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Project Report

Local Market

Submitted to

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of

School of Computer Applications

Submitted by Supervised By
Akash Jaiswal (11801300) Dr. Mudasir Ashraf
Mohd Hanzla (11801310)
Ravi Kumar (11718599) (Lovely Professional University)
Sameer Mathew Chand (11616357)

School of Computer Application

April 2022s
Table of Content

I Title Page i
II Certificate ii
III Acknowledgement iii

Chapter Particulars Page No.

1) Introduction
2) Objective
3) System Analysis
-- Identification of Need
--Preliminary Investigation
4) DFD (0Level, 1-Leveland2Level/ Table structure etc.)
5) S/W & H/W Requirement Specification
6) System Design
7) Screen Shots
8) Validation & Testing
9) Implementation and Maintenance
10) System Security measures
11) Various types of Reports/Modules
12) Future scope of the project

This is to certify that the declaration statement made by this group of students is correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief. They have completed this Capstone Project named “Local Market”
under my guidance and supervision. The present work is the result of their original investigation,
effort and study and market research. No part of the work has ever been submitted for any other
degree at any University. The Capstone Project is fit for the submission and partial fulfillment of
the conditions for the award of BCA degree Program from Lovely Professional University,

Dr. Mudasir Ashraf

Signature and Name of the Mentor
Designation: Assistant professor
School of Computer Application,
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab.

It is a genuine pleasure to express our deep sense of thanks and gratitude to our mentor or guide
Dr. Mudasir Ashraf Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University for providing me the
guidance to work on the capstone project entitled “Local Market”. He dedication and keen interest
above all his overwhelming attitude to help his students had been solely and mainly responsible
for completing my Project. He timely suggestions, meticulous scrutiny, scholarly advice, and
friendly approach have helped us to a very great extent to accomplish this task. I owe a deep sense
of gratitude to all my faculty members whose teachings have contributed to this project directly or
indirectly. I would also like to thank Lovely Professional University for providing me the
opportunity to work on this project.

Akash Jaiswal (11801300)

Mohd Hanzla (11801310)
Ravi Kumar (11718599)
Sameer Mathew Chand (11616357)
Nowadays, there are lots of online shopping platforms which cause the decline of
local market specifically small general, and groceries stores of cities and towns. So,
this project concept is to provide a platform to local market where seller can sell
their product from website/app in same cities/towns and can provide deliver at home
like services as fast as possible like in 10-30 minutes which not only helps to sustain
the decline of local market but also help people who easily buy any product without
going local stores.

2. Objective
1. Awareness – Getting your brand or product known
Measures can include number of app downloads, how many sessions each user has,
how many pages views that have or brand recognition (if your company tracks this.

2. Productivity – Possibly saving people time or reducing the workforce required or

reducing complexity in a system
Measures can include the number of active users, number of sessions, estimated
saving per hour and the average cost per hour.

3. Communication – This depends upon what and to/with whom you are trying to
Measures can include the number of active users, how often they open the app, which
pages they visit, how often they send or receive messages among target groups, what
types of messages or even what time they are sending messages.

4. Interaction (Engagement) – Are your users doing what you wanted them to do?
Measures include how many users are active, how often do they use the app or how
long do they stay. Additionally, do they perform the action that you envisaged e.g.,
upload photographs, chat, buy, share etc.?

5. Loyalty – Similar to Engagement but you may want to measure specific loyalty
program components
Measures may include members registered, new members signed up, sessions, points
earned or redeemed.

3. System Analysis
Identification of Need: -

"Necessity is the mother of invention" is a well-known proverb. It means, roughly,

that the primary driving force for most new inventions is a need. Every invention or
project is done with keeping in mind about solving any issue or problems or to fill a
need. in that field. This website “Local Market” is also a genuine try to fulfill some
needs. related to e-commerce platform. Some of these problems or needs addressed
in this invention are:
• In this 21st Century, e-commerce is something that touches everyone around
us. Everyone nowadays uses not one but many e-commerce platforms. This
also cause the decline of local markets, so to solve it this platform helps to
sustain local market.
• Other problem is to purchase groceries from e-commerce platform on which
usually only braded and costly products sold and it usually take many days to
deliver the products so to solve this problem this platform help to sell products
which available in your nearby stores and also can be deliver in just minutes
to hour.
Preliminary Investigation: -
After doing a lot of research we did not get any such similar project like we are
going to do. But we found some of the projects which are having some similar
features as our project, those projects and the similar features are as follows: -

• Zomato: - This has most of similar features with our platform but is deals
with restaurant and food stores rather than groceries and general stores.
• Jiomart:- This platform is similar features to ours but major problem is
availability is only major cities and it is centralized based means it have
warehouse in major cities and sold product and deliver from there which
even further cause the decline of local retailers.

4. DFD



User Database Schema:

Seller Database Schema:
Product Database Schema:
5. Software & Hardware Requirement Specification


Software requirement specification (SRS) document provides an overview of the
entire project’s purpose and scope. It also concentrates on the capabilities required
by the developers and users while developing the android application software and
its features.

Welcome Page
This is the initial page displayed by all access to the application. The welcome page
of the app contains the following function:
• Login as User
Function to login for Users.
• Login as Seller
Function to login for Seller.
• Existing users/seller have to login to the system to use the platform.
• Users/sellers need to provide their email and password and click the login

• New users/sellers are required to register before they can use the platform.
• Users must enter name, email, pin code and password to register.
• Seller must enter name, email, password, store name, address, and store name
to register.
• Here user can see store name and products from them and can purchase that.
• And for seller have function to add/update their products and get the selling

User interface

Users can access the application from any device and anywhere on the internet.

• The performance may vary depending upon the hardware components of the
user’s device.
• The application may take initial load time depending on the internet
connection strength.

Standard Development Tools

• Node.js
• MongoDB
• Visual Code Studio
• GitHub

Software Requirements
• Operating system: Any
• Back-end tool: MongoDB, VSC, Postman
• Front-end Tool: VSC, Browser
• Technology: MongoDB, Node.js, HTML, CSS
6. System Design

Use-Case Diagram:
ER Diagram:
Flow Chart:
7. Screen Shots
8. Validation & Testing

Validation checks also known as validation testing or dynamic testing is done to

check whether the developed project after completion is made out right.
It is a process of checking the software requirements and functionalities are working
correctly during the making, at the end and after the completion of the said to check
whether the software meets the requirements of the initial SRS (Software
Requirement Specifications). In validation testing the code is executed to validate
the data in software and it is in this phase that many bugs are found and cleared out.

Validation includes many steps of testing like

a) Function testing
b) Integration testing
c) System testing
d) User acceptance testing
Function Testing – is a quality assurance test. It is also known as Unit testing. It falls
under the category of Black Box Testing in which individual components are tested
for its functionality step by step. This is done by feeding the input and examining
the output. This is done without knowing the inner functioning of the said function
of the software. Function testing can be done without the knowledge of the
programming language in which the software is written.

Function testing is done in 6 steps:

1) Identification
2) Input data in function
3) Determination of output data
4) Execution
5) Comparison
6) Final check

One of the function testing’s done:

Integration testing- integration testing is in which different units/ functions/modules
are combined and checked for there working / functioning together as a group. This
is the next step that is followed all required unit testing. In these all-input modules
are taken together to check whether the combined output is as per the determined
output. After the integration testing the System testing takes Place.
There are many types of system testing but the most popularly used ones are top-
down and bottom-up.
Top-down testing is an approach to integrated testing where the top integrated
modules are tested, and the branch of the module is tested step by step until the end
of the related module.
Bottom-up testing is the most used integrated testing where the lowest level
components are tested first, then used to test the high-level components, which is
done till the end or top component is reached and tested.
System Testing- system testing is the testing in which the whole of the software is
tested for all the requirements in the SRS. this is also the test in which the final
software is tested for all the bugs or errors in the full software. System testing is a
Black Box Testing, so the Programming knowledge is not required unlike in
integration testing.
In System Testing we check for
A] the complete integration of the software’s multiple functions / units / modules.
B] verifying that all inputs are producing desired output.
C] testing the user experience.

This is the testing in which overall application is tested for any bugs.
User Acceptance Test: It is a type of testing in which tests are performed by the
end user or the client to verify / accept the software. This test is usually performed
by companies as the last phase of testing in which user is using the software and
the functioning of the software is shared with the company. This is so that the
software can be further improvised and any bug which was not detected in the
previous testing can be found if any and removed.

Image Sample:

IMPLEMENTATION PLAN: Implementation follows the forms to the detailed

design stage. This effect of the user department and system designer in getting the
new steps in operation.
The following steps are performed during implementation:
1) System Testing: It is tested and ensured that the different modules are
working correctly individually and as a whole.
2) Review and Maintenance: Once the system becomes operational, it
would be examined to see if it has met its objective. The system is
reviewed and maintained periodically for the following reasons:
i. To deal with unforeseen problems arising in the operation i.e.,
programs may need to be dealt with unforeseen circumstances.
ii. To confirm that the planning objects have been met and if not work
to achieve so.
iii. To ensure that the system can cope with changing requirements.
10. System Security measures

System Security Measures here refer to the security measures taken at the application
level to prevent any data in the application to leak outside to any third party or
unauthorized user. It consists of all the measures taken to stop such events and
protect the data integrity.
Application Security measures are all the processes and testing done to prevent any
unauthorized user from accessing the user data.
To maximize the System Security, we need to minimize these risks as much as
possible. Security can be compromised in case of:
a) Breach of confidentiality
b) Breach of integrity
c) Breach of availability
d) Theft of Service
e) Denial of Service

Breach of Confidentiality refers to the unauthorized access to the data that should
not be available normally.
Breach of integrity refers to the unauthorized modification as such a user
modifying other users’ data.
Breach of availability refers to the unauthorized deletion of another or many
Theft of Service refers to when data is being stolen by any third-party API or any
other service or software.
Denial of Service refers to any attack or accident that stops services provided by
the software / application.

These risks are greatly minimized by the using a three-layer architecture in our
application this provides much security as the user has no access to the whole data
but only the perception / user layer which interacts with application layer and at last
the data layer.
This makes difficult for any leak of data as the application layer will act as filter
for such accesses.
Other than this the System Security is done by:
A) Stopping unauthorized access: this is done by creating user's id and
providing services only to the users who enter their login credentials correctly.
This is applied in the application by using Login page to identify the user.
B) Maintaining Secrecy: The secrecy is maintained in an application by limiting
the data that the user can access and modify. The user can modify data in the
data layer only by using the application layer which stops any deletion or
modification being done. The user has access to read the data of other, but he
can write the data that is his only. This is applied by the network layer and
presentation layer only giving access to these functions.
To maintain the user from accessing the unauthorized data it is each and every
request of user is to pass through validation. For example, Fetching the
account of another user.
C) Availability: The User must not be able to access all the resources of the data
layer. This kind of situation should not occur in any case to make sure there is
legitimate use of the software resources.
Availability is maintained by making sure that the data in the application is
flowing as expected. Many tests performed in the validation Check Step is to
make sure there is no threat to availability of the data service. For example,
the Data Fetching and the services functionality which is checked in unit
testing and integration testing.

11.Various types of Reports/Modules

• Express.js: This is node.js module which is used for easy build-in classes for
back-end work.
• Mongoose: This is node.js module which is used to as meditator for easily
connect and use the MongoDB database.
• JWT: This is node.js module which is used for creating a encrypt tokens to
easily make a login session.
• Bycrypt: This is node.js module which is used to encrypt and decrypt the data
before sending and receiving.

12.Future scope of the project

In today’s modern world we all use e-commerce websites, and we all want to easily
purchase any products from anywhere in the world but there are many people who
have small stores in cities and due to e-commerce websites those people have as
average 30% less yearly income so with Local Market website this small store owner
can easily sell their products in same city and can be deliver in between a hour which
not only help to sustain declining local markets but also providing a platform for
consumers to easily browse and buy the products of nearby stores without going

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