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Course Code : OPRM639 Course Title: Operations Management and Research

Course Instructor: Atanu Bhattacharya RQ2141A02 Section: Q2141 ( RQ2141A02 (

Academic Task No: CA 1 Academic Task Title: State Bank of India Amritsar Branch

Date of Allotment: 26-11-2021 Date of Submission: 30-11-21

Student Roll no: RQ2141A02 RQ2141A02 (

Student Reg no: 12102948

Evaluation Parameters:

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Lovely Professional University

MBA (General)

Module Assignment- CA1

Topic – State Bank of India, Amritsar Branch

Student Name: Libin Lalu

Registration No: 12102948
Roll Number: RQ2141A02

Atanu Bhattacharya
Introduction of State Bank of India
SBI, India's oldest commercial bank, was founded in 1806 as the Bank of Calcutta. After
three years, the bank received a royal charter and was renamed the Bank of Bengal. It was
one of three so-called presidency banks, along with the Bank of Bombay (founded 1840) and
the Bank of Madras (founded 1843), each of which was jointly owned by the provincial
government and private subscribers. In 1921, the presidency banks merged to form the
Imperial Bank of India (IBI), which grew to become the country's largest commercial
enterprise. In 1955, the Indian government and the country's central bank, the Reserve
Bank of India (founded in 1935), took joint ownership of IBI, renaming it the State Bank of
India. Four years later, the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act transformed banks
previously operated by individual princely states into SBI subsidiaries. In 2007, the Reserve
Bank's stake in SBI was transferred to the government.
So I visited one of the SBI branch in Amritsar which is near to my place, there I tried to
gather some information related to working, Services , Layout and some forecasting
methods that the Bank uses.

Services that SBI Bank Provide

I am a regular customer to this bank and as from the picture it is clear that Bank follows covid-19
norms as the security guard stands and allows specific amount of customers at one go and rest of
the time the grill is closed and I don’t see much changes every now and then like in private banks but
it is now good and giving systematic outcome as it service has improved and there are various types
of services this bank provides and they are as follows:-

Some Saving Account Types

• Basic Savings Account (Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana)

• Basic Small Savings Account
• Savings Bank Account
• SBI Savings Account for Minors
• SBI Savings Plus Account

Basic Savings Account (Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana)

In this the Minimum/Maximum balance there is no limit, for Criteria for Eligibility everyone who has
a valid KYC document, ATM fees and monthly withdrawal limits for this there are 4 free withdrawal
there after the bank will charge 15 rupee + GST, Debit Card Basic Rupay ATM-cum-debit card;
delivered free of charge, Other services like Lockers for safe deposits.

Basic Small Savings Account

This account is similarly meant for economically weaker section of the society, but it is particularly
developed for people who do not have officially acceptable KYC papers and experience difficulties in
creating a bank account.

In this minimum balance should be NIL and maximum should be 50000, In this the eligibility criteria
is Individuals above the age of 18 who DO NOT HAVE OFFICIAL KYC DOCUMENTS (self-attested
picture + sign or thumb impression in the presence of an authorised branch officer), Charges for
ATMs the Maximum monthly withdraw there are no yearly maintenance fees of Rs. 10,000. (total of
4 withdrawals allowed). ATM card is free of charges,

Other features of this Account is,

Transaction limit for Zero Balance Savings Accounts each month: Rs. 10,000

The maximum credit authorised in a calendar year is Rs. 1 lakh.

Foreign remittances are not permitted unless officially valid KYC verification is obtained.

Personal Banking Offices (PBBs), Special Personalize Banking (SPB), Mid Corporate Group (MCG), and
Corporate Account Group (CAG) branches do not offer account services.

Savings Bank Account

This is a basic savings bank account that offers the general public services such as SMS Banking,
Internet Banking, Credit Card, and more. To open this account, you must provide valid KYC

Here, there is no maximum limits for balance, next is pan required to open this account , Cheque
books are given on demand.

SBI Savings Account for Minors

This account was created to teach children the value of money and saving while also allowing
them to experiment with purchasing power so that they may learn to handle their finances
effectively in the future.

The maximum balance here is 10 lakh parents can deposit upto this much amount, ATM card is
also provided, 2 Cheque books are given and we can deposit 2000 per day by using Mobile
banking and 5000 through internet banking.

SBI Savings Plus Account

This account is an SBI Multi Option Deposit Scheme product. It uses the customer's savings or
current account to open and link a term deposit account. This fixed deposit has a maturity
period of 1 to 5 years. This is done to instil the habit of investing. Customers can also get a loan
on their MOD deposit to help them manage their finances better.

Here, the min balance the customer can deposit is 35000 , a transfer upto 10000, loans are also
provided in this.

Current Account

To meet the requirements and expectations of its customers, the Bank offers a variety of current
accounts with minimal maintenance fees. With a minimum balance of Rs. 10,000, an SBI current
account may be created.

Internet Banking

The bank provides internet Banking services to its customer

• NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer): National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
is a nationwide payment system that allows for one-to-one money transfers.
Individuals, organisations, and corporations can use this Scheme to electronically
transfer payments from any bank branch to any other bank branch in the nation that
is a participant in the Scheme.

• RTGS (Real Time Gross settlement: RTGS is described as the continuous (real-time)
settlement of individual financial transfers on an order-by-order basis (without
netting). 'Real Time' refers to the processing of instructions as they are received
rather than at a later time; 'Gross Settlement' refers to the settlement of funds
transfer orders as they are received (on an instruction by instruction basis).
• ECS (Electronic Clearing System): ECS is an alternative method for effecting payment
transactions in respect of utility-bill-payments such as telephone bills, electricity
bills, insurance premia, card payments, and loan repayments, etc., that eliminates
the need for issuing and handling paper instruments and thus enables improved
customer service by banks / companies / corporations / government departments,
etc., collecting / receiving the payments.

Digi Voucher: Digi-Voucher is an app for android phones as this software helps the customer
to pay the loan interest, withdraw money , deposit money, issue draft , deposit in bank
through SBI account cheque. And there is many features added to this customer don’t have
to come to the bank every time to depositing through cheque and other all things can be
done by one click.

ATM (Automated teller Machine): this Machines are available in all the locality within 1
kilometer of the range so that people can easily withdraw the amount without going to the
bank, and this bank also has this ATM at right side at the entry point. Transfers the cash ,
Pays bills.

SBI No Queue FAQ

The State Bank "NO Queue" app allows you to book a virtual token at your leisure from any
location without physically visiting the branch. You may reserve a virtual queue ticket for
your local branch using the NO Queue app and receive real-time status notifications about
your position in the queue. As a result, you may virtually reserve your queue ticket to avoid
long lines and spend your valuable time before we notify you of your arrival time at the

Bank provide loan to its customer , there are many types of loan like Business loan
Education loan, Car Loan , housing loan, and a new loan scheme for Government Employee
they can take loan in any amount and for this this Bank has appointed one of the staff to
contact with the its customer who is an Government employee or retired , they are the one
eligeable for this loan

SBI Forecasting
As the Bank have their SBI credit card sales done for that job the employees are not so
permanent and the person gets change after every 6 month time and this I came to know
from the credit card salesman. So every new sales man studies the algoritham of the
previous sales men and analyse how the sales or the method can be improved this he
studies from past reports available, accordingly he makes plan how to sell more credit card
and increase the revenue from operation.
The next forecast they use is Accessing the Current Situation. Its Corporate Performance
Management (CPM) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Net interest margin, revenue
per FTE, customer satisfaction surveys, and your customer cross-sell percentage are
examples of such metrics and keys. Accessing The Current Situation entails determining
where they are in relation to their goals, peers, previous year's figures, and other factors.
So, if a bank intends to grow its loan and deposit output, it will invest some money on
marketing initiatives. Will it take the form of selling incentives to your staff, directing
marketing resources toward radio advertising, or purchasing a predictive analytics
technology to determine what product to give to which consumer at what time. The bank
intends to increase the salary of its current employees in order to recruit superior talent
capable of servicing and selling to the bank's clients. And the bank attempts to persuade the
key departures that it would result in greater results.
Bank future decision lies in the top management as here in the Bank the follow executive
decision as the future of the bank lies in their decision. They are on board with the bank's
strategic strategy and have plenty of ideas about how to get there. Marketing will have an
opinion on how to publicise your new financial products. Your Asset Liability Manager will
be aware of the direction of interest rates and how you will need to price loans and
deposits. The most effective incentive schemes will be known to your Human Resources
And another method they use is like they call all employees in case of any urgent meeting
on urgent topic and like a big amount money as loan is taken by a business man then
Manager and every employees discuss this in the panel and sometimes their opinions are
not taken face to face they can give in written form that like loan is of big amount then he
has to possess a big property or any other proof or asset, so as bank can assure that he is
solvent enough to pay back the principal amount with the interest. For intrest also they take
different opinions.
Solver Tool: Solver's financial planning solution streamlines budgets and forecasts, allowing
you to focus more on analysis while spending less time managing manual spreadsheets and
workflows. It frees up resources that can be used to grow your business and improve
Solver integrates with ERPs and industry-specific software, allowing you to consolidate all of
your critical data into a single solution.
One of the forecasting data relating to GDP growth rate done by SBI bank last year as
The Indian economy shrank by 24.4 percent in the April-June quarter of last year. The GDP
data for the first quarter will be released next Tuesday, August 31. The estimates vary
widely due to the uncertainty caused by the second wave. The Reserve Bank of India
forecasted 21.4 percent growth in the first quarter. According to Nomura, GDP will grow by
29.4 percent in the third quarter.
According to the SBI Nowcasting model, GDP growth for the first quarter of FY22 is expected
to be around 18.5 percent (with an upward bias), according to SBI Research. Higher growth
in the first quarter of FY22 is primarily due to a low base, it said, before adding that ultra-
high frequency indicators indicate business activity picked up pace in August. Collection
from Regional Transport Offices (RTOs), electricity consumption, and mobility indicators all
improved in the second quarter of FY22, indicating a positive trend.
India expects the economy to grow by 21.2 percent year on year in the April-June quarter of
2021-22, compared to 9.2 percent in 2021-22.
A low base and a much smaller loss of activity due to the second covid wave have pushed
growth to an all-time high for a single quarter, the report stated.

SBI Layout
Bank floor plans or layouts, presented areas demarcated into blocks, counters to separate
bank personnel from customers (at times, using metal grills for bank tellers), as this bank
has metal grill at the entry of the Bank where customer and other staff they enter , there is
no emergency exit while asking them it came to know that they are planning to build a small
exit in case of any emergency as the bank is little small they didn’t received the budget
initially, as this will be helpful at times.
Bank layout design has evolved to a more casual look and feel with the help of high-quality
architectural design drafting and other retail design drawings. bank layout design was as
interesting as a small fortress. This was ostensibly for people to feel secure about their
So, the Bank used traditional bricks for making of it , with a safe room, a stationery and
records room, a locker room, the branch manager’s cabin, full height cabins, low height
counters, tables and ATMs in the corner are on their way out. The conventional style of
banking is at a crossroads, where a larger number of people are veering towards the
comfort of online and mobile transactions. To retain customers and gain new ones, banks
must make people feel relaxed and unrushed, while still be able to offer fast-paced
transactions when so desired.
Bank has 5 working days from Monday to Friday this working hours started after and in
between Covid-19 pandemic and the timings are 10am to 5pm but the staff they arrive 9-
9:30 am and the customers starts entering at 10 am for Account opening, for withdrawl ,
deposits etc. The day is completed at 5 pm but customers are not allowed to enter after
4pm as the staffs they settle all the transaction of that day.
There are seating arrangements done for the customers as the customers sometimes have
to wait for many hours for their turn to come so understanding customer this bank has
seating arrangements done in order to maintain customer relation and trust.
They have encrypted software, cameras which is directly connected to the Locker Rooms as
it is critically guarded by the Software and camera beside this thumb impression which can
only be access through the Branch Manager. So this type of facility the Bank have.This is to
provide full security to the Customers money as this money is not of Bank it is of Public so
they try to maintain every possible security according to their fund.
They have encrypted software, cameras which is directly connected to the Locker Rooms as
it is critically guarded by the Software and camera beside this thumb impression which can
only be access through the Branch Manager. So this type of facility the Bank have.This is to
provide full security to the Customers money as this money is not of Bank it is of Public so
they try to maintain every possible security according to their fund.
Banks are mostly confusing as the layout is difficult for working as people come they have to
go here and there but where I went in that bank the Cabins are properly arranged in a closer
way were people can easily go to the next cabin and for more understanding they have this
board in that every thing is written in English, Hindi and in Punjabi so that people who can
read they can easily go to that place.

Reason why it is Located in this area?

The Bank choose Lawrence Fatehgarh Churian Road Amritsar place as their Location as this
offered the maximum customer near by and there are all types of customers staying they
are like lower-middle class, middle class and upper class people are staying and most of
them have State Bank of India as their official Bank so to make every thing easy for their
conveince and if any enquiry they don’t need to go main Amritsar branch which is little to
far that’s why bank established one their branch in Lawrence Road Amritsar this is the
primary reason.
And the next thing is to attract the new customer to get them enroll in this bank this place
was perfect as population is good here and by giving new bank loan offers, opening account
benefits and giving comparative interest benefits in saving accounts and in Fixed Deposits,
this was their next motive for selecting this place, as the people were enormous.
The next thing is the Logistic Factors as the branch is situated near to the main road so it is
easy to transfer all the required files, Documents and Cash from on place to another like a
specific amount is kept in the bank and rest is given to the main branch or to the RBI and
some time Bank provide loan to the nearby bank so for that also they need logistic and
As we know Bank is a safe house , so to provide safety to our money what ever we deposit
from sweat bank provide safety with interest as if we keep this money in our home we may
spend it unnecessarily and sometime there may be theft or robbery and curruption, so to
avoid this things bank is located in this area as there are all kind of people living so to keep
them free mind and burden this location is being selected and this all decision made by all
top level manager of the SBI bank, it is not coming out of the blue , Manager stake several
initiatives before selecting a particular location.
The next thing a bank check before choosing a location that is the Land is proper or not
drainage system of that locality is good or not for a instance if there is rain the place may
not fill with water as it will create bad reputation for the bank and customer will also face
difficulty in coming and going. So Bank check and studies this kind of thing prior of selecting
and establishing a branch and the same done by this bank also.

Feature of the product /Service and its feedback from the customer
Home Loan: SBI Home Loan is in high demand due to its reasonable interest rates and quick
response times. Interest rates as low as 6.95 percent are available. The loan application
process is straightforward and quick. A good repayment duration of up to 30 years makes
repaying your home loan a piece of cake. You can apply for a Home Loan from SBI if you are
18 years old and earn Rs.30,000 per month.
The majority of SBI Home Loan reviewers were pleased with the programmes offered. The
majority of clients were pleased with the Loan's interest rate. While some reviews
complained that the procedure was long, others said that the customer service was
excellent. Many others thought the loan amount was appropriate.
SBI YONO: You Only Need One is the Full Form or can say the full abbreviation of SBI YONO.
The State Bank of India (SBI) created this digital banking software to serve as a one-stop
solution for banking, lifestyle, insurance, investment, and retail requirements. This software
allows you to accomplish a variety of things, such as apply for loans, start a savings account
fast, and even purchase online.
SBI YONO offers the widest variety of mobile goods and services. This app is intended to
provide an uniform and smooth experience.
The Key Features are:-

• Account Opening in an Instant

• Complete all transactions without paper.

• Banking and Lifestyle Expenses in One App
• Transferring funds with UPI

• Spend analysis is a smart way to spend.

• Personal loan pre-approval on the go

• An account may be opened instantly from any location.

• On the go, you may obtain exclusive discount offers and exclusive bargains.

• All financial goods may be purchased using a single app.

• Transfer cash with simply four mouse clicks.

• Get an overdraft facility in exchange for a set deposit.

• Take use of an intelligent expenditure analyzer.

Feedback related to Yono App is not that good as customer believe its interface is not made
according to the normal customer and some say its interface is buggy some times it doesn’t
gets open even though having enough internet speed. Some say it is too slow to open for
knowing one entry he or she has to wait for more than half an hour, and some customer
praises this app as this app helps them to get instant loans or transfering the amount , for
checking the balance amount etc.
Gold Loan : This Bank offers loan on the basis of Gold and this Gold Loan is available with
loan amounts ranging from Rs.50 lakh to Rs.50 lakh and interest rates ranging from 7.30
percent p.a. to 7.30 percent p.a. The repayment period is up to three years, with a
processing fee of 0.50 percent of the loan amount.
Some Features are as follows

• Flexible repayment period – The loan can be repaid through EMIs over a period
ranging from 12 to 36 months.
• Flexible loan repayment options – Customers can make payments for their SBI
Personal Gold Loans using gold loan, liquid gold loan, or bullet repayment gold loan
• Security – Gold items used as collateral are returned upon loan repayment.
• Fast approval – This loan is simple to obtain, with quick approval and minimal
• Low processing fee – SBI charges a 0.25 percent processing fee on all loans.
• Prepayment – Borrowers have the option of prepaying their loan, with no
prepayment penalties imposed by SBI.

This product of the bank is liked by most of the customer there is 4.5/5 rating given in this Gold Loan
and people say they get instant Gold Loan without any hindrance and they provide good service and
act friendly in the process to get us comfortable.

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