uishe d from police power and eminent


C. Scope and limita tio ns of taxation

1. Inhere nt and constitutio na l limit ati ons of taxation

2. Territori ali ty principle and situs of taxatio n

D. Requisit es of a valid tax

E. Tax as distingu ishe d from other forms of exactions

F. Kinds of taxes

G. Doctrines in taxation

1. Lifeb loo d theory

2. Construction and interpr eta tio n of tax laws, rules, and

regul ati ons

3. Prospectivity of tax laws

4. Imprescripti bil ity of taxes

5. Double taxation

6. Exemptio n from taxation

7. Escape from taxation

8. Equita ble recoupment

9. Prohibi tio n on compe nsatio n and set-off


A. Legislative Power

1. Scope and limi tati ons

2. Principle of non- deleg ab ility; exceptio ns

B. Houses of Congress; composit ions and quali ficati ons

1. Senate

2. House of Representat ives

a. District represent atives and questions of

appor tio nment

b. Party-list system

C. Leg islative privileg es, inhib iti ons, and qualif icatio ns

D. Quorum and voting majori ties

E. Disciplin e of memb ers

F. Process of law- making

G. Appropr iat io n and re-align me nt

H. Leg islative inquir ies and oversight functions

I. Power of imp eachment

J. Electoral tribun als and the Commission on Appoint me nts

1. Powers and Jurisdiction

K. Initiative and refere nd um


A. Qualificati ons, electio n, and term of the President and

VicePreside nt

B. Privileg es, inhi biti ons, and disqual ificat ions

C. Powers of the President

1. General executive and admi nistrat ive powers

2. Power of appoi ntment

a. In genera l
b. Confirmati on and by-passed appoi ntments

c. Midn igh t and ad interim appo int men ts

d. Power of removal

D. Power of control and supervision

1. Doctrine of quali fie d poli tical agency

2. Executive dep artments and offices

3. Local government units

E. Emergency powers

F. Military powers

1. Callin g out powers

2. Declaratio n of marti al law and suspensio n of the privileg e of

the writ of habeas corpus; extension

G. Executive clemency

1. Forms and limit ati ons

H. Diplo mat ic power

I. Powers relative to appropr iati on measures

J. Rules of succession


A. Judicial Power

B. Judicial Review

1. Requisites

2. Political questio n doctrine

3. Moot questions

4. Operative fact doctrine

C. Judicial indep en dence and fiscal auton omy

D. Appo int men ts to the judiciary

1. Qualificat ions

2. Judicial and Bar Council (comp ositio n and powers)

E. The Supreme Court (compositi on, powers, and functio ns)


A. Common provisions
B. Powers, functions, and jurisdictio n

C. Comp ositio n and qualif icati ons of memb ers

D. Prohi bite d offices and interests

E. Judicial review of fina l orders, resoluti ons, and decisions of

Constitut ion al Commissions


A. Due process

1. Procedural and substantive

2. Void- for- vagueness

3. Judicial and admin istrative due process

B. Equal protecti on

1. Requisites for valid classification

2. Tests to determi ne the reasona ble ness of a classificati on

C. Arrests, Searches and seizures

1. Requisites of a valid warrant

2. Warrantl ess arrests and deten tio n

3. Warrantl ess searches

4. Exclusionary rule

D. Privacy of communicat ions and corresponde nce

1. Private and pub lic commun icatio ns

2. Intrusion , when allow ed

3. Exclusionary rule

E. Freedom of speech and expression

1. Prior restraint and subsequen t punish me nt

2. Content- based and content- neutra l regu lati ons

3. Facial challe ng es and overbrea dth doctrine

4. Tests to determi ne the validity of government al regulat ion

5. State regul ati on of differen t types of mass medi a

6. Unprotected speech

F. Freedo m of religi on

1. Non- establishment and free exercise clauses

2. Benevole nt neutral ity and conscientio us objectors

3. Tests to determi ne the validity of government al regulat ion

G. Liber ty of abo de and right to travel

1. Scope and limi tati ons

2. Watch- list and hold depar ture orders

H. Right to informat io n

1. Scope and limi tati ons

I. Eminen t Domai n

1. Concept

2. Just compensati on

3. Expropriat ion by local government units

J. Right to Associatio n

1. Scope and limi tati ons

K. Non-impa irment of contracts

1. Concept and limita tio ns

L. Free access to courts and adequ ate legal assistance

M. Rights under custodia l investiga tio n

1. Mean ing of custodi al investigatio n

2. Rights of a person under custodial investigat ion

3. Requisites of a valid waiver

4. Exclusionary doctrine

N. Rights of the accused

1. Crimina l due process

2. Bail

3. Presumpti on of innocence

4. Right to counsel

5. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation

6. Right to speedy, impart ia l and public trial

7. Right of confront atio n

8. Right to compulsory processes

9. Trial in absent ia
O. Right to speedy trial and speedy dispositio n of cases

P. Right against self-incrimi nati on

1. Extent of the right

2. Immu nity statutes

Q. Right against dou ble jeop ardy

1. Requisites and limit atio ns

R. Right against involunt ary servitude

S. Right against excessive fines, and cruel and inhuman punishments

T. Non-Impriso nment for Debts

U. Ex post facto laws and bills of attai nder

V. Writs of habeas corpus, kalikasan, habe as data, and ampar o


A. Who are Filipi no citizens

B. Modes of acquirin g citizenship

C. Loss and re-acquisiti on of Phili pp ine citizenship

D. Dual citizenship and dual alle gia nce


A. General princip les

B. Kinds of appo int me nt

C. Disabili ties and inhib iti ons of public officers

D. Powers and duties of publ ic officers

E. De facto vs de jure officers

F. The Civil Service

G. Account abi lity of publ ic officers

1. Discipli ne

a. Grounds

b. Jurisdiction

c. Dismissal, preventive suspension, reinstate me nt and

back salaries

d. Condon ati on doctrine

2. Impeach me nt
3. The Ombudsman

a. Functions

b. Judicial review in admi nistrat ive proceed ings

c. Judicial review in pena l proceed in gs

4. The Sandi ga nbaya n


A. General princip les

B. Powers of admin istrative agencies

1. Quasi-legisl ative (rule- making) power

a. Kinds of admin istrative rules and regula tio ns

b. Requisites for validity

2. Quasi-judici al power

a. Admin istrative due process

b. Admin istrative appea l and review

c. Admin istrative res judicata

3. Fact-findi ng, investigat ive, licensin g, and rate- fixing powers

C. Doctrines of primary jurisdicti on and exhaustio n of admi nistrative

reme dies


A. Suffrage

1. Qualificat ion and disqualif icati on of voters

2. Registrati on and deactivati on

3. Inclusion and exclusion proceed ings

4. Local and overseas absente e voting

5. Detain ee voting

B. Candidacy

1. Qualificat ions and disqual ificat ions of candid ates

2. Filin g of certificates of candidacy

a. Effect of filin g

b. Substituti on and withdraw al of candid ates

c. Nuisance candid ates

d. Duties of the COMELEC

C. Camp aig n

1. Prematur e campa ign in g

2. Prohibi ted contribut io ns

3. Lawful and prohi bit ed election propag an da

4. Limit ati ons on expenses

5. Statement of contributi ons and expenses

D. Reme dies and jurisdictio n

1. Petitio n not to give due course or cancel a certificate of

candid acy

2. Petitio n for disqua lificat io n

3. Failur e of electio n versus Annulment of Election Results

4. Pre-procla mati on controversy

5. Election protest

6. Quo Warranto


A. Principles of local auton omy

B. Autonomous regi ons and their relati on to the nation al government

C. Local governme nt units

1. Powers

a. Police power (gen eral welfare clause)

b. Emine nt domain

c. Taxing power

d. Closure and openin g of roads

e. Legisla tive power

i. Requisites for valid ordin ance

ii. Local Initiative and refere nd um

f. Corporate powers

g. Ultra vires acts

2. Liabi lity of local govern men t units

3. Settle men t of boun dary disputes

4. Vacancies and succession

5. Recall

6. Term limits

D. Local Taxation

1. Funda me nta l Principl es of local and real prop erty taxation

2. Commo n Limi tati ons on taxing power of the LGU

3. Require me nts for a valid tax ordina nce

4. Procedure for approval and effectivity of tax ordina nces

5. Exemptio ns from real prop erty taxes


A. Regalia n doctrin e

B. Explorat io n, develo pment and utiliza tio n of natura l resources

C. Franchises, Author ity and Certificat es for Public Utilities

D. Acquisitio n, Ownership and Transfer of Public and Private Lands

E. Practice of Professions

F. Organ izatio n and Regulat io n of Corporati ons, Private and Public

G. Mon opo lies, Restraint of Trade and Unfair Compe titi on


A. Concept of social justice

B. Economic, social, and cultural rights

C. Commission on Human Rights


A. Procedure to amen d or revise the Constitutio n



A. Academic freedo m

B. Constitutio nal tax exempt ions for certain educatio na l institut ions


A. Concepts

B. Relationsh ip between intern ati ona l and natio nal law

C. Sources of obliga tio ns in intern atio na l law

D. Subj ects

1. States

2. Intern atio na l organ izati ons

3. Individ uals

E. Requisites of Stateho od

F. Jurisdiction of states

1. Basis of jurisdiction

a. Territori ali ty principle

b. Nation ality principle and statelessness

c. Protective principl e

d. Universality principl e

e. Passive personal ity principl e

2. Exemptio ns from jurisdictio n

a. State Immu nity from Suit

b. Act of State doctrine

c. Diplomatic Immuni ty

d. Intern atio na l organ izati ons and its officers

F. General principles of treaty law

G. Doctrine of state responsibi lity

H. Refug ees

I. Extradit ion

J. Basic principl es of Internat ion al Human Rights Law

K. Basic principles of Intern ati ona l Human itar ia n Law

L. Law of the sea

1. Baselines

2. Archipela gic states

3. Intern al waters

4. Territori al sea

5. Contig uous zone

6. Exclusive economic zone

7. Contin ent al shelf and extende d contine nta l shelf

8. Intern atio na l Tribu nal for the Law of the Sea

M. Basic principl es of Internat ion al Environme nta l Law

1. Precautio nary principl e


See Syllabus for the 2022 Bar Examinations - Political Law  



NOTE: This syllabus is an outli ne of the key topics that fall und er the core subjects
"Remedial Law and Legal Ethics". Accordin gly, all Bar candid ates should be guided
that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprude nce perti nen t to these topics as of
June 30, 202 1 are examin abl e materia ls within the coverage of the 2022 Bar
Examinatio ns.



A. Substantive law vs. remedi al law

B. Rule- making power of the Supreme Court

C. Principl e of judicia l hierarchy

D. Doctrine of non- interfer ence/j ud icial stabil ity

E. Jurisdiction

1. Original vs. app ell ate

2. General vs. special

3. Exclusive vs. concurrent

4. Contin uity of jurisdictio n

5. Original Jurisdiction of various Philip pi ne courts

6. Aspects of jurisdicti on

a. Jurisdiction over the parties

b. Jurisdiction over the subject matter

c. Jurisdiction over the issues

d. Jurisdiction over the res or the property in liti gati on

7. Jurisdiction vs. exercise of jurisdictio n

8. Jurisdiction vs. venue

9. Jurisdiction over cases covered by Baran gay Conciliat io n,

Small Claims Cases and cases covered by Summary Procedure


A. General provisions (Rule 1)

B. Cause of action (Rule 2)

C. Parties to civil actions (Rule 3)

D. Venu e (Rule 4)

E. Pleadin gs

1. Kinds (Rule 6)

2. Parts and Contents of a pleadi ng (Rule 7)

3. Mann er of making alleg ati ons (Rule 8)

4. Effect of fail ure to plea d (Rule 9)

5. Amend ed and supple me ntal plea din gs (Rule 10)

6. When to file responsive plead ings (Rule 11)

7. Bill of Particulars (Rule 12)

8. Efficient use of paper rule; e- filing

F. Filing and service of plead in gs, judg men ts, final orders, and
resoluti ons

1. Rules on payment of docket fees; effect of non- payment

2. Rule 13

G. Summons

1. Nature and purpose of summo ns in relatio n to actions in

persona m, in rem, and quasi in rem

2. Rule 14

H. Moti ons

1. In genera l (Rule 15)

2. Non- litigi ous motio ns (Rule 15, Sec. 4)

3. Litig ious Motions (Rule 15, Sec. 5)

4. Prohibi ted Motio ns (Rule 15, Sec. 12)

I. Dismissal of Actions

1. With preju dice vs. without prejud ice; dismissals which have
an effect of an adju dicati on on the merits

2. Rule 17

J. Pre- trial (Rule 18)

K. Interventi on (Rule 19)

L. Calend ar of Cases (Rule 20)

M. Subpo en a (Rule 21)

N. Comp utat ion of time (Rule 22)

O. Mod es of discovery

1. Depositio ns (Rules 23 and 24)

2. Interro gat ories to parties (Rule 25)

3. Admission by adverse party (Rule 26)

4. Productio n or inspection of documents or things (Rule 27)

5. Physical and mental examin atio n of persons (Rule 28)

6. Refusal to comply with modes of discovery (Rule 29)

P. Trial (Rule 30)

Q. Consolid ati on or severance (Rule 31)

R. Demurr er to Evide nce (Rule 33)

S. Judgments and final orders

1. Judgme nt on the pleadi ngs (Rule 34)

2. Summary judgments (Rule 35)

3. Renditi on and entry of judgments and final orders (Rule 36)

T. Motio n for New Trial or Reconsidera tio n

1. Rule 37

2. Remedy agai nst deni al and fresh- period rule

U. Execution, satisfaction, and effect of judgments (Rule 39)


A. Nature, purpose, and jurisdiction over provision al remedi es

B. Prelimin ary attachment (Rule 57)

C. Preli min ary injuncti on (Rule 58)

D. Receivership (Rule 59)

E. Replevin (Rule 60)


A. Jurisdiction and venue

B. Interple ad er (Rule 62)

C. Declaratory relief and similar reme dies (Rule 63)

D. Prohi biti on, Certiorari , and Manda mus

1. Certiorari as a remedy agai nst grave abuse of any branch or

instrument ality of the govern men t
E. Quo warranto (Rule 66)

F. Expropri ati on

1. Rule 67

2. Guideli nes for expropri ati on proceedin gs of Nationa l

Governme nt

3. Infrastructure Projects (Sec. 4, R.A. No. 897 4)

G. Foreclosure of real estate mortg ag e

1. Judicial foreclosur e (Rule 68)

2. Extrajudicia l foreclosure (Act No. 3135, as amend ed)

3. The General Banking Law of 2000 (Sec. 47, R.A. No. 8791)

H. Partiti on (Rule 69)

I. Forcible entry and unlawful detai ner

1. Different iat ed from accion publici ana and accion

reivind icatori a

2. Rule 70

J. Contempt (Rule 71)


A. Settlement of estate of deceased persons

1. Venue and process (Rule 73)

2. Summary settle men t of estates (Rule 74)

3. Allowance or disall owance of wills (Rule 76)

4. Claims agai nst the estate (Rule 86)

5. Payment of the debts of the estate (Rule 88)

6. Sales, mortga ges, and other encumbra nces of prop erty of

decede nt (Rule 89)

7. Distributio n and partiti on (Rule 90)

B. Escheat (Rule 91)

C. Guardi anshi p

1. Venue (Rule 92)

2. Appoi ntment of guardi ans (Rule 93)

3. General powers and duties of guard ia ns (Rule 96)

4. Termin ati on of guardia nshi p (Rule 97)

D. Writ of Habeas Corpus

1. Rule 102

2. Writ of Habeas Corpus in relat ion to custody of minors (A.M.

No. 03- 04- 04-SC)

E. Change of name (Rule 103)

F. Cancellati on or Correction of entries in the Civil Registry (Rule


G. Clerical error law (RA 904 8)

H. Writ of Amparo (A.M. No. 07- 9- 12- SC)

I. Writ of Habeas Data (A.M. No. 08- 1-16- SC)

J. Rules of Procedur e on Environment al Cases (A.M. No. 09- 6-8- SC)

1. Tempor ary Environment al Protection Order (TEPO)

2. Writ of contin uin g manda mus

3. Writ of kalikasan


A. General matt ers

1. Crimina l jurisdicti on; concept and requisit es for exercise

2. When injunctio n may be issued

B. Prosecutio n of offenses (Rule 110)

C. Prosecutio n of civil action (Rule 111)

D. Preli min ary Investigati on

1. Executive vs. judicial determin ati on of prob abl e cause

2. Rule 112

E. Arrest (Rule 113)

F. Bail (Rule 114)

G. Arraign me nt and plea (Rule 116)

H. Moti on to quash (Rule 117)

I. Pre-trial (Rule 118)

J. Trial (Rule 119)

K. Judgment (Rule 120)

L. Motio n for New Trial or Reconsider ati on (121)

M. Search and seizure (Rule 126)

N. Provisiona l reme dies in crimina l cases (Rule 127)

O. Revised Guideli nes on Contin uo us Trial (A.M. No. 15- 06-10- SC)

P. The Rule on Cybercrime Warrants (A.M. No. 17- 11-03- SC)


A. General concepts

1. Proof vs. evide nce

2. Burden of proof vs. burden of evide nce

3. Equip oise rule

B. Admissibility

1. Requisites (Rule 128)

2. Exclusionary rules

3. Judicial notice and judici al admissions (Rule 129)

C. Object (Real) Evidence (Rule 130, A)

D. Documen tary Evidence (Rule 130, B)

1. Definit ion

2. Best Evidence rule

3. Secondary evidence

4. Parol Evidence rule

5. Interpr etat ion of documen ts

E. Testimoni al Evidence (Rule 130, C)

1. Qualificat ion of witnesses

2. Testimon ia l privileg e

3. Admissions and confessions

4. Previous conduct as evidence

5. Testimon ia l knowledg e

6. Hearsay and exceptio ns to the hearsay rule

7. Opinio n rule

8. Character evidence

F. Burden of proof and presumptio ns (Rule 131)

G. Presentat ion of evidence (Rule 132)

1. Examinat ion of witnesses

2. Authen ticati on and proof of documents

3. Offer and objecti on

H. Judicial Affidavit Rule (A.M. No. 12- 8- 8-SC)

I. Weight and sufficiency of evidence (Rule 133)

J. Rules on Electronic Evidence (A.M. No. 01- 7-01- SC)



A. Nature of the right to appe al

B. Judgments and final orders subject to app eal

C. Matt ers not appe ala ble ; availa ble remed ies

D. Doctrine of fina lity/i mmuta bil ity of judgment; excepti ons


A. Petition for relief from judgment (Rule 38)

B. Annulments of judg me nt by the Court of Appe als (Rule 47)

C. Collat era l attack on judgments, when proper

D. Rule 65 as a reme dy from judg men t



A. Rule 40 - Appeal from Mun icipa l Trial Courts to the Region al Trial

B. Rule 41 - Appeal from the Regiona l Trial Courts

C. Rule 42 - Petitio n for Review from the Region al Trial Courts to the
Court of Appea ls

D. Rule 43 - Appeals from the Court of Tax Appeals, Civil Service

Commissio n, and Quasi-Judicial Agencies

E. Rule 45 - Appeals by Certiorari to the Supreme Court

F. Rule 64 - Review of judg me nts or final orders of the Commission on

Audit and the Commissio n on Elections
G. Dismissal, reinstate me nt, and withdrawa l of appe al



A. Rule 122

1. Appea ls from the Munici pal Trial Courts

2. Appea ls from the Region al Trial Courts

3. Appea ls from the Court of Appeals

a. Section 13, Rule 124

B. Appeals from the Office of the Ombudsma n

C. Appe als from resoluti ons of the Office of the City Prosecutor

D. Appe als from the Sandiga nb ayan


A. Tax Remedi es under the Nationa l Intern al Revenue Code of 1997,

as ame nde d

B. Tax Remedi es under the Local Governmen t Code of 1991

C. The Court of Tax Appeals (R.A. 1125, as amend ed, and the
Revised Rules of the Court of Tax Appe als)

1. Jurisdiction

2. Procedures

a. Civil Cases

i. Interna l Revenue taxes

ii. Local taxes

iii. Injunctio n not availa bl e to restrain collection;


b. Crimina l Cases

3. Appea l to the CTA en banc

4. Petitio n for review on certiorari to the Supreme Court


A. Rule 44 - Ordinary Appeal ed Cases

B. Rule 46 - Original Cases

C. Rule 47 - Annulment of Judgmen ts or Final Orders and Resolut ions

D. Rule 50 - Dismissal of Appeal

E. Rule 51 - Judgme nt; harmless error

F. Rule 53 - New Trial


A. Rule 56- A - Original Cases

B. Rule 56- B - Appeal ed Cases



A. To society (Canons 1 to 6)

B. To the legal profession (Canons 7 to 9)

C. To the courts (Cano ns 10 to 13)

D. To the clients (Canons 14 to 22)

E. Lawyer's Oath


(Rule 139; Rule 139- B)

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