Daily Lesson Plan SN Konstruk

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Daily lesson Plan ( The Constructivist Approaches) Subject Year Time Numbers of pupils Theme Scope Area General

learning outcomes Specific learning outcomes : : : : : : : : : Science 2 Bijak 8.30 9.30 am 36 World around us About things that use batteries The magic of batteries Pupils learn about things that use batteries 1. Identify things that use batteries 2. List things that use batteries Explicit learning outcomes : 1. Mention and list out 4 things that use batteries 2. Classify 4 things that use batteries 3. Classify 4 things that not use batteries Science Process Skills Thinking Skills : : Observing, Communicating, Classifying To attributing, Analysing, Comparing and contrasting Scientific attitude and noble value : 1. Being cooperative 2. Realizing that science is one of the ways to help and make easy in human daily life Teaching aids Pre-requisite knowledge : : Pictures, envelope, Chart, Sticky tape Student have learned about the things that use batteries before (at home and daily life)

Step Orientation (5 minutes)

Content The magic of batteries: Several things can only work properly when uses a battery. For example are remote control car, torchlight, mini radio and clock can work when use a battery.

Teaching and Learning Activity Teacher shows a few things that use batteries. (remote control car, torchlight, mini radio and clock) Teacher switch on the torchlight and pupils see it. Teacher ask some questions: Q1: What is this? A1: Torchlight Q2: When I switch on the torchlight what do you can see here? A2: Light Q3: Predict, what things that I use to produce light by this torchlight? A3: Batteries

Teaching Aids Remote control car Torchlight, Mini radio Clock

Remarks Observing Communicating

Elicitation of ideas (10 minutes)

Pupils previous knowledge

Teacher asks some question and writes pupils ideas on the board.


Q1: Can you give any example of things that use a battery. A1: Laptop, stopwatch, MP3 player

Q2: Can you give any example of things that not use a battery. A2: Table, Chair, Blackboard All of pupils ideas are record on the board either correct or not. It will discuss the answer at the second step of the lesson. Restructuring Picture of things that use of ideas (20 minutes) batteries: Wall clock, toy robot, stopwatch, MP3 player, torchlight, Remote control car, mini radio, clock, hand phone. Picture of things that not use batteries: Rice cooker, table, chair, oven, freezer, hair dryer, printer, wash machine. See appendix Teacher asks pupils to built 9 groups with 4 members each. Each group will give an envelope with pictures inside and a table form (Things that uses batteries and Things that not uses batteries) Each group must classify and stick the picture into their group correctly. Each group must present their group answer in front of the class. Teacher explains the correct Envelope Picture Glue Table form Communicating Classifying Identifying

answer and pupils ideas wrote on the board before. Application of ideas (15 minutes) Avoid pollution. What you will do if the battery does not work anymore? Can we reuse or recycle the battery? What is the side effect when throw the useless battery everywhere? Predict, what will happened if 20 years later the whole world replace from using electricity to using battery. Each group discusses together and explains their ideas orally. Predicting Communicating

Closure (10 minutes)

Chart: Match the correct answer See appendix

A few of pupils call in front to match picture according to that thing use battery or not use battery.

Chart Sticky tape Picture Work sheet


Pupils classify 4 things that use batteries and classify 4 things that not use batteries

Teacher gives work sheet about topic as home work.

Classify and stick the picture according to the words given.

Things that use batteries

Things that not use batteries

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