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Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 74

Note : Attempt two questions each from Unit I and II carrying

11 marks each and the entire Unit III consisting of
10 short answer type questions carrying 3 marks each.
Begin every question from a fresh page.

I. Write a detailed note on the rights and privileges of legal
profession in India.

II. Discuss the procedure related to admission and enrolment

of advocates under the Advocates Act, 1961. What are the
privileges and rights of advocates under the Advocates
Act, 1961.

III. Answer briefly :

(a) Disciplinary powers by Bar Council of India.
(b) Constitution and powers of Disciplinary Committee.

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IV. Answer briefly :

(a) Composition and Powers of State Bar Councils.

(b) Disposal of disciplinary proceedings by the Bar Council

of India.

V. Any violation of the principles of professional ethics by an
advocate is unfortunate and unacceptable. Discuss.

VI. Advocates have a duty towards opponents, colleagues and

as well as other residual duties. Discuss.

VII. Define contempt. Discuss the Constitutional validity of the

Contempt of Courts Act, 1971.

VIII. Answer briefly :

(a) Nature and scope of Legal Services Authority Act, 1987.
(b) Power of Parliament to punish its contempt.

IX. Write notes on the following :

(a) Importance of legal profession.

(b) Receipt of complaint by Bar Council.

(c) Punishment for misconduct.

(d) Disciplinary Committee.

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(e) Powers of revision in misconduct.

(f) Duty towards client.

(g) Bar-Bench relation.

(h) Criminal contempt.

(i) Benefits of Lok Adalat.

(j) Supreme Court Legal Services Committee.

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not : XUint I Aqy II ivcoN do-do pRSn kro[ hryk pRSn dy 11 AMk
hn[ XUint III swrw lwzmI hY Aqy ies XUint ivcoN
10 sMKyp au~qr vwly pRSn 3-3 AMkW dy hn[ hryk pRSn dw
au~qr nvyN pMny ’qy ilKo[

XU i nt- I
I. Bwrq iv`c kwnUMnI pySy dy AiDkwrW Aqy ivSyS AiDkwrW ’qy
iek ivsqirq not ilKo[

II. AYfvokyts AYkt, 1961 qihq vkIlW dI AYfimSn Aqy

dwKly (Enrolment) nwl sbMDMq pRikirAw dI crcw kro[
AYfvokyts AYkt, 1961 qihq vkIlW dy ivSyS AiDkwr Aqy
AiDkwr kI hn?

III. sMKyp iv`c au~qr idau :

(a) bwr kONsl AwP ieMfIAw duAwrw AnuSwsn sMbMDI
(A) AnuSwsnI kmytI dI bxqr Aqy SkqIAW[

IV. sMKyp iv`c au~qr idau :

(a) styt bwr kONslW dI bxqr Aqy SkqIAW[
(A) bnwr kONsl AwP ieMfIAw duAwrw AnuSwsnI kwrvweIAW
dw inptwrw[

612-ML/00/HHH/1108 4
XU i nt- II
V. iek vkIl dUAwrw pySwvr nYiqkqw dy isDWqw dI koeI
aulMGxw mMd-Bwgw Aqy AxsvIkwrn Xog hY[ crcw kro[

VI. vkIlW dI ivroDIAW sih-krmIAW pRqI krqv Aqy hor bwkI

rihMdy (residual) krqv hn[ crcw kro[

VII. Apmwn dI pRIBwSw idau[ AdwlqW dw Apmwn kwnUMn, 1971

dI sMivDwink auicq`qw dI crcw kro[

VIII. sMKyp iv`c au~qr idau :

(a) kwnUMnI syvwvW AQwrtI kwnUMn, 1987 dw srUp Aqy
(A) sMsd nUM Awpxy Apmwn leI szw dyx dI SkqI[

XUi nt- III

IX. hyT iliKAW ’qy not ilKo :

(a) kwnUMnI pySy dI mhq`qw[

(b) bwr kONsl duAwrw iSkwieq dI rsId[

(c) dur-ivhwr leI szw[

(d) AnuSwsnI kmytI[

612-ML/00/HHH/1108 5 [P.T.O.
(e) dur-ivhwr iv`c suDweI dIAW SkqIAW[

(f) gwhk pRqI krqv[

(g) bwr-bYNc sMbMD[

(h) AprwiDk Apmwn[

(i) lok Adwlq dy Pwiedy[

(j) srv-auc Adwlq kwnUMnI syvwvW kmytI[

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