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Clinical Note

Metabolites in Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid

Detected by Proton Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopic Imaging
Lidia M. Nagae-Poetscher, MD,1,2 Michael McMahon, PhD,2 Nancy Braverman, MD,1
William T. Lawrie, Jr., AB,1 Ali Fatemi, MD,1 Mahaveer Degaonkar, PhD,1,2
Alena Horská, PhD,2 Martin G. Pomper, MD, PhD,2 Vaddapuram P. Chacko, PhD,2 and
Peter B. Barker, DPhil1,2*

tively insensitive techniques (2). Three cases are pre-

Normally, ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contains
sented here that showed unusual elevation of signals in
low levels of all metabolite signals on proton magnetic res-
onance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI). We present here the lateral ventricles, with or without a smaller eleva-
three cases (two with seizure disorders, one with a central tion in the brain parenchyma, on in vivo proton MRSI.
nervous system lymphoma) who presented with unusually
elevated CSF signals on MRSI. Based on chemical shifts
and in vitro studies (in one case), the signals were assigned MATERIALS AND METHODS
to propan-1,2-diol (PD), acetone, and lactate, respectively. All scanning was performed at 1.5 Tesla. Routine brain
These compounds were either exclusively, or more readily,
MRI was performed in all cases. For proton MRSI, four
detected in CSF than in brain. Proton MRSI conveniently
screens both brain and CSF for abnormal metabolism si-
oblique-axial sections (thickness, 15 mm; intersec-
multaneously. tional gap, 2.5 mm) were recorded parallel to the ante-
rior commissure-posterior commissure line (TR/TE,
Key Words: brain; spectroscopy; CSF; acetone; propan- 2300/272 msec; field of view (FOV), 24 cm; matrix,
1,2-diol; lactate 32 ⫻ 32 size; 1 signal average; nominal voxel size, 0.8
J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2004;20:496 –500.
cm3). At least one of the MRSI sections was placed at
© 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
the level of the lateral ventricles. Outer volume satura-
tion pulses were used for the suppression of lipid sig-
nals originating from the skull and scalp, and a chem-
ical shift-selective saturation pulse was used for water
lected by means of lumbar puncture (LP) has long been
suppression. Full data acquisition (3) and processing
one of the major diagnostic tools in neurology. Although
(4) details are given elsewhere. Chemical shifts were
ex vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) has
measured relative to the brain N-acetyl asparate (NAA)
successfully been used for biochemical analysis of CSF
signal set to 2.02 ppm. Patients either were scanned
(1), in vivo MRS and MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI)
after informed consent was obtained under protocols
generally show either no or very small metabolite sig-
approved by the local Internal Review Board (IRB), or
nals in CSF, since the concentrations of compounds in
underwent an MRSI scan as part of their routine clini-
CSF are usually too low to be detected by these rela-
cal evaluation. Retrospective review of clinical data was
approved by the local IRB following abstraction of clin-
ical and imaging data to a database with all subject
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland. identifiers removed.
Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, In case 1, a CSF sample obtained by LP 10 months
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. prior to the MRSI examination was available for analy-
Contract grant sponsor: NIH; Contract grant numbers: P41RR15241,
R01MH61438; RZ1EB00099J.
sis by two-dimensional MRS (two-dimensional correla-
Presented as a poster at ISMRM 2002. tion spectroscopy, 2D-COSY) at 500 MHz and by gas
The current address of William T. Lawrie, Jr., is Department of Epide- chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
miology, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, 615 N.
Wolfe St., Baltimore, MD 21205.
*Address reprint requests to: P.B.B., Department of Radiology, MRI CASE REPORTS
143C, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 600 N. Wolfe St.,
Baltimore, MD 21287. E-mail: Case 1
Received May 14, 2003; Accepted May 7, 2004.
DOI 10.1002/jmri.20128 A 19-month-old female with irritability, seizures, and
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( severe developmental delay was diagnosed with molyb-
© 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 496
MRS Imaging of Metabolites in CSF 497

Figure 1. Case 1. A 19-month-old fe-

male with molybdenum cofactor defi-
ciency syndrome. a: FLAIR MRI showing
hyperintensity of the lentiform nuclei bi-
laterally, brain parenchymal volume
loss, and large CSF spaces. b: T1-
weighted MRI showing MRSI voxel loca-
tions in CSF and left posterior frontal
lobe gray matter. c: Metabolic image
from the spectral region centered on
1.14 ppm, showing elevated PD signal in
the lateral ventricles (bright signal at the
edges of the brain originates from sub-
cutaneous lipid). d: Spectrum from CSF
shows a doublet peak of PD at 1.14 ppm.
e: Spectrum from left posterior frontal
lobe shows a relatively low ratio of NAA/
Cho, but no definitive PD signal.

denum cofactor deficiency syndrome, on the basis of minute period of unconsciousness one and a half years
elevated urinary S-sulphocysteine, taurine, sulfites and previously. Neurological examination was normal, and
purine metabolites, increased blood taurine, decreased video-electroencephalogram revealed left parietal and
blood cysteine and uric acid, deficiency of fibroblast frontal epileptic foci. Ketogenic diet for seizure control
sulfite oxidase (5), and detection of both mutant alleles was initiated, and brain MRSI was performed three
in the MOCS1A gene (6). She was placed on polyvita- days later. A singlet peak at 2.22 ppm assigned to ace-
mins, phenobarbital, and a diet with restriction of sul- tone was seen in both brain and CSF, but with a higher
fur-containing amino acids. signal intensity in CSF (Fig. 2). Structural MRI and
MRSI of CSF demonstrated a doublet (spin-spin cou- brain MRSI (Fig. 2e) were normal.
pling constant J ⫽ 6.3 Hz) with chemical shift centered
at 1.14 ppm, assigned to propan-1,2-diol (PD) (Fig. 1). Case 3
PD was only visible in CSF; no signal in brain paren-
chyma could be identified. No lactate was detectable in A 40-year-old male, with diagnosis of AIDS for two
brain or CSF. Brain spectra showed NAA to choline years, presented with a two-week history of altered
(Cho) ratios of approximately 1 to 1 (Fig. 1e) in multiple mental status after discontinuation of antiretroviral
brain regions, which is somewhat low for a 19-month- medication because of possible drug-induced hepatitis.
old (7), suggesting widespread neuronal and axonal CD4 levels were 5 cells/mm3 and viral load was
damage or dysfunction. MRI showed bilateral hyperin- 242,000 copies/mL. Analysis of CSF obtained by LP
tense signal in the putamen on T2 and fluid-attenuated showed 9 white cells/mm3, no red cells, 161 mg/dL
inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI, atrophy of the cerebel- protein, and 44 mg/dL glucose. Cryptococcal antigen
lar vermis, and prominent CSF spaces associated with was negative.
significant brain volume loss (Fig. 1a). The patient died Brain MRI showed ring-enhancing lesions within the
one month after the imaging study. left frontal lobe (1.5 cm) and right cerebellar hemi-
Two-dimensional-COSY spectra of CSF (obtained 10 sphere (0.8 cm) and a nonenhancing lesion superior to
months prior to MRSI) were also consistent with an the right lateral ventricle. The periventricular region
assignment to PD, with cross peaks at (1.14, 3.92) (f1, also showed increased T2 signal, which enhanced after
f2) ppm, (3.75, 3.92) ppm, and (3.48, 3.92) ppm. The contrast administration. The patient was placed on
specificity of the assignment of PD was further investi- treatment for both cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis.
gated by comparing the CSF spectrum to that of the A thalium single photon emission computed tomogra-
pure compounds PD, mercapto-propanol, and di-pro- phy (SPECT) scan showed increased uptake in all three
pylene glycol. Only PD showed a close resemblance to lesions. The patient’s clinical condition worsened and a
the CSF spectrum. Finally, a small quantity of PD was follow-up MRI performed eight days later showed that
added (spiked) to the CSF sample to confirm assign- the left frontal lesion had increased in size to 3 cm with
ment. increased mass effect and subependymal nodular en-
hancement along both lateral ventricles. A presumed
diagnosis of CNS lymphoma was established. MRSI at
Case 2
this time showed a markedly elevated doublet (chemical
A 12-year-old female presented with intractable tonic- shift ⫽ 1.33 ppm, J ⫽ 7 Hz) assigned to lactate in CSF
clonic seizures, following head trauma and a three- (estimated concentration of 8.1 mM using phantom re-
498 Nagae-Poetscher et al.

Figure 2. Case 2. A 12-year-old female

on day 3 of the ketogenic diet for seizure
control. a: FLAIR MRI showing no ab-
normalities. b: T1-weighted MRI demon-
strating MRSI voxel localizations in CSF
and left posterior frontal gray matter. c:
Metabolic image from the spectral re-
gion centered on 2.22 ppm, showing el-
evated acetone signal in the lateral ven-
tricles. d: Spectrum from predom-
inantly CSF showing a signal from ace-
tone at 2.22 ppm (Cho, Cr, and NAA
signals arise from partial volume with
surrounding brain tissue, since the pa-
tient had small ventricles). e: Left pos-
terior frontal lobe showing a normal
brain spectrum. The acetone peak has
the largest signal intensity in CSF.

placement methodology (4)), with a smaller lactate sig- istration or endogenous production of PD. PD is a com-
nal (estimated concentration of 4.8 mM) in the left fron- mon drug delivery vehicle and has previously been de-
tal mass (Fig. 3d and e). The left frontal lesion (Fig. 3e) tected by single-voxel (SV) MRS in the brain
also exhibited increased Cho and decreased NAA and parenchyma (and in vitro MRS of CSF) of neonates
creatine (Cr) signals compared to the contralateral receiving intravenous phenobarbital for seizure control
hemisphere (Fig. 3f). No biopsy or radiotherapy was (8). PD can readily be distinguished from lactate by its
performed because of the patient’s poor clinical condi- chemical shift (1.14 vs. 1.33 ppm for lactate). Retro-
tion, and the patient died five days later. spective chart review of the patient presented here
failed to demonstrate recent administration of any med-
ications or other substances known to contain PD, al-
though we cannot rule out recent administration by
All three cases had abnormally elevated signals in the another institution. In the absence of any identifiable
ventricular CSF. In patient 1, it was unclear whether exogenous source of PD, and the fact that elevated CSF
the elevated signal was due to either exogenous admin- PD was observed on separate measurements made 10

Figure 3. Case 3. A 40-year-old male

with CNS lymphoma. a: T2-weighted MRI
showing mass lesion in left frontal lobe
and subependymal nodules. b: Unen-
hanced T1-weighted MRI demonstrating
MRSI voxel locations in CSF, left frontal
mass, and contralateral hemisphere. c:
Metabolic image from the spectral region
centered on 1.33 ppm, showing a large
lactate signal in the lateral ventricles
and a smaller elevation of lactate in the
left frontal lesion. Spectrum from CSF
(d) showing a large lactate doublet at
1.33 ppm. Spectrum from the left frontal
mass (e) showing elevated Cho and lac-
tate signals and reduced levels of NAA
and Cr compared to normal proton spec-
trum from the right frontal lobe (f).
MRS Imaging of Metabolites in CSF 499

months apart, it appears possible that PD could be due (19), and methylmalonic academia (20). The case pre-
to endogenous production. PD has been shown to be sented here is notable for the very large increase of
endogenously produced by glycerol metabolism in ani- lactate in CSF (estimated concentration of 8.1 mM, at
mal models (9), and an elevated level of glycerol was least an order of magnitude larger than normal), com-
also detected in vitro by GC-MS in the CSF sample pared to that found both in normal CSF and in these
taken 10 months prior to MRSI. Glycerol has been ob- other pathologies.
served to be elevated in ischemia, trauma, and post- In summary, proton MRSI of CSF may occasionally
mortem brain (10). Therefore, one possibility is that the demonstrate elevated metabolite signals that are either
PD may arise from endogenous glycerol metabolism not visible or are less prominent in brain parenchyma.
possibly related to the underlying metabolic disease, Since multislice or three-dimensional MRSI almost al-
although further investigation will be required to con- ways includes voxel locations in the lateral ventricles,
firm or deny this hypothesis. A number of other sub- no additional scan time (unlike SV-MRS) is required to
stances were considered as possible assignments for investigate CSF using this methodology.
the 1.14 ppm doublet, including ␣-oxoisovalerate (11),
2,3-butanediol, mercapto-propanol, di-propylene gly-
col, and methylmalonic acid; however, none of these ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
were consistent with the in vitro 2D-COSY analysis of
CSF. We thank Dr. Jeffrey Duyn and Dr. Jan Willem van der
A prior SV-MRS study of the parietal region in one Veen (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD) for
patient with molybdenum cofactor deficiency (12) dem- the MRSI pulse sequence. We thank Barbara Amann
onstrated an elevated doublet peak in the aliphatic re- (Johns Hopkins University) for performing the in vitro
gion of the spectrum, which the authors assigned to CSF spectroscopic analysis and 2D-COSY experiments,
lactate, but MRS of CSF was not reported. Dr. Richard Kelley (Kennedy Krieger Institute) for per-
In patient 2, an abnormally elevated acetone signal forming GC-MS and for his helpful comments on the
(singlet, 2.22 ppm) was observed in both brain and manuscript, Greg Lukaszczyk, RPh (Johns Hopkins
CSF, with a larger intensity in CSF. Elevated brain University), for his help with medicament composition,
acetone in association with the ketogenic diet (13) and and Dr. Dermot O’Hare (Oxford University, UK) for
helpful discussions.
diabetic ketoacidosis (14) has been previously reported
in brain using SV-MRS, but CSF was not examined in
these studies. The increased signal in CSF compared to
brain may be due to either increased acetone concen- REFERENCES
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