Mis Cursos: Área Personal 556171/CH/TR1002007213/205T - 10/INGLES II Cortes Second Term Exam

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29/4/22, 15:36 SECOND TERM EXAM

Área personal / Mis cursos / 556171/CH/TR1002007213/205T _10/INGLES II / Cortes


Comenzado el viernes, 29 de abril de 2022, 14:23

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en viernes, 29 de abril de 2022, 15:04
Tiempo 41 minutos 41 segundos
Puntos 6,07/8,00
Calificación 37,92 de 50,00 (76%)

Pregunta 1

Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 0,80 sobre 1,00

Fill in with the correct form of will or going to depending on each situation

1. Global warming will  continue to get worse.

2. If you are hungry, I will  make you a sándwich
3. What Are you going to  wear for the party?
4. One day, I will  be rich.
5. We  Are going to  have dinner with the Smiths tomorrow at 8pm.

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Pregunta 2


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Fill in with the correct form: will or won't


1. You won't  pass the exam if you don't study.

2. It's sunny. You will  need an umbrela
3. Hurry!! The train  won´t  wait for you.
4. I know you  will   like your wonderful present.
5. It's cold. I will  close the window.

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Pregunta 3


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1.  False 

2.  True 

3.  True 

4.  False 

5.  True 

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Pregunta 4

Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 0,40 sobre 1,00

1.  a 

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2.  b 

3.  a 

4.  a 

5.  b 

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Pregunta 5

Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 0,67 sobre 1,00

Now you are going to read about some ideas for next Christmas in different places around
the world. What place will the characters visit? Read and select the best option.

Perhaps I will be in México with my parents, Christmas in my country is wonderful and delicious. 
Every year we commemorate the birth of Jesus.  It is also a worldwide celebration in most Christian
churches on December 25th.  People wish each other Merry Christmas (Feliz Navidad). It is
common to relax, catch up with family and friends, and eat leftovers (recalentado: pozole,
romeritos, bacalao, etc.) from Christmas Eve (noche Buena) dinner.  The weather is cold but not
too much, in Mexico City hardly ever snows.  My family decorates the house with ornaments
acccording to the holiday, sets a Christmas tree and "Nacimiento" (a Nativity representation) with
many lights.


After listening to you, I will do the same, I'll be with my family. But our Christmas is so different
because I'm from New Zealand and Christmas there is less about snow and sleigh bells and more
about sun, sand and barbecues in the backyard, it's summer!  Sunny and lazy days at the beach,
games of backyard cricket, food on the barbecue and the holiday uniform of shorts, sandals and T-
shirts.  We have the pohutukawa tree with its crimson flower is a Christmas tradition.  We take our
summer holidays.


I prefer a traditional Christmas here in London, I will probably stay with my friend Sarah. In England
is more important Christmas Day and Boxing Day.  Families enjoy carol singing, midnight church
services and going out to the pub.  Christmas Eve is a very exciting day for young children.  It is the
time when Santa or Father Christmas comes.  In the morning when the children wake up they open
their stocking presents.  Dinner is traditional too, enjoying turkey with all the trimmings, and like
you, spending time with the family is the best thing about Christmas Day, besides the weather is
snowy and it's a great time to skate on ice.
1.What is the Christmas tree in New Zealand?

Pohutukawa   
2,Which will the weather be on New Zealand?

Sunny 

3. What will Marijo eat on Christmas eve?

Romeritos 

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4. Which will the weather be on Mexico?

Cold 
5. Who will not go to the church next Christmas?

Michelle 

Pregunta 6


Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Read the following text about Jennifer Lopez and her plans, answer the questions:

Jennifer López is a famous actress.  She is from United States and she loves traveling.  Jennifer is
planning to travel to Cusco in Peru, she's going to travel next Friday and she's going to stay in Peru
for three weeks.  She's going to visit Sacsayhuaman and then Machu Picchu, she likes Peruvian
culture, and she's going to eat delicious Cusco traditional food.  Jennifer has friends in Lima, so,
after Cusco, she's going to go there and she is going to visit her friends too.  They live in San Luis
and they are going to prepare a big welcome party for Jennifer.  They love her a lot and they are
going to buy a lot of presents for her.  After one week, she's going to travel to Arequipa, she is
going to take a lot of pictures and she's going to buy souvenirs and take them back to USA.

1. Where is Jennifer going to travel?

She is going to travel to Peru 

2. What is Jennifer going to do in Lima?

She's going to go to San Luis 

3.Select the option that is not Correct

Jennifer has friends in Arequipa 

4.Select the information that is Correct

She is going to buy some souvenirs and take the back to United States. 
5.Select the option that is not Correct

She hates Peruvian culture 

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Pregunta 7

Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 0,20 sobre 1,00

Complete the sentences selecting the correct expression to talk about the future

1. The doctors say she could have the baby in our lifetime  .                      
2. In the beginning of April you can say Holly week a sign of things to come 
3. Medicine is progressing very fast; I think a cure for cancer will be developed 
in the near future 
4. We are planning to move  any day now. 
5. Three people I know have lost their Jobs recently – this is  is just around the corner

Pregunta 8


Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

1. Arranging " accommodations  " means arranging a place to stay (like a hotel, guest
house, etc.)
2. Travel agents often ask you whether or not you would like to buy traveler's
insurance  .
3. A  package  tour/holiday is one that includes air, hotel, and often food
4. A  connecting   flight requires a passenger to change from one plane to
5. If you lose something at an airport, you should check at the irport's lost-and
found  _office.

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