Gerunds and Infinitives

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Gerunds and Infinitives

Bir cümlede özne ya da nesne görevi alan fiillerdir.

Ex: Swimming is my favorite sport.

Ex: To climb to the top of the mountain won’t be easy.

Ex: I will let you go soon.

1) Gerund as Subject

Ex: Reading is important for a student.


Ex: Eating too much is unhealthy.


Ex: She soon realized that living in a foreign country wasn’t easy.
a) Gerund özne olduğunda yüklem tekildir.

Ex: Being interested in books is a good thing.

Ex: Shouting at someone makes them feel offended.

b) Ancak cümlede özne olan birden fazla gerund var ise

yüklem çoğul olur.

Ex: Swimming and running are my two favorite sports.

c) İki gerund “but” veya “or” ile bağlanıyorsa yüklem
tekil olur.

Ex: Reading a book or listening to music is very relaxing.

Ex: Walking but not running is advisable to middle-aged


d) Gerund’ı olumsuz yapmak için gerund’dan önce

“not” getiririz.
Ex: Not eating healthy food may cause obesity.

Ex: His not wanting to come with us surprised us.

2) Gerund as Subject Complement
Gerund’lar “be” fiilinden sonra gelerek özneyi

Ex: My biggest problem is sleeping too much.


Ex: His greatest fear is being humiliated.

Ex: My favorite pastime is watching TV.

Ex: My biggest dream is being famous one day.

3) Gerund as Direct Object
a) Bazı fiillerden sonra bir fiil daha gelirse, gelen fiil
gerund halde olur. Gerund bu cümlelerde nesne
görevi görür.

Ex: I enjoy walking. However, I dislike swimming.

Kendilerinden sonra gelen fiili gerund olarak alan fiiller:

admit deteste mean resent

anticipate discuss mention resist

appreciate dislike mind risk

avoid enjoy miss stop

can’t help excuse postpone suggest

complete finish practise understand

consider imagine recall

delay involve recollect

deny keep recommend

Ex: I delayed going on holiday.

Ex: The suspect admitted killing his friend in a fight.

! “excuse" ve “understand” fiilleri kullanılırken gerund’dan önce

possessive adjective kullanılır.

Ex: I will excuse his coming late.

Ex: I understand your leaving so early.

b) The Possessive + Gerund

Ex: I will never forgive Jack’s scolding me in public.

Ex: I will never forgive his scolding me in public.

Ex: I admit his being guilty.

Ex: I dislike your interrupting people all the time.

Ex: I will never forgive Jack scolding me in public.

Ex: I will never forgive him scolding me in public.

4) Preposition + Gerund

Verb + Prep + Ger Adj + Prep + Ger Noun + Prep + Ger

Verb + Prep + Ger Verb + Obj + Prep + Ger

A) Verb + Preposition + Gerund

1) Verb + Preposition + Gerund

Ex: He insists on participating in the tournament.

Ex: You have to apologize for behaving rudely.

Ex: I am looking forward to meeting you.

! “to” Preposition’ı ile kullanılan yapılar:

be accustomed to
be used to
look forward to
be opposed to + GERUND
object to / have an objection to
prefer sth to … sth
in addition to
adjust to
A) Verb + Preposition + Gerund

2) Verb + Object + Preposition + Gerund

Ex: She devoted herself to taking care of her children.

verb obj ger

Ex: I will never forgive him for yelling at me.

verb obj ger
! Bu fiiller passive yapı ile çok kullanılır.

Ex: They accused the man of robbing a bank.

verb obj ger

The man was accused of robbing a bank.

obj verb ger

Ex: Everybody congratulated the manager on his being promoted.

verb obj ger

The manager was congratulated on his being promoted.

obj verb ger
Ex: She devoted herself to taking care of her children.
verb obj ger

She was devoted to taking care of her children.

B) Adjective + Preposition + Gerund

1) good at = bad at = hopeless at = brilliant at =

quick at = slow at
Ex: Look at Meg! She is really good at dancing.

Ex: I am hopeless at solving Maths problems.

2) Listedeki bu sıfatlarla en çok kullanılan fiiller:
seem be look appear
feel remain get become
Ex: Your younger son seems very good at painting.

Ex: Are you interested in painting?

! be / get used to + doing

used to + do
Ex: I am used to getting up early.

Ex: I used to get up early when I was young.

C) Noun + Preposition + Gerund

Bazı isimler kendilerinden sonra preposition

Ex: There is no excuse for being late to class!

Ex: I have always had difficulty in understanding Physics.

Bazı isimler ise kendilerinden hem önce hem de sonra

preposition alabilirler.
Ex: A student has to study in addition to listening to the lesson.

Ex: In spite of leaving home early, we were still late for the meeting.
1) Bu yapılar genellikle possessive adjective ile kullanılırlar.

Ex: I am not in favor of your going abroad for education.

Ex: In exchange of her taking the time to help me, I

want to do something for her.

! Bu yapılar hariç:
difficulty in
in charge of
in danger of
in the habit of
technique for
on the point of
2) the point of
Bir şeyi yapmanın anlamı anlamındadır.
Genellikle olumsuz bir şey söylerken kullanılır.

Ex: The road is winding. I don’t understand the point of your

driving so fast!

“There is no point in” yapısıyla da kullanılır.

Ex: There is no point in waiting for him anymore. He won’t come.

“On the point of” = be about to

Ex: We were on the point of leaving when the phone rang.

3) Have difficulty in, “in” olmadan da kullanılır ve yine
gerund alır.

Ex: She had great difficulty in washing the dishes.

She had great difficulty washing the dishes

Have difficulty = Have trouble / Have a hard time /

Have a difficult time
4) Expressions + Gerund
a) It’s no use / It’s no good: …nın bir yararı yok

Ex: It’s no use trying to hide what you’ve just done. I saw you.

b) There’s no point in: …nın bir anlamı yok

Ex: There is no point in running for the train. It must have left
by now.

c) It’s worth / It’s not worth: … yapmaya değer / değmez

Ex: A: Have you watched “The Bodyguard”?
B: Yes, it’s worth seeing.

Ex: This book isn’t worth watching. It’s boring.

d) A waste of time / money / energy: zaman / para / enerji kaybı
Ex: It’s a waste of time reading this book. It’s boring.

Ex: It’s a waste of money buying more things than you need.

e) Spend / Waste time / money / energy:

zaman / para / enerji harcamak
zaman / para / enerji boşa harcamak

Ex: Yesterday, I spent all my day cleaning.

Ex: You waste a lot of time watching those stupid shows on TV.
f) Without: yapmadan / etmeden
Ex: Don’t go out without putting on your coat. It’s rather cold

Ex: She never leaves home without kissing her parents.

g) By: yaparak / ederek
Ex: She passed the university exam by studying very hard.

Ex: I am very short in time. I can only catch the bus by running.
h) Go:
go shopping go hiking

go swimming (go for a swim) go hunting

go running (go for a run) go sightseeing

go camping go skating

go fishing go skiing

go hiking
i) Busy doing sth: bir şeyi yapmakla meşgul olmak

Ex: The students were busy talking to each other when I came.

Ex: In this season, the peasants are busy harvesting their crops.

Busy + with + noun

Ex: She is busy with her homework.

j) Have fun / Have a good time: iyi zaman geçirmek

Ex: We had fun telling each other our childhood memories.

k) Sit / Stand / Lie + place:

Ex: I stood in front of the cinema waiting for him.

Ex: After the guests left, I lay in bed reading until I got sleepy.
The Perfect Gerund (having + V3)
Eğer “gerund” yüklemden önce gerçekleşmişse Perfect Gerund

Ex: He admitted that he had stolen a car.

1) He stole the car.
2) He admitted it.

Ex: He admitted stealing the car.

Ex: He admitted having stolen the car.

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