Esp512 - Booklet Unit 1

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Part 1: What do you know?

I What could cellphones do with 1G, 2G and 3G? What can they do 4G now? Discuss with
a partner and write an example for each:

II Watch this video1 about the evolution of 1G to 4G; check your similarities (watch until
minute 1:58).

1 Taken from:

III Watch the video again and match the ideas.

IV What other features does a 4G phone have? Write two more ideas with a partner.

V With the ideas from exercise IV create a two-minute presentation. Use the phrases in
the banner to complement your speech. Be ready to share it with other people in the

Part 2: 5G features
I What do you know about 5G? Discuss with a partner and write three ideas next to the
5G logo. Be ready to share your ideas.

II Watch the second part of the video2 and check your similarities.

III Complete the banners. What does the video say about…? Compare your answers in

2 Taken from:

IV Complete the banner. What do you think about life in the future with 5G? Write three
ideas and be ready to share them with your class.

Part 3: Life is better with 5G
I Look at the image3. What advantages of 5G can you identify? Discuss with a partner.

3 Taken from 5G Advantages and disadvantages.


II Now, look up the meaning of these words and phrases.

III Read this text4 about the advantages of 5G and complete it with the words from
exercise II.

4 Taken and adapted from “5G Advantages and disadvantages.”


IV What other advantages do you know? Watch the following video5 before you write
your ideas. This video will help you with some useful expressions.

V Now that you have watched the video, write four advantages of 5G with a partner. Be
ready to share your ideas with other groups in the class.

5 Taken from:

Part 4: 5G shortcomings

I What do you think are the main disadvantages of 5G? Discuss with a partner and write
two ideas.

II Read the following text6 about the disadvantages of 5G. Compare your ideas from
exercise I.

6 Taken and adapted from “5G Advantages and disadvantages.”


III Read the text again and look for the highlighted words for these definitions7.

IV Can you think of two disadvantages concerning the topics below? Compare your ideas
with your classmates.

7 Taken from Oxford learner´s dictionaries.


Part 5: Smart talk
I What do you know about “small talk”? What does it mean to you? Discuss with a partner
and write an idea.

II Read the Oxford online dictionary8 definition.

III Match some “small talk” expressions and questions.

8 Taken from Oxford learner´s dictionaries.


IV Listen to a conversation9 held by two coworkers before a meeting. What other “small
talk” expressions can you identify?

V Read the dialogue´s script10 and adapt it to use your own “small talk phrases”. Follow
the examples. Practice with a partner and be ready to present to other groups in the

9-10 Taken from Oxford University Press, Headway Student´s site- Every day English.

Part 6: Opening a meeting
I What do you know? Look at the following steps to open a meeting. Number them from 1
to 7.

II Now, watch the following video11 about how a meeting is organized and check your

11 Taken from:

III Can you remember which phrases go with each step? Match, and then compare your
answers with a partner.

IV In pairs, create the opening of a meeting in which you will be discussing some 5G
advantages and disadvantages. Use the phrases from exercise III. Be ready to present it to
other groups in the class.

Part 7: Meetings
I Do you know what “the meeting agenda” means? Discuss with a partner.

*You can look up the meaning on the internet.

II Read the Oxford online dictionary12 definition for agenda.

III Listen to the beginning of two meetings. Complete the conversations13 with the words

12 Taken from Oxford learner´s dictionaries.


IV What do these expressions14 mean? Discuss with a partner and write the meaning
below each one.

V Let´s practice! Using the expressions above, introduce the agenda for a meeting about
new 5G technology your team will be implementing at work. Be ready to present it to
the rest of the class.

13-14 Taken and adapted from BBC Learning English, Talking Business- Meetings: agenda settings.

Part 8: Online meetings

I Look at these expressions. Mark with an O those you can use only in online meetings and
with a B those you can use in both (face to face and online).

II Do you have any tips for successful online meetings? Discuss with a partner and
write to ideas. Be ready to share them with other groups in the class.

III Watch this video15 with some tips for better online meetings. Compare your ideas.

IV Let´s practice! In groups of three, create and simulate a five-minute online meeting.
Consider and include the following:

15 Taken from:


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