Book Extension Activity - Lesson Plan

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Your Name: Jade Faye Whitehurst Genre of the Book: fiction

Book Title: What is Love? Author: Mac Barnett

Publisher: Chronicle Books, 2021 Date:03-14-2022

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade/Nevada Core Standards:

3.PK.2, Categorize experiences, people and ideas in a variety of ways.

1.PK.1b, Select materials to use for individual expression.

2. Objectives:
SWBAT + Bloom’s verb
Students will be able to create a model of their heart and express through presentation the things
they love/ care about.
Students will be able to discuss with peers past experiences and why these experiences and or
things are important to them.

3. Materials/Equipment:
The book what is love?
Paper, paint, magazines, scissors, glue, family photos, stickers, markers, tape, string

4. Teaching:
A. Plan for reading the book : Starting by gathering in the reading area.
opening question: “what was the best part of your day?” After students
share their answers teachers will share as well adding that the best part of
her day includes things she loves like her pet dog. Then I’d ask students
who are people they love? Then students would share things they love?
After sharing I’d ask students what is love? And then I’d say well let’s
read this fun book and see if we can find out?
While reading: I’d ask students why certain characters give the answers they do? Why does an
actor love applause? Some answers might be because it makes him happy
or because then he knows he’s doing a good job. Or why does the
fisherman say a fish? Some answers might be because fish is how the
fisherman makes money to live and take care of his family.

B. Plan for extension activity: After reading the story I’d ask them what they thought
was love? And I’d lead the conversation to love can be anything. Love is in your heart. So today
we’re going to show our friends what’s in our hearts. I’d explain the activity. Then an aid would
need to be present to help students with their artwork. The activity instructions are as follows:
Okay so everyone’s going to get a big heart and I want you guys to put all the things you love
and care about in your heart. You can use scissors to take pictures of food or places or things or
stickers. We have some family photos as well so if you want to add your family you can. You
can color it or put glitter or anything. Your heart is yours.

5. Closure: As a closure to ensure students understand the lesson I'd have them
present their hearts to the classroom. They’d tell us about the things they love and
why they put them in the heart the way they did.

I’d also display these hearts in the classroom and then send them home after a
week or so as well. It’s important to showcase work so it’s especially important to
broadcast their hearts as valuable.

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