Grade 9 Detailed Lesson Plan Quarter 3 Week 5-6: Relevance and Truthfulness

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(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 85% level of proficiency shall be able

A. (Cognitive) determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
material viewed;
B. (Psychomotor) employ understanding regarding the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
from the text they have read through different outputs and;
C. (Affective) of ensuring the validity of articles as evidence through relating particular social
issues, concerns, or dispositions in real life

Learning Competency Code:

(EN9VC-IVa-10): Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Identifying Relevant & Irrelevant, and Truth & Untruth Ideas or Information Viewed
Materials: PowerPoint, laptop, notebook, virtual charts, picture puzzle, pictures to analyze, timer,
classpoint, and google form.
Method: Inductive (Content-based)
Subject Integration: Science, TLE, Mathematics
Learning References:
h. K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May 2016) p. 206, 208
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

III. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Preliminary Activities

May I have someone to lead our prayer for today? (Student leads the prayer)

Good morning, Ma’am Leiden!

Good morning, class!
(Students answers)
How are you students?

I believe this is the first meeting we have, so let me

introduce myself, my name is Ma’am Leiden Nicole R.
Viernes, a 4th year student-teacher from Bataan
Okay, ma’am
Peninsula State University. You can call me ma’am
Leiden or ma’am Viernes, okay class?

So, for your attendance, I will be sending the google Yes, ma’am
link at the end of this meeting so be sure to stay until the
end of this meet. Okay class?

Nice to hear that! Now, to start our lesson for today, we

are going to have an activity but before we do that let’s
take a look at the learning objectives we have for today

(The teacher will read the first objective and ask from the class to
continue reading number two and three)

(A student will volunteer to read)

Anyone from the class who wants to continue reading

our learning objectives for today?
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

B. Motivation

Thank you for that, and to start our discussion, I will be

sending a link for you to join as our short activity

(Students will enter the link)

URL: Yes, ma’am

From the link that I have sent, you need to complete the (Student raise his/her hand)
puzzle picture and I will be giving you two minutes to Ma’am, the words I completed are Relevance and
accomplish that, is that clear class? Truthfulness

Time’s up! From the puzzle picture you completed, (Student raises their hand)
what words do you see from the picture? Anyone from About Relevance and Truthfulness, ma’am!
the class who wants to answer? Raise your virtual hand
or type it down on the chat box to answer

Well done! And what do you think class is our topic for
today? Yes, ma’am

Correct! I see that you know now what we will be

discussing for today, so I suggest you listen and
participate throughout the lesson we have for today, are
(Students raises their hands to answer)
you ready class?
Yes, ma’am it is relevant
C. Presentation of the Lesson (Students answers may vary)

Nice to hear that, and from the puzzle picture that most
Ma’am, from the left side is about the war between
of you completed, I have a question. Do you think class
Russia and Ukraine which is happening right now,
the picture is relevant to social issues or problems we
also the military man is protecting the civilians
have right now? How can you say so?
from bombs and bullets, while the right side
And from that picture, can you explain what do you symbolizes the fight of covid-19 virus with the
understand from it? What is happening from the left side doctor protecting the people too
and what about the right side?

(Students raise their hands)

(Students answers may vary)
Nice observation! I see that you really analyze what is
on the picture so good job for that
I have another question again class, does the image that
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

I am presenting has truthfulness in it? If yes, can you

justify your answer?

Very well said! You are all correct, the pictures does
symbolize relevance and truthfulness. So, to summarize
what you all have just said, the left picture is from war
between Russia and Ukraine, and the military man is
protecting the citizens from bombs and bullets while the
other side of the picture is the fight of covid-19 virus,
and the doctor is protecting the community too. You Yes, ma’am
also said that it is relevant because it is happening right
now and it is truth because we can watch it from the
news and experiencing the covid-19 right now, am I
right class?

D. Development of the Lesson

For us to further understand the meaning of relevance,

we need to define the meaning of relevance and

Can someone please read the texts presented?

 the quality or state of being closely connected or
 the concept of one topic being connected to
another topic in a way that makes it useful to
consider the second topic when considering the
 the degree to which something is related or
None, ma’am
useful to what is happening or being talked

(The teacher will explain each meaning and will give

examples sentences that uses the word relevance)

Are we clear on the meaning of relevance class? Do you

have any questions or clarification about this matter?

If none, let’s now discussed how to assess relevance

(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

For the first one, of course we have to make sure the

information or topic we have is connected to the second Yes, ma’am
topic for us to establish a conclusion. Next one is for the
intended audience, they/us can and should relate to the
main topic or information we are talking about. From
the example we had earlier, about the war and covid-19,
we can talked about those issue because we can relate to
it, right class?

Okay, thank you for responding, so to continue, the

information should be at an appropriate level again for
us to relate and understand the situation. For the next
one, we should look at variety of sources, here I have
list on what to search on how to know if the information
you are viewing is relevant;

For the first one, we have to look for authority, like

what is the authors’ name, what are his/ her credentials,
what is the author education, areas of expertise, job All clear, ma’am
title), another thing to look for the purpose of the
information, is it aim to present information and or
interpretations, does it aim to persuade or to entertain
people. Another step to search for is accuracy and
verifiability, looks for any citations and links, it is
should also have to be well researched and factual. Also, Yes, ma’am
the information should have the currency and relevance,
it should be timely or updated not outdated. Are we
clear on this one class? Or do I need to repeat myself?
Yes, ma’am
Good, and now that we discussed on what is relevance,
how to assess relevance, and what are the variety of
sources we can use to determine if the information is
relevant let’s now discuss what is truthfulness. Are you (Students raises their hands)
still listening class? Ma’am it is all about the spread of misinformation
through social media and the citizens are the
To ensure that, I will be presenting different pictures victim of it
and all you have to do is analyze it and share to the class
what have you observe in the picture, is that clear class?

For our first one we have this picture, What does it

portray? Can someone describe what do you understand
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

about the image being presented?

(Students answers may vary)

Very well said, do you class usually use social media?

How do you think misinformation is relevant to you?

Very well, now onto the next one

What does the picture is all about?

(Student answer)
Ma’am it is about teenage pregnancy

(Student answer)
Because we are teenager as well, ma’am

Correct! Do you think class it is prevalent? Does

teenage pregnancy becoming a common problem right

As a teenager, why do you think this social issue is

relevant to you?

Right! and what about this one? What do you think the
picture symbolize?

(Students answers may vary)

About corruption, being corrupt, vote buying,
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

(Students answers may vary)

Because ma’am we have upcoming election

Very good observation! And do you think class,

corruption is really happening right now? Is this a
widespread practice here in the Philippines? Can you (Students answers)
give me examples or situations that can prove About cyberbullying, ma’am
corruption or vote buying is relevant to what is
happening in todays’ world?

That is true! And for our next picture, what do you think
is the problem here?

(Students answers)

(Students answers may vary)

Yes, ma’am they are all relevant to all of us and it
is for us to be aware on what is happening around

(Students answers may vary)

Because ma’am we can relate in those social
problems ma’am and we are part of the audience
for that social issues, plus we watch it from the
You’re right! Does cyber bullying often occur in social news
media or any online platforms?

Okay, so out of all the four pictures I presented, are they

all relevant to what we are experiencing or seeing right (Student volunteer to read)
now? What do you think is the relevance or importance
of these topics?

Well, it’s nice to see you are all aware of the social
issues we have right now. But what about the
truthfulness of those social issues we talked about? How
can you say they are all true? What proofs or evidence
can support your claims? Anyone from the class who
wants to share his/her insights?
Very well said! And now we have to define what is
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

truthfulness and how to assess it. Can someone form the

class read the texts?

Truth is a verified or indisputable fact, proposition,
principle, or the like


The information that we receive is said to be truth if it is
supported by verified evidence or indisputable fact

(The teacher will further explain the meaning and give examples to
the class)

Thank you for reading, now class that we know the

definition of truth and how to assess it, I have here key
points to look for when searching for the truthfulness of
the information you are viewing;

It has to be absolute, meaning it is very obvious, for Yes, ma’am

instance we are all the victim of covid-19 virus and that
is absolute truth. Next is universal, the information
should be universally true and has been proved for
instance, the vaccine, it has been clinically proven and
tested by various trusted scientist and it has undergo
several phases to ensure it work against the virus. The
last step to do is to look for the objective of the
information, be criticize in analyzing the content and it
should not be based on ones’ opinion, objective truth
can be directly observed, counted, or measured. Are we
clear on this class? I hope you are all jotting down notes
because we will have an activity later

Now that we discussed the meaning of relevance and

truthfulness, how to assess those two, I have here
additional information on how to check the website you
are viewing has relevant and truthfulness of the
Yes, ma’am

The first one is to double check the URL and the

domain name, if the link you are visiting has extra “S” it
mean safety measure to assure your personal
information is safe and secure. Next thing is to look for Yes, ma’am
trust seal and secure connections, in that way you can
trust the page is legitimate and that all their data is
collected through secure third-party service providers.
Last but not the least, check the site, and check your gut. Falsity, ma’am
If you think is something is fishy, try to look for typos,
grammatical errors on that website and if there is do not
attempt to believe and share that information. Do you
understand, class?
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

E. Application

Nice to hear that class! Okay, so now, we are going to

have a quiz called truth or falsity. All you have to do is
pick one option from our, did I make The claim is from WHO, ma’am

Very well, let’s have the first question, Does drinking Because they are trusted government agency
alcohol prevent the new corona virus (covid-19)? ma’am and they responsible for international
public health
Correct! Well according to WHO or World Health
Organization, drinking alcohol does not protect you Truth, ma’am!
from 2019-nCoV infection. Moreover, we can reduce
the risk of corona virus infection by frequently cleaning
hands using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

From what I am presenting, how can you say I am

spreading true information?

And what about WHO, what does it make a credible


Very good! Next question, is vote buying and vote

selling is considered as election offense in the
Philippines, truth, or falsity?

Correct! As stated by the Commissions on Elections by

the Republic of the Philippines, vote buying, and vote
selling is a prohibited act thus shall be guilty of an
election offense
Yes, ma’am, because it came from the
It can be observe as any person who gives, offers or Commissions on Elections by the Republic of the
promises money or anything of value, gives or promises Philippines
any office or employment, franchise or grant, public or Because it is a government agency that is tasked to
private, or makes or offers to make an expenditure, enforce and administer all laws and regulations
directly or indirectly, or cause an expenditure to be concerning the conduct of regular and special
made to any person, association, corporation, entity, or elections.
community in order to induce anyone or the public in
general to vote for or against any candidate or withhold Falsity ma’am
his vote in the election, or to vote for or against any
aspirant for the nomination or choice of a candidate in a
convention or similar selection process of a political

From that text, where does my proof came from? Can it

be considered as true and reliable source of

How can you say so? What does the COMELEC do?
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

Next one, Cyberbullying is not as bad as traditional (Students answers may vary)
bullying, and it only happens who talk to strangers

Yes, you’re right! In the article provided by UNICEF,

data shows that violence against children, in all forms
including online bullying or cyberbullying, has
devastating effects on the physical and emotional
wellbeing of young people. This can create lasting Yes ma’am
emotional and psychological scars, even physical harm.
In the Philippines, latest national data show that
cyberviolence affects almost half of children aged 13-
171. The prevalence of cyberviolence for males (44 per None, ma’am
cent) is almost the same for females (43 per cent).

Are you class familiar with UNICEF? Have you ever

heard about it?
Okay, ma’am
Okay, so UNICEF stands for United Nations Children's
Fund, is a United Nations agency responsible for
providing humanitarian and developmental aid to
children worldwide.

From all of the topics and examples I provided, are we

clear class about determining the relevance and the
truthfulness of the ideas presented in the materials

Do you have any questions, regarding about our topic?

F. Generalization

To ensure that you learn something from our topic

today, I need all of you to interpret this picture that I
will be presenting
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

(Students raises their hands to answer)

(Students answers may vary)

Yes, ma’am

(Students answers may vary)

(Students answers may vary)

(Students answers may vary)

Anyone from the class who wants to share his/her

observation? Raise your virtual hand or type down you
answer in the comment box Yes, ma’am

Great observation class, as what we talked about earlier,

the spread of false information is a common problem
right now right? That is why it is a relevant issue; it is
also the truth because we may not be sharing fake news,
but we might be the receiver of it. Do you agree, class?

My question to all of you, class, how do you plan to

assess the relevance and truthfulness of the information
Yes, ma’am
you are viewing?

What can be the greatest benefit if we understand the

whole context first before giving our opinions?

How do you plan to share the importance of knowing

the relevance and the truthfulness of the information to
the community? Yes, ma’am

Great insights class! I hope now you apply on what you

have reflect for our today’s lesson. Can I trust you on
that? Yes, ma’am

G. Evaluation


(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

For our next activity, I need you to prepare a pen and

paper, pen markers are recommended. And now I need
all of you to think or search at least one social issues we
have right now. I will be giving you two minutes to
ready your chosen social issue, is that enough, class?

So now that you have your social problems listed, the

question is, as a teenager how can you lessen or solve
that problem? What are you going to do? Write down
your answer on a piece of paper and after two minutes Thank you, ma’am
everyone is asked to capture their output and upload the
image or screenshot their answers to be submitted on, understand class?

Time’s up! Let me see your answers. We will read some

outputs of your classmates and the rest will be graded
later. And of course, this is the rubrics on how your
answers will be graded

(The teacher will explain the rubric accordingly)

Very good! I see that you are all much aware of social
issues happening right now. Good job class!

H. Assignment

And for your assignment, here is what you’re going to Okay, ma’am
accomplish. This will be submitted on google form link
that I will be sending right now

Read and understand the situation below then answer or

Yes, ma’am
perform what are asked. (Page 303 of Mathematics 9
Leaner’s Material)

Pepe, your classmate, who is also an SK Chairman in None, ma’am

your Barangay Matayog organized a KITE FLYING
FESTIVAL. He informed your school principal to
motivate students to join the said KITE FLYING Goodbye ma’am Leiden!
1. Suppose you are one of the students in your
barangay, how will you prepare the design of the kite?
(047) 237-1480
Don Manuel Banzon Ave., Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
2100 Philippines

2. Make a design of the kite assigned to you

3. Illustrate every part or portion of the kite
including their measures.
4. Using the design of the kite made, identify
and list all the relevant mathematics concepts or
principles involved and explain their truthfulness to the
design created.

That is all for our assignment, be sure to submit it, okay


And before we end this meeting here is the link for your
attendance, be sure answer it, so you won’t be mark as
absent. Did I make myself clear?

(sending link)

Do you any questions regarding about Relevance and


If there’s no more concern, let’s call it a day. Goodbye


Prepared by:


Student Teacher, BPSU-Balanga Campus

Checked by:


Critique Teacher, BNHS-Junior High School

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