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There are different approaches to virtues, one of these is development

approach. Human are constantly growing, developing and transforming. “The

developmental approach is described in terms of a series of crises through which

the individual grows and evolves.” With this, let us take a look on the process of a

person who is growing and transforming in virtues especially the virtue of FAITH.

This approach requires social sciences particularly psychology and we will use the

development approach of Lawrence Kohlberg and James Fowler. However, in

understanding these two we need also to understand where are they coming from,

Erickson’s Psychological theory.


One of the leading developmental psychologists in the United States is Erik

Erikson. His work on the life cycle is a standard point of reference for

developmental studies, especially those who concerned with adolescents and

adults. His eight psychological stage, spanning infancy to old age offer a useful

framework for concerning the process of human growth.

In his approach, Erikson is concerned with the process of human life as it

manifests itself in particular aspects. These might be classified very generically as

the somatic process, the societal process, and the ego process. These three
processes relate together, and to understand that any one human event completely

an understanding of all three must be attained. These processes should not be seen

in isolation, any attempt to understand them individually will be inherently limited.

The foregoing exposition of Erikson’s theory of psycho-social development

leads us to critically examine its content. A number of recent studies are built upon

the work of Erikson. James Fowler sees Erikson’s work as providing a significant

on his own.

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