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Lesson Plan: Intro to Volume/Capacity

Name: Liliana Ballarin-Cass

Date: April. 29, 2022 Allotted Time: 40mins

Lesson title/topic/question:
What is volume and how do we calculate it?

Learners will explore rectangular prisms with unit cubes, counting to find the volume. They will practice
labeling the volume in cubic units. This will connect to their culminating task of creating a robot to
demonstrate their understanding of volume and making connections to the world around them.

Learning Intention(s):
I can create prisms and calculate the volume

● Slides
● Whiteboards/Markers
● Unit cubes (groups of 12)

Connect Pacing
T will ask learners if they have heard about volume and what they know about it. T will then
show learners a diagram, distinguishing what it means to measure/calculate the volume of a 3D 5-7 mins
shape (prism).

Next, T will then show learners slides and have them show the units used to measure
perimeter(cm) and the units to measure area (cm squared) on their whiteboards. Then make
connections to 3D shapes and the units used to measure.
T will make connections to the learners' tiny homes at the back of the class: “What kind of shape
is your tiny home?”

Process: 25 mins
● Next, learners will be practicing hands on using unit cubes with a partner. T will show
examples on the slides for learners to work together with a partner to build the 3D shape
and find the volume using their whiteboards.
- Learners will then compare the volume of the same cube but looking at it from a
different perspective/angle. “Is the volume of these 2 shapes the same?”

● After hands-on activity, learners will then practice on their whiteboards using the formula
to find the volume of the different prisms.
- T will then have learners compare the different prisms and consider how they
might relate.
- ( These are all prisms that have a volume of 20 cubic units).

EDTE 400 F2020 Beleznay & Fisher

If the lesson finishes early learners will have some time to practice their understanding of
volume through a worksheet.


- Learners working in small groups working with unit cubes.
- EA in the room to support A, M and C.
- Worksheet to practice using the formula for volume.

Transform: 5mins
● As a class discussion.
● Small group hands on learning with the unit cubes.
● Practicing the formula for volume on the white boards.

Closure: 3 mins
Ticket out the door
- Writing what they now know about volume.

● Formative
- T observing as learners work in small groups with unit cubes.
- Whiteboards using the formula for volume.

EDTE 400 F2020 Beleznay & Fisher

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