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1. I’m sorry, but I don’t know it’s___

• Category
• Value
• Weight
• Name

2. He___
• Passesite every day
• Likes it there
• Ignores it
• Wants to close it

3. Yes, it___
• Looks like new
• Has a lot of rooms
• Is over 100 years old
• Is near the airport

4. You can___
• Glance over it
• Verify it later
• Focus on the title
• Leave out some words

5. Yes, she___
• Went back to work
• Arrived home early
• Got lost downtown
• Extended her vacation

6. No, but I’ll___

• Take it to school
• Danate it
• Roll it to you
• Line

7. Yes, otherwise everything is___

• Moderate
• Plan
• Portable
• Blurry
8. No, he___
• Assembled the weapons
• Put them in the closet
• Decided to re-enlist
• Knew his location

9. Yes, they bloom in yearly

• Regions
• Frequencies
• Bubbles
• Cycles

10. Yes, they’re

• In the car
• On the table
• By the computer
• In the closet

11. In a ____ area

• Compact
• Minute
• Remote
• Fertile

12. No, I need to__

• Write a commercial
• Express my opinion
• Amplify the sound
• Mention the songs

13. Because I enjoy

• Taking photos
• Advising people
• Managing finances
• Reading boos

14. Yes, I used

• Twelve
• One
• Two
• Three
15. It will go___two miles
• Down
• Forward
• Backward
• Up

16. Yes, the___

• Student is studying
• Sun is shining
• Many is reading
• Party is ending

17. No, they were___

• United
• Encircled
• Criticized
• Supplied

18. Yes, it’s___

• Too warm
• Closed for a week
• Being used
• Very modern

19. Yes, it’s___

• Under the notebook
• On the table
• By the window
• In the envelope

20. No, he didn’t___

• See any rain clouds
• Know the temperature
• Use a thermometer
• Put anything on the map

21. Yes, I can see the___

• Grooves
• Coats
• Fuses
• Bubbles
22. No, that’s not
• Obsolete
• Appropriate
• Genuine
• Systematic

23. No, it’s not

• Portable
• Visual
• Historic
• Comparable

24. No, the mechanic___ the thermostat

• Plotted
• Calibrated
• Mentioned
• Evaluated

25. No, he’s still___

• Curious
• IDLe
• Willing

26. Jane didn’t go to the movies with us, but she

• Wanted to
• Wants
• To want to
• To wanted

27. He___for ten hours by the time he gets to Egypt

• Will have been flying
• Have been flying
• Be flown
• Fly

28. Please___cans of food for the poor people of the city

• Donate
• Mention
• Restrict
• Alterate
29. I think I’m coming down with___
• A Mission
• A Cold
• An idea
• Some oney

30. I like this hotel because it’s very___

• Homeward
• Homeless
• Home
• Homelike

31. ___
• Andy, where is my friend, knows your brother
• Andy, when is y friend, knows your brother
• Andy, what is my friend, knows your brother
• Andy, who is my friend, knows your friend

32. A mother greatest___is to see her children happy

• Output
• Capacity
• Desire
• Theory

33. In order to___ we bought a smaller house

• Economize
• Economics
• Economical
• Economy

34. Henry was an___

• Industrially
• Industrial
• Industry’
• Industrialist

35. First, my son broke his arm. Then, I took him to the ospital___ my sister stayed with the rest of
my children
• At last
• To begin with
• Eventually
• Meanwhile
36. A___ guided the ship to the coast
• Hull
• Stack
• Beacon
• Groove

37. Fact need to be___in all police accident reports

• Verified
• Plotted
• Terminated
• Applied

38. Kim___the party on Saturday

• Will attend not
• Will not attend
• Not will attend
• Attend will not

39. Adams___ caused him to crash into another car

• Sleepy
• Sleepiness
• Sleepless
• Sleep

40. They go to the beach___

• Three times
• One day
• A week
• Twice a year

41. We need to find place to___ the new bulletin board

• Claim
• Distort
• Mount
• Spot

42. The pilot has begun his descent, we should be___soon

• Concentrating
• Landing
• Launching
• Circulating
43. We need to replace the hinge on the ___\
• Curtain
• Tree
• Cabinet
• Bathtub

44. The car doesn’t work___it to a mechanic

• Took
• Takes
• Taken
• Take

45. ____
• Has a hole in it, the boat sank
• Have a hole in it, the boat sank
• Had a hole in it. The boat sank
• Having a hole in it. The boat sank

46. Joe’s answer to my question was vague. I want him to___

• Bring it up
• Put it away
• Clear it up
• Give it away

47. We need to___ our coats now that winter is over

• Issue
• Reserve
• Encircle
• Store

48. By the time she arrives i___my report

• Be written
• Will have written
• Have been writing
• Write

49. ___Tom borrow your English boo?

• Ought to
• Can
• Had better
• Would
50. My dad criticized the new traffic law. He___it
• Doesn’t like
• Can’t read
• Supports
• Helped write

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