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Alamat : Jalan Air Tawar Desa Padu Banjar Kec. Simp. Hilir Kab. Kayong Utara Kode Pos 78853
NSS: 2011 3130 2023 NPSN: 30109561
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jam : 07.30-09.30
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 7 April 2022 Waktu : 120 Menit

I. Choose the correct answer with A, B, C or D!

The following text is for questions l and 2.

1. The card above is suitable given in ...

A. a marriage event B. a graduation occasion
C. a housewarming celebration D. a achievement celebration
2. Why was the card sent to Hanif?
A. To make his happy B. To warn him about the future
C. To remind him to study hard D. To congratulate on his success
Text following text is for question 3 to 5

3. What is the writer's intention to write the text?

A. To tell people to read the announcement.
B. To check the people's interest to study in Pokhara.
C. To recruit people to be nurses in CIWEC Hospital.
D. To ask people to participate in travel medicine center.
4. What are the readers supposed to do if they want to work in the hospital?
A. Making passport
B. Sending requirements
C. Writing Curriculum Vitae
D. Joining important interview
5. “Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview …:”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ……………
A. interrogation B. conference C. dialogue D. meeting

The following text is for no 6-8

6. What is the text made for?
A. To keep people stay yinside B. To make someone keep yinspire
C. To invite yoga teachers to join the training D. To be a yoga trainer and to go to Singapore
7. Which one is true based on the text?
A. We must go to Singapore to join the training
B. Jo Phee is the guest lecturer of the training for 6 days
C. It will be cheaper if we enrolls themselves on 2 April
D. In the training we will get Theory, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fee
8. “… module in its syllabus!”. The word „its‟ refers to …. .
A. the yoga B. the training C. the syllabus D. the Yoga Alliance

Nutrition Facts
Candy Bar

Serving size 1/2 (20 g)

Serving Per Container 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 370 calories from fat 170

% Daily Value *
Total Fat: 15 g29%
Saturated Fat: 12 g60%
Cholesterol: 15 mg5%
Sodium: 25 mg10%
Total Carbohydrate : 45 g15%
Dietary fiber: 2 g8%
Sugar: 33 g
This product contains no artificial colours.
9. After reading the label we know the ... of the product.
A. detailed info B. detailed price C. detailed shape D. detailed function
10. When you want to serve the product, you should split it into ….
A. five B. four C. three D. two
11. "This product contains no artificial colours.”
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Pure B. Original C. Unnatural D. Inexpensive
Dialogue for Number 12
Sandra : Hi! Mike, Congratulations! I heard you got the first prize for English Competition
Mike: Oh Thank you. I prepared myself for two weeks.
Sandra : You deserve it, your hard work was paid
Mike: yeah, my parents are very happy for that
Sandra : No doubt, they must be proud of you. So what will you do next?
Mike: My mom told me that there will be private English course for me to increase my
speaking skill
Sandra : Lucky for you, you got the skill and your parents support

12. Why is Sandra talking to Mike?

A. To congratulate him B. To give him support
C. To greet his parents D. To have a course with him

Mango Meyer Lemon Margarita Mocktails Prep. times: 10

Total times: 10 mins Yield: 4
6 tablespoons fresh mango puree (see Note)
3 to 4 tablespoons simple syrup, more or less to taste (see Note) 2 tablespoons
fresh mayer lemon juice
16 oz (500 ml)sparkling water
For surgaring the rims of the glasses:
1 meyer lemon wedge Coarse
Ice cubes
Fresh sprigs of mint, for garnish
1. whisk together the mango puree, simple syrup, and lemon juice in a large pitcher.
Briefly stir it in the water, being careful not to over-stir and lose all the carbonation.
2. to sugar the rims of the glasses, rub a lemon wedge along the rim of each glass and
the dip it into coarse sugar.
3. put a few ice cubes in each glass, pour in the drink, and garnish each with a mint
4. serve immediately.

Fresh Mango Puree: to make this, peel, and cut a fresh mango (you will probably need 1 mango for this
recipe), and then purce it until smooth in a blender or food processor. If you have leftover mango puree,
use it as a topping for yogurt, oatmeal, ice cream, pancakes, etc.

Simple syrup: this is just a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water that’s been heated to fully dissolve the sugar. To
make enough for this recipe, add 4 tablespoons of sugar and 4 tablespoons of water to a small saucepan;
bring it to a boil, and then turn the heat down and simmer until the sugar is fully dissolved, about 30
seconds. Cool to room temperature before using.
Look at the procedure text above to answer number 13-15
13. The similar meaning of “garmish” in the text above is…
A. Variation B. Decoration C. Make up D. Beautiful
14. How many steps are the in the text above!
A. One step B. Three steps C. Four steps D. Five steps
15. What is the third step of the text?
A. Put a few ice cubes in each glass, pour in the drink, and garnisheach with mint sprig.
B. Serve immediately
C. Whisk together the mango puree and simple syrup.
D. Rub a lemon wedge along the rim of each glass and then dip it into coarse water.
16. What animal which begin with “H”?




17. Raiyya : I think a whale is fish
Nizar : I don’t think so. I think they are mammals Nizar expresses a ….
A. Agreement B. Disagreement C. Uncertainty D. Leave taking
18. What do you think of this picture?

A. It is reptile B. It is mammal C. It is fish D. It is insects

19. What about this one?

A. It is bird B. It is mammal C. It is fish D. It is insects

Read the text to answer number 20-

Durian is classified as Durio zibethinus. It is native to Southeast Asia. Durian is known as ‘King of
Fruits’. It is not only the most expensive fruit but also the most controversial fruit. It is the only fruit
which is banned from airline cabins, hotels and some public transports.

The durian tree is large and very tall. It can grow up to 25-50 meters and it has green elliptic leaves. A
durian tree usually can bear fruit after four or five years. The durian fruit, which can hang from any
branches, matures is about 3 months after pollination. The fruit can grow up to
30 cm long and 15 centimeters diameter. The husk is covered with sharp thorns. The color of the
husk ranges from green or brown. The flesh is pale yellow. It is very soft but not juicy. When it is ripe,
it taste sweet and smells very strong.

Durian contains a lot of sugar, vitamin C, and potassium. Durian is also good source of
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Durian is usually eaten fresh. Sometimes it is also cooked to make
“Dodol” or jam.

Durian used to be grown from seeds, but now it is propagated by grafting. Source:

20. Does Durian have pungent smell?

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it was. C. Yes, it does D. Yes, they are
21. Where does Durian usually grow?
A. America B. Africa C. Arabia D. Asia
22. How tall can a Durian tree grow?
A. 20-30 m B. 15 cm C. 30 cm D. 25-50 m
23. Does Durian tree have any branches?
A. Yes, it does B. Yes, it is C. Yes, it was D. Yes, it did
24. What is the Durian like except
A. The flesh is pale yellow B. It is very soft but not juicy
C. When it is ripe, it taste sweet and smells very strong D. The thorn is poisonous
Read the text to answer questions 25

and 26
25. What does the notice mean?
A. You will have breakfast at 10. 00 am. B. The breakfast will be served at 10.00 am.
C. You will have breakfast till D. The breakfast will be served after at 10.00 am.

26. This kind of notice is found in … .

A. café B. hotel C. hospital D. restaurant
Read the following text and answer questions 27 to 30.
My friend, Hendr y, is a diligent and smart student in his school. He gets up at 4.00 a.m. every morning. He always
goes to school earlier than his friends. He goes to school by public transport and he sometimes goes home by
motorcycle with his uncle. He’s never absent. Af ter school he usually helps his parents. They have a cloth store
beside their house. In the evening he studies his lesson and he does the assignments given by his teacher. He seldom
watches TV. He hardly ever goes to bed late.
27. How does Hendry go to school?
A. on foot B. by motorcycle C. by train D. by public transport
28. What is Hendry like?
A. He is diligent and smart student. B. He goes to school with his uncle.
C. He’s sometimes absent in his classroom. D. He does his assignment after going back from
29. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?
A. Hendry always goes to school late. B. After school, Hendry usually helps his parents.
C. His uncle sometime goes to school by public transport. D. Hendry is never diligent to do his assignments.
30. “After school he usually helps his parents.” Line 4
Th e underline words can be replaced with …
A. His father and grandfather. B. His mother and grandmother.
C. His brother and sister. D. His father and mother.
Read the following text and answer questions 31 to 34.
Do you know that some bajai in Jakarta have been replaced by new micro cars called mobil kancil, has been
operating as public transport in some areas in Jakarta for some months now. These 400 cc cars only fit 4 people
including the driver and are said to be environmentally friendlier than the traditional bajai. These smart cars are
expected to be used not only in Jakarta but but also in Bali and Medan in near futur e. Can you imagine if all bemos
or public transports are replaced by these mini cars?
31. What is the text about?
A. Bajai in Jakarta. B. Public transport. C. Bemos D. Mobil Kancil.
32. Where will Mobil Kancil be used ?
A. In Jakarta, Bali and Medan B. In Jakarta. C. In Bali. D. In Medan.
33. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. To explain how to operate Mobil Kancil. B. To retell Bajai in Jakarta.
C. To inform Mobil Kancil. D. To describe public transport.
34. Mobil Kancil can carry …. People.
A. four B. five C. six D. seven
Read the following text and answer questions 35 to 37.
Dear Hasri,
Hi friend, here I invite you to my 15
birthday party
th Date : Sunday, 17 Mei 2009
Time : 4 p.m.
Place : My house, Jl. Martadinata no.57 Sukabumi
Please, arrive on time! Without you the party will be
35. When will the Halima’s birthday party be held ?
A. At 4 p.m. B. At Jl. Martadinata no.57 C. At her house D. On May 15
36. In what year was Halima born?
A. 1996 B. 1995 C. 1994 D. 1993
37. Halima hopes that Hasri …
A. sings and dances B. wears new dress C. attends her party D. brings a
Read the following text and answer questions 38 to 40.
Name of Passenger : Monica Colandem
From : New York La Guardia
To : Los Angeles
Carrier Flight Class Date Time Gate Seat Smoke
TU 740 V 8 May 11.30 67 12A NO
38. What is the text about ?
A. Ticket for a concert B. Boarding pass from an airline flight
C. Registration from for classes. D. Bus ticket.
39. Where will Monica Colandem go ?
A. New York B. Los Angeles C. Airport D. America
40. When will Monica Colandem go to Los Angeles?
A. At 11.30, 8 May B. Before 11.30, 8 May C. After 11.30, 8 May D. At flight 740

II. Questions of “TRUE” or “FALSE” (BENAR atau SALAH)

Simple Present Tense True or False
1 She Writes a book for her best friend
2 They sleep in my room tonight
III. Match the following statements in column A with the correct responses in column B !
1. “My mom is hospitalized.” a. “Sure. Good luck! I hope you win the race.”
2. “Mr. Arifin said I will join in a speech contest b. I am sorry to hear that. Wish her get well soon.
next week in Balai Budaya”. c. Awesome, I hope you win it!
3. “Next week I will go to Pontianak for join
motorcycle race competition.

A Komodo dragon is native animals of Indonesia. They are very big. People sometimes call them giant lizards. It is
very dangerous. They eat deer, wild pigs and other komodo dragons. Komodo dragons are reptiles. It has cold blood
and it lays eggs. A komodo dragon can’t run but it can climb a tree. It can lives without eating for weeks or even

1. What is the main idea of the text above?

2. Another name of komodo dragon is
3. What animals that eat by komodo dragon?
Question for Number 4 and 5
4. When was Amirullah born?

5. Hamarullah and Halimah are Amirullah's ..

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