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NAME: JIMENEZ, Kathleen Carmelita D 1 May 2022

BK 1: #ClimateChangeResilient

I grew up in a family of farmer, from my great grandmother to my

current titos and titas, when I was little, we would always spend Sundays
in our farm playing in a muddy unplanted fields and would bathe in the
“patubig” all afternoon. Back then my family would not worry about the
rain because it is certain that on the rainy season, the rain would come,
so they would plant vegetables suitable for the weather. In addition, the
weather is not that hot during those days, the heat is tolerable even in the
middle of the day, and we used to go out of the house often to get some
During the present times, everything has changed, my titos and
titas never get rain on the day that they expected it, our fields look really
dry, and often times super typhoons would ruin our farm, to the point
that we wont even benefit from anything. My family spends more for
gasoline to run the patubig that the money they get from selling our farm
produce. Our family do not spend weekends together anymore, because
the heat during the day is unbearable and can even cause skin diseases.
As of now, me along with my family learned to adjust especially
on how things run in our farm, before my family always loves heavy
rains, but due to abnormal amount of rainwater, every time that there is a
heavy rain, it always floods in the farm, so we installed flood gates
around the farm to prevent water from flooding the field. The family
also made sure that they are educated regarding rainwater system so that
they can prepare accordingly. Now, we prefer to eat from the vegetables
that we have in the farm rather than buying prepared meals, we also start
in vermicomposting and switch to organic farming to reduce chemical
use in the farm, thus preserving the quality of the soil.
As a nursing student, and a person how grew up in farming, I think
it is very important that we start changing our ways when it comes to
how we buy and consume processed products. Let us aways choose
those products who support the green movement to at least help in
climate change. The recent news regarding the scientist who protested
touched the heart of many, and I saw a number of videos of influencers
promoting a much greening type of living to reduce our damage in the
earth. As students we can help in stopping climate change by planting
more trees, recycling, using less plastic and using more earth friendly
It is our duty to work hand-in-hand with each other to save the
earth, because we cannot deny that humans play a vital role when it
comes to the continuous destruction of earth, and just as we are the one
who destroys it, we also have the voice and capability to work together
to salvage anything that we can save. Time is ticking, and we are slowly
losing time, so let us use our voice to advocate for a greener tomorrow.

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