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Causes of Eating Disorders

Biological Causes
1. Genetic studies: 56% chances for inheriting anorexia from family members. For inheriting
binge eating, percentage - 41%. Research: High heretability, people inherit one general gene for
eating disorders and not a specifc eating disorders. (General genes inheritability). These genes
interact with the biological changes that happen with biological changes during puberty
especially girls - hormonal changes during puberty that seems to trigegr the onset of eating
disorders. This in interaction with the social world (peers, friends, family, social) interact with
physical and biological as well as genetic areas to cause eating disorders
2. Brain areas: Hypothalamus - The lateral hypothalamus is responsible for hunger and
ventromedial hypothalamus for satiety (feeling of being full). Hypothalamus collects messages
about the amount of food being eating (food has started to be consumed, digestion, based on
nutrient levels in the blood, whether or not food is consumed), once the vmh fells fullness ->
sends message to body and brain (20 minutes) -> acknowledges the nutirents enter the body.
Anoerxia - decreased functioning of the hypothalamus - not regulated properly - easier
to starve themselves.
Bulimia - general disruption in the hypothalamus
Hypo active - ventro medial (under)
Hyper active - later (over)
Only correlation - no causation and effect features (not know if it is causation or
habitutated) (causative nature is not verified)
3. Neurotransmitters:
a. Norepinephrine
b. Serotonin
Anoerxia - abnormality
Bluminia - Lower levels of sertonin -> causes craving for carbohydrates -> binge
phases of high calorie eatings
c. Dopamine (Pleasure)
Anoerxia - abnormality
4. Hormonal Changes (Hormones) that are implicated in eating disorders are cortisol (Stress
hormone, more stress -> lack of apetite, trigger in the stomach activates; incase abnormality in
the cortisol triggers -> binge eating (Atypical Depression)) and insulin (low blood sugar -> high
insulin -> hunger (higher level of insulin, more hunger))

Sociological Causes
1. Beauty Standards: across generations, there is different preferences or body types, the
prevalence of eating disorders also increases. Increase from one generation to the next due to
prevelance of body types. Cultures: Althelic or performing - higher beauty standards - cultural
occupations - increases intensity to uphold of the beuaty standards - increase eating disorders.
2. more in females due to stereotypes: 10 times more articles in dieting for magazines for
female than men (effect of media and magazines). [subliminal]
3. People who are more dissatisfied with their bodies are more (24%) chances to develop eating
disorders than those who are satisfied with thier bodies (6%).
TV shows promote the cosmetic surgeries and ideal body types - build in a sense of control
about the body. instilled from the tv shows and cosmetic surgeries - more pressure on oneself
about hw to look
4. Peer Pressure:
19 Year old + disasatisfaction about body -> people reported more dissatisfaction with the body
19 Year old girl + Neutral Things
People who are more friends who are exposed to diet adn weight loss -> more eating disorders
people who talk about dissatisfaction -> more disatisfaction -> more eating disorders
5. Atheletes:
Gymnastics - Sports with performing arts and aethestic arts - tendency with anoerxia
Wieght dependent - Judo, wrestling, karate, boxing - divided based on wieght - eating disorders
not specific
Men: Body-builders: on-season and off-season - Excessively diet - dehydrate. 45% binge after
the show gets over; 85% gain weight in the off season - bulimic pattern in their lifestyle
increasing the tendency to the bulimia
Women body builders: 42% anoeric in some point of life; 58% Obsessed with food (both
anorexia and bulimia - consciously restricting self - more thinking) - abuse of drug which
reduces body fat (epidrug- it is there in book)
Professionalism and amount of years in field is not significantly realted to the tendency to
develop the eating disorders; must lesser than the normal population

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