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O . that could be applied when wnt__
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the following passage statistical data . mg a summary is th d 1 .
,, and underline all examples of th are used to illustrate thew _et etton of statistical data (figures). In
. . . e use of d n er s statement R d h
I the roam pomts and omitting data (figures).
ala (figures). Then writea summary
. eaoft the
e passage

Among all females with full-time JO· bs, the wage g b

woman no~ earn~ about 74 cents for every dollar ap etwe~n the sexes keeps shrinking. On average, a
Those relative gams reflect the fact that a man bnngs home, up from 65 cents a decade ago
r: H
be1ore. owever, at the same level of women are better educate d and hold more positions than ever.
, management the ty · 1 , .
league s - even when she has the exa t : . pica woman s pay 1s lower than her male col-
. c same quahficatto k .
often, provides the main financial support for her fami ns, wor s Just_ as many years, relocates just as
wins the same number f promotions ly, takes as httle time off for personal reasons, and
new study of 1,029 managers at of A:;~m~arable Jobs. That discouraging conclusion comes from a
in• 1989 women manag ' 20. ca s largest compames across 8 industries. Over 5 years end-
o f th' d , ers pay mcreased 54 percent, their male counterparts' 65 percent. Linda Stroh
one_o e stu y" s co-authors
_ _ , who teach es m · the Inst1tute
· oflndustnal· Relations
· at Loyola University in'
_ _
Chicago, says: The d1spanty probably comes part y
1 fr
om t e
h 1·mgenng·
and often unconscious
t10n that women are gomg to leave to have babies. But the women managers we studied were in the work
force to stay and had done all the right stuff. It still wasn't enough."

Even so, most of the available data support that, on balance, women in the workplace are advancing.
More than 80 percent of the CEOs polled by Fortune say it is at least "somewhat likely" their company
will be headed by a woman within 20 years. To a man - and that's what they all are - the CEOs say that
over the past 5 years the number of female middle managers at their companies has either increased (92
percent) or stayed about the same (80 percent). As for female officers, 62 percent of chief executives say

their number rose as well.

Labour de artment statistics support this upbeat forecast. Using a broad-gauge definition of "manager"
. dp body from the head of a fast food restaurant to a CEO, the Department of Labour
that mclu es every rcent of U.S. managers were female as of mt·d 1991, up from 32 percent m
· 1983.
reports that about 41 pe
Read the following passage and answer the questions on it.
schizophr~nia is a lo~g name for a disease that attacks many people all over the world. Ba~ies may be
born with it. Small children may get it. Adults in all walks of life and of all ages may have it.

You may find ~chizop~renics in_your school. Or in your lawyer's office. Or in the barber shop. You may
have coffee with a sch1zophremc every morning. You are rubbing elbows with them every day.

You may have heard of schizophrenia as a frightful mental illness. Schizophrenia actually is a very com-
mon disease that affects the whole body. The only mystery is that many people are still not abl e to rec-
ognize it as such.

It is a disease like any other disease, with causes and treatment. When you have certain symptoms, )'.ou
go to a doctor. He examines you and makes a diagnosis on the basis of his findings. 1t is the same th mg
with schizophrenia.

When you have schizophrenia you are physically ill, but the symptoms are both physical and mental. Thi s
is because the disease has a specific effect on the brain. You may be fatigued, listless, or depressed. Your
skin may change to a darker hue. Your skin and muscle tone may not be as good as they once were. Your
eyes may have a glazed look.

The chief changes are in the way you see, think, feel , and act. You may find that you have trouble judg-
ing time or distance. People and objects may change into many funny shapes and do strange things, like
beds moving up the walls. Things may even feel different to the touch. This is because your nerve end-
ings are so much more sensitive than before.

Sounds may seem louder. What may be normal noise to other people may be very loud to you. The dis-
ease may have the effect of producing voices in your head or in your ears, telling you what to do. All
these changes cause you to begin to think and act differently.

Some schizophrenics feel that others are plotting against them. They take steps to protect them.selves.
Some believe that they are in jobs of high authority. They start giving orders. Some feel brittle. They
believe they will break like glass if they smile or move. They stay in one position for hours at a time.
Symptoms vary from one extreme to another.

(a) W hich of the following best explains the writer's intention in this passage?
( i) to explain the symptoms and effects of schizophrenia on people
( ii) to show the dangers of schizophrenia
(iii) to warn people about the causes and dangers of schizophrenia
(iv) to illustrate the evils of a medical problem
(b) Summarize the main ideas in this piece in one third of its length. Avoid repetition
and irre levant details.

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