Volume Robots-2

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Lesson Plan: Volume Robots

Name: Liliana Ballarin-Cass

Date: May 9, 2022 Allotted Time: 42mins (8:54am-9:36am)

Lesson title/topic/question:
Volume & Capacity

Rationale: Learners will engage in a hands-on math experience that reinforces the basic concepts of
measuring (centimeters cubed) and calculating volume. This will create an opportunity for learners to make
connections to the world around them and to create 3D objects (prisms/cubes).

Learning Intention(s):
I can build 3D objects and determine their volume and convert to the capacity of mL.

● Slides
● Volume Robot Booklet
● Volume Robot Rubric
● Nets for prisms/cubes and blank grid paper
● Example prisms/cubes
● Tape
● Colouring items

Connect: Today’s lesson will be a lot of front loading information for learners to be successful in Pacing
their project. T will share with learners that today they will begin a small project on showing
their understanding of calculating volume, using the appropriate units and converting from 15-20
centimeters cubed to mL. They will do this by creating their very own robot! mins

T and learner volunteers will read through the instruction sheet.

- Using this sheet as a checklist.
- Appropriate UNITS! If they are wanting full marks. (T will ask what the formula is for
volume and the units)
- T will explain they will be measuring in centimeters. Asking, why we will be measuring in
‘cms’ and not ‘ms’.
- Capacity: T will ask learners how to convert from centimeters cubed to mL, T will also ask
why we might be converting to mL’s and not Ls.

T and learner volunteers will also go through the rubric (with the support of slides)
- Reading the ‘Meeting’ section of the scale
- Touching on some exceeding examples
- Explaining what meaningful reflection you are looking for: not just creativity but their
ability to calculate volume, convert to mL and use the correct units.

EDTE 400 F2020 Beleznay & Fisher

Process: 15-20
T will show learners the different nets they can choose from through slides and hands on visuals. mins
- Emphasizing they can mix and match as long as their robot has ‘6’ 3D objects to create
their robot.
- Explaining that each nets will have to be measured slightly differently as: one set of nets
every 2 squares equals 1 cm and on the other nets each square equals 1 cm.

- T will pass around the example prisms.

- T will suggest folding along the lines first and figuring out their calculations then

- T will explain that today they will get to choose their nets and begin their rough draft.
They have 3 more classes, plus flex and the weekend to finish their small project as it is
due for next Monday.

- Using slides to support understanding.
- Examples will be provided to create a visual for learners.
- Students will also have their

- Choice of which nets they would like to use: pre-made nets or grid paper to create their
- Provided with examples of how to exceed expectations during explaining of rubric.

Transform: on-going

- Learners will choose their nets and begin their rough draft of their robot and choosing
their nets for the prisms they would like.
- Class discussion: volume calculation and capacity converting.

Closure: 2 mins
- A ticket out the door to show they understand how to find volume.
- When finished they will hand it in and line up for gym.

- Formative: Intro to project, we will have a class discussion where learners will make
connections to what they know about volume: how to measure it, units and converting
to mL.
- Summative: their robots, calculations and self-assessment rubric (with teacher

EDTE 400 F2020 Beleznay & Fisher

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