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BOOK EXTENSION ACTIVITY - LESSON PLAN Your Name: Renata Couyette Genre ofthe Book: Fletion- Picture book Book Title: Beautiful Girls Author: Stacy MeAnulty Publisher: Running Press Date: 2016 1, Pre-K/ CCSD K-2 Grade/Nevada Core Standards: S.PK.3 Interact positively with other regardless of personal differences (eg, skill level, gender, race and disability). P. KILO Children begin to engage in activities that help independence, self-expression, persistence, 3.PK.2 Predict what will happen inthe story. {3.PK.3 Listen and responds to stores from different cultures and areas, 2. Objectives: SWBAT + Bloom's verb - Students will be able to create a reflection of themselves. Students willbe able to explain ideas or concepts within in their group. ‘Students will be able to understand the difference of child with a disability. Students will be able to recall what they have learned. 3. Materials/Equipment: = Crayons = Markers = Yarn Paper Mirros/ Real Mirrors feathers stickers 4, Teaching: ’A. Plan for reading the book -Sing front cover back cover song before reading the story it helps children understand the Front lof the book, Back of the book and Spine, Title, and Author and Illustrations Ask students to look at the cover ofthe book what do they predict will happen inthe story Read book outloud Ask the children what does Beautiful mean to them? Do you know what the word disability means? -_While reading the story did you noticed the git in a wheelchair chair playing sports? -Did you know there is children out there with disabilities that are ble o play the same way we play, -Why do you think in the story when it said "Girls keep their hair properly placed and the picture showed the girls hair messy and clothes dirty. Do you think we need to always look beautiful to feel beautiful? wi ‘was your favorite part ofthe story and why? Encourage Questions Discuss when you lookin the mirror what do you see yourself, smart, funny, happy, beautiful, what are some things you get to do that makes you fel beautiful, ave students write down their Characterstic's and wht they like about themselves ass out material. Students will each get areal mirror to share and a paper minor to create theieself-reection. All material like scissors, yar, crayons, markers and glue sMicks wil be opened for reative expression Allow 20 minutes for all students to create what they see by looking in the miror. Closure: Have students show their self-reflection they have created of themselves in the front of the room allow them to explain what they like about themselves. ‘Ask Questions about their self-reflection ‘Students willbe able to pick a spot in the classroom to hang up their self-reflection ‘mirror’s they have created Give feedback tothe students. ‘Ask the students what they have learned today and how did it make them fee to draw a sel-reeetion portrait of themselves. And next week will talk about families and we will have your create a family ee at home with your family snd you will bring in your ‘reation and show the class your family. Fiction Evaluation Form (rere tos ere, oer Forty, onenper Raat etn. tara ct, ar eos) ‘Your Name Renata Rorie Couyette ‘Author: Stacy MeAnulty IMustratorIoanne Lew-Velethot? Genre: Fietion Publisher/Year: 2016, EVALUATE THE BOOK USING THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS | sed ~ word choles, sentence length, dslogue, tythm, rhyme. inghts or iteresting information the reader learn rom the story. Ge exomples form the Book foreach one: | Word choice: Beauitugis,Gracetully, Smart, Sweety, Wow, Stuning, Am Sentence length: One sentence Dialogue: when then sd wow, stunning, amazing yh: sp Rhyme No Rhyme Insightsfinteresting information Al gl are benutu despite are eliferences in socaty. “CHARACTER — Who the main character? Explain the characters personaly traits: How can the abd? {ete tothe character become ivlved in the sony? ‘Who are the supporting characters? Give exompes of ech frm the Book Main character Git Personality tats le, smart style, graceful How reader ean relate to ain character: Al gis rom diferent cultures, race, and ables can fee beaut no mater they dees up asptates, play spots, plant gardens, or experiment. Supporting characters very gi LOT: (Epis the major avenin the story) Summarize the plot All gis are beautiful, but the story shows girs playing in mud, and when they say al girs knows all bout make up it shews the girls wearing mustaches and pretending to be pirates. “Beautiful gels ‘smile sweetly “but itshows gts with food in thelr teeth. The pictures shows the opposite of what ‘the words describe what beautiful gis are supposed to be. 2 SETTING - Explain the place and time ofthe book ‘THEME. whats the story's theme or lesson? ‘Setting: Outside during day on a backyard fence. “Theme: Al girs can be themselves and be beautiful ILLUSTRATION ~Anayze the lusvationsin the book [see Chapter # for detail on Choose a 2-page spread in he book (o answer the following: ‘What Style (elim serenam epesinim, presen ndanson of? Cartoon Art Illustration and Text: expan now ilustration and text combine tot the son, ea

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