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Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Ingeniería Industrial

Nombre. Mateo Santiny Moya Cueva

The first step in solving a heat transfer problem is to create a thermal analysis model. This is a container that
holds the geometry, thermal material properties, internal heat sources, temperature on the boundaries, heat
fluxes through the boundaries, mesh, and initial conditions.

thermalmodel = createpde('thermal','transient');

Import Geometry

Add the block geometry to the thermal model by using the geometryFromEdges function. The geometry
description file for this problem is called crackg.m.


Plot the geometry, displaying edge labels.

axis square

Specify Thermal Properties of Material

Specify the thermal conductivity, mass density, and specific heat of the material.


Apply Boundary Conditions

Specify the temperature on the left edge as 100, and constant heat flow to the exterior through the right edge
as -10. The toolbox uses the default insulating boundary condition for all other boundaries.


Set Initial Conditions

Set an initial value of 0 for the temperature.


Generate Mesh

Create and plot a mesh.

title('Mesh with Quadratic Triangular Elements')

Specify Solution Times

Set solution times to be 0 to 5 seconds in steps of 1/2.

tlist = 0:0.5:10;

Calculate Solution

Use the solve function to calculate the solution.

thermalresults = solve(thermalmodel,tlist)

thermalresults =
TransientThermalResults with properties:

Temperature: [1320×21 double]

SolutionTimes: [0 0.5000 1 1.5000 2 2.5000 3 3.5000 4 4.5000 5 5.5000 6 6.5000 7 7.5000 8 8.5000 9 9.5000 10]
XGradients: [1320×21 double]
YGradients: [1320×21 double]
ZGradients: []
Mesh: [1×1 FEMesh]

Evaluate Heat Flux

Compute the heat flux density.

[qx,qy] = evaluateHeatFlux(thermalresults);

Plot Temperature Distribution and Heat Flux

Plot the solution at the final time step, t = 5.0 seconds, with isothermal lines using a contour plot, and plot the
heat flux vector field using arrows.

pdeplot(thermalmodel,'XYData',thermalresults.Temperature(:,end), ...
'FlowData',[qx(:,end),qy(:,end)], ...

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