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Artwork for the Brain

Basic Infographic Rubric

Essential Question: Is a picture worth a thousand words?

Critical thinking, and the ability to communicate information effectively to others, are two key skills every student must
learn. Using social studies content, students are building infographics and developing new communication skills by learning to
share information succinctly using language, graphic design, and images. With so much available data, and attention spans
growing short, presenting key concepts in a compelling way is an art.

Category Advanced Proficient Developing Needs Specific


Covers topic in- Includes Includes essential Content is minimal

Content depth with details essential information about OR there are
and examples. knowledge about the topic but there factual errors.
Subject the topic. Subject might be a factual
knowledge is knowledge error.
excellent. appears to be

All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not
Graphics related to the related to the to the topic. relate to the topic
topic and make it topic and most and/or aid the
easier to make it easier to viewer.
understand. understand.

Makes excellent Font, color, Makes use of Use of font, color,

use of font, color, effects, etc are font, color, effects etc. but
Attractiveness effects, etc. to acceptable. effects, etc. but these often distract
enhance the these might from the
presentation. detract from the presentaion
presentation content.

No misspellings One misspelling Two misspellings More than two

Mechanics or grammatical and/or and/or spelling or
errors. It is mechanical error grammatical grammar errors.
publishable. exists. errors.

Full bibliographic The URL of any No citations to

citations for any image or text sources used are
Citations image or text sources used are included.
sources are included.

Does the infographic have a main idea or thesis?

Does the data support the main idea? (if applicable)
Do the graphics enhance and support the data?
Does the layout and design have a purpose?
Did you organize the graphics and text to communicate your ideas effectively?

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