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Assignment Name: Importance of Learning English

Prepared for
Name: Selim Ahmed
Course Code: GED 103
Course Title: Functional English
Section : A

Assignment No: 01
Date of Submission: 22/02/2022 Prepared by
Name: Arafatul Islam
Code: 92211129
Section: A
BBA: 9
Introduction: Paragraph is a collection of sentence that collaborate on a single concept. It

must start with the topic sentence that support the main idea of that paragraph And have a

constant flow there is only one topic or idea in a paragraph. For a creative Paragraph, you need

three part like beginning, middle and an end. There are many kinds of paragraph like definition,

narrative, listening, argumentative, expository etc. An effective paragraph contains three main

parts: a topic sentence, the body, and the concluding sentence. There are many characteristics of

a paragraph like beginning with the topic sentence the middle the conclusion coherence,

cohesion etc.

English is the vehicle through which we express our thoughts and ideas. English is now

an international language .people all over the world use this language as a medium of

communication. in this age of globalization English has become a Global Language. In fact, we

cannot survive properly without English. English is the passport to enter the Global Village. If

not anybody knows English he should go back to the stone ages live with the dinosaurs.It is the

official or semiofficial language in more than 60 countries in the world. Many international

Organization need employees who can fluently speak and write in English. It is the password of

Enter the world of get any information from internet English is necessary. Almost

all the books on higher education are written in English. More than 80% information of the

world's computer is in English. It is the official or semiofficial language in more than 60

countries in the world. Many international Organization need employees who can fluently speak

and write in English. It is the password of Enter the world of get any information

from internet English is necessary. Almost all the books on higher education are written in

English Language. More than 80% information of the world's computer is in English. All
important things findings of scientific research teachings and philosophy of great Scholars are

published mostly in English. In order to keep pace with the advancement of Civilization and

maintain International Relation we should learn English for trade and commerce we have to

communicate with our business partner with in English, International meeting and conference

held in also English.

We can learn English the current going on in every corner of the world instantly through

reading. English newspaper and journals. Moreover, a student must have efficiency on the skill

of English to do well in the exam. If we do not know English, we will fail to keep pace with the

progressive force of the fact we will not get a good job or anything. In a word, English

is the weapon to fight in the Global efflux. Our students face difficulties in learning English at

first, they do not find interest in learning English. In certain quarters, a false Idea has somehow

developed that if we study in English a mother tongue will be neglected. Soon a day will come

when a person who does not know English will be considered be an illiterate person

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