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All of creation has a divine spark

They are telling me:

“It is with happiness; it is with joy that we are present tonight among you. We are happy to be able to greet you and to be able to express
ourselves. Certainly, many of us have already expressed ourselves among you, but tonight we are expressing ourselves to accompany you
more, to give you force and courage and to tell you that the goal will soon be attained.

Today, it is your Galactic Brothers who are going to manifest themselves through our channel. Why today in particular? Because this is the
start of a new cycle that is extremely important for humanity.

We are activating ourselves in a considerable way because the time is now. We are no longer going to tell you that it will be tomorrow, the
day after tomorrow or soon, we are simply telling you that the time is now.

So, some of you, who may listen to us, could tell us: “But still, when you see the suffering in the world, when you see that nothing is
advancing, when you see, on the contrary the pressure is getting stronger and stronger, where is the hope, where is the advancement?”
We are going to tell you that you have finished with the biggest part of the storm, but this is not to say that you will not have some
marvelous days and months to come.

When we speak about the worst of the storm, we wish to say that the somber light has really lost the battle. For those who do not
necessarily know this expression of “somber light” or who do not understand it, we employ it to say that in the Universe all is Light, but
the obscurity is a Light that has not become aware of itself. Everyone, even the inferior beings, that is to say those who harm current
humanity, all of those beings have Light in them, but they are not aware of it.

If you start with the principle that everything emanates from God the Father Mother or the Great Architect of the Universe (it matters little
what name you give to the Great Creator), if everything emanates from this Great Creator, the Light is everywhere, Love is everywhere,
and the Light and Love can live in a thousand and one different ways in this world and in this Universe.

If you put the somber beings, the evil ones or even some of your Galactic Brothers who do not wish for your happiness into one camp,
human brothers, in their consciences everything is just; they function with their deep feelings.

In your world, those who serve the shadow or the somber light, automatically are not happy because they take a material profit, a profit of
power, etc., but in those beings, there is the Light. It is veiled certainly, in many it lightens up like a very small candle, but the Light exists,
Love exists, but as we have just said, they have not yet unveiled themselves.

So, happy are the beings who not only awaken themselves but begin to blossom in the Light and in Love.

Happy are the beings who have not only understood what they are but where they are going.

Happy are the beings who keep and will keep this absolute confidence in the Light and in Love.

Happy are the beings who believe in what we are, who believe in this considerable aid that is offered to the Earth at this moment not only
by us, your Galactic Brothers, but by all of the Hierarchies of Light; therefore, we could speak to you about Angels, about Archangels, but
this is not our language, however as it is a language that you understand, we use it.

If we are manifesting ourselves today in perhaps a different and stronger way, it is because you must prepare yourself to become that
magnificent family of all the Galactic Beings.

We have told you (one of our brothers) that the quarantine of humanity has ended; effectively this placement in quarantine is ending with
the old world.

So, obviously, some people will remain in the old world, not physically but we wish to say by that that they will not be able to accede to
this world of fraternity, this world of respect, this world of joy, this creative world, this world of Love and of Light of course. They will not
be able to accede to it because they have not been able to liberate themselves from their passions, they have not been able to liberate
themselves from their false existences in a way, they have not had the force very simply, but all of these beings who have not been able to
liberate themselves and who will not remain in this world since it is going to transform itself, will go towards other worlds to continue to
understand and to evolve, to continue to make that Divine spark grow that shines in each of you. In this existence they have not
understood and yet the Divine spark shines everywhere.

In all that is Creation there is a Divine spark. This Divine spark is even in the diverse kingdoms. When you see a magnificent flower, you
feel it, you can even communicate with it in vibration, you communicate with the Divine spark that dwells in all Creations.

So, the somber light, yes, but it is an illusion, the deep state, yes, but it is also an illusion. You remove what maintains in its life and it
disappears. You remove the money and the power, and these so powerful men are nothing. Whereas you, even if you do not have money,
even if you do not have power, you are; you are extraordinary beings because you do not allow yourself to be dragged into fear, into
falsehood, unconsciously you know where you are going.

Therefore, you are the beings who are the richest, it is you who have a fortune that no one can take away from you, the true fortune, the
spiritual fortune, the fortune of Love, the fortune of the Light, that is really a fortune, and you can make that fortune grow more and
more. You will never put it in bank coffers, you will keep it in the deepest part of your heart and each time that you need it, you will go
and solicit this fortune, this fortune of Love, of Light, of knowledge, of confidence, and of faith.

The most beautiful gift that you can make is to continue on this path. Of course, the path will be different for each person. Everyone will go
towards the path that suits him to really go towards his future. Some will choose religions, some philosophies; if they need them, we are
not against this, but they are limitative, even if there are many positive things in them, but sometimes these positive things are hidden
once again by power and unfortunately, money.

You, our brothers, you who are present here, know that tomorrow you will understand, you will understand why you have fought, why
you have not ceded, why you have had the courage to continue again and again to advance, and why up until the very end you will have
the courage to advance. Tomorrow, brothers of the Earth, tomorrow you will be liberated from an enormous weight, the weight of

Imagine that up until this day, you have lived in the night, a night lit up by a candle or maybe a lamp more important than a candle, but
you have not lived yet in the Light, you have not yet lived in that extraordinary Light that awaits you, in this new world.

Your Mother Earth is in the process of changing profoundly, in vibration. Those who can measure vibratory frequencies with your tools,
your measures that are uncertain, that are far from being complete and of reflecting the reality, but this matters little with the means that
you have you can measure the vibratory acceleration of the Earth and of each of you. This acceleration is going to “accelerate” more and

Sometimes you have a little bit of difficulty following, you have the impression that everything is going too fast and that you almost have
the desire to slow the time down to have the time to integrate, the time to breathe. And then, there comes a moment when you stabilize
yourself because you have integrated new parameters, new codes, a new consciousness. The renewal will take place in you like it does
outside of you, that is to say in everything that surrounds you, in your environment.

We have already told you that in the coming months you could see nature with a new regard. When your sky will no longer be polluted,
and you know by what obviously, nature will breathe, a new breath, a new energy, a new beauty.

There comes a time, even within an incarnated person where when the suffering is too important, there is no more evolution, and in your
world right now the suffering is too important for beings and life to be able to go towards an evolution.

So, there have been some large reunions on the Celestial Star with our beloved brother Sananda; there have also been some large
reunions on Earth with the Alliance of the Light and the obscure Alliance.

What has been requested essentially during these reunions with the obscure Alliance, is to become aware of their acts and gestures and to
put them face-to-face with themselves in relation to their behavior, in relation to this very great harm that they have caused. If you really
put in front of them all that they have committed and created, at that moment, even a being who has worked for the obscurity, who is not
yet awakened at the level of consciousness, is completely staggered, frightened and despairing.

In fact, in your Universe, we are going to say that the somber light is only an illusion since at a certain moment it will understand what it
is, and it will ally itself totally with the Light and will become Light.

This is a little of what is going to happen in your world. Many beings who have served for personal interests, by convictions, by greed,
many of these beings will have the choice, and during the reunions that are happening right now on Earth or in the great vessels, they are
given the choice of either going totally towards the Light and of changing their way of living and of being or to remain in this world and to
simply be annihilated. Oh, not by us! By themselves, by their vibratory frequencies, by the non-possibility of acceding to another vibratory
frequency, in their impossibility of opening themselves to Love very simply.

So, if we are telling you all of this it is to tell you:

In this new year that is beginning, try to avoid judging anyone, even the presidents of your little countries who are sometimes unbearable
but, who is who? Is the one who governs in a terrible way totally balanced, totally happy, feeling good in his body and his mind? And why
has he been placed in such a prominent position?

So, you are going to say: “This is the deep state, this is the somber light.” We are going to speak to you differently by telling you that if at
the head of almost all of the countries of the world, there are beings who work for the obscurity, for the somber light, those beings were
not necessarily put in these positions by the somber light. These are perhaps some beings who very simply before their incarnation signed
up to be responsible for the brutal awakening of a part of the human population, the brutal awakening in suffering, in despair sometimes.

Simply look at this:

For the past two terrestrial years (even a little more) in broad daylight now, you have become aware that the leaders of all the countries of
the world have manipulated their populations, have lied, have used harsh measures. What has been the result? Many beings have
awakened to a true spirituality. The true spirituality is simply to be in respect, in fraternity, in faith, in confidence, in Love for oneself and
for the other. The true spirituality is to avoid comparing and judging because you cannot know who is who; you cannot know what the
programming of such and such a being is who has committed some wrongdoings, who has even mistreated the people.

Those beings have signed up for this mission sometimes more than uncomfortable. These are evolutionary choices, not for the being but in
relation to what this being, this president as you say, can be able to make his people experience.

Look, two years of great difficulties; in these two years many beings have chosen, have positioned themselves, have understood. They are
awakening more and more to a new world, they are awakening themselves more and more and wish with all their heart to really go
towards something else, towards another civilization of respect, of beauty, of joy, of Love, of fraternity.

If there had not been this world problem, beings would have continued to be asleep. Certainly, there would have been many beings like
you present here, who would have continued their path but much less rapidly. They would have been a part of the old world with its joys,
sorrow, but without being profoundly shaken in the deepest part of themselves to make them act, and that is what is happening; in the
entire world human beings are shaken.

Oh certainly, there will always be a base that will be asleep, a base that is not ready to go to this new world, to this new civilization but
you, you have chosen, you have chosen to give yourself all the possibilities of going towards something that you wish for in the deepest
part of your soul, to another life, another regard upon life, another regard upon the Universe.

So, we your Galactic Brothers, if we are here, it is to tell you: tomorrow we will be close to you, tomorrow we will be a part of the
awakening, the real awakening. There, you will open an eye, sometimes you will close it back up, sometimes you will open it again, but
you do not have both eyes wide open on your life nor on your destiny.

So, tomorrow, we will be there to take you by the hand and to help you to create a new civilization, very different of course, but before it
can be established, this new civilization will have, obviously, certain difficulties. You cannot go from the shadow to the Light without being
dazzled, therefore you must always go in a progressive way, as much towards the Light as towards these great changes that are coming.

You are, brothers of the Earth, at a period of great changes, at a period of the end of Times, at a period where the shadow and the Light are
confronting each other, where the Light is giving a chance to the shadow to become Light.

Do you understand this gigantic gift that God the Father Mother, that the Universe is giving to the somber light, to all these beings who
serve the somber light? The Light is telling them: here we are giving you the possibility of joining us, this is your choice, it is not ours. If
you choose to come towards us, towards this Light and this Love, you will be welcomed in the Love and the Light.

You must understand that in the Universe there is no judgement, there are simply beings living in such and such a world, who evolve, who
understand more or less quickly, and there is an eternity to go towards the Source, God the Father Mother. There is an eternity to
understand, if only about what life is. Do you understand life? You are living it, but you do not necessarily understand it? Life pushes you,
pulls you in such and such a direction, but do you understand it?
You will be more and more informed by our channel or by other reliable channels, of your future and you will have more and more a
considerable aid from the planes that you call “invisible,” but also from your brothers, because now we are welcoming you among the
great Family of the Stars.

But, before this can happen, each of you must, each human being must, be able to totally accept the other, that there no longer be division
between beings of different skin colors, different religions, different psychologies; there must be respect for life, and from the moment
that you will have acquired this respect for life, it will open itself up before you and we will be there with the Vibrations that right now are
accelerating this transformation.

You will be wanting more and more to come towards us and to transform yourself, to remain totally in neutrality, that is to say not to
judge any color, any religion, etc., you will begin to see others like yourself, that is to say children of the Stars, children of the Universe,
because you are just that, children of the Stars.

We have sometimes said (not us, but your other brothers who have come to communicate through your channel) that in this incarnation
some people and many of you are terrestrial, but that in other incarnations they have been on Venus, on other planets of the Solar System
or elsewhere, so you are really Children of the Stars in incarnation in such and such a world, for a particular mission, but globally you are
all a part of the Children of the Stars.

To conclude, we are going to wish you a magnificent path of Light, a magnificent spiritual path, a magnificent human path. May the
human and the spiritual fuse in you, may there no longer be a split between what you are as a human and what you are becoming

We also wish for your consciousness to open up like a magnificent flower that blossoms in the Sun.

We also wish for your heart to grow in the Light and in the Love in order to be able to offer it constantly to beings who need it.

May this year, Children of the Earth, Brothers of the Earth, be really generous for each of you and may peace, serenity, confidence, joy,
and Love always be on your path.

Now we leave you.

May peace, joy and Love inundate your lives constantly.

We Love you infinitely and we say see you soon.”

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