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How to Use

Google Docs
By: Gerald Leyson
● Mr. Leyson is teaching his fourth grade elementary class
● Hello Class today you will learn about how to Use Google Docs, the different parts of
it, and how to collaborate on Google Docs.
● Students: Oh ok
● Mr. Leyson: So will anyone want to volunteer and guess what is Google Docs used
● Students: For writing letters?
● Mr. Leyson: You are on the right page, but it can do a lot more can anyone else guess
what it is used for?
● Students: Is it used for writing essays and other things?
● Me Mr. Leyson: Yes, and that’s exactly what it is class.
● Mr. Leyson: Class Google Docs is used by students to write essays and write letters
or even collaborate on them.
● Students: Wow I never knew you could collaborate on Google Docs.
Google Docs can be used for Collaboration
● Okay class get out your notebooks and our lesson will begin
● Google Docs class can be used for Collaboration
● Here I have two accounts o it at the same time
● See class.
Google Docs for writing essays.
● Okay class for Google Docs you can also write essays on here.
● It will tell you if you are doing it wrong just like any other of the
websites that you use.
● It will also point out grammatical errors if you have any.
Google Docs for online pictures
● If you click on online pictures you will be able to see the picture and edit it in anyway
that you want.
● Also you can copy the picture select CTRL+C at the same time to get the picture in.
● You can also get one off the internet look up a picture and then right click and select
copy go back to Google Docs and right click again and select paste.
Any Questions
● Ruby Landry: Mr. Leyson so can me and my sister Giselle work on it at
the same time?
● Mr. Leyson: yes, they can Ruby also you can send it to each other so
that you will be able to work on it at the same time.
● Here is an example
● To share class click on the icon with your account on it
● Click the Share icon and click on share with people and groups
● Then type in the name of the person you want to share it with.
● Clara Sue Longchamp: What if we mistype the name will it still share?
● Mr. Leyson: It won’t make sure that when you type in the name that it is correctly typed.
● See class if i type in the radom name it may show up, but not all the time.
● Now class Google Docs works similarly to Microsoft word and you also have a
bulleted option just click on it and it will do a bulleted list
● You can also choose whichever writing format you want your text to be in.
● For Bold just click on the Bold B.
● Also if you want to highlight click on the A with a thick lie under it.
● You can also use the paintbrush like icon to highlight any of the words that you are
● You can select any color that you would want from yellow, pink, blue, or Green.
Highlight Questions
● Johnny: Can i make it Red?
● Mr. Leyson: Why of Course any color that you want and also depending on the
teacher or the assignment you are working on in their class.
How To Share
● Ok class to share this google Doc with someone else also make sure that you press
the icon and send to
● Type in the email of the person you want to send it to.
● Make sure that it is completely correct
● Jojo: Teacher what if the email is really long
● Mr. Leyson: You still need to type it completely
● Mr. Leyson: Also remember you need to call me Mr. Leyson you have to be specific
when referring to people.
Google Docs Auto Saving
● Mr. Leyson: Ok class Google Docs is really good and also will be easy to use and the
fun part is that you don’t have to save just exit out and it will save for you.
● Samuel: Mr. Leyson what if the computer blacks out
● Mr. Leyson: It will still save Samuel.
● Look at the top it says saving even if i didn’t hit save.
Other Functions
● Ok Class google Docs also can be used for google Docs you can also control the size
of your letters
● You can make them larger or more smaller depending on what you want.
● Ok now class get into teams of 5 with 4 people in each team.
● Now class you will need your chromebooks now please get them
● Ok so now does everyone’s chrome book have wifi
● Annalise: Mine doesn’t
● Mr. ELyso: Ok I will help you
● Mr. Leyson: There now it is ready.
● Ok class now you will create an essay and each student will do a sentence each for
four sentences.
● Then, together make a conclusion sentence.
● Also make sure to share it with each of your emails.
● Class now write an Paragraph on your culture
● Include your family’s foods or what your family celebrates
● If you have multiple ethnicities do a conjoined sentence.
● First group to finish will get extra credit and will be able to go to the student store.
After Activity

● Good job Ruby’s team for finishing first

● Now class remember this and always remember that this will always be a great
resource for you to write essays on.

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