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Prepare yourself, everything risks going very fast!

They are telling me:

“More than ever, we are infinitely happy, infinitely happy to be among you.

The moment is so important. For many years now we have spoken to you about this end of Time, of this new time, now you are there; you
are finishing with the old times because it must end, it must end in order to really be able to be ready for this new time, for this great
renewal of humanity.

For so many years, we have tried to accompany you, we have said many things, but you have forgotten so much. But we understand you,
our human brothers, you can forget because you are often in a time lag, in relation to yourself and in vibration; you are also totally taken
up with the whirlwind of your lives and that also is important because life is a vast experience. Therefore, all the work, all this
accompaniment that we have given you with our channel and with all those who have followed us, in a certain way, all this work is seeing
its accomplishment right now, but this accomplishment, it is also you who do it.

Each of you is going to participate in this immense mutation, which is to say that in the deepest part of yourself you already know that you
no longer belong to the old world. In the deepest part of yourself, you are being pushed, pulled towards this new world that is calling you,
therefore may this really be a spiritual awakening.

It is not through politics or money that the world will change, it is by you, by your successive awakenings, by your positioning in relation
to life, by the acceptance not only of what you have been, of what you are but of what you will become. When we say “of what you have
been” we wish to say that it requires an immense pardoning of yourself, much compassion for the difficult moments that you may have
had and lived through in your life, but also much joy for all of the marvelous moments that have carried you, for all of the marvelous
moments where you really felt joyful. You will have more and more, many moments where you will feel in the deepest part of yourself
this joy and this serenity.

You will have extraordinary moments, some difficult moments, some moments where you will still question yourself, not only on the path
to follow but in relation to who you are.

This society in which you live is also going to mutate, transform itself profoundly, it must be so; you are at the end, but you are also at the
beginning of a starting over. These are evolutionary cycles, on a small scale and at the scale of your Solar System, of the Universe;
everything is constantly moving. You move, you evolve, you open yourself, you understand, you integrate. In the Universe it is the same,
everything moves, everything evolves but not in the human way obviously; in a gigantic way that totally escapes you. Nothing is fixed. You
are not fixed; life is not fixed. If you were, you would no longer exist, very simply. Every day, when you get up, honor this new day
because it allows you repeatedly to grow, to understand and to love better.

In your worlds of the third dimension, especially in this current era at this end of a cycle, you have excluded from your lives, we are not
necessarily speaking about you but about many human beings have excluded the sacred from their life, have excluded from life their
relation to the Source or at least, they have not understood that in each being who lives in this world there is a Divine particle. If you are
aware that God has created everything, that He is the Father of all things…so we say “God,” we say, “the Great Architect of the Universe.”
Once again, the words do not have immense importance because you, on Earth, you will call the Great Architect of the Universe, God, but
in other spheres of existence He does not have this name or He does not have a name; He is simply recognized, recognized as the Father of
all things from whom sacred life emanates.

Now you will be obliged, in a certain way, to rediscover this sacred in you, to rediscover the sacred around you, to reconsider your way of
seeing and of living your life, but in this you will be considerably helped. It suffices simply for you to open wide your consciousness, to
open wide your heart and to accept; to accept this great change, this mutation, to accept these new codes of lives that are going to implant
themselves in the deepest part of you because, Children of the Earth, Children of the Stars, you are constantly integrating without being
aware of it, the new codes of lives. Whether it is in your sleep, whether it is when you feel perfectly happy whether it is during your
meditations, at all moments you can integrate these new codes of lives.

These new codes are multiple. They address themselves to several parts, not only your consciousness but your existence. They will allow
you to act and conceive of what you are, differently. Little by little, you will see within some profound and real transformations, so you
will understand that you will integrate a new way of being, of feeling and of loving.”

They are showing me the codes of lives that are like small spheres of Light that go where they must go, so that the being awakens
increasingly towards a superior consciousness and towards a new reality, and above all that he accepts it.

“You will become aware that what you took for pleasures will become futilities in your eyes because you will ask for much more; the
pleasures will be spiritual. The pleasures of life, you forget them, you are happy in the moment to have a nice car, a beautiful house, but
after a while you get used to them and you no longer feel any pleasure. But spiritual pleasures, those that elevate you each day more
towards other levels of consciousness, towards other feelings, those you do not forget, they are profoundly anchored in you; and when you
feel a little weak, a little sad, if this must be, you can remember all the good moments, all the spiritual pleasures, all of the exchanges with
your friends, with yourself. All that you may have been able to feel and that really elevated you in vibrations and spiritually, at that
moment, a new energy, a new joy, a new consciousness inundates you.

Spiritual joys are eternal, joys and human pleasures are ephemeral; this is how you must consider your life right now, nourish yourself
with what is beautiful and forget what is not. To nourish yourself with what is beautiful will allow you to ignore and totally eradicate your
weaknesses, your fears. There will come a time when even this word will no longer exist because you will no longer believe in it, because
you will have eradicated from yourself this vibration that pulls you down, and since you have this immense desire to go higher, you will
not even think any more about all the base vibrations that could prevent you from climbing up towards the superior parts of yourself.

As we have told you, the new world is at your door. We are speaking about it, and we will speak about it again because this is very
important; it is very important for you to prepare yourself because you are used to living in a certain way, you have not yet acquired the
new way of living, with yourself and with your brothers. When we say “to live with yourself” we wish to say in harmony with yourself, to
live in Love with yourself, because this is very important.

If you are constantly out of sync with what you are, already you will not be happy, but you could not even radiate love and light.

So, obviously, you could say to us: “But in this obscure world it is difficult to radiate Love and Light”, we are going to respond that if you no
longer wish to be in this obscure world, if you wish to abstract yourself from it, you will do it with much ease because you will no longer
be in the third dimension, even no longer in the fourth dimension. You will be in the dimension of Light and of Love that befits your
world, which is to say that that dimension will be, of course, evolutionary.

In any case, we remind you because it is essential, the “dimensions” are to be associated with spiritual elevation, to the elevation of the
human consciousness towards a much wider consciousness, towards this spiritual consciousness. Therefore, it is up to you to let go of all
the little miseries of the ego, to let go of your personalities that sometimes are not exactly in alignment with what you wish to become. Do
not forget that during thousands of incarnations, the ego has been a necessary tool. Now this tool is no longer the ego, the essential tool is
the awareness of what you are in wisdom and in Love.

If we are speaking to you thus today, it is to prepare you, because everything risks going very fast in the two senses, in the sense of the
obscure just as in the sense of the Light, but the Light has taken on such a proportion right now in your world that the reign of the obscure
is diminishing more every day, and you must participate in the elimination of the obscure, of that somber light, already in you and around
you. You must love yourself, accept yourself, pardon yourself, also see what you can accomplish in the totally luminous side of your being,
become aware of how much you can radiate constantly, without any big efforts, the Light and Love.

We would like it if for just one second each of you could see your future. You would be so happy, so moved, that in a fraction of a second
your life would change.

Simply imagine a life where fear no longer exists, where confidence, faith, and serenity participate in your daily life, where when you see
yourself or you meet one of your human brothers, you only see Love in him, joy and serenity; a life where you will absolutely not have
fear of the other, a life where all will be in order, but also a life where each of you will constantly create beauty; a life where beauty will
reign, where it will have an immense place whether in art, whether it is in all that surrounds you and in all that you can generate.

Tomorrow will be like that! Whether it is by the will of men or whether it is the will of God, but when we speak of Gods, we wish to say the
Creator Gods, those extraordinary Beings whose mission is to guide planet Earth, the Solar System, to guide and to protect life. Therefore,
whether man wants it or not, now, his destiny is going to be accomplished and his destiny is to go towards the Light, towards that golden
age promised for thousands of years now, towards a Universal Love.

Now are simply going to say: continue, continue to advance, without asking yourself too many questions, just simply by opening your
heart. But the essential for your advancement, once again, we do not repeat it enough, is to love yourself totally, to accept yourself, to
pardon yourself, because life in matter is not always easy for those who come to experiment life; it will become so more and more.”

They are showing me an image.

“The new world, in relation to what you are now, could make you think of a paradise. Nothing will be the same. There will be no money,
no power, no more beings who will dominate others in the worst way. For the man of today, your tomorrow will be a little paradise, but it
will be a small paradise in relation to what is still awaiting you, in relation to the evolution that will be yours, but now open yourself
totally to this consciousness.

Increasingly, if you ask for help, we will be near you; increasingly, if you are aware of what you must become, we will be close to you;
increasingly, if you also have confidence in us, we can help you but in a way that you do not even suspect.”

I see before me a magnificent Being. I know him, he has already come here. It is the Master of Wisdom.

He is telling me:

“Today, I am making a little passage to be near you, I am going to show you a little bit of the Great Book of life of the planet Earth.

As it has already been told you each of you also has his own Life Book in which are written all of your experiences.”

I see this Great Book. For the moment, I see blank pages, then everything begins to be written.

The first thing that is written in capitals is the word: “Confidence.”

The page turns and the words that are being written now are: “Fears are dissolved. Fears will no longer exist.”

There is another page that is turning and here it is not very agreeable, but I see many people, like a crowd that does not believe, that is
afraid, who do not have the rescue of Love, who have allowed themselves to be carried away by false information.

I see at the bottom of the page the words: “They will receive immense help.”

The page is turning again, and I now see many beings who rediscover each other, who recognize each other, who are truly in a profound
joy. At the bottom of the page, I see: “The return to the true fraternity.”

On the next page I simply see a large Sun, a Sun that is all yellow and that radiates, almost dazzling.

On the next page, I see radiant nature. Everything is different. I feel this nature is in peace.

On the next page, they are showing me different cities. I do not see any buildings; in fact, I do not see any cities as they currently exist. At
the bottom of the page is written: “Transformation.” The cities were inhumane, therefore, transformation.”

On the following page, I see new cities but not at all like the ones I know. These cities have round houses, others that are relatively large
and rectangular are life houses, houses where beings meet. I see in this page that all is harmonious, that the city can be large but
harmonious and serene.

The page turns and there I see men and the animal kingdom. This is magnificent because the men understand their little animal brothers
and they communicate telepathically with them. There is great harmony between the animal kingdom and the human kingdom. At the
bottom of the page, is written the word: “Love,” Love between the kingdoms, Love between beings.”

A new page turns, and I see a magnificent Being, very luminous, a Being who is not of this world. In capital letters is written: “I no longer
belong to this world, I was in this world, now I come to help this world.”

Below this is written: “Light, Love and Divinity.”

The page turns again, and I see: “Total renaissance.”

On the last page that I see, there is nothing written but it is all gold. Silence emanates from this page but also, it is as if everything was
written there. I do not know if you can understand: the silence says everything, in fact.

The Great Book closes and the Being tells me simply:

“Have complete confidence in your future because it is written in the Great Book of Life, just as we have already told you, it is written in
your own Book of Life.

There are some things that cannot be changed, there are some things that you can change with the willpower of Love and with a new
consciousness. As in this Great Book of Life, some things cannot be changed and others can be changed, but if some things change now,
this will be for the better, for the beautiful, for the sacred, for Love. May it be thus.”

Now, we are leaving you.

May Peace, joy and Love illuminate your lives constantly.

We Love you infinitely and we say see you soon.”

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