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Name of Learner: Grade Level:

Section: Date:


Different Dimensions of Information and Media

Background Information for Learners

In the previous lesson, you have learned that media is the main means of mass
communication and its implication to every individual and the society. It is said that he
primary goal of media is to have an easier access to information and share reliable
information to the audience. Moreover, there are lots of ways to deliver information. These
are the tools used to transmit information.
In this module, you will describe the different dimensions of Information in Media
and how information is being used, produced, and disseminated through media. The table
below shows the different types of information in Media and its dimension.

Types of
Information in Definition Example Features

Text Information and -disseminate -newspaper, Types of Text

Media/ Text Media information through flyers, books, 1. Hypertext- serves to
media products magazines,
-text is a simple and posters, and link different electronic
flexible format of banners documents.
presenting information 2. Unformatted Text -
or conveying ideas fixed size characters.
whether hand-written 3. Formatted Text -
printed or displayed on appearance can be
screen changed (italic, bold, font
size, font style).

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Design Principles and
1. Emphasis – highlights
a part of the text.
2. Appropriateness- the
text is suitable to the
3. Proximity- how near or
far the text elements.
4. Alignment – how the
text is positioned.
5. Organization –
conscious effort to
organize the text
elements in a page.
6. Contrast – creates
visual interest.

Visual Information -sources of data or -photography, Purpose of Visual Media

and Media/ Visual information in the form video, 1. gain attention
Media of visual presentation. screenshots,
infographics, 2. create meaning
data 3. facilitate retention
(charts and Elements of Visual Design
graphs), comic 1. Line- describes a
strips/cartoons, shape or outline.
memes, and 2. Shape – a geometric or
visual organic area that stands
notetaking out from the space next
to or around it.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

3. Value- the degree of
light and dark in a
4. Texture- way a surface
feels or is perceived to
5. Color- determined by
its hue (color), intensity
and value.

Audio Information -media communication -radio Purposes of Audio

and Media/ Audio that uses audio or broadcast, Media
Media recordings to deliver music, sound 1. give instruction or
and transfer information recording, information
through the means of phonograph 2. provides feedback
sound. record, CD’s, 3. to personalize or
-Audio refers to a and audio card.
sound, especially when customize
recorded, transmitted, Elements of Sound
or produced. Design
1. Dialogue- speech
conversation, voice-over.
2. Sound Effects – any
sound other than music
or dialogue.
3. Music – vocal or
instrumental sound.
Principles of Sound
1. Mixing – the
combination, balance,
and control of multiple
sound elements.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

2. Pace- time control,
3. Transition- how you
get from one segment to

Motion Information -A form of media that -film and Design Principle and Elements
and Media/Motion has the appearance of cinema, 1. Speed – A fast
Media moving text and television, movement and slow
graphics on a display. It online videos, movement.
is combined with audio, phone gaming 2. Direction – Indicates a
text, and/or interactive movement from one
content to create direction to another.
multimedia. 3. Timing – It can be
objective or subjective.
Objective in minutes and
subjective in emotions.
4. Transition – It is used
to switch between scenes.
5. Sound and Color –
Adds meaning to the
Sources of Motion
1. personal Media
3. media Companies

Manipulative -loosely defined as any - Types of

Information in material, program, or advertisements Manipulative
Media/ Manipulative application Information
Media -use to formulate new / commercial 1. Consumer Confusion-
information to aid Consumer cannot decide

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

learning through the which product to buy due
use, analysis, to varied offers.
evaluation, and 2. Crowd Manipulation –
production of interactive Manipulate the public by
and hands-on media. making them believe that
there is a great demand
for the product.
3. Propaganda –
Advertising firm can
release a commercial paid
by political candidate.
4. Hoax- Use to deceive
the public.

Multimedia -computer information -text, graphics, Evaluating and Rating

Information and can be represented images, audio, Multimedia Information
Media/Multimedia through audio, video, video, 1. Content- The
and animation PowerPoint presentation varies
presentation depending on its content.
2. Purpose or application-
Multimedia presentation
can be used in many
3. Manner of
Presentation – It can be
presented based on the
following factors.
- Topic
Characteristics of Multimedia

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

1. Electronic or digital –
Multimedia is delivered
electronically using
various computer
applications and online
2. Interactive – Because it
responds to the
audience’s visual and
auditory senses.
3. Dynamic – Because it
can be projected, played,
recorded, and accessed
using technology and
computer applications.

Advantages and Limitations

Types of Information in Advantages Limitations

Text Information and Media/ -Text information covers -The book must be updated
Text Media a wide range of topics. regularly for accuracy and
-It is easy to access. timeliness.
-It should be well- -Text information can be lengthy
and hard or tiresome to read.
researched and
-Finding information can mean
browsing over several materials
which can be consuming.

Visual Information and -It catches the attention -It can be distracting. The
Media/ Visual Media of the audience because audience might lose sight of the
message in the process of

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

of its artistic deciphering or interpreting the
presentation. visual presentation.
-It teaches the audience -Its meaning could be interpreted
to be more analytical to differently because of its artistic
visually process the presentation.
message. -It takes time and effort to
-It allows the artist to produce visual information, which
present the information can be costly, too.
and express the
message in a creative

Audio Information and Media/ -It is easier to process -Retention of information could be
Audio Media since the information is difficult since the details were
already communicated relayed orally.
verbally. -The audience can become easily
-The audience pays distracted if the sound is not
more attention to the audible.
information, making it
easier for them to
absorb such content.
-Audio information is
much faster to relay
since it can be said

Motion Information and -Motion media is an -Motion media could be subjected

Media/Motion Media effective form of to different interpretation from the
communication because audience.
it is both visual and -It takes a lot of effort and time to
auditory. produce, which could delay
-The information is information dissemination and
easier to understand learning.
because the

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

presentation is
-Motion media gives the
audience the
opportunity to learn
and enjoy at the same

Manipulative Information and -It boosts the image of a -It can be biased and subjective to
Media/Manipulative Media person or a product. protect a person’s image.
-It filters the -It distorts the facts and covers up
information to be sensitive issues.
disseminated to the -It hides the truth that the public
public. must know.
-It provides a sense of
control and order when
it comes to the kind of
information to be

Multimedia Information and -The information is -There is too much information to

Media/Multimedia presented in a more absorb which overwhelms the
interesting and audience.
organized manner. -The speaker becomes too
-It complements and dependent on technology, which
empowers the speaker he has mastered operating.
to make his lecture
more dynamic and
-It makes the
information easier to
understand since the
presentation is

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

presented in a creative

Learning Competency with Code:

Describe the different dimensions of text information and media, visual information
and media, audio information and media, motion information and media,
manipulative information and media and multimedia information
and media. (MELC13 –Q2/Week4)


Directions: Identify the following examples of media/information by placing the

answer on the blank before each number. Choose your answer from the box below.

Text Media Motion Media

Visual Media Manipulative


Audio Media

1. Cinema 6. Online videos

2. Infographics 7. Radio Broadcast

3. Text and Graphics 8. Commercial

4. Flyers 9. Newspaper

5. Chart 10. Memes

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Directions: In this exercise, you are tasked to shade the LIKE button
if the statement is Advantage and shade the DISLIKE button if it is
Limitation. (10pts)

1. Motion media is an effective form of communication

because it is both visual and
2. In multimedia, the information is presented in a more
interesting and organized
3. Manipulative Media can be biased and subjective to protect a
person’s image.

4. Text information covers a wide range of topics.

5. Visual Information teaches the audience to be more

analytical to visually process the message.

1. Text information can be lengthy and hard or tiresome to read.

2. Motion media could be subjected to different interpretation from

the audience.

3. The audience can become easily distracted if the sound is

not audible.

4. Audio information is much faster to relay since it can be said


5. The speaker becomes too dependent on technology, which he

has mastered operating.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3: AD ANALYZER
Directions: In this exercise, you are tasked to choose an ad of your choice from a
commercial, the internet, a magazine, billboard, poster, or radio. Complete the
following chart of your ad. Paste the picture of the ad on the space below. Complete
the chart by writing your answers in the box.

Describe the Product or Service and Who Are the Where Did You See the Ad? Was This an Effective
Target Audience? Place to Put the Ad? Why or Why Not?

What is the Purpose of the Ad? What is the Message? Did it Make use of Appropriate Design elements and
Principles? What would you Change or Include to
this Ad? Why?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Directions: In this activity, you are tasked to select a printed ad and answer the
following questions. Cut the ad and paste it in the box.

1. What does the text tell you? How effective it is?

2. Is the image effective? Is the image related to the text? Yes or No, Why?

3. What is the hook applied in that ad that captured your interest?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

4. Do you think the design elements and principles are properly used in the ad?
Yes or No, how did you say so?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

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