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06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

Portuguese Guidelines for
Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR,
Version 1 - 16 March 2022


The CTRL+F (or Command+F) function works in open toggle lists.

If you want to quickly close all the toggle lists to check the list of the sections at a
glance click on CTRL+Alt+T (Command+Alt+T).

Each section is completed with a list of search keywords in your language to facilitate
your navigation.


Welcome to Happy Scribe Guidelines, a set of rules and hacks for granting consistency and
delivering high-quality transcription and subtitling projects.
  ✨Take the most out of them! ✨

How to read the Guidelines?

Sections 1-8 → Generic information applicable across languages

Section 9 → Language-specific rules

Section 12 → Transcription specifics

Section 13 → Subtitles specifics

⚙ Looking for extra information or some useful tips?

💡 introduces further details on a topic. 1/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

💯 introduces useful hacks.

🔑 introduces localized search keywords.

How to use the Guidelines?

1st time → Check all the sections thoroughly before starting working on your first
Following times → Use CTRL+F (or Command+F) to find the solution to your issue.

💡 You are not expected to read the Guidelines every single time you work on a
file. However, you are expected to be aware of the latest additions all the time.

The latest additions will be highlighted in pink from time to time.

💯 Quality tip: Use the guidelines efficiently.

Are you working on a file with no audio? Run a search for “no audio” and you
will know what to do with that.

How to improve the Guidelines?

The Guidelines have been designed to be a dynamic tool to fulfil your needs.

Feel free to share your feedback to expand, enrich and improve them.

Add a reliable source reference any time you make any suggestions.

💡 Share your feedback in the Discord Channel of your language.

WARNING: If customer-specific instructions are available, they prevail over these


What languages do these Guidelines refer to?

🇧🇷 🇵🇹
The following Guidelines include specifications for the following flavours:

Portuguese for Brazil

Portuguese for Portugal
Flavour-specific rules will be noticed accordingly. If no flavour is specified, the rule is
meant to be applied across all variants.

1. General Information 2/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

‣ i. Service Level
What type of transcription/subtitles does Happy Scribe offer at the moment?

Happy Scribe does not provide Verbatim transcription at the moment.

We currently offer clean-read transcripts and subtitles.

A clean read transcript aims to make the text legible, concise, and clear, without
changing the meaning or definition of speech, or the speaker's intention. Repetitions,
stutters, or false starts are left out.
In the case of repetitions, they are allowed if the speaker is intentionally repeating
certain words for emphasis.
The speech continuity should be granted by using the proper punctuation sign.

💯 Quality tip: Check the “Text Reduction” section for further details on how to
edit the text accordingly and “Punctuation” to know how to report long pauses.

💡 If the file you are transcribing or subtitling has some embedded subtitles in
your language, please DO transcribe the speaker’s speech. DON’T mirror the
embedded subtitles even when they are slightly different from the speech
spoken by the speaker.

🔑 Search keywords: verbatim, type of transcription, literalmente, tipo de transcrição,

tipo de transcrições

ii. No Speech in File or Poor Audio

You claimed a file but it:

Has no audio.
Has very poor audio.

What should you do?

1. Post the file name on the channel “unworkable-projects” on Discord.

2. Report the file as “unworkable” on the Editor and select either “No speech: there is
nothing to transcribe” or “Inaudible: it is impossible to transcribe because the audio
cannot be heard”.

3. Unclaim the job. Never submit it as “Done”.

💡 3/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

💡 If a file with no/little/very poor audio is submitted as “Done”, no payment will

be processed.

💡 If there is very little audio in the file (less than 20% of the total length), flag it
immediately by sending an e-mail to

🔑 Search keywords: no speech, poor audio, unworkable, bad audio, sem fala, sem
diálogos, sem discurso, sem áudio, áudio ruim, áudio mau, sem som, som ruim,
som mau, inviável, irrealizável

iii. Songs

You claimed a file but more than 80% of the audio is a song or lyrics only.

What should you do?

1. DON’T transcribe the lyrics of the song and DON’T submit the file.
2. Post the file name on the channel “unworkable-projects” on Discord.

3. Report the file as “unworkable” on the Editor and select “Song: the majority of the
audio is a song (80%+)”.

4. Unclaim the job.

💡 If less than 80% of the audio is a song:

- If the song takes less than 10 seconds, transcribe the words to the song. Use
italics. 4/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

- If the song takes more than 10, use the proper tag. Check the section
“Notation Tag” below to know how to use the right one!

🔑 Search keywords: song, singing, lyrics, unworkable, música, canção, cantoria,

letras de música, inviável, irrealizável

iv. Foreign Languages

You claimed a file but it contains a foreign language.

What should you do?

Scenario DO

Report the file by selecting “Foreign

The file contains at least 80% of the

foreign language in the spoken part.

Unclaim the job.

The file contains both Portuguese and a

Please don’t copy the subtitles.
foreign language but is embedded with
Transcribe the Portuguese part only.
Portuguese subtitles.

Don’t transcribe the foreign part.

The file contains both Portuguese and a

Use the proper tag and transcribe the
foreign language but without embedded
Portuguese part only in both
transcriptions and subtitles.

Foreign Words and Loan Words

If the speakers use foreign words that are commonly known or loan words that are part
of the specific language of a certain field or industry, DON’T use any tag but rather
include them in the text (please check the section “Terminology”).
This is specifically relevant for some specific domains, like IT, financial, compliance,

💯 Quality tip: Not sure what tag you should use? Check the “Notation Tag”
section below. If you are still struggling, check on the relevant channel on

The Tribe and the Admins are always there to help!

💡 Currently, the Editor doesn’t allow subtitles on the screen for more than 20
seconds. This means that in the case the file you are working on has 1 minute
or more (but always less than the 80% of the total amount) of foreign speech, 5/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

you won’t be able to just put one single tag for the whole portion. You will need
to tag all sentences with the proper tag.

💯 Quality tip: If the speaker says “As crianças jogam com a… Como se diz isso?
A qìqiú.” when they mean “As crianças jogam com a bola”, DO type it as “As
crianças jogam com a… Como se diz isso? A [idioma estrangeiro 00:00:00]”.
DON’T type “As crianças jogam com a bola”.

In this example, the interviewee is using a word from his native language that
is not known to the interviewer: it is not a case of code-mixing or loan word,
but a case of communication loss. Even if you were to speak Chinese and
know the word, please don’t add it as it is not relevant in this specific context.

🔑 Search keywords: foreign language, foreign speakers, foreign tag, idioma

estrangeiro, língua estrangeira, orador estrangeiro, falante estrangeiro,
marcação estrangeira, etiqueta estrangeira

2. Flavour

Depending on the geographical area in which they are spoken, some languages can have
locales, also known as “flavours”. This is the case of Dutch, for instance, there are two
flavours: Dutch for Belgium and Dutch for the Netherlands.
Always follow the flavour as selected by the customer and displayed on your job

💡 DON’T confuse the flavour with the accent. The speaker can be speaking Dutch for
Belgium with an English accent.

💯 Quality tip: Before claiming your job, check the flavour requested. This will help
you anticipate some of the challenges of the file you will be working on and apply
the relevant linguistic conventions for that specific flavour, like the appropriate
spelling and punctuation preferences, accent, and other factors. 6/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

🔑 Search keywords: locale, flavour, localisation, adaptation, accent, localização,

adaptação, sotaque, pronúncia, variante

3. Style & Tone of Voice

The style and tone of voice of speakers should be reported faithfully. This doesn’t refer to
the intonation, but rather to the usage of a formal or informal language (i.e., the register).

Stick to the following pillars when working on a file:

Be Avoid long sentences/paragraphs. Look for natural points in the speech,

concise like shifts in topic, emphasis, or references, and start a new sentence.

Never add content, paraphrase, or rearrange the order of speech.

Oral Portuguese has a lot of contracted forms. They are marks of orality
rather than marks of style and tone. In a clean transcript, please restore
proper grammatical forms for the following:

pra (s) → para a (s)

pro (s) → para o (s)

tá → está

tô → estou

tão → estão

teve → esteve

tava → estava

Be proper


pra(s) → para a(s)

pro(s) → para o(s)

tá → está

tou → estou

tão → estão

teve → esteve

tava → estava

For subtitles, however, contracted forms can be used for the sake of
reducing CPS, if this fits the tone of the file.

💯 Quality tip: Before completing your job, run a quick search looking for unnecessary 7/41
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filler words using CRTL+F (or Command+F).

🔑 Search keywords: contractions, contracted forms, informal tone, formal tone,

formality, contrações, formas contraídas, tom informal, tom formal, formalidade,
estilo formal, estilo informal, discurso formal, discurso informal

4. Text Reduction

Unless otherwise specified, DON’T use unnecessary filler words, feedback words,
interruptions, false starts, and repetitions.


O mercado financeiro
O m-mercado financeiro

Stutters & nunca

n-n-unca esteve tão agitado

Stammers esteve tão agitado como
c-como agora.

O mercado financeiro
É, o mercado financeiro,
Unnecessary nunca

sabe, nunca esteve tão

filler words esteve tão agitado como
agitado como agora, né.

- O mercado financeiro - O mercado financeiro


Feedback esteve tão agitado como esteve tão agitado como

words agora.

- Está a todo vapor. - Aham. Está a todo vapor.

O mercado financeiro O mercad de... O mercado

financeiro nunca

esteve tão agitado como esteve tão agitado como
and false starts
agora. agora.

O mercado financeiro
O mercado financeiro nunca


Repetitions esteve tão agitado agitado

esteve tão agitado como
como agora.

💡 8/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

💡 What are filler words?

Filler words are all those little words and sounds that you add orally but aren’t
carrying any actual meaning, e.g: aham, hum, ó, tipo, né, sabes.

If you are in doubt, read the sentence without the filler word. If it still conveys the
message, the filler world must be left out.

💡 What if an “unnecessary word” is the only answer of a speaker to a question?

In that case, the word cannot be considered unnecessary and it should be

included in the text.



Orador 1: Você foi ao cinema?

Orador 2: Aham. Sim, ontem à
Orador 1: Você foi ao cinema?

Orador 2: Sim, ontem à noite.

Orador 1: Hum. E você gostou do
Orador 1: E você gostou do filme?

Orador 2: Aham.
Orador 2: Aham.


Orador 1: Foste ao cinema?

Orador 1: Foste ao cinema?

Orador 2: Sim, ontem à noite.

Orador 2: Aham. Sim, ontem à
Orador 1: E gostaste do filme?

Orador 2: Aham. Orador 1: Hum. E gostaste do


Orador 2: Aham.

Text in red should not be included, text in green should be.

These are the accepted spellings for the following: Aham, hum.

💡 If a short false start includes the crucial meaning, like the speakers correcting
themselves, be sure to include it.

Queremos incluir partes mais

claras, quer dizer,
convenções linguísticas
nessas diretrizes. 9/41
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If conjunctions don’t work as such, but rather as fillers, please remove them. The
same applies to any other connectors (relatives pronouns, adverbs, etc.) when
they don’t work for the purposes they should.

In Portuguese, speakers sometimes repeatedly start sentences with words such

as “então, assim, agora” while are thinking of what to say next. Many times, those
words are unnecessary and should be omitted.



-Não tenho certeza se ainda amo


-Então você está sugerindo

🇧🇷 🇵🇹


-Não sei o que vestir na festa.

-Então, e aquele vestido vermelho?


-Não tenho a certeza se ainda te


-Então, sugeres acabarmos?

This conjunction doesn’t connect

The conjunction connects the
the sentences, grammatically
two sentences in this case.
speaking. It should be omitted.

🔑 Search keywords: text reduction, filler words, stutters, stammers, repetitions,

interruptions, redução de texto, palavras de enchimento, muletas, gagueira,
gaguez, gaguejar, repetições, interrupções

5. Interjections

As part of speech, interjections are exclamations that express speakers’ reactions or

feelings. They are grammatically independent of the rest of the sentence where they

Only the interjections below are allowed in transcriptions and subtitles:

Interjections that are meaningful according to the context (like in the examples below) can
be added to the list. Remember that the main goal is keeping only the essential
interjections in the list.

advertência: Cuidado!, Atenção!

concordância: Ótimo!, Perfeito! 10/41
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agradecimento: Obrigado!, Grato!

desculpa: Perdão! Desculpa!

Interjections that are more like filler words and do not change the context of what is said
should be omitted, e.g.:

🇧🇷 Nossa!, Cruz!, Pô!, Raios!, Ora!, Eita!, Eh!

🇵🇹 Nossa!, Credo!, Caramba!, Raios!, Bolas!, Irra!, Eh!

DON’T use any interjections currently not included in the list or the reference.

DO reach out to add new interjections that you consider are missing.

In the case of subtitles, interjections can be omitted to meet character constraints, if their
omission does not imply any loss in meaning.

💡 Exclamation marks can be used only for interjections and shouts. Check the
relevant section about punctuation to discover when they are forbidden.

💯 Quality tip: How to distinguish filler words from interjections?

If the phrases work as a reaction from the speaker, they should rather be
considered interjections.

Unless you have been instructed otherwise, ask yourself “Would omitting this item
impact the core message the speech is conveying?”. If the answer is “No”, it
should be pretty safe to omit it.

🔑 Search keywords: interjections, exclamation marks, filler words, omission,

omitting, interjeição, interjeições, ponto de exclamação, palavras de enchimento,
muletas, omissão, omitindo, omitir

6. Consistency

Consistency means taking decisions on how to tackle specific items and applying the
same approach throughout a file.
What items should you apply consistency to?

Punctuation, capitalization, numbers, dates, spelling, symbols, terminology, interjection

rendering... Be sure to stick to these guidelines to ensure the highest level of consistency!
The more the consistency, the greater the user experience.

💡 By keeping the consistency, Scribes will be able to increase precision by reducing

ambiguity and preventing loss of meaning in case the transcriptions/subtitles are
going to be translated into other languages. 11/41
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💯 Quality tip: You run a search for a proper name and you want to be sure the
correct spelling is applied also when files on the same topic arrive in bulk, do you?
Or do you opt for one out of several accepted spelling for a single word?

Then use the “Glossary” option and add some specific terms there to help grant
consistency. Check the section “Terminology” for more details.

To check internal consistency in the file you are working on, use the CTRL+F
(Command+F) option to navigate through the file and check all instances by typing
the first three characters or potential variants.

💡 Still in doubt with some specific items? Post your issue on the Portuguese
Channel on Discord. Sharing is caring!

🔑 Search keywords: consistency, consistent rules, consistente, consistência, regras

de consistência

7. Special Content

i. Proper Names & Titles

◦ Capitalize them accordingly.

◦ In case of transliteration from non-Latin languages,

check the most common transliteration and use that
Proper names
consistently throughout the file.

◦ Diacritics should be kept in proper nouns and


Company/brand/product ◦ Use the correct spelling and capitalization – some

names of them might stray from standard conventions.

◦ Run proper searches to transcribe them accurately.

Titles (books, movies, etc.) ◦ Use italics.

◦ Use title case.

💯 Quality tip: The rule of thumb is always to check for spelling

company/brand/product names by doing a quick search. Always refer to the
official websites to be sure to use the correct names. In the case of
book/movie titles, check them on the main online catalogues. 12/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

If several different spelling/formatting alternatives are available, choose one

and be consistent throughout the file. Add it to the Glossary!

🔑 Search keywords: proper nouns, spelling proper nouns, titles, product name,
company name, brand name, nomes próprios, ortografia de nomes próprios,
pronome de tratamento, nome de produtos, nome de empresas, nome de
marcas, títulos de obras

ii. Profanity & Curse Words

DON’T censor profanity or curse words. If they appear in the audio, transcribe them
word for word.


🇧🇷 A politicagem é uma m**** para o
A politicagem é uma merda para o país.


A politiquice é uma merda para o país. A politiquice é uma m**** para o


💡 Exception: If the curse words are censored and beeped in the audio, DO use
asterisks in the transcription/subtitles.

🔑 Search keywords: profanity, curse words, palavrões, asneiras, obscenidades

iii. Incorrect Grammar

DO type the correct spelling in case of mispronunciation of words in the speech.

DON’T fix incorrect grammar as spoken if the message is not altered.

DON’T use the [sic] tag and don’t edit the speech.

Audio: “João, tu comprou os pãos?”

🇧🇷 Audio: “Tem que ter uma paciência de jiló” (but they meant “Jó”)

🇵🇹 Audio: “É preciso ter uma paciência de jiló” (but they meant “Jó”)

DO DON’T 13/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

João, tu comprou os pãos?

João, tu compraste os pães?

Tem que ter uma paciência de jiló.

Tem que ter uma paciência de Jó.



É preciso ter uma paciência de

É preciso ter uma paciência de Jó.

🔑 Search keywords: incorrect grammar, grammar issues, grammar violations,

gramática incorreta, problemas com a gramática, erros gramaticais

iv. Acronyms & Abbreviations

DON’T use hyphens or dots with acronyms

Exception: a.C. or A.C. (antes de Cristo) and d.C. or D.C. (depois de Cristo).

Choose one form and keep it consistent throughout the file.

DON’T use periods in abbreviations where it is not needed.


Desligue a TV, por favor.

Desligue a T.V., por favor.

Eles estão nos EUA.

Eles estão nos E.U.A.

Os objetivos da ONU giram em torno da Os objetivos da O-N-U giram em torno da

promoção da paz entre as nações. promoção da paz entre as nações.

💡 Et cetera and its more common abbreviation, etc., are used to show that a list
of at least two items is incomplete. Either form can be used. However, choose
an option and stick with the same one throughout the file for keeping

Bear in mind some specific Portuguese acronyms such as 🇧🇷 CNPq, where the
“q” is always in lower case.

Use all caps in the following cases:


1. The acronym has up to three letters: Ministério da Educação (MEC), unidade 14/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

de terapia intensiva (UTI), Polícia Militar (PM)

2. All letters are pronounced: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico

e Social (BNDES)

In the rest of cases, just the initial letter is capitalized: Departamento de

Trânsito (Detran), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisas Agropecuárias (Embrapa)

DO: use a lower case s for the plural, e.g. PMs, Detrans, UTIs


1. The acronym has up to three letters: Ministério da Educação (MEC), unidade

de cuidados intensivos (UCI), Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP)

2. All letters are pronounced: Instituto de Gestão do Crédito Público (IGCP)

In the rest of cases, just the initial letter is capitalized: Associação Empresarial
da Região de Lisboa (Aerlis), Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa

DO: keep acronyms in the singular even if they refer to a plural form, e.g. os
PM, as UCI, os Palop

🔑 Search keywords: acronyms, abbreviations, abbreviated words, acrônimo,

acrónimos, siglas, abreviações, palavras abreviadas, abreviaturas

v. Websites & E-mail Addresses

Websites should be transcribed as they are written normally in the URL.

E-mail addresses follow the same rule.

DO DON’T happy scribe dot com shane at happy scribe dot com

💡 What if the speaker spells out their e-mail address? Follow the rule for spelt-
out items under the section “Capitalization”.

💯 Quality tip: Stick to “e-mail” hyphenated spelling.

🔑 Search keywords: websites, email, e-mail, endereço eletrônico, endereço

eletrónico, páginas da internet, sites 15/41
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‣ vi. Onomatopoeias
Since we are currently providing clean transcriptions and subtitles, onomatopoeias
should not be included in the text unless they convey a meaningful message, i.e. they
are the only answer in a two-person dialogue or they are said by the speakers instead
of actual words, for instance.

Said DO

🇧🇷 🇧🇷
Orador 1: -Vamos, estamos atrasados.
Orador 1: -Vamos, estamos atrasados.

Orador 2 -Estou quase terminando.

Orador 2 -Estou quase terminando.

Orador 1: -Tic-tac!
Orador 1: -Tic-tac!

Orador 2: -Estou bem?

Orador 2: -Estou bem?

Orador 1: -Fiu fiu, está linda!

Orador 1: -Está linda!


Orador 1: -Vamos, estamos atrasados.

Orador 1: -Vamos, estamos atrasados.

Orador 2 -Estou quase a acabar.

Orador 2 -Estou quase a acabar.

Orador 1: -Tic-tac!
Orador 1: -Tic-tac!

Orador 2: -Estou bem?

Orador 2: -Estou bem?

Orador 1: -Fiu fiu, estás linda! Orador 1: -Estás linda!

Text in red should not be included (not needed since the meaning is conveyed by
“Está(s) linda!”), text in green should be included (only answer).

Onomatopoeias, when included, should be in italics

DO spell the onomatopoeias as per the list in the link below: and/or

💡 Check out the “Text Reduction” section for more details on how and when to
reduce the text being compliant with our service level.

💯 Quality tip: Onomatopoeias should be in italics.

🔑 Search keywords: onomatopoeias, sounds, atmospherics, sons, onomatopeia,

onomatopeias, figuras de linguagem, figuras de estilo, sons dos animais

vii. Atmospherics & Sounds 16/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

Since we are currently providing clean transcriptions and subtitles, atmospheric and
sounds should not be included. If the speaker is interrupted by either of them, only the
spoken speech should be typed.

🔑 Search keywords: onomatopoeias, sounds, atmospherics, onomatopeia,

onomatopeias, sons, ruídos, linguagem sonora, figuras de linguagem, figuras
de estilo, sons dos animais

viii. Religious References

Use numerals and follow conventionally written formatting for chapter/verse

references of religious texts.


Atos 27:1
Atos 27 versículo 1

(Said: Atos 27 versículo 1) (Said: Atos 27 versículo 1)

🔑 Search keywords: religion, religious, religião, religioso, versículos, atos,

capítulos, bíblia

8. Special Formatting

Italics, Bold, and Underline

Happy Scribe Editor supports Italics formatting. Stick to the chart below for its correct

DO use it for DON’T use it for

◦ Onomatopoeias (when you need to use them)

◦ Proper names

◦ Narration
◦ Foreign loan words which
◦ Unfamiliar foreign words and phrases which do not appear in your language’s
appear in the nominated dictionary for your language
nominated dictionary, e.g.
◦ Titles of books, periodicals, works of art, albums, internet, e-mail, marketing, etc.
movies, TV shows, radio shows, video games, etc.
for Portuguese
◦ The speaker is not in the scene(s), not merely off-
screen, behind a door, or out of shot

◦ Dialogue that is heard through electronic media,

such as a phone, television (especially if we see the
television and hear the audio), computer, loudspeaker, 17/41
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non-sentient robots, robotic voices or AI, etc

◦ Songs

◦ Metareferences e.g. The word computer is made of

8 letters

💯 Quality Tip: If different items included in the list above appear in the same
sentence or the same subtitle capsule, use different linguistic devices for clarity’s


Who knows what the word “dreamer” refers to in Imagine, John Lennon’s song?

Be sure to consult the section regarding “Punctuation” to know what signs should
be used to mark specific parts of the speech.

If different

🔑 Search keywords: italics, titles, book, movie, italics, when to use italics, itálico,
títulos, livros, filmes, quando usar itálico, palavras estrangeiras incorporadas e não
incorporadas na língua portuguesa, estrangeirismos, títulos de obras

9. Language-specific Items

i. Punctuation

◦ Use they ellipsis symbol

(ALT+0133) [it counts as
one character only]
◦ Speaker’s trailing off or
instead of three dots

pausing significantly

… Ellipsis ◦ Use a capital letter after

◦ Speaker’s cutting off and
an ellipsis

changing direction
◦ Do not put any space
before the ellipsis, only
after it

◦ Don’t use apices or

opening single quotes as
◦ For vowel elision, such as:

‘ Apostrophes apostrophes

pingo d’água
◦ Don’t use apostrophes
as acute accent 18/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

“ Quotation Marks ◦ Direct speech (spoken, ◦ Capitalize the first word

” thought, or written)
of the quote

◦ Quotes
◦ If a quote is nested
within another one, use
single quotation marks ‘ ’

◦ Don’t use quotation

marks for book/movie
titles, unless they are part
of the title itself

◦ Put them outside the

Question & ◦ Questions

quotation marks unless
Exclamation ◦ Interjections and shouts
! they belong within the
Marks only
quoted text

◦ An extensive
explanation for comma
usage in these links:
https://www.normaculta. and
◦ Lists

◦ Addressing someone
, Commas directly
◦ After interjections

◦ Improving reading flow

◦ Don’t use commas for

marking parenthetical
clauses (see Em-dashes

◦ Put them outside the

quotation marks unless
they belong within the
quoted text

◦ Don’t add another period

to names or brands if
. Periods ◦ Ending sentences they end a sentence

e.g., I work at Yahoo Inc.

NOT Yahoo Inc..

◦ Don’t use in acronyms

(except a.C. or A.C.
[antes de Cristo] and d.C.
or D.C. [depois de Cristo]) 19/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

: Colons ◦ Introducing lists or ◦ Include a single space

after colons

◦ Introducing quotes or ◦ After colons,

direct speech sometimes, it is
necessary to capitalize
the first word, e.g.: when
it is a quote.

Como afirmou Descartes:

“Penso, logo existo”.

◦ For lists or explanations,

do not capitalize the first
word, e.g.: É preciso
comprar: água, leite e

◦ An extensive
explanation for colon
usage in these links:

https://www.normaculta. and

◦ Linking closely related


; Semicolons ◦ Don’t over-use it

◦ Complex lists with
commas within items

◦ Compound names/nouns

◦ Abrupt interruptions and

cutoffs of speakers – no
space should be added
◦ Don’t use it for line


- Hyphens ◦ Separating letters in

◦ Never use en- and em-

dashes for all this

e.g., Happy is spelt H-A-P-P-

◦ Introducing two speakers

in subtitles (no space)

— Em-dashes ◦ Marking parenthetical ◦Use Alt + 0151 for the

clauses that are grammar- Em-dash symbol

◦ Don’t mix up Em-dash
with En-dash or hyphen 20/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

Eles dizem — embora ◦ Add a single space

ninguém acredite — que before and after Em-dash
são de confiança.
◦ An extensive
explanation for its usage
◦ Highlight information, in these links:
especially at the end of a https://www.normaculta.
sentence: and
🇧🇷 Ele está fazendo o https://ciberduvidas.iscte
possível e o impossível -
para concretizar seu
objetivo — ficar com minha as/o-uso-do-hifen-e-do-
vaga dentro da empresa.

🇵🇹 Ele está a fazer o

possível e o impossível
para concretizar o seu
objetivo — ficar com a
minha vaga dentro da

◦ Look for double spaces

and delete them

◦ Separating parts of the

Single space ◦ Don’t include any space
after hyphen for
introducing two speakers

💡 What punctuation to use with interruptions?

Scenario Punctuation sign

Ellipsis (ALT+0133)

The speaker interrupts

Orador: Será necessário… muito apoio neste

Hyphen (no space before it)


Orador 1: Estava pensando se-

The speaker is interrupted by Orador 2: Ocupado, não posso falar agora.

someone else

Orador 1: Estava a pensar se-

Orador 2: Ocupado, não posso falar agora.

The speaker is interrupted by Hyphen (no spaces before and after) 21/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

someone else and then 🇧🇷

resumes with unaltered Orador 1: Estava pensando se-

grammar Orador 2: Ocupado, não posso falar agora.

Orador 1: -se você quer vir jantar aqui em


Orador 1: Estava a pensar se-

Orador 2: Ocupado, não posso falar agora.

Orador 1: … se queres vir jantar cá a casa?

🔑 Search keywords: punctuation, interruptions, spacing rules, space, pontuação,

interrupção, regras de espaçamento, espaços

ii. Capitalization

When to use upper case

Item 💡 Further Explanation DOs & DONT’S

Estou muito feliz.

First word of a Standard sentences

Ela disse: “Estou muito

sentence Sentences in quotes

Lucas Rodrigues



Santa Catarina



Proper nouns Cities




Foz do Iguaçu


Cruz Vermelha

Genus Homo sapiens

Compass Points When referring to specific Este ano vou conhecer o

geographic areas or part of Nordeste. 22/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

proper names only

When used in generic Correu a Europa de norte a

sense, indicating direction, sul.

it must be used lower case.

Sr., Sra., etc. (abreviados

quando junto ao nome)

O Sr. Marcos descobriu um

People titles

grande segredo.

MAS: Essa encomenda


para o senhor. (não sr.)

Titles 🇧🇷 Presidente Mário Silva/

Eu sou Jonas Amaral,
Formal job titles:

Diretor Executivo da Happy

◦ referring to specific


◦ when representing a
🇵🇹 Presidente Mário Silva/
Eu sou o João Amaral,
Diretor Executivo da Happy

Names of Tables
Anexo C (when followed by
charts/sections Charts
letter, otherwise lower

Bigger sections (NOT E.g: Enviei dois anexos por

smaller divisions) e-mail.

Capítulo 13 ( when
followed by the number,
otherwise lower case).

E.g.: Li cinco capítulos do

livro. O Capítulo 2 foi o
mais longo.

*Atenção que é sempre

seguido de numeral,
Capítulo 4 NOT Capítulo

MAS slide 3, página 100

(always lower case) 23/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

Variables referred to in a
sentence (NOT in an
Variables O X marca o local exato.
equation, in that case, use
lower case)

When to use ALL-CAPS

Capitalized Item 💡 Further Explanation DOs & DONT’S

Match OST capitalization

and avoid using all-caps
in the following cases:

◦ Handwritten notes

On-screen text

◦ Excerpts from
(On-screen text) Forced Narrative

◦ Social Media messages

◦ Text messages

◦ Long passages of OST

When a speaker spells

Spelt-out words Happy is spelt H-A-P-P-Y.
out a word

When to use Lower Case

Capitalized Item 💡 Further Explanation DOs & DONT’S

Deve ser difícil ser o

Job titles (check upper-
Titles diretor executivo de uma
case section)

Variables in an equation
(NOT referred to in a Áudio: 3 vezes 2

sentence, in that case, Digite: 3x2
use upper case)

When to use Special Capitalization

Capitalized Item 💡 Further Explanation DOs & DONT’S


Titles Use title case

Movies 24/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

Brand-relevant Company names


Items Product names AirPods

💯 Check on official
websites/reference material
the proper capitalization




Institution acronyms


Acronyms Product types

💯 Always check the proper
capitalization on reliable

iii. Numbers

1. General Rules

Item Rule DO

Criamos três novos

0-9 Numbers 0-9 are written out.

Numbers above 10 are written Criamos 15 novos

in figures. departamentos.

The above rules apply.
Descriptors are kept.
São mais de sete bilhões de
pessoas no mundo.

🇧🇷 O Brasil tem em torno de 212
and In the case of round numbers milhões de habitantes.

above only, use “mil”.

Três mil habitantes.

🇵🇹 Warning!

um milhão = 1 000 000

Portugal tem cerca de 10 milhões
mil milhões = 1 000 000 000
de habitantes.

um bilião = 1 000 000 000 000 Há mais de sete mil milhões de

pessoas no mundo.

Há galáxias a mais de um bilião

de anos-luz da nossa. 25/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

*Para valores em moeda,

consulte em v. Symbols &

Numbers at the beginning of a

Starting a sentence are written out Trinta e nove novos
sentence regardless of the actual colaboradores foram admitidos.
amount or number.

É o nosso décimo aniversário de

Escreva por extenso números

ordinais até dez e qualquer

Ordinal potência de dez.

Tudo pode acontecer em um

numbers Para números maiores que
centésimo de segundo.

dez, use os algarismos mais o

símbolo "ª" ou "º".
Esta é a 15ª cidade que visito.

1.1 Exceptions

Item Rule DO

Decimals Always in figures 3,14 é o valor aproximado de Pi.

🇧🇷 O Muro de Berlim caiu em 9 de

novembro de 1989.

Days and years always in

🇵🇹 O Muro de Berlim caiu a 9 de
novembro de 1989.

A geração Z nasceu nos anos 90.

Decades &
Always in figures
eras Os anos 2000 foram marcados
pelo pop nacional e internacional.

Always in figures

*don’t abbreviate meters, Essa parede mede 1,88 metros.
centimetres, etc.

Addresses Always in figures 🇧🇷

Moro na Rua Santa Tereza, 26.

Meu CEP é 808012-123.

🇵🇹 26/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

Moro na Rua de Santa Teresa, 26.

O meu NIF é 123456789.

🇧🇷 O número 5 é meu favorito.

Name of a
Always in figure
🇵🇹 O meu número preferido é o 5.
List of Os números sorteados foram 2,
Always in figures
numbers 5, 7, 23 e 28.

🇧🇷 Ele é um gênio. Começou a ler

aos 3 anos, escrever poemas aos
9 e solucionar cálculos
avançados aos 14.

Always in figures
of numbers
🇵🇹 Ele é um génio. Começou a ler
aos 3 anos, a escrever poemas
aos 9 e a resolver cálculos
avançados aos 14.

-Li que você tem 2.500



numbers in
-3.500. Temos 3.500
consecutive Always in figures

-Li que tem 2500 empregados...



-3500. Temos 3500 empregados.

Religious Atos 27:1 (Audio: Atos 7 versículo

Always in figures
references 1).

🇧🇷 Nosso telefone é 2035-6040.

Always in figures
🇵🇹 O nosso telefone é 211234567.
Mais de 5% da plateia não estava
Percentages Always in figures

Range of Always in figures unless 🇧🇷 Crianças de 1–12 anos não

numbers at the beginning of a podem entrar no show. 27/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

🇵🇹 As crianças de 1–12 anos não
podem entrar no espetáculo.

*usar símbolo meia risca

(ALT+0150 ou Option+-)

Always in figures 00h00

A festa começa às 17h.

Time Use 24h format if used by

O curso iniciará às 08h15.
the speaker

🇧🇷 Levou cem dias para achar o

livro certo.

Always written out
🇵🇹 Demorou cem dias a encontrar
o livro certo.

2. Number Separators

Item Punctuation Sign DO

Decimals Comma 3,14

🇧🇷 Dot

🇧🇷 3.867

Thousands . 🇵🇹 No dot / space above 4

🇵🇹 3867 / 38 670



11 de setembro de
Slash if all in figures

🇧🇷 Comma if the month is MAS 1º de abril de
, written out

🇵🇹 Without commas 11/09/1989


11 de setembro de

Phone - 🇧🇷 Hyphen
numbers units 🇵🇹 Without hyphens 2035-6040

99915-2567 28/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT




+55 (31) 2035-6040

+55 (31) 99915-2567

Prefix () Rounded parenthesis


+55 (31) 20356040

+55 (31) 999152567

En-dash (meia risca

Ranges – 1–12

💯 Quality tip: You found a number in the audio track of the file you are working
on, but you don’t remember how to handle that. Quickly surf the Guidelines by
using CTRL+F (Command+F) and search for the number type that is causing
you troubles.

Warning: Use an apostrophe for truncated decades instead of a single quote


🔑 Search keywords: numbers, decimals, million, date, time, measurements,

números, decimais, milhões, bilhões, biliões, percentagem, data, hora, horário,

iv. Date & Time Format

Rule DO

Date ◦ Follow the format used by 🇧🇷

the speaker(s), also in the Audio: O Muro de Berlim caiu em nove
case of centuries do onze de 89.

Typed: O Muro de Berlim caiu em



Audio: O Muro de Berlim caiu a nove do 29/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

onze de 89.

Typed: O Muro de Berlim caiu a 9/11/89.

◦ Always with the format Audio: Ela acorda às sete e meia.

Typed: Ela acorda às 07h30.

🔑 Search keywords: date, time, data, hora, horário

v. Symbols & Currencies

Special rules apply to symbols and currencies as per the chart below:

Item Rule DO

🇧🇷 A Procter & Gamble está


◦ Use only if part of a

em sustentabilidade.

proper name or a common

🇵🇹 A Procter & Gamble está a investir

em sustentabilidade.

Currencies ◦ Use only if included in the Custou apenas 50 centavos.

O valor do dólar aumentou muito
durante a pandemia.

Use letra maiúscula no nome


🇧🇷 O Plano Real foi um processo de

estabilização econômica.

◦ Use the currency 🇵🇹 O Plano Real foi um programa

symbols with figures only.
brasileiro de estabilização
◦ Symbols should go económica.

before the number.

🇧🇷 Add a single space

between symbol and 🇧🇷 R$ 3 mil , R$ 5 milhões, R$ 45
number. 🇵🇹 Don’t add a bilhões MAS mil reais

single space between

symbol and number.
🇵🇹 €1,5 mil , €5 milhões, €3 mil
◦ Don’t convert foreign milhões €4 biliões MAS mil euros

🇧🇷 O carro custou R$ 45.217,45. 30/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

(DON’T 45.217,45 reais.)

🇵🇹 O carro custou €45 217,45.

(DON’T 45 217,45 euros.)

🇧🇷 Recebi uma porcentagem da

herança maior que esperava.

◦ Use the percentage

symbols with figures only.

🇵🇹 Recebi uma percentagem da
◦ Don’t add any space
% herança maior do que esperava.

between the symbol and

the figure.
Recebi 75% dos bens. (DON’T 75 por

🔑 Search keywords: symbols, percentage, currencies, símbolos, porcentagem,

percentagem, por cento, moedas, dinheiro

vi. Mathematical Items

Please stick to the rules below, unless otherwise specified:

Item Rule DO

Use figures for numerals

Math equations and spell out math 20 mais 4 vezes 0,5 igual a 22

🇧🇷 Alfa, Ômega e Pi são símbolos


Greek letters Spell them out.

🇵🇹 Alfa, Ómega e Pi são símbolos

Desenhe um ângulo de 270 graus.

*Except for temperatures: 30 ºC

Measurements Spell them out.

A mesa mede 85 centímetros.

Um terço da população está

Fractions Spell them out.

Trigonometric Vamos calcular o cosseno de 1

Spell them out.
functions radiano.

Variables Use symbols and don’t Audio: 3 vezes x mais 4 vezes y 31/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

spell out the math igual a 23

Typed: 3x mais 4y igual a 23

Check capitalization rules BUT: O X marca o local no mapa.


Use Audio: x ao quadrado

Superscript/Su superscripts/subscripts Typed: x²

bscript (the Editor allows its Audio: H2O

usage). Typed: H₂O

🔑 Search keywords: numbers, math, mathematical, números, matemática,

equações, medidas, frações

vii. References

Use the following references in case you have any doubts on items not included in
these language guidelines:

10. Terminology


i. Domain Relevance

Always refer to the context to catch the appropriate words or phrases.

This is especially important for proper nouns or industry terminology.
Lack of proper research might lead to accuracy issues and impact the final quality
of your job.

💯 Quality tip: Some foreign words have become part of the common
terminology for specific verticals.

Depending on the industry, it is not uncommon to see how certain loan words 32/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

have become part of a specific industry domain.

DON’T use tags for loan words or any foreign word that is domain-specific.


The English term hashtag is part of the specific terminology of Social Media
almost across all languages. If the video that you are transcribing/subtitling is
about Social Media, then you needn’t use any italics or tags when typing the
term hashtag. If the video you are transcribing/subtitling is not about Social
Media, and the term hashtag is used, then it should go in italics.

ii. Glossary

The Editor allows customers and Scribes to add a specific set of terms that should
be used in one or multiple files.
Why should stick to the glossary? Because this will:

Ensure terminology consistency – internally and across related files.

Speed up your task – you won’t need to search elsewhere.
Minimize accuracy issues.

iii. On-screen Text

Stick to the terminology of the on-screen text, unless:

The on-screen text has typos. In this case flag this to the Admins.
The glossary provided by the customer includes options that differ from the on-
screen text.
The instructions state otherwise.

🔑 Search keywords: terms, terminology, glossary, loan word, termos, terminologia,

glossário, palavras estrangeiras incorporadas, palavras emprestadas de outras
línguas, estrangeirismos

11. Notation Tags

If the file you are working on has unclear, muffled portions of audio, you can use one of the
notation tags listed below, including a timestamp of the audio location.

Scenario Ta DO

Unintelligible or [inaudível hh:mm:ss] [inaudível 00:01:32] 33/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

inaudible words are


Multiple people
speaking over each [diafonia 00:00:52]

other causes any one of [diafonia hh:mm:ss] Transcribe what is

the speakers to become discernible.

[idioma estrangeiro

Indicate where they begin

with a timestamp and the
tag “idioma estrangeiro”.

Portions of audio in a [idioma estrangeiro

Don’t transcribe non-
foreign language. hh:mm:ss]
Portuguese audio.

If a file is mostly or
entirely in a foreign
language, check “Foreign
Language” section.

[cantando 01:59:02]

The speaker starts

If it takes less than 10
singing and it is more [cantando hh:mm:ss]
seconds, transcribe the
than 10 seconds long.
words to the song in

General DON’Ts

DON’T leave out the timestamp. [inaudível]

DON’T use upper case/all-caps in any notation tags. [Idioma Estrangeiro 02:03:55]
DON’T use your own notations. (diafonia 02:03:55)

DON’T include the name of the foreign language even though you spot it. [English

DON’T use [idioma estrangeiro 02:03:55] for loan words.

💡 At Happy Scribe we currently DON’T use any [guess] tag. When you are struggling
with some words, it’s safer to use the [inaudível hh:mm:ss] tag. 34/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

💯 Quality tip: Do you want to use a tag accurately? Type [ on the Editor at the exact
point you want to add a tag and choose from the drop-down menu.

Windows shortcut: Alt+0091

Mac shortcut: Alt+Shift+ ^ key

Punctuation and Tags

When the tag is replacing a word, a phrase or a portion of a sentence, DO use

standard punctuation afterwards.

However, when tag is used to replace a whole sentence or paragraph, DON’T

include any punctuation sign after the tag.

🔑 Search keywords: foreign, foreign language, inaudible, crosstalk, singing, notation

tag, loan word, estrangeira, estrangeiro, língua estrangeira, inaudível, diafonia,
palavras incorporadas, palavras emprestadas, canta, cantando, a cantar, canções,
cantoria, incompreensível, notações, etiqueta de notação

12. Transcription Specifics

i. Multiple Speakers

In the case of multiple speakers, a labelling strategy should be followed.

Refrain from creating your own descriptive labels and rather stick to the following rules
based on different scenarios:

Scenario Rule DO

The speaker’s name can

Pedro Silva

be reasonably inferred Use speaker’s name label

Professor Duarte

from the audio/video.

The speaker’s name

cannot be reasonably Entrevistador

inferred from the Use job title or role labels Professor

audio/video, but the job Aluno

title or role can be.

The speaker’s name

cannot be reasonably
Use sequentially numbered Orador 1

inferred from the

labels Orador 2
audio/video, nor can be
the job title or role. 35/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

There are too many Use group labels.


speakers to consistently Don’t use it as a substitute for

track who says what (e.g. reasonable speaker 🇧🇷 Plateia

classroom discussion, identification.

🇵🇹 Público

focus group). Don’t include any number.

🇧🇷 Equipe de

🇵🇹 Equipa de

💡 What to do in case of crosstalk? Check the “Notation Tag” section.

What to do in case of interruptions? Check the “Punctuation” section.

💯 Quality tip: Remember you must assign a speaker to all paragraphs, even if
there are multiple consecutive paragraphs from the same speaker.

If the client provided the list of speakers, be sure to stick to it.

🔑 Search keywords: multiple speakers, various speakers, oradores múltiplos,

vários oradores, label, etiqueta oradores, vários intervenientes

ii. Segmentation

Avoid writing excessively long paragraphs, even if there is only one speaker in the

Look for natural points in the speech, such as a shift in topic, emphasis, or
reference, to start a new paragraph.

💡 How to assess whether a paragraph is “too long"? Check this out.

💯 Long paragraphs are now warned by the quality check tool!

🔑 Search keywords: long paragraphs, parágrafos longos, tamanho dos

parágrafos, dimensão dos parágrafos

13. Subtitles Specifics

‣ ‣

i. Multiple Speakers 36/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT


-Oi, mãe.

- Oi, mãe. - Oi, Paulo.

-Oi, Paulo. Como foi seu dia?

Como foi seu dia?



-Olá, mãe.

- Olá, mãe. - Olá, Paulo.

-Olá, Paulo. Como correu o teu

Como correu o teu dia?

🔑 Search keywords: multiple speakers, various speakers, vários oradores,

múltiplos oradores, vários intervenientes

ii. Segmentation

1. Line Treatment


🇧🇷 Ele retornou (12 CPL)

🇧🇷 Ele retornou para casa ontem. (30

para casa ontem. (16 CPL)


🇵🇹 Ele voltou (10 CPL)

🇵🇹 Ele voltou para casa ontem. (28 CPL)

para casa ontem. (16 CPL)

2. Line Breaks

Parts of the

Eu tenho estudado Eu tenho estudado bas-

bastante para o test. tante para o test.

Subject/Prono Eu tenho estudado Eu

un and verb bastante para o test. tenho estudado bastante para o tes

Parts of a Eu tenho estudado Eu tenho

complex verb bastante para o test. estudado bastante para o test.

Article and Eu tenho estudado Eu tenho estudado bastante para o 37/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

noun bastante para o test. test.

and the Eu tenho estudado Eu tenho estudado bastante para

following bastante para o test. o test.


Conjunction Eu tenho estudado

Eu tenho estudado bastante, mas

and the bastante, mas fico

fico nervosa em testes.
following item nervosa em testes.

🇧🇷 Mary quer/ir/à loja,/mas até onde eu sei,/todas as lojas/estão fechadas/no


🇵🇹 A Mary quer/ir/à loja,/mas segundo sei,/todas as lojas/estão fechadas/no

🇧🇷 Acordei com o jet lag/às 4h da manhã,/na minha cama nova,/e
imediatamente liguei /para a Ana Pereira,/para contar a ela/sobre minha

🇵🇹 Acordei com jet lag/às 4h da manhã,/na minha cama nova,/e liguei

imediatamente /para a Ana Pereira,/para lhe contar/sobre a minha entrevista.
Publicado pela primeira vez em 1899,/ Dom Casmurro é /uma das grandes
obras /de Machado de Assis /e confirma /o olhar certeiro e crítico / que o autor
estendia / sobre toda a sociedade brasileira.

🔑 Search keywords: line break, number of lines, quebra de linha, quebras de

linha, número de linhas, divisão de legendas

3. CPL

The subtitles CPL should not exceed 42 CPL. Whenever exceeded, it is marked in
red in the Editor.

If the line is over 42 CPL, you can either:

🔑 Search keywords: line break, cpl, character limit, quebra de linha, quebras
de linha, limite de caracteres, limite de carateres, número de carateres por

iii. Time Sync

1. CPS 38/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

Values higher than 20 CPS indicate a degraded viewer experience, so you

should make an effort to try to reduce it when possible. Whenever exceeded, it
is marked in red in the Editor.

💡 If the content is for children, the CPS should not exceed 15.

2. Sync

To meet the 20 CPS limit, you can split or merge subtitles or extend their

💡 Use the timeline interface located at the bottom of the editor to

synchronize the subtitles with the audio and extend or shorten their

🔑 Search keywords: cps, time sync, sync, tempo sincronia, sincronização

legenda, caracteres, carateres

iv. Portrait Mode and Square Videos

Maximum 32 CPL
Keep 20 CPS
Ignore the number of lines appearing on the video, the font size will be adjusted

Square Videos 39/41
06/05/2022 16:16 Portuguese Guidelines for Transcriptions and Subtitles – ptBR, ptPT

In some cases, you might find the video has a square format (1:1).

Please follow the adjusted criteria (in order of priority):

Keep each subtitle capsule on 2 lines top

Try to stick to 36/38 characters if possible

🔑 Search keywords: vertical video, portrait mode, square video, video format,
vídeo vertical, modo retrato, vídeo de celular, vídeo de telemóvel, formato de
vídeo, vídeo quadrado, formato quadrado

14. Useful Tools

Here is a list of life-saving tools for transcriptionists and subtitlers:

Sound booster

Chrome extension
Background noise-cancelling extension

15. Reminders

Always check if there are specific instructions from the customer for a file. In that case,
the customer’s instructions prevail over these Guidelines.

Never transcribe in an external editor (Word for example) and then paste the text into
Happy Scribe's editor.

Be sure to run a spell-check by using Grammarly or any other available extension

available for your browser.

If you struggle with some specific words or a part of the speech, be sure to run some
searches on the Internet. Check pages related to the topic of the file you are working on
for better results.

If you cannot find the answer, reach out to the Tribe on Discord and seek further
Please note, once you have submitted a file, you cannot alter and correct the text

If you accidentally submit a file, please reach out to

Be sure you have the spell-check option/extension/plug-in enabled on your browser. 40/41
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