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HRDM7: Administrative Office Management 1


Sources of Potential Office Employees

Internal Sources- it is better to promote an employee who meets the requirements of the
position than hiring from the outside.
• Employee Referral-when this is used, employee recommend individual for open
positions within an organization.
• Employee Promotion- morale is likely to increase and turnover decrease when
employees can be promoted.
• Databanks-the information regarding employees’ job qualifications is stored in a
computerized data bank.

External Sources-the advantage of external sources is that there will be big potential applicant
pool with new ideas to join in the organization.
• Unsolicited Applications- this is used to apply for a position without knowing whether an
opening actually exists.
• Advertising-as a recruiting source, advertising includes classified newspaper
advertisements, magazines and journals. Radio and television notices, electronic
bulletin boards found on the internet.
• Educational Institution Placement Services- provide important services to both the
employers and the job seeker.
• Public Employment Agencies and Private Employment Agencies- these agencies help
employers design testing programs, job analysis and evaluation.
• Web-based Employment Services-Using the web, the job seeker registers with the
employment service and electronically submits resume-type information.
Outsourcing- organization turns over certain of its function to an outside agency that has the
specialization of recruiting, selecting, and hiring employees.

Interview and Resume Preferences

The following methods for narrowing the field are listed below:
1. Scanning Resumes- a one page resume is preferable since manager is always in a hurry
to finish everything on his table. Most employers with a paper preference like cream,
gray or white.

2. The interview- employers now often try to reduce the list of candidates further by
conducting telephone interview. They note the applicant’s ability to discuss education,
job history, and current interests on the telephone. Those who cannot remember
specifics are not invited for a formal interview. The formal interview really begins as soon
as the applicant arrives at the site. The typical interview process is around two or three
hours long- even for an entry-level position.
HRDM7: Administrative Office Management 2

In every organization there is a need for a training and development manager who will make
sure that the training the company will provide to their employees will give them the skills and
knowledge they need to succeed in their jobs.
Plan the training by:
• Start reviewing the company’s organizational objectives and by evaluating the existing
training in light of those objectives;
• Decide what additional training is needed to match employee needs with company
• Suggest the training program’s value to the company.

Assess Current Training Programs

The company is likely to have some kind of training in place already even if it’s ad hoc and
informal. Look at what’s there particularly:
• How well trained are employees at all levels?
• What process is in place to propose and approve training?
• What methods are used to train and develop people?
• What overall priority is training given, and what resources are set aside for it?

Produce a Plan
It’s essential to have a written training plan before you begin working with employees on their
learning agendas. A written plan serves two purposes:
1. It’s a document that you can share with management.
2. It’s a benchmark for measuring the effectiveness of training activities.

Counseling Employees
The difficulties that come with a problem employee may seem easily corrected by termination.
However, if you believe the employee’s performance can be altered, counseling employees
is an intermediate step before firing.

Counseling Tips
• Active Listening
• Responding to the Employee Verbally and Non-verbally
• Body Posture
• Head Nods
• Facial Expressions
• Questioning should be open-ended

Qualities of an Effective Counselor are as follows:

• Respect for person being counseled
• Self-awareness and cultural awareness
• Empathy
• Credibility
HRDM7: Administrative Office Management 3

Common errors made by Supervisors when conducting counseling sessions are as follows:
• Personal bias
• Rash judgments
• Losing emotional control
• Inflexible counseling methods
• Improper follow-up

Three general approaches to counseling are commonly employed:

1. Telling-it is a directive approach to counseling best suited for addressing simple problems
or making on the spot performance corrections where time is limited and action must be
2. Coaching- it is non-directive approach that is preferred for most counseling sessions.
3. Selling- combined approach that uses aspects of both coaching and telling.

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